StringUpTo (StringTokenizer function)

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String from start to current position (StringTokenizer class)

[Introduced in Sirius Mods 7.8]

This method returns a substring of the tokenizing string, starting at the current position and ending just before the occurrence of its argument string.


%string = stringTokenizer:StringUpTo( string)

Syntax terms

%string A string variable to contain the returned substring.
stringTokenizer A StringTokenizer object expression.
string The string within stringTokenizer up to which the tokenizer scans to determine the substring to return to %string.

If string is not found, StringUpTo returns the rest of the string being tokenized.

Usage notes

  • If StringUpTo locates an occurrence of its argument string, it advances the tokenizing position to the end of that located argument string.
  • Because a failure to match the target string returns the rest of the tokenizer string, StringUpTo leaves no easy way to determine if you get a result string because you got a match or because you went to the end of the string. A good technique then may be to follow a StringUpTo call with a NextPosition call to check your result.


See also