SDUMPOPT parameter

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Default value
X'00000000 00000000' (dump running servers only)
Parameter type
Where set
On User 0's parameter line or reset by system manager
Related products
Model 204 V7.9


SDUMPOPT specifies the above the bar (ATB) storage areas which will be included when an asynchronous dump is taken by the z/OS operating system.

This parameter is only available under z/OS and only if asynchronous dumps are activated by setting SNAPCTL bits x'05' on.

Valid settings of SDUMPOPT are (options can be summed):

SettingAreas to dump...
X'00000000 10000000'MXI workarea
X'00000000 08000000'Checkpoint buffers
X'00000000 04000000'Journal buffers
X'00000000 02000000'Jlog buffers
X'00000000 01000000'Temppage buffers
X'00000000 00800000'Debug servers
X'00000000 00400000'FDT file fields
X'00000000 00200000'In-memory files
X'00000000 00100000'Dataspaces
X'00000000 00080000'Temppage DBCDs
X'00000000 00040000'Constraints
X'00000000 00020000'Record lock table
X'00000000 00010000'ECF tables
X'00000000 00008000'Compress buffers
X'00000000 00004000'Janus buffers
X'00000000 00002000'LDAP buffers
X'00000000 00001000'Spill buffers
X'00000000 00000800'Server swapping
X'00000000 00000400'NUMBUFG buffers
X'00000000 00000200'NUMBUFG DBCD/HASH
X'00000000 00000100'Resident requests
X'00000000 00000080'User area 0
X'00000000 00000040'User area 1
X'00000000 00000020'User area 2
X'00000000 00000010'User area 3
X'00000000 00000008'All Server areas
X'00000000 00000004'Ready Server areas
X'00000000 00000002'Reserved
X'00000000 00000001'Reserved

Undefined bits are reserved but may be specified. For instance, SDUMPOPT=-1 may be specified in order to turn on all defined ATB areas.

User defined ATB areas may be activated by setting the bit number into the third byte of register 1 before calling GCORE64. For example, to activate User area 1, register 1 is set to x'00003900' (bit number 57) prior to GCORE64.