Translate longstring
Most Sirius $functions have been deprecated in favor of Object Oriented methods. The OO equivalent for the $Lstr_Translate function is the Translate (String function).
This function takes a string or longstring input and replaces characters indicated by an "input table" with corresponding characters in an "output table".
The $Lstr_Translate function accepts four arguments and returns a string result.
The first argument is an arbitrary string or longstring. This is a required argument.
The second argument is the output table; its length must be 256 or less. This is an optional argument.
The third argument is the input table; its length must be 256 or less. This is an optional argument.
The fourth argument is a string containing a single character to be used as the pad character if the input table is longer than the output table. This is an optional argument and defaults to a blank.
<section begin="syntax" />%result = $Lstr_Translate(lstring, out_tbl, in_tbl, pad_char) <section end="syntax" />
$Lstr_Translate function
%RESULT is a copy of the first argument, with selected characters replaced as specified by the output and input tables.
The defaults of $Lstr_Translate are:
- If only the first argument is present, the result is to translate all lowercase characters (a-z) with their uppercase equivalents (A-Z); otherwise:
- If the input table is omitted, its default is all 256 characters, in the order X'00', X'01', ... X'FF'.
- The default output table is the null string.
- If the output table is shorter than the input table, it is padded on the right with copies of the pad character.
- If a character is specified more than once in the input table, only the first occurrence is used.
Carefully examine the examples below to understand the consequences of these defaults; for example, note in the first example that if a pad character (argument four) is specified but neither input nor output table is, then the default input table is all byte values (X'00' - X'FF') and the default output table is the null string padded to the length of the input table (256) with pad characters, resulting in a copy of the first argument with every character replaced by the pad character.
Pad char specified but no tables, input replaced by all pad chars:
PRINT $Lstr_Translate('pqrst', , , '?') -> ?????
Pad char specified or not and null output table only, input replaced by all pad chars:
PRINT $X2C($Lstr_Translate('pqrst', )) -> 4040404040
Simple translation, input & output table args same length:
PRINT $Lstr_Translate('pqrstu', '+!', 'tq') -> p!rs+u
PRINT $Lstr_Translate('pqrst') -> PQRST
Except for the "upcase&CQ. case, note that an omitted output table is the same as a null string output table, and that an omitted input table is the same as all 256 byte values, in order (X'00'-X'FF').
Tables identical (even both null strings), input string unchanged:
PRINT $Lstr_Translate('pqrst', , ) -> pqrst
Input table longer, pad char appended to output table:
PRINT $Lstr_Translate('pqrstu', '+!', 'purt', '?') -> +q?s?!
Same case, using default pad char (blank):
PRINT $Lstr_Translate('pqrst', , 'qs') -> p r t
Pad char or output table specified, default input table is X'000102...':
%S = $Lstr_Translate('pqr WITH $X2C(00)', 'xyz') PRINT '/' %S '/' WITH $C2X(%S) -> / x/404040A7
Same case, using different 4th input char & output table:
%S = $Lstr_Translate('pqr WITH $X2C(40)', - $PAD(, , 63) WITH 'xyz') PRINT '/' %S '/' WITH $C2X(%S) -> / y/404040A8
Note previous cases differ from null string input table, which always causes input string unchanged:
%S = $Lstr_Translate('pqr WITH $X2C(40)', - $PAD(, , 63) WITH 'xyz', ) PRINT '/' %S '/' WITH $C2X(%S) -> /pqr /97989940
Using any disjoint set of n chars as arg 1 and 3 lets you re-order an n char arg 2:
PRINT $Lstr_Translate('312', 'pqr', '123') -> rpq
- Omitted first argument: Request is cancelled - Either table longer than 256 bytes: Request is cancelled - Pad character not 1 byte long: Request is cancelled
$LIST_TRANSLATE Error Conditions
$Lstr_Translate is only available in Sirius Mods Version 6.5 and later.
- Sirius functions
- Fast/Unload User Language Interface
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- Janus Open Server
- Janus Sockets
- Janus Web Server
- Japanese functions
- Sir2000 Field Migration Facility
Products authorizing $Lstr_Translate