SoftSpy messages

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This topic contains information on all messages issued by SoftSpy.

Terminal Message Format

Most SoftSpy messages are displayed on the user's terminal. A few are issued to the audit trail.

Messages have the following general format:

SPY.nnn : message type : message text


SPY.nnn is the message identifier. The word SPY indicates that the message is a SoftSpy message, and nnn is the SoftSpy message number. The message identifier is not present for errors issued using the SoftSpy ERROR command.

message type is Error, Warning, or Bug. The absence of a message type indicates the message is an informational message.

message text is a brief explanation of the situation that caused the message to be issued. A complete description of the cause of each message, and any corrective action that should be taken, is given in this topic. The messages are documented in numerical order. A gap in the numeric sequence indicates an unused message number.

Message Documentation Format

SoftSpy messages are documented in the following format:

Message Number The number of the SoftSpy message.
Message Type The message type is either Bug, Error, Informational, or Warning.
Message Text The text of the message as it appears on the user's terminal, except for generic terms, such as a keyword, for which SoftSpy substitutes the appropriate value.
Description A description of the SoftSpy message. While some descriptions are easily understood, others are longer and more complex, identifying several distinct causes of the message.
Response The required response, an indication to notify the SoftSpy Administrator, or an indication that no response is required.
Administrator The required response, if any, for the SoftSpy Administrator.


This topic lists the SoftSpy error messages and responses. A gap in the message number sequence indicates unused message numbers.

Messages 1-25

Number 1
Type Error
Text command_name is an unknown SoftSpy command.
Description The command issued is not a recognizable SoftSpy command, either because it is not a valid command, or because the command is not valid within the context that it is being issued.
Response Correct the command and retry.

Number 2
Type Informational
Text Unable to establish SoftSpy server.
Description An IODEV=55 thread was unable to create a SoftSpy server, or, a SPY SERVER command was not successful. This message will be preceded by an error message explaining the reason why the SoftSpy server could not be established.
Response Respond as indicated in the accompanying error message.

Number 3
Type Informational.
Text SoftSpy was not turned on.
Description A SPY OFF command was issued, but SoftSpy was not turned on.
Response No response is required.

Number 4
Type Error.
Text Invalid command_name syntax, token_list expected.
Description The syntax of the command name issued requires a keyword, parameter or window identifier that cannot be found.
Response Correct the command syntax and retry.

Number 5
Type Informational.
Text A new request has been compiled.
Description A new user language request has been compiled.
Response No response is required.

Number 6
Type Error.
Text Label label_name was not found.
Description A JUMP TO statement has been executed that specifies a label name that is not contained within the currently executing macro.
Response Correct the macro and retry.

Number 7
Type Error.
Text Invalid STEP value.
Description An invalid step amount has been entered. If a step amount is specified it must be an integer between 1 and 2147483647 inclusive.
Response Correct the step amount and retry.

Number 8
Type Error.
Text PFn is undefined.
Description A program function key that is not currently defined has been pressed.
Response If an incorrect program function key was pressed by accident, then press the correct program function key. If the program function key should be valid, then issue the PF command to assign a command to the program function key.

Number 9
Type Informational.
Text SoftSpy has already been turned on.
Description A SPY ON command was issued, but SoftSpy was already turned on.
Response No response is required.

Number 10
Type Error.
Text No SoftSpy servers are currently available.
Description All SoftSpy servers are currently in use.
Response Wait until a current SoftSpy user issues a SPY OFF command and then reissue the SPY ON command, or log on to a different Model 204 thread which has an output page buffer size that matches a currently available SoftSpy server. Alternatively, request that your SoftSpy administrator increase the number of SoftSpy servers.
Administrator Increase the number of SoftSpy servers if warranted. The installation guide contains information on how to define IODEV=55 threads for SoftSpy servers for future active jobs.

Additional SoftSpy servers can be created within the current online job by issuing the SPY SERVER command from a Model 204 terminal session. However, that terminal session will not be available for any other use until the online is brought down.

Number 11
Type Error.
Text No SoftSpy servers exist.
Description No SoftSpy servers can be found.
Response Contact your SoftSpy administrator.
Administrator If no IODEV=55 threads are included in the CCAIN input stream, they must be added. The installation guide contains information on how to define IODEV=55 threads for SoftSpy servers.

If IODEV=55 threads are defined, issue the SPY EDIT CONFIG command. Press PF 8 (Forward), and examine the configuration. If the current date is after the expiration date, or the configuration specifies a start date that is after the current date, then contact Technical Support for a key with new dates. If the CPU model and serial number do not match your processor, contact Technical Support with your current CPU model and serial number for a new key.

If the configuration is valid, then examine the audit trail lines for the IODEV=55 threads, and contact Technical Support.

Number 12
Type Informational.
Text Duplicate items not watched.
Description A WATCH command for at least one item that is already being watched has been issued.
Response No response is required.

Number 13
Type Bug.
Text Problem retrieving compilation information.
Description SoftSpy has detected a system error.
Response Contact your SoftSpy Administrator.
Administrator Contact Technical Support for assistance, and have the audit trail available.

Number 14
Type Error.
Text Break point was not set on this line.
Description An attempt was made to clear a break point on a line where no break point had been set.
Response Check that the current line is set to the line which contains the break point and retry, or clear the prefix command from the line. Specify CLEAR ALL to clear all break points.

Number 15
Type Error.
Text Maximum number of jumps exceeded.
Description More than $JUMP_LIMIT JUMP TO commands have been specified. This can happen if an infinite or recursive loop has been coded within a macro, or if more than $JUMP_LIMIT JUMP TO statements have been coded.
Response Correct the macro logic, split the macro into two, or increase the jump limit, and retry.

Number 16
Type Error.
Text Invalid prefix command.
Description A prefix command has been entered which is not valid within the context of the prefix area.
Response Correct the prefix command and retry.

Message number 17
Type Bug.
Text Serious window problem - please quit.
Description SoftSpy has detected a system error.
Response Exit SoftSpy and re-enter to allow for remedial maintenance, and report the problem to your SoftSpy administrator.
Administrator Contact Technical Support for assistance.

