MSIR.0680 LONGSTRING error: truncation in line (linenum) procedure (procname), file (fname)

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A longstring variable, or $function or method result was used in a context that would result in the longstring being implicitly truncated. The most common examples of this are assignment of a longstring to a shorter, non-longstring variable, and the passing of a longstring longer than 255 bytes to a non-longstring capable $function. One somewhat unusual but confusing case that can produce this error is assignment of a longstring with trailing blanks to an image item with STRIP set (the default). Because STRIP results in the trailing blanks effectively disappearing, this is considered a truncation error.

Longstring truncation issues, and methods for avoiding truncation errors, are covered on the Longstrings page.

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=4Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITERWrites the message with line type ER to the audit trail
CANCELCancels the user's request
COUNTIncrements the error count (ERCNT) parameter

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