SHA256digest (String function)

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256-bit SHA-2 digest (String class)

[Introduced in Model 204 7.6]

The SHA256digest intrinsic function returns the 32-byte (always) binary string that is the SHA-256 digest of the method object string.


%outString = string:SHA256digest

Syntax terms

%outString A string variable to receive the SHA-256 digest of the method object string.
string The string to which the method is applied.

Usage notes

  • The the SHA-256 digest algorithm is also available as an option of the DigestAlgorithm enumeration.
  • SHA256digest is available for use by Model 204 V7.6 or greater or by Janus Network Security customers.


The 32-byte SHA-256 hash of a string is typically expressed as a 64-digit hex value. In the following example, the output string from the SHA256digest method is converted to hex using the StringToHex intrinsic method:

printText {'testing':sha256digest:stringtohex}

The result is:


See also