Message number 18
Type Error.
Text Break points can only be set on executable statements.
Description An attempt has been made to set a break point on a line which is not executable. Examples of lines which are not executable are continuation lines, comment lines, screen definition statements and other types of declare statements.
Response Set the break point on an executable statement.

Message number 19
Type Error.
Text Invalid label label_name.
Description A SoftSpy label name can only contain alphanumeric or underscore characters, and the first character must be an alphabetic character.
Response Correct the label name and retry.

Message number 20
Type Informational.
Text { ACL acl_identifier | MACRO macro_identifier } has been saved.
Description A SAVE command has been issued successfully.
Response No response is required.

Message number 21
Type Informational.
Text For the exclusive use of customer_name.
Description This confirmation message will appear when SoftSpy is initiated.
Response No response is required.

Message number 22
Type Error.
Text Past expiration.
Description The expiration date specified on the configuration screen has passed.
Response Contact your SoftSpy Administrator.
Administrator Contact Technical Support for assistance.

Message number 23
Type Error.
Text Expiration date must not be a date in the past.
Description Valid expiration dates must be greater than or equal to the present day.
Administrator Correct the expiration date and retry.

Message number 24
Type Error.
Text ON interrupt level exceeded.
Description Too many nested levels of ON interrupt processing have been detected.
Response Reduce the recursive calling of the interrupt chain.
Administrator Contact Technical Support for assistance.

Message number 25
Type Error.
Text Current file privileges are not adequate to read and update CCASYS.
Description The password used to open the file CCASYS does not have sufficient privileges to perform the installation process. The password used must have update privileges.
Administrator The installation process requires the CCASYS file to be open with update privileges. Open the file with a password that has the appropriate privileges, and retry.

Messages 26-50

Number 26
Type Error.
Text Window window_identifier is not defined.
Description The DELETE WINDOW command has been issued with a window identifier of an undefined window.
Response Check that the specified window is defined and reissue the command.

Number 27
Type Informational.
Text Another subsystem named SoftSpy already exists.
Description An attempt to run the install procedure has been made while a subsystem named SoftSpy already exists. A prompt will be displayed with the option to overwrite.
Administrator Check that it is valid to replace the existing subsystem and reply 'Y' to the prompt to overwrite.

Number 28
Type Error.
Text Source window may not be closed.
Description The CLOSE WINDOW command has been issued with a window identifier of SOURCE. The SOURCE window cannot be closed.
Response To close a watch window, issue the CLOSE WINDOW command with the name of an opened watch window.

Number 29
Type Error.
Text New name may not be the same as the original name.
Description A COPY or RENAME command has been issued where the first acl identifier or macro identifier is equal to the second acl identifier or macro identifier.
Response Correct the command syntax and retry.

Number 30
Type Informational.
Text SoftSpy subsystem has not been created.
Description An attempt to create a SoftSpy subsystem has been abandoned.
Response No response is required.

Number 31
Type Error.
Text { ACL acl_identifier | MACRO macro_identifier } does not exist.
Description A command has been issued specifying an acl identifier or macro identifier that does not exist.
Response Reissue the command with the name of an existing acl identifier or macro identifier.

Number 32
Type Error.
Text { ACL acl_identifier | MACRO macro_identifier } already exists.
Description The second acl identifier or macro identifier specified in the COPY or RENAME command already exists.
Response Reissue the command with a unique acl identifier or macro identifier.

Number 33
Type Error.
Text Window window_identifier has already been defined.
Description The window identifier specified in the DEFINE WINDOW command already exists.
Response Reissue the command with a unique window identifier.

Number 34
Type Error.
Text Invalid syntax - error in file context.
Description The file specified in the context argument is not currently open or the file does not exist.
Response Reissue the command specifying an open file as the file context.

Number 35
Type Informational.
Text SoftSpy subsystem has been created.
Description The SoftSpy subsystem has been installed.
Response No response is required.

Number 36
Type Warning.
Text No watch items match pattern.
Description An operand or pattern specified in an UNWATCH statement did not match any items in the window specified in the IN WINDOW clause, or in the default window if IN WINDOW was omitted.
Response No response is required.

Number 37
Type Error.
Text keyword must be an integer in range n to m.
Description A command has been processed with a parameter value outside the permitted range.
Response Correct the parameter value and retry.

Number 38
Type Error.
Text Invalid PF key context.
Description The PF command takes an optional context argument that indicates the context (screen) under which the PF key is to be defined. Allowable values are BROWSE, COMPILE_ERROR, EDIT, EVAL, HELP, LIST, and SETUP.
Response Correct the syntax and reissue the command.

Number 39
Type Informational.
Text Procedure ending.
Description This message indicates that an installation process has been aborted.
Response No response is required.

Number 40
Type Error.
Text Insufficient space in GTBL to store global.
Description An attempt to issue the SET command has failed because the global table is full.
Response Exit SoftSpy and either issue a UTABLE command from the Model 204 command line to increase the size of the global table or alter the procedure that issues the UTABLE command for the application being debugged, and retry.

Number 41
Type Bug.
Text { ACL acl_identifier | MACRO macro_identifier } is not unique.
Description SoftSpy has detected a system error.
Response Contact your SoftSpy Administrator.
Administrator Contact Technical Support for assistance.

Number 42
Type Error.
Description The current userid does not have the correct privilege to process the command issued.
Response Contact your SoftSpy Administrator.
Administrator If ADMIN privilege is required, use SUBSYSMGMT to add the sclass for that user to the SoftSpy subsystem. For any other privilege, add the userid to the ACL required for the requested function.

Number 43
Type Error.
Text userid is not a valid USERID.
Description An invalid user ID has been specified. It is either more than ten characters in length, or it contains a semicolon, comma, equals sign, or space.
Administrator Correct the ID and retry.

Number 44
Type Error.
Text Full screen terminal required.
Description An attempt has been made to use SoftSpy from a single line entry terminal.
Response Log on using a 3270 terminal.

