MasterNumber (Daemon property)

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User number of the master thread (Daemon class)

MasterNumber is a shared, ReadOnly method which returns the user number of the master thread, the thread that ultimately created and controls the thread from which this method is being invoked. The master thread may also be the parent thread, the immediate creator of the thread from which this method is being invoked. However, if a parent thread also has a parent thread, the master thread is found by following the chain of parents to the ultimate level, that is, to the parent that does not itself have a parent.

To return the user number of only the immediate parent thread, you can use ParentNumber. Where a parent thread exists but has no parent itself, MasterNumber returns the same value as ParentNumber.

If the thread issuing the MasterNumber method is not an sdaemon, or is an sdaemon but not working for a Daemon object or a "$COMMxx function", or is an independent daemon (started with $commbg or RunIndependently under Sirius Mods 7.0 or later), the MasterNumber property returns a value of -1.


%number = %(Daemon):MasterNumber

Syntax terms

%number A numeric variable to contain the value of the user number of the master thread.
%(Daemon) The class name in parentheses denotes a shared method. MasterNumber can also be invoked via a Daemon object variable, which may be Null.

Usage notes

  • The MasterNumber method has a $function equivalent: $DaemonMasterNumber. The $function and method can be used interchangeably, whether the daemons were created with $COMMxx functions or Daemon objects. That is, the method can also be used with daemons that were created via $COMMxx, and the $function can also be used with daemons that were created via Daemon objects.
  • An asynchronous $COMMBG daemon or an independent daemon started with RunIndependently might have a parent thread but never a master thread; master implies control.
  • ParentNumber returns the user number of the parent thread, the thread that created the current thread from which this method is being invoked. And UserNumber returns the user number of the thread associated with the daemon method object.


  1. The following code audits a thread's master user number:

    audit 'My master''s user number is ' %(daemon):masterNumber

  2. See the "ParentNumber property example".

See also