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User 0, system administrator, system manager
Modifies an operational Horizon processgroup



Where: processgroupname is the name specified in the DEFINE PROCESSGROUP command.

RETAIN determines the number of sessions to be retained as conversations end. RETAIN=0 specifies that each session is released as each conversation ends. RETAINALL specifies that each session started is to be retained for the length of the run. If RETAIN=nn is specified, the maximum value is 9999.
INLIMIT limits the number of concurrent inbound conversations. INLIMIT=0 indicates that no inbound conversations are allowed. NOINLIMIT specifies that there is no limit on the number of inbound conversations.
OUTLIMIT limits the number of concurrent outbound conversations. OUTLIMIT=0 indicates that no outbound conversations are allowed. NOOUTLIMIT specifies that there is no limit on the number of outbound conversations.

Note: The MODIFY command does not apply to TPROCESS processgroups.

Usage notes

The MODIFY PROCESSGROUP command changes an already operational processgroup definition. The INLIMIT, OUTLIMIT, and RETAIN session limits can be modified. If the limits are lowered, the effect is similar to the STOP command, which deactivates the processgroup, until the new limit is reached.

MODIFY PROCESSGROUP has no effect on the stored processgroup definition. It affects only the current processing limits. For example, if the following sequence of events occurs:

  1. STOP PROCESSGROUP command is issued for the processgroup.

  2. All conversations with the processgroup end.

  3. START PROCESSGROUP command is issued for the processgroup.

Then the processgroup attributes return to those set in the DEFINE PROCESSGROUP command, ignoring any changes you might have made with MODIFY.

The effect of MODIFY may not be immediate. For example, if MODIFY specifies a lower INLIMIT value than the current DEFINE PROCESSGROUP value, and there are more currently active sessions than the modified limit, active sessions are drained (allowed to complete before being terminated) until the modified limit is reached.

Also, since MODIFY can only be used with an operational processgroup, it may not be used if the processgroup is currently stopped; nor may it be used if the processgroup has not yet been used for the first time.