Average (GenericNamedArraylist function)

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Calculate average of items or function of items (FloatNamedArraylist, NamedArraylist, and UnicodeNamedArraylist classes)

[Introduced in Sirius Mods 7.8]

This method returns by default the average of the values of the items in the collection, or it returns the average of the items after a specified function has been applied to them.


%number = anyNal:Average[( [itemFunction])]

Syntax terms

%number A Float variable to contain the numeric result.
anyNal An FloatNamedArraylist, NamedArraylist, or UnicodeNamedArraylist object.
itemFunction A function that operates on the type of the items in the collection. It may be a local method or method variable or a class member (Variable, Property), and it must return an intrinsic (probably Float) value.

The default itemFunction value is the special identity function, This, which simply returns the item value.

Usage notes