Number 45
Type Bug.
Text Failure in GO command.
Description SoftSpy has detected a system error.
Response Contact your SoftSpy Administrator.
Administrator Contact Technical Support for assistance, and have the audit trail available.

Number 46
Type Error.
Text Macro nesting level too deep.
Description SoftSpy macros allow a maximum of ten nesting levels.
Response Rewrite the macros so that less nesting occurs.

Number 47
Type Informational.
Text Print command terminated.
Description ATTN has been keyed at the M204 command prompt when a PRINT command was issued.

Number 48
Type Bug.
Text Unable to find default window.
Description SoftSpy has detected a system error.
Response Contact your SoftSpy Administrator.
Administrator Contact Technical Support for assistance.

Number 49
Type Error.
Text Unable to reset parameter in UTABLE.
Description A UTABLE command has failed for the specified parameter. SoftSpy was not started.
Response Contact your SoftSpy Administrator.
Administrator Verify that a server of the required size is available for SoftSpy.

Number 50
Type Error.
Text Unmatched quotation mark.
Description An attempt has been made to process a pattern or operand that is missing either an opening or a closing quotation mark.
Response Correct the syntax and retry.

Messages 51-75

Number 51
Type Error.
Text String not found.
Description A LOCATE command has failed to find any occurrence of the string specified.
Response Verify that the locate was performed in the correct window and the correct direction.

The LOCATE command searches for a specified string or pattern within the default window. If the command is prefixed with a minus sign then the search begins with the line preceding the current line and continues backward, otherwise the search begins with the line following the current line and continues forward.

The default window can be temporarily altered for the duration of the LOCATE command by prefixing it with an IN WINDOW command.

Number 52
Type Error.
Text Error while processing M204 command model_204_command.
Description A Model 204 command, issued using the SoftSpy M204 command, has been rejected. Either the command is invalid or the server does not have the Model 204 privileges required to perform the command.
Response Either correct the command syntax or exit SoftSpy and issue the command from the Model 204 command line.

Number 53
Type Error.
Text No items were requested.
Description A WATCH or DISPLAY command has been specified without an operand. The WATCH and DISPLAY commands require at least one operand.
Response Correct the command syntax and retry.

Number 54
Type Error.
Text PF key number must be in the range from 1 to 12.
Description An invalid number has been specified for the PF command.
Response Correct the command syntax and retry.

Number 55
Type Error.
Text PF key labels may not exceed 9 characters.
Description A label has been specified which exceeds the maximum number of characters allowed.
Response Reduce the label to 9 characters or fewer and retry.

Number 56
Type Error.
Text Operand of type operand_type is not valid in the current context.
Description An operand type has been used that is not valid in the current context.
Response Refer to SoftSpy operands for an explanation of the available operand types and their syntax. Correct the command syntax and retry.

Number 57
Type Error.
Text Invalid input, value expected.
Description Invalid data has been specified in an input field.
Administrator Correct the data and retry.

Number 58
Type Error.
Text Insufficient storage is available.
Description There is insufficient storage available to run SoftSpy.
Response Contact your SoftSpy Administrator.
Administrator Either the region size specified is too small or, if running under a non-VA environment, the SPCORE parameter is too small. Increase the appropriate value and restart the online.

Number 59
Type Error.
Text 'delimiter' is an invalid delimiter '{ , }' expected.


'delimiter' is an invalid delimiter '{ = }' expected.

Description An invalid delimiter has been specified.
Response Correct the command syntax using the expected delimiter, and retry.

Number 60
Type Error.
Text operator is an invalid relational operator.
Description Logical expressions can only contain one of the following operators: EQ, NE, LT, LE, GT, GE, =, ¬=, <, <=, >, >=.
Response Correct the command syntax and retry.

Number 61
Type Bug.
Text RDPROC open error. Reason code = reason_code.
Description An installation procedure has terminated due to a file error.
Response Contact your SoftSpy Administrator.
Administrator Contact Technical Support for assistance, and have the audit trail available.

Number 62
Type Error.
Text Invalid operand type for SET command.
Description The SET command only supports assignment of values to Global, Percent and SoftSpy variables, Fields, and certain SoftSpy functions.
Response Correct the command syntax and retry.

Number 63
Type Bug.
Text RDPROC get error. Reason code = reason_code.
Description An installation procedure has terminated due to a file error.
Response Contact your SoftSpy Administrator.
Administrator Contact Technical Support for assistance, and have the audit trail available.

Number 64
Type Warning.
Text Cannot begin collecting operand now.
Description COLLECT cannot be used if data is currently being collected and statements in the current request have been executed since collection was initiated.
Response Issue the UNCOLLECT * command, then retry.

Number 65
Type Error.
Text Invalid { NEXT | LAST } history value.
Description A NEXT or LAST command has been entered with an invalid value.
Response Specify an integer between 1 and 99 (inclusive) to represent the number of statements, and reissue the command.

Number 66
Type Error.
Text SPY ON used to invoke SoftSpy subsystem.
Description The EDIT CONFIG command must be issued by a user defined to the ADMIN SCLASS of the SoftSpy subsystem; therefore EDIT CONFIG cannot be issued from within the SoftSpy server.
Administrator Issue the SoftSpy EDIT CONFIG command from the Model 204 command line to edit the SoftSpy configuration.

Number 67
Type Error.
Text Mismatched parentheses.
Description A DISPLAY, WATCH or PF command has been issued containing an operand with mismatched parentheses.
Response Correct the command by enclosing the operand in parentheses, and retry.

Number 68
Type Error.
Text PF key label requested must be quoted.
Description A PF command has been issued with an incorrect optional label parameter.

The label parameter specifies a label for the program function key and must be no more than 9 characters long. The label can consist of a single unquoted word containing no special characters, or it can consist of a character string constant operand.

Response Correct the command syntax and retry.

Number 69
Type Error.
Text The source window cannot be a watch window.
Description A WATCH command has been issued for the SOURCE window, but the SOURCE window is not a watch window. This can happen either if there is not a watch window open, or if IN WINDOW SOURCE is specified.
Response Either open a watch window or change window_identifier in the IN WINDOW command, and retry.

