List of FloatNamedArraylist methods

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The following are the available FloatNamedArraylist class methods.

AuditAudit items
AverageCalculate average of items or function of items
CopyCopy FloatNamedArraylist
CountNumber of items
CountSubsetNumber of items that match some selection criteria
DeepCopyDeep Copy FloatNamedArraylist
DefaultValue for Item to return when Name has no value
FindNextItemNext item that matches some selection criteria
FindNextItemNumberItem number of next item that matches some selection criteria
FindPreviousItemPrevious item that matches some selection criteria
FindPreviousItemNumberItem number of previous item that matches some selection criteria
FirstItemReturn or set first item
FirstItemNameName of first item
ItemValue of named item
ItemByNumberReturn or set item using item number
LastItemReturn or set last item
LastItemNameName of last item
MaximumName of item with maximum value or maximum value of function applied to items
MaximumItemItem with maximum value or maximum value of function applied to items
MinimumName of item with minimum value or minimum value of function applied to items
MinimumItemItem with minimum value or minimum value of function applied to items
NameByNumberName of specified item number
NewCreate a new FloatNamedArraylist object
NumberItem number of specified name
PrintPrint items
RemoveItemRemove item from FloatNamedArraylist
SortNewSort items to an Arraylist
StandardDeviationCalculate standard deviation of items or function of items
SubsetNewCreate NamedArraylist of items matching some selection criteria
SumCalculate sum of items or function of items
TraceTrace items
UseDefaultFlag indicating whether or not Item returns the Default value when name has no value
VarianceCalculate variance of items or function of items

See also