RequestToString (UserStatistics function)

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Request statistics in string format (UserStatistics class)

The RequestToString method returns the values of the Request statistics in the method UserStatistics object. By default, it will only print those Request statistics with non-zero values; but, as an option, it may print all (including zero) Request statistics.


%string = userStatistics:RequestToString[( [Zeros= boolean], - [NamesToLower= boolean])]

Syntax terms

%string A longstring variable to contain the listing of the values of the Request statistics.
userStatistics A UserStatistics object variable.
Zeros This name required argument (Zeros) is a Boolean value that indicates whether statistics with a zero value should be included in the returned data. Zeros is an optional argument that defaults to False, which results in the inclusion of only statistics with non-zero values.
NamesToLower This name required argument is a Boolean value that indicates whether the returned Model 204 statistic names, which are normally all-uppercase, should be returned as lowercase. This is an optional argument which defaults to False.


The following example of non-zero Request statistics is produced by a print %ustat:requestToString statement:

time='20080730102646772' userNumber=6 loginTime='20080730102645880' ntbl=10 qtbl=29 stbl=524 vtbl=51 pdl=508 cnct=1 - cpu=887 out=1 slic=71 pcpu=996 rqtm=889 dkpr=124750 objswap=250247

See also

  • LoginToString returns the values of the Login (also called "Final") statistics in the UserStatistics object.
  • ToString returns the values of the Login and the Request statistics in the object.