Number 70
Type Error.
Text Invalid syntax - unexpected 'characters'.
Description Erroneous data has been found after the expected end of the command specified.
Response Correct the command syntax and retry.

Number 71
Type Informational.
Text Request cancelled.
Description The SoftSpy command QUIT has been issued causing the currently executing user language procedure to be cancelled.
Response No response is required.

Number 72
Type Error.
Text Invalid parameter request.
Description The parameter requested does not exist.
Response SoftSpy will allow the display of all Model 204 system and file parameters. Correct the command syntax and retry.

Number 73
Type Error.
Text Invalid statistic context.
Description A statistic operand with an invalid context has been specified.
Response User partial and final statistics may be displayed by SoftSpy by enclosing the following four terms within parentheses: EVAL (default), LOGIN, STMT, or SPY.

For a detailed explanation of this topic, refer to the statistic operand section of SoftSpy operands.

Correct the command syntax and retry.

Number 74
Type Error.
Text Invalid statistic requested.
Description An invalid statistic has been requested.
Response Two different types of statistic can be specified: normal Model 204 user statistics and current usage of server table.

For a detailed explanation of this topic, refer to the statistic operand section of SoftSpy operands.

Correct the command syntax and retry.

Number 75
Type Error.
Description A SET command has been issued where the specified expression does not resolve to a value that can be assigned to the specified operand.
Response Correct the expression and retry.

Messages 76-100

Number 76
Type Error.
Description A SET command has been issued for percent_variable_operand when the context is not EVAL, or for global_variable_operand when the context is neither EVAL nor COMPILE_ERROR.

Number 77
Type Error.
Text Asterisk is an invalid occurrence number.
Description An asterisk cannot be specified as the occurrence number for a field_operand.
Response If a field is specified without an occurrence number, then occurrence one is assumed. Correct the command syntax and retry.

Number 78
Type Warning.
Text No { ACL | MACRO } matches pattern.
Description The pattern specified does not match with any acl identifier or macro identifier.
Response Modify pattern and retry.

Number 79
Type Error.
Text The remaining authorization record may not be deleted.
Description If there is only one authorization record, it cannot be deleted.
Administrator Remove the request (X) to delete the record and retry.

Number 80
Type Error.
Text Break point is already set on this statement.
Description An attempt has been made to set a break point on a line where a break point already exists.
Response Check that the current line is set to the line on which you want to set the new break point or issue the B prefix command on the desired line.

Number 81
Type Error.
Text ROW must be an integer between 1 and n.
Description An OPEN WINDOW or DEFINE WINDOW command has been issued with an invalid ROW sub-parameter.
Response Reissue the command with a valid ROW sub-parameter.

Number 82
Type Error.
Text COLUMN must be an integer between 6 and 77.
Description An OPEN WINDOW or DEFINE WINDOW command has been issued with an invalid COLUMN sub-parameter.
Response Reissue the command with a valid COLUMN sub-parameter.

Number 83
Type Error.
Text Invalid authorization key.
Description An invalid authorization key for the usage of SoftSpy has been entered on the SoftSpy Edit Config Screen.
Administrator Contact Technical Support for a valid authorization key.

Number 84
Type Warning.
Text Only n statements have been executed.
Description A LAST n command has been issued where n is greater than the number of statements executed so far.
Response No response is required.

Number 85
Type Bug.
Text { ACL acl_identifier | MACRO macro_identifier } is multiply defined.
Description SoftSpy has detected a system error.
Response Contact your SoftSpy Administrator.
Administrator Contact Technical Support for assistance.

Number 86
Type Error.
Text Operand operand must be quoted and prefixed with type.
Description If an operand does not begin with an alphabetic character, or it contains any non-alphanumeric character, then the operand must be enclosed in quotes. The operand must be prefaced with a type indicator unless it is to be treated as a literal string.
Response Refer to SoftSpy operands for an explanation of the available operand types and their syntax.

Correct the command syntax and retry.

Number 87
Type Bug.
Text Invalid source program line number.
Description SoftSpy has detected a system error.
Response Contact your SoftSpy Administrator.
Administrator Contact Technical Support for assistance.

Number 88
Type Bug.
Text Invalid message number.
Description SoftSpy has detected a system error.
Response Contact your SoftSpy Administrator.
Administrator Contact Technical Support for assistance.

Number 89
Type Error.
Text Bottom row must be at least 2 larger than the top row.
Description An OPEN WINDOW or DEFINE WINDOW command has been issued with an invalid ROW parameter. The bottom_line sub-parameter must be at least two larger than the top_line sub-parameter.
Response Reissue the command with valid ROW sub-parameters.

Number 90
Type Error.
Text Right column must be at least 2 larger than the left column.
Description An invalid OPEN WINDOW or DEFINE WINDOW command has been issued with the COLUMN parameter. The right_column sub-parameter must be at least two larger than the left_column sub-parameter.
Response Reissue the command with valid COLUMN sub-parameters.

Number 91
Type Bug.
Text The current user is already a SoftSpy server.
Description SoftSpy has detected a system error.
Response Contact your SoftSpy Administrator.
Administrator Contact Technical Support for assistance, and have the audit trail available.

Number 92
Type Bug.
Text Invalid argument.
Description SoftSpy has detected a system error.
Response Contact your SoftSpy Administrator.
Administrator Contact Technical Support for assistance, and have the audit trail available.

Number 93
Type Bug.
Text SoftSpy function invoked but SoftSpy not enabled.
Description SoftSpy has detected a system error.
Response Contact your SoftSpy Administrator
Administrator Contact Technical Support for assistance, and have the audit trail available.

Number 94
Type Bug.
Text Required function argument not present.
Description SoftSpy has detected a system error.
Response Contact your SoftSpy Administrator.
Administrator Contact Technical Support for assistance, and have the audit trail available.

Number 95
Type Bug.
Text Argument not of required type.
Description SoftSpy has detected a system error.
Response Contact your SoftSpy Administrator.
Administrator Contact Technical Support for assistance, and have the audit trail available.

