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M204.2932  Increase SERVSIZE to at least token for required server

A size request for a table that is kept in the non-swappable server area cannot be satisfied because there is not enough above-the-bar storage space as set by the SERVNSSZ parameter. M204.2932 is issued when the problem is detected after initilization is complete.

This error could occur when a UTABLE command is issued. The command is rejected and the table size is left unchanged.

User response: Decrease the amount of increase in the UTABLE command.

System manager response: If required, increase the non-swappable server area size (SERVNSSZ).

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=80Sets online return code
RETCODEB=80Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITADWrites the message with line type AD to the audit trail
NOCOUNTDoes not increment the error count (ERCNT) parameter
OPRWrites the message to the (operator) console

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