Number 96
Type Informational.
Text User disconnected.
Description The SPY OFF command has been issued successfully.
Response No response is required.

Number 97
Type Error.
Text Invalid SPY command syntax.
Description A SPY command has been issued with an invalid parameter.

Refer to SoftSpy commands and macros for a detailed explanation of the SPY command.

Response Correct the command syntax and retry.

Number 98
Type Error.
Text Unable to open window without required attributes.
Description An OPEN WINDOW command has been issued without the required ROW and/or COLUMN parameters specifying the placement of the window on the screen. These parameters would be optional if they had been previously specified in the DEFINE WINDOW command.

For a more detailed explanation of this topic, refer to OPEN WINDOW.

Response Reissue the command with the missing placement parameters.

Number 99
Type Error.
Text Windows may not share rows.
Description A newly opened window must not overlap with the rows of any currently open window.
Response Correct the ROW sub-parameter and retry.

Number 100
Type Error.
Text { acl_identifier | macro_identifier | label | variable } is invalid.
Description An acl identifier, macro identifier, SoftSpy variable, or window identifier can only contain alphanumeric or underscore characters, can only be 20 characters or less, and the first character must be an alphabetic character (or a dollar sign if it is a SoftSpy variable).
Response Correct the command syntax and retry.

Messages 101-125

Number 101
Type Error.
Text Help is not available for topic.
Description No help topic matches the pattern specified.
Response Refine the topic pattern, or issue the HELP command without a pattern and browse the index.

Number 102
Type Informational.
Text Request cancelled, error_message.
Description A user language run time error has caused the currently executing request to be cancelled.
Response Operands can still be viewed using the DISPLAY and WATCH commands. The LAST and NEXT commands might be useful in determining the cause of the error.

Number 103
Type Warning.
Text No history exists beyond the next executable statement.
Description A NEXT n command has been issued when the current position in the history of executed statements is the most recently executed statement. The current line is set to the first line of that statement.
Response No response is required.

Number 104
Type Error.
Text Window window_identifier is already open.
Description Windows that are already open cannot be opened.
Response Reissue the command with a window identifier of an unopened window.

Number 105
Type Error.
Text Window window_identifier is not open.
Description A command has been issued that requires the specified window to be open.
Response Reissue the command with the name of an open window.

Number 106
Type Bug.
Text Unable to set break point -- insufficient storage.
Description SoftSpy requires a small amount of storage to set break points, but the storage allocated to the online is not large enough.
Response Contact your SoftSpy Administrator.
Administrator The region size specified is too small. Increase the region size and restart the online.

Number 107
Type Error.
Text More than one watch window exists, specify a window identifier.
Description A WATCH command has been specified when the source window is the default window and more than one watch window is open.
Response Use the IN WINDOW clause or change the default window using the DEFAULT WINDOW command.

Number 108
Type Error.
Text Non-negative integer value required for keyword.
Description A command has been issued that requires an integer value greater than or equal to zero for a parameter, but one could not be found.
Response Reissue the command with a valid value.

Number 109
Type Error.
Text Function $function does not exist.
Description The command contains an invalid $function.
Response Correct the command syntax and retry.

Number 110
Type Informational.
Text { ACL acl_identifier | MACRO macro_identifier } renamed to { acl_identifier | macro_identifier }.
Description The acl_identifier or macro_identifier specified has been successfully renamed to the new acl_identifier or macro_identifier specified.
Response No response is required.

Number 111
Type Informational.
Text { ACL acl_identifier | MACRO macro_identifier } copied to identifier.
Description The acl_identifier or macro_identifier specified has been successfully copied to the new acl_identifier or macro_identifier specified.
Response No response is required.

Number 112
Type Informational.
Text { ACL acl_identifier | MACRO macro_identifier } deleted.
Description The acl_identifier or macro_identifier specified has been successfully deleted.
Response No response is required.

Number 113
Type Error.
Text Name is required.
Description A command has been specified that requires an acl_identifier, macro_identifier, or window_identifier, but none was found.
Response Correct the command syntax and retry.

Number 114
Type Error.
Text Invalid scroll amount.
Description A BACKWARD, FORWARD, LEFT or RIGHT command has been issued with an invalid scroll amount. Valid scroll amounts for BACKWARD and FORWARD are half, full, and n with n representing the number of lines to scroll. Valid scroll amounts for LEFT and RIGHT are half, full, max and n.
Response Correct the command syntax and retry.

Number 115
Type Error.
Text No SoftSpy command has been specified.
Description The SoftSpy subsystem has been entered without an accompanying SoftSpy command.
Response Retry specifying a command.

Number 116
Type Error.
Text There is no command to repeat.
Description A REPEAT command has been issued when no preceding command has been issued.
Response Use the command line to perform the desired operation.

Number 117
Type Warning.
Text Information available for n previously executed statements.
Description A LAST n command has been issued, where n exceeds the number of previously executed statements. SoftSpy will display history back to the first executable statement.
Response No response is required.

Number 118
Type Error.
Text Not a permitted operating system.
Description An attempt to initialize a SoftSpy server has failed. This message will be found on the audit trail.
Administrator Contact Technical Support for assistance.

Number 119
Type Error.
Text No SoftSpy servers with the same output page buffer size exist.
Description No SoftSpy servers are defined whose output page buffer size matches that of the terminal used to issue the SPY ON command.
Response Use a terminal whose output page buffer size matches that of the SoftSpy servers. Alternatively, request that your SoftSpy administrator create a SoftSpy server.
Administrator The SoftSpy Installation Guide contains information on how to define IODEV=55 threads for SoftSpy servers for future active jobs. Additional SoftSpy servers can be created within the current online job by issuing the SPY SERVER command from a Model 204 terminal session whose output page buffer size matches that of the terminal used for the debugging session. However, that terminal session will not be available for any other use until the online is brought down.

Number 120
Type Error.
Text No SoftSpy servers with the same output page buffer size are available.
Description All the SoftSpy servers whose output page buffer size match that of the user issuing the SPY ON command are in use.
Response Wait until a current SoftSpy user issues a SPY OFF command and then reissue the SPY ON command, or log on to a different Model 204 thread which has an output page buffer size that matches a currently available SoftSpy server. Alternatively, request that your SoftSpy administrator increase the number of SoftSpy servers.
Administrator The SoftSpy Installation Guide contains information on how to define IODEV=55 threads for SoftSpy servers for future active jobs. Additional SoftSpy servers can also be created within the current online job by issuing the SPY SERVER command from a Model 204 terminal session. However, that terminal session will not be available for any other use until the online is brought down.

Number 121
Type Bug.
Text Config record is missing.
Description SoftSpy has detected a system error.
Response Contact your SoftSpy Administrator.
Administrator Contact Technical Support for assistance.

Number 122
Type Bug.
Text Incorrect authorization key.
Description An invalid authorization key for the usage of SoftSpy has been detected.
Response Contact your SoftSpy Administrator.
Administrator Contact Technical Support for a valid authorization key.

Number 123
Type Error.
Text Arrays may not have more than three dimensions.
Description An image item or percent variable with more than three subscript values has been specified.
Response If the image item or percent variable is an array, then subscript values must be provided for each dimension. Correct the command syntax and retry.

Number 124
Type Error.
Text System manager privileges are required to install SoftSpy.
Description An attempt has been made to run a User Language procedure that requires System Manager privileges.
Administrator Log on with a System Manager userid to install SoftSpy.

Number 125
Type Error.
Text file_name could not be opened. Procedure ending.
Description An attempt to open a file has failed during the SoftSpy installation process.
Administrator Enter a password that will open the file with update privileges.

Messages 126-150

Number 126
Type Error.
Text COMMAND command nesting level too deep.
Description The COMMAND command allows a maximum of ten nesting levels.
Response Reissue the command so that COMMAND does not call itself more than ten times.

Number 127
Type Error.
Text percent_variable_operand is undefined.
Description The SET command has been issued for a percent variable that is currently undefined. The percent variable could be defined outside the current scope; for example, in a complex subroutine.
Response Verify the variable name and retry.

Number 128
Type Error.
Text Invalid subscript specification for { global_variable | percent_variable_operand | SoftSpy_variable }.
Description The SET command has been issued for an operand with one of the following errors:
  • no subscript was specified and one was required
  • the number of subscripts specified does not match the number of elements in the array
  • one or more of the subscripts specified is out of range
  • one or more subscripts have been specified but the operand is not defined as an array.
Response Either remove the subscript or specify a valid subscript, and retry.

Number 129
Type Error.
Text operand requires the interactive { DEBUGGING | PERFORMANCE TUNING } feature.
Description A command has been issued with the applicable option disabled.
Response Contact your SoftSpy Administrator.
Administrator Contact Technical Support for a valid authorization key.

Number 130
Type Warning.
Text The operand was set but the value was truncated.
Description The SET command has been issued for a value whose length is greater than the length of the target specified. The value was truncated to the length of the target operand.
Response No response is required.

Number 131
Type Informational.
Text A new request has failed to compile.
Description A new user language request has failed to compile.
Response No response is required.

Number 132
Type Informational.
Text Evaluation error: error.
Description A non-cancelling evaluation time error has occurred.
Response No response is required.

Number 133
Type Error.
Text Input arguments may not be set.
Description A SET command has been issued for an input argument of a complex subroutine.
Response A value may only be set in an input argument prior to the call to, or after the return from the complex subroutine.

Number 134
Type Error.
Text Too many terms specified in logical expression.
Description A logical expression has been specified that contains more than five distinct operands, or more than ten distinct operands and operators combined.
Response Reduce the expression.

Number 135
Type Error.
Text parameter combination is invalid.
Description A conflicting parameter combination has been found in the SHOW or COLLECT command.
Response Specify a valid combination, and retry.

Number 136
Type Error.
Text Simple expression exceeds 30 characters.
Description A simple expression that exceeds 30 characters in length has been specified for a subscript or parameter for a function.
Response Correct the command syntax and retry.

Number 137
Type Error.
Text { JUMP | RETURN | TRANSFER | $JUMP_LIMIT } may only be used in a macro.
Description A command that is only valid within a macro has been issued outside of a macro.

Number 138
Type Error.
Text Invalid printer specification.
Description An invalid parameter has been specified in an OPEN PRINTER statement.
Response Correct the parameter and retry.

Number 139
Type Error.
Text UNKNOWN value for expression in command command.
Description A command has been issued with an expression whose value cannot be resolved.
Response Correct the expression and retry.

Number 140
Type Error.
Text Invalid print parameter value.
Description A print parameter value has been specified that contains non-alphanumeric characters.
Response Correct the parameter value and retry.

Number 141
Type Error.
Text SESSION is invalid, local variable softspy_variable_operand exists.
Description A DEFINE command for a SoftSpy variable as SESSION has been processed for a variable name that has already been defined as LOCAL.
Response Correct the variable name and retry.

Number 142
Type Warning.
Text No more errors.
Description A FORWARD ERROR or BACKWARD ERROR command has been issued when no more errors exist.

Number 143
Type Error.
Text Mismatched parenthesis in expression for command command.
Description An expression has been evaluated that contains mismatched parentheses.
Response Correct the expression and retry.

Number 144
Type Error.
Text $CURRENT_LINE may only be set for the SOURCE window.
Description A SET command for $CURRENT_LINE can only be issued when the active window is the SOURCE window.
Response Correct the command syntax and retry.

Number 145
Type Error.
Text Subscripts may not contain subscripts.
Description An operand containing a subscript has been specified as a subscript for an operand.
Response Specify a valid subscript and retry.

Number 146
Type Error.
Text Invalid character found in parameter name.
Description A parameter has been issued as part of an OPEN PRINTER command that contains a non-alphanumeric character.
Response Correct the command and retry.

Number 147
Type Error.
Text { acl_identifier | macro_identifier } is in use, please save under another name.
Description A SAVE command has been issued for a MACRO or ACL that is currently in use.
Response Save the MACRO or ACL under another name.

Number 148
Type Error.
Text Operand operand cannot be specified for COLLECT.
Description A COLLECT command has been issued for a compilation operand.
Response Correct the command syntax and retry.

Number 149
Type Error.
Text Exclamation cannot be the last character in a pattern.
Description The ! wildcard character must always be followed by another character.
Response Correct the pattern syntax and retry.

Number 150
Type Error.
Text Title title must be between 1 and max_len characters in length.
Description A title has been specified in a SHOW command that has a length greater than that specified, or 4 if none was specified.
Response Adjust the length and retry.

Messages 151-175

Number 151
Type Error.
Text Duplicate label label.
Description A duplicate label name has been found when a SAVE MACRO command has been specified.
Response Adjust one of the label names and retry.

Number 152
Type Error.
Text SoftSpy_function cannot be set.
Description A SET command has been issued for a SoftSpy function or SoftSpy variable whose value cannot be modified.
Response Correct the command syntax and retry.

Number 153
Type Error.
Text Parameter missing.
Description A command has been issued for a SoftSpy function with an incorrect number of parameters.
Response Correct the command syntax and retry.

Number 154
Type Error.
Text Invalid compilation_operand requested.
Description An invalid compilation_operand has been requested.
Response For a detailed explanation of this topic, refer to the compilation operand section of SoftSpy operands.

Correct the command syntax and retry.

Number 155
Type Error.
Text Invalid quality_assurance_operand requested.
Description An invalid quality_assurance_operand has been requested.
Response For a detailed explanation of this topic, refer to the quality assurance operand section of SoftSpy operands.

Correct the command syntax and retry.

Number 156
Type Informational.
Text SoftSpy connection: user: userid(usernum) to server: userid(usernum).
Description The specified user has been connected to the specified SoftSpy server.

Number 157
Type Error.
Text CPU validation error: cpu key.
Description The CPU id does not match that specified by the SoftSpy configuration details.
Response Contact your SoftSpy administrator.
Administrator Contact Technical Support for assistance.

Number 159
Type Error.
Text Before start date of key.
Description The SoftSpy configuration includes a start date and the current system date is prior to that start date.
Response Contact your SoftSpy administrator.
Administrator SoftSpy configurations that include a start date are most commonly used when setting the system or Model 204 clock ahead for testing. Verify that the clock is set as intended. If it is, then contact Technical Support for assistance.

Number 160
Type Error.
Text SPY ON not permitted on a SoftSpy server thread.
Description The M204 SPY ON command was issued from within a SoftSpy session.
Response No response is required.

Number 161
Type Error.
Text Userid userid is not valid.
Description The userid specified in the SPY ON USER command is an invalid Model 204 userid.
Response Correct the command and retry.

Number 162
Type Error.
Text Userid userid is not unique.
Description The userid specified on the SPY ON USER command is logged in multiple times.
Response Use the SPY ON THREAD command specifying the thread number to be debugged.

Number 163
Type Error.
Text Userid userid does not exist.
Description The userid specified on the SPY ON USER command is not currently logged in or is only logged in on the current thread.
Response Either log in the user to be debugged or issue the SPY ON USER for another userid.

Number 164
Type Error.
Text User usernum is not a User Language thread.
Description The thread specified on the SPY ON THREAD command or the user specified by the SPY ON USER command is not a User Language thread. SoftSpy can only be associated with a thread that is capable of running User Language programs.
Response Correct the command, specifying another User Language thread, and retry.

Number 165
Type Error.
Text User number usernum is out of range.
Description The thread specified on the SPY ON THREAD command is greater than the number of threads defined in the online.
Response Correct the command and retry.

Number 166
Type Error.
Text User usernum is the current thread.
Description The thread specified on the SPY ON THREAD command is the current thread. To run SoftSpy on the current thread use the SPY ON command with no arguments.
Response Use the SPY ON command with no arguments.

Number 167
Type Error.
Text User number usernum is a SoftSpy server.
Description The thread specified on the SPY ON THREAD command is running a SoftSpy server. You cannot use SoftSpy on a SoftSpy server.
Response Correct the command and retry using another user number or userid.

Number 168
Type Error.
Text User usernum is already using SoftSpy.
Description The thread specified on the SPY ON THREAD or the user specified on the SPY ON USER command is already associated with a SoftSpy session. A User Language session can only be associated with a single SoftSpy session.
Response Correct the command and retry.

Number 169
Type Error.
Text SoftSpy not supported on TEPCO terminals (DBCS=3).
Description SoftSpy does not support TEPCO terminals. SoftSpy requires a terminal that supports both single- and double-byte character sets.
Response Use an IBM 5550 terminal when using SoftSpy.

Number 170
Type Error.
Text usernum must be numeric.
Description The user number specified on the SPY ON THREAD command was not numeric.
Response Correct the command and retry.

Number 171
Type Error.
Text Execution position is not immediately before IF, ELSEIF, REPEAT WHILE, computed JUMP TO.
Description The UL RESULT command was attempted when the program execution position was not immediately before an IF, ELSEIF, REPEAT WHILE, or computed JUMP TO.
Response Make the program execution position immediately before an IF, ELSEIF, REPEAT WHILE, or computed JUMP TO and retry. This can be done by executing the program until the execution position is at the appropriate point or using the UL JUMP TO command to immediately branch to that location.

Number 172
Type Error.
Text Execution position is not in a loop.
Description The UL CONTINUE or UL LOOP END command was attempted while the program execution position was not in a loop.
Response Put the program execution position within a FOR or REPEAT loop and retry. This can be done by executing the program until the execution position is at the appropriate point or using the UL JUMP TO command to immediately branch to that location.

Number 173
Type Error.
Text Execution position is not in a subroutine.
Description The UL RETURN command was attempted when the execution position was not within a subroutine.
Response Put the program execution position within a subroutine and retry. This can be done by executing the program until the execution position is at the appropriate point or using the UL JUMP TO command to immediately branch to that location.

Number 174
Type Error.
Text Line number is out of range.
Description The UL JUMP TO LINE command was used to jump to a program line number greater than the number of lines in the program.
Response Correct the command and retry.

Number 175
Type Error.
Text Line is not first line of executable statement.
Description An attempt has been made to jump to a line which is not executable. Examples of lines which are not executable are continuation lines, comment lines, screen definition statements and other types of declare statements.
Response Jump to the first line of an executable statement.

Messages 176-206

Number 176
Type Error.
Text Jumping into or out of subroutine is not allowed.
Description An attempt was made to jump into or out of a subroutine. Jumping into or out of a subroutine is not allowed.
Response Correct the jump-to location and retry or execute the program to a point where the jump would be valid.

Number 177
Type Error.
Text Jumping into or out of ON UNIT is not allowed.
Description An attempt was made to jump into or out of an ON UNIT. Jumping into or out of an ON UNIT is not allowed.
Response Correct the command and retry.

Number 178
Type Error.
Text Jumping into the body of a loop is not allowed.
Description An attempt was made to jump into the body of a loop.
Response Jump to a statement that is not within the body of a loop.

Number 179
Type Error.
Text Statement number or label was not found.
Description The UL JUMP TO command was used to attempt to jump to a nonexistent statement number or statement label.
Response Correct the command and retry.

Number 180
Type Error.
Text Jumping to current statement is not allowed.
Description An attempt was made to jump to the current statement.
Response Jump to a statement other than the current statement.

Number 181
Type Error.
Text More than one JUMP TO prefix command has been specified.
Description More than one JUMP TO prefix command has been entered in the prefix area of the SoftSpy screen.
Response Remove all but one of the JUMP TO prefix commands.

Number 182
Type Error.
Text No value specified for UL RESULT.
Description The UL RESULT command is missing a required argument.
Response Correct the command and retry.

Number 183
Type Error.
Text Command command is not valid in context context.
Description The command entered is not valid in the reported context.
Response Wait until the record lock has been released and retry.

Number 184
Type Error.
Text Field fieldname not found.
Description A SET command has been issued with a field_name_operand that does not exist within the current file.
Response Correct the command and retry.

Number 185
Type Error.
Text Record locking conflict setting field_name.
Description A record locking conflict was encountered while attempting to use the SET command with a field_name_operand.
Response Retry the command at a later time.

Number 186
Type Error.
Text No current record.
Description An attempt was made to use the SET command with a field_name_operand when there was no current record.
Response Execute the program to a point where there is a current record (that is, within a FOR EACH RECORD loop) and retry.

Number 187
Type Error.
Text Update privileges required for file filename.
Description An attempt was made to use the SET command with a field_name_operand where the current record was not open with update access.
Response Exit the program, open the file with update access, and rerun the program.

Number 188
Type Error.
Text Preallocated field length error.
Description An attempt was made to use the SET command with a field_name_operand to change the value of a preallocated field where the new length was either longer than the defined length of the field or null.
Response Correct the command and retry.

Number 189
Type Error.
Text Uniqueness violation, field fieldname is defined UNIQUE.
Description An attempt was made to use the SET command with a field_name_operand to update a unique field, and that field already contains the specified value in another record in the file.
Response Correct the command and retry.

Number 190
Type Error.
Text Field fieldname contains invalid Kanji data.
Description An attempt was made to set a DBCS field to a value which contains invalid Kanji data.
Response Correct the command and retry.

Number 191
Type Error.
Text At-most-one constraint violation for field fieldname.
Description An attempt was made to use the SET command with a field_name_operand to add an occurrence of the field on a record where the field was defined as AT-MOST-ONE and one occurrence already exists.
Response Correct the command and retry.

Number 192
Type Error.
Text Fields may not be set during update record operations.
Description An attempt was made to set a field value during an UPDATE RECORD operation. Record level and field level updates cannot be mixed.
Response Wait until the UPDATE RECORD operation has completed and retry.

Number 193
Type Error.
Text Fields in remote files may not be set.
Description An attempt was made to use the SET command to update a field in a remote file. The SET command cannot be used to update fields in remote files.
Response No response is required.

Number 194
Type Error.
Text Sort key field fieldname may not be set.
Description An attempt was made to use the SET command to update a record’s sort key.
Response No response is required.

Number 195
Type Error.
Text Invisible field fieldname may not be set.
Description The SET command was used to attempt to change the value of an invisible field.
Response No response is required.

Number 196
Type Error.
Text Subscript too high for pre-allocated field fieldname.
Description The SET command was used to update a preallocated field and the subscript provided was greater than the number of occurrences defined for the field.
Response Correct the command and retry.

Number 197
Type Error.
Text Invalid occurrence specified for field fieldname.
Description An invalid occurrence number was specified. Fields can only have a single subscript.
Response Correct the command and retry.

Number 198
Type Error.
Text You must be a system manager or user 0 to use this feature.
Description An attempt was made to issue the SPY AUDIT ON or SPY AUDIT OFF command from a userid other than a system manager or user zero.
Response Log on as a system manager and re-issue the command or issue the command from user zero.

Number 199
Type Error.
Text The audit feature is not authorized.
Description The SPY AUDIT ON or SPY AUDIT OFF command was issued but the audit feature is not enabled.
Response Contact your SoftSpy Administrator.
Administrator Contact Technical Support for a valid authorization key.

Number 200
Type Error.
Text Invalid SPY AUDIT command, use ON or OFF.
Description The SPY AUDIT command was issued with an argument other than ON or OFF. The only valid arguments for the SPY AUDIT command are ON and OFF.
Response Correct the command and retry.

Number 205
Type Error.
Text SoftSpy may not be used on Model=6 terminals.
Description SoftSpy cannot be used on a "Model 6" terminal (Model 6 terminals are a Sirius Mods extension). Any attempt to use SoftSpy with Model 6 support will be rejected.
Response Change the terminal model to 2, 3, or 4, then re-issue the SPY ON command.

For example:


Number 206
Type Error.
Text SoftSpy may not be used if the Janus/TN3270 Debugger is on.
Description If the Janus or TN3270 Debugger is turned on, any attempt to turn on SoftSpy will be rejected.
Response Turn off the Janus or TN3270 Debugger, then re-issue the SPY ON command.

For example: