New and updated messages in Model 204 version 7.8

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This topic lists messages that were added or changed for Model 204 version 7.8.

M204 messages

M204.0039: Request too long -- STBL, LSTBL=nnnn

From v7.8 onwards, the message text for this message includes the current LSTBL setting as above. Prior to V7.8, the message text was as follows

M204.0039: Request too long -- STBL

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=4Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITERWrites the message with line type ER to the audit trail
COUNTIncrements the error count (ERCNT) parameter
ECHODisplays the line that caused the error

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M204.0084: Insufficient FTBL space for NGROUP​,​ LFTBL​=​nnnn

From v7.8 onwards, the message text for this message includes the current LFTBL setting as above. Prior to V7.8, the message text was as follows

M204.0084: Insufficient FTBL space for NGROUP

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=4Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITMSWrites the message with line type MS to the audit trail
NOCOUNTDoes not increment the error count (ERCNT) parameter

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M204.0141: Bug .. duplicate file name in checkpoint record

A duplicate file name was encountered while attempting to add a deferred update data set to the file directory during recovery. This indicates a potential bug in the Model 204 software.

System manager response: Contact Technical Support with the following documentation:

  • Audit trail from the previous run
  • Journal from the previous run

Operator response: Notify the system manager.

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=4Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITADWrites the message with line type AD to the audit trail
NOCOUNTDoes not increment the error count (ERCNT) parameter
OPRWrites the message to the (operator) console

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M204.0143: No files changed after last checkpoint​,​ RESTART bypassed

This message indicates that no updates were detected while scanning the checkpoint data set beyond the last checkpoint or the specified checkpoint.

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=0Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=IInformation class; the message can be suppressed with the X'02' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITMSWrites the message with line type MS to the audit trail
NOCOUNTDoes not increment the error count (ERCNT) parameter
OPRWrites the message to the (operator) console

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M204.0165: Missing an update unit from ICL (InComplete List)

While scanning the CCARF data set, Model 204 has detected the end of an update unit for which no corresponding start of update unit was found. Possible explanations for this error are:

  • A utility program was used to copy the original journal to data set being used as CCARF, and a portion of the original data set was not copied.
  • A copy was not done.

System manager response: If the original journal was a multi-volume data set and was copied to another data set for input to this run, verify that all volumes were in fact copied, and rerun the job. If CCARF was the original data set, contact Technical Support. Have the following documentation available:

  • Audit trail of the original run
  • Snap
  • UTILJ of the CCARF data set or a copy of this data set on tape
  • UTILC of the restart data set or a copy of this data set on tape

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=4Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITMSWrites the message with line type MS to the audit trail
NOCOUNTDoes not increment the error count (ERCNT) parameter
SNAPGenerates a CCASNAP for the run
DUMPGenerates a SYSUDUMP for the entire Model 204 region

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M204.0198: Request too long -- VTBL, LVTBL=nnnn

From v7.8 onwards, the message text for this message includes the current LVTBL setting, as above. Prior to V7.8, the message text was as follows

M204.0198: Request too long -- VTBL

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=4Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITERWrites the message with line type ER to the audit trail
COUNTIncrements the error count (ERCNT) parameter
ECHODisplays the line that caused the error
COMPILECompilation error

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M204.0211: Request too long -- QTBL, LQTBL=nnnn

From v7.8 onwards, the message text for this message includes the current LQTBL setting, as above. Prior to V7.8, the message text was as follows

M204.0211: Request too long -- QTBL

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=4Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITERWrites the message with line type ER to the audit trail
COUNTIncrements the error count (ERCNT) parameter
ECHODisplays the line that caused the error
COMPILECompilation error

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M204.0224: Request too long -- NTBL, LNTBL=nnnn

From v7.8 onwards, the message text for this message includes the current LNTBL setting, as above. Prior to V7.8, the message text was as follows

M204.0224: Request too long -- NTBL

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=4Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITERWrites the message with line type ER to the audit trail
COUNTIncrements the error count (ERCNT) parameter
ECHODisplays the line that caused the error
COMPILECompilation error

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M204.0226: Request too long -- QTBL, LQTBL=nnnn

From v7.8 onwards, the message text for this message includes the current LQTBL setting, as above. Prior to V7.8, the message text was as follows

M204.0226: Request too long -- QTBL

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=4Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITERWrites the message with line type ER to the audit trail
COUNTIncrements the error count (ERCNT) parameter
ECHODisplays the line that caused the error
COMPILECompilation error

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M204.0262: FSCB full​,​ LFSCB​=nnnn. Screen​/​Menu​/​Image compilation aborted

From v7.8 onwards, the message text for this message includes the current LFSCBL setting, as above. Prior to V7.8, the message text was as follows

M204.0262: FSCB full. Screen​/​Menu​/​Image compilation aborted

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=4Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITERWrites the message with line type ER to the audit trail
COUNTIncrements the error count (ERCNT) parameter
ECHODisplays the line that caused the error
COMPILECompilation error

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M204.0352: IODEV​=​nn​,​ Ok uuuuuuuuuu aaaaaaaaaa llllll yy.ddd mmm dd ccc nnnnnnnn

The layout of this message has been reformatted to accommodate five digit user numbers.

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=0Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=IInformation class; the message can be suppressed with the X'02' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITADWrites the message with line type AD to the audit trail
NOCOUNTDoes not increment the error count (ERCNT) parameter
NOTERMDoes not display the message on the user's terminal

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M204.0442: Unable to run subsystem subsysName login procedure - GTBL full​,​ LGTBL​=​nnnn

From v7.8 onwards, the message text for this message includes the current LGTBL setting, as above. Prior to V7.8, the message text was as follows

M204.0442: Unable to run subsystem subsysName login procedure - GTBL full

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=4Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITADWrites the message with line type AD to the audit trail
NOCOUNTDoes not increment the error count (ERCNT) parameter
SAVESaves the message in the VIEW ERRORS table

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M204.0452: TTBL full​,​ LTTBL​=​nnnn

From v7.8 onwards, the message text for this message includes the current LTTBL setting, as above. Prior to V7.8, the message text was as follows

M204.0452: TTBL full

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=40Sets online return code
RETCODEB=40Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITADWrites the message with line type AD to the audit trail
CANCELCancels the user's request
NOCOUNTDoes not increment the error count (ERCNT) parameter

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M204.0479: process group not found: processgroupname

A TRANSFER statement was evaluated, resulting in an attempt to perform a VTAM trusted logon in another Online (the target Online). The PARTNER processgroup, identified in the DEFINE PROCESS command in the transferring Online, was not found in the target Online. As a result, the TRANSFER fails and the user remains in the transferring online.

System manager response: The PARTNER= token in the DEFINE PROCESS command of the transferring Online has an incorrect value for processgroupName. Check the spelling to ensure that it is the correct name of the intended processgroup in the target Online.

Return codes: I 0 0 AUDITMS

M204.0480: Invalid backpage request: backPage

A backpage command of the form P -n or P +n was issued, but NBKPG is 0, or the value of n is invalid. The command is echoed in hex, so you can see exactly what was entered. For example, if P -99 was issued but NBKPG is 50, then the following message would be issued:

M204.0480: Invalid backpage request: P -99(X'D74060F9F9')

Response: Correct the backpage command, or set NBKPG greater than 0.

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=0Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=IInformation class; the message can be suppressed with the X'02' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITMSWrites the message with line type MS to the audit trail
NOCOUNTDoes not increment the error count (ERCNT) parameter

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M204.0481: Procedure procName in subsysName could not be made resident; increase RESPAGE or RESSIZE

The named procedure in the named subsystem could not be made resident in resident request storage.

Response: Increase the size of resident request storage with a RESSIZE or RESPAGE parameter in CCAIN. RESSIZE (below-the-bar storage) can be dynamically reset, but RESPAGE (above-the-bar storage) cannot.

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=0Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=IInformation class; the message can be suppressed with the X'02' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITMSWrites the message with line type MS to the audit trail
NOCOUNTDoes not increment the error count (ERCNT) parameter
NOTERMDoes not display the message on the user's terminal

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M204.0541:Procedure is in use: procedure

The procedure named in the message is currently in use by another user. The command entered cannot be processed until the procedure is no longer in use.

Response: Retry the command when the procedure is no longer in use.

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=4Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITERWrites the message with line type ER to the audit trail
COUNTIncrements the error count (ERCNT) parameter

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M204.0550: Editing space exhausted -- QTBL​,​ LQTBL​=nnnn

From v7.8 onwards, the message text for this message includes the current LQTBL setting, as above. Prior to V7.8, the message text was as follows

M204.0550: Editing space exhausted -- QTBL

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=16Sets online return code
RETCODEB=16Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITADWrites the message with line type AD to the audit trail
NOCOUNTDoes not increment the error count (ERCNT) parameter

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M204.0551: Request too long -- STBL, LSTBL=nnnn

From v7.8 onwards, the message text for this message includes the current LSTBL setting, as above. Prior to V7.8, the message text was as follows

M204.0551: Request too long -- STBL

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=4Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITADWrites the message with line type AD to the audit trail
NOCOUNTDoes not increment the error count (ERCNT) parameter

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M204.0562: Request too long - tableName tableValue

From v7.8 onwards, the message text for this message includes the current table setting, as above. Prior to V7.8, the message text was as follows

M204.0562: Request too long - tableName

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=4Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITERWrites the message with line type ER to the audit trail
CANCELCancels the user's request
COUNTIncrements the error count (ERCNT) parameter

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M204.0565: Can't process on token - VTBL full, LVTBL=nnnn

From v7.8 onwards, the message text for this message includes the current LVTBL setting, as above. Prior to V7.8, the message text was as follows

M204.0565: Can't process on token - VTBL full

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=4Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITERWrites the message with line type ER to the audit trail
CANCELCancels the user's request
COUNTIncrements the error count (ERCNT) parameter

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M204.0569: File filename?,? Find: Table B records to be searched ?=? number

The message test now includes the filename, to help track down the cause of the direct search. This change has been enabled within v7.7 with the application of zap 77z032, and within V7.6 with the application of zap 76z386.

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=0Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=IInformation class; the message can be suppressed with the X'02' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITMSWrites the message with line type MS to the audit trail
NOCOUNTDoes not increment the error count (ERCNT) parameter

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M204.0573: Value(s) too long -- STBL, LSTBL=nnnn

From v7.8 onwards, the message text for this message includes the current LSTBL setting as above. Prior to V7.8, the message text was as follows

M204.0573: Value(s) too long -- STBL

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=40Sets online return code
RETCODEB=40Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITADWrites the message with line type AD to the audit trail
NOCOUNTDoes not increment the error count (ERCNT) parameter

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M204.0574: Request too long -- VTBL, LVTBL=nnnn

From v7.8 onwards, the message text for this message includes the current LVTBL setting, as above. Prior to V7.8, the message text was as follows

M204.0574: Request too long -- VTBL

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=4Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITERWrites the message with line type ER to the audit trail
CANCELCancels the user's request
COUNTIncrements the error count (ERCNT) parameter

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M204.0577: QTBL full​,​ LQTBL=nnnn -- direct search

From v7.8 onwards, the message text for this message includes the current LQTBL setting, as above. Prior to V7.8, the message text was as follows

M204.0577: QTBL full​ -- direct search

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=4Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITERWrites the message with line type ER to the audit trail
CANCELCancels the user's request
COUNTIncrements the error count (ERCNT) parameter

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M204.0578: Too many call levels - VTBL, LVTBL=nnnn

From v7.8 onwards, the message text for this message includes the current LVTBL setting, as above. Prior to V7.8, the message text was as follows

M204.0578: Too many call levels - VTBL

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=4Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITERWrites the message with line type ER to the audit trail
CANCELCancels the user's request
COUNTIncrements the error count (ERCNT) parameter

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M204.0735: No room for new value of global - $incrg​,​ LGTBL​=nnnn

From v7.8 onwards, the message text for this message includes the current LVTBL setting, as above. Prior to V7.8, the message text was as follows

M204.0735: No room for new value of global - $incrg​

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=4Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITERWrites the message with line type ER to the audit trail
COUNTIncrements the error count (ERCNT) parameter

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M204.0819: ​FTBL full​,​ LFTBL​=​nnnn .. can't add GFT entry

From v7.8 onwards, the message text for this message includes the current LFTBL setting, as above. Prior to V7.8, the message text was as follows

M204.0819: ​FTBL full​ .. can't add GFT entry​

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=4Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITADWrites the message with line type AD to the audit trail
NOCOUNTDoes not increment the error count (ERCNT) parameter

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M204.0861: ​FTBL full​,​ LFTBL​=​nnnn can't open group

From v7.8 onwards, the message text for this message includes the current LFTBL setting, as above. Prior to V7.8, the message text was as follows

M204.0861: ​FTBL full,​ can't open group

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=4Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITERWrites the message with line type ER to the audit trail
COUNTIncrements the error count (ERCNT) parameter

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M204.0905: Value too long -- STBL, LSTBL=nnnn

From v7.8 onwards, the message text for this message includes the current LSTBL setting as above. Prior to V7.8, the message text was as follows

M204.0905: Value too long -- STBL

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=4Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITERWrites the message with line type ER to the audit trail
COUNTIncrements the error count (ERCNT) parameter

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M204.0907: IFAM job too long -- QTBL, LQTBL=nnnn

From v7.8 onwards, the message text for this message includes the current LQTBL setting, as above. Prior to V7.8, the message text was as follows

M204.0907: IFAM job too long -- QTBL

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=4Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITERWrites the message with line type ER to the audit trail
COUNTIncrements the error count (ERCNT) parameter

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M204.0911: Field or variable name list too long - QTBL​,​ LQTBL​=​nnnn

From v7.8 onwards, the message text for this message includes the current LQTBL setting, as above. Prior to V7.8, the message text was as follows

M204.0911: Field or variable name list too long - QTBL

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=4Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITERWrites the message with line type ER to the audit trail
COUNTIncrements the error count (ERCNT) parameter

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M204.0916: IFAM job too long -- VTBL, LVTBL=nnnn

From v7.8 onwards, the message text for this message includes the current LVTBL setting, as above. Prior to V7.8, the message text was as follows

M204.0916: IFAM job too long -- VTBL

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=4Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITERWrites the message with line type ER to the audit trail
COUNTIncrements the error count (ERCNT) parameter

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M204.0917: IFAM job too long -- NTBL, LNTBL=nnnn

From v7.8 onwards, the message text for this message includes the current LNTBL setting, as above. Prior to V7.8, the message text was as follows

M204.0917: IFAM job too long -- NTBL

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=4Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITERWrites the message with line type ER to the audit trail
COUNTIncrements the error count (ERCNT) parameter

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M204.0955 IFAM2 CRAM open error​,​ IFAM halted - channel ​=​ chanName

From v7.8 onwards, this message will produce an rc of 80, thus terminating the ONLINE run, should the message occur.

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=80Sets online return code
RETCODEB=80Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITERWrites the message with line type ER to the audit trail
NOCOUNTDoes not increment the error count (ERCNT) parameter
NOTERMDoes not display the message on the user's terminal
OPRWrites the message to the (operator) console
SAVESaves the message in the VIEW ERRORS table

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M204.1070: ALLOCATE ddName failed - reason

This message has been changed to add the ddname of the failing dataset to the message text.

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=4Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITERWrites the message with line type ER to the audit trail
COUNTIncrements the error count (ERCNT) parameter

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M204.1110: QTBL​,​ LQTBL​=nnnn - too small for selective type display

From v7.8 onwards, the message text for this message includes the current LQTBL setting, as above. Prior to V7.8, the message text was as follows

M204.1110: QTBL​ too small for selective type display

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=4Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITERWrites the message with line type ER to the audit trail
COUNTIncrements the error count (ERCNT) parameter

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M204.1124: Bump of %C %C scheduled by %C for %C user(s)

This message has been changed to add the type of bump and the user who did so.

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=0Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=IInformation class; the message can be suppressed with the X'02' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITMSWrites the message with line type MS to the audit trail
NOCOUNTDoes not increment the error count (ERCNT) parameter

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M204.1167: ITBL​ full,​ LITBL​=nnnn -- argument string ignored

From v7.8 onwards, the message text for this message includes the current LITBL setting, as above. Prior to V7.8, the message text was as follows

M204.1167: ITBL​ full -- argument string ignored

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=4Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITERWrites the message with line type ER to the audit trail
COUNTIncrements the error count (ERCNT) parameter

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M204.1188: Unable to run procedure procName for subsystem subsysName-GTBL full​,​ LGTBL​=​nnnn

From v7.8 onwards, the message text for this message includes the current LGTBL setting, as above. Prior to V7.8, the message text was as follows

M204.1188: Unable to run procedure procName for subsystem subsysName-GTBL full​

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=4Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITADWrites the message with line type AD to the audit trail
NOCOUNTDoes not increment the error count (ERCNT) parameter
SAVESaves the message in the VIEW ERRORS table

Back to list of messages

M204.1215: XTBL,​ LXTBL​=nnnn - not enough space

From v7.8 onwards, the message text for this message includes the current LXTBL setting, as above. Prior to V7.8, the message text was as follows

M204.1215: XTBL - not enough space

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=4Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITERWrites the message with line type ER to the audit trail
COUNTIncrements the error count (ERCNT) parameter

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M204.1289: (LGTBL - GTBLHASH*10) must be at least 288 for subsystem processing​,​ LGTBL​=nnnn

From v7.8 onwards, the message text for this message includes the current LGTBL setting, as above. Prior to V7.8, the message text was as follows

M204.1289: (LGTBL - GTBLHASH*10) must be at least 288 for subsystem processing​

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=4Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITERWrites the message with line type ER to the audit trail
COUNTIncrements the error count (ERCNT) parameter

Back to list of messages

M204.1342: Unable to run CCASYS procedure: TBL= ?TBL, L?TBL=nnnn

From v7.8 onwards, the message text for this message includes the current ?TBL setting, as above, where ?TBL ( QTBL, NTBL, etc.. ) is the server table that has filled. Prior to V7.8, the message text was as follows

M204.1342: M204.1342: Unable to run CCASYS procedure: TBL= ?TBL

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=4Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITERWrites the message with line type ER to the audit trail
COUNTIncrements the error count (ERCNT) parameter

Back to list of messages

M204.1392: Soft restart of user due to %C

This message has been changed to add the reason and/or who caused the restart.

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=0Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=IInformation class; the message can be suppressed with the X'02' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITMSWrites the message with line type MS to the audit trail
NOCOUNTDoes not increment the error count (ERCNT) parameter

Back to list of messages

M204.1500: token

Message M204.1500: token has a new form relevant to the CA-ACF2 MVS, CA-ACF2 VM, Security Server (formerly RACF), and CA-Top Secret Model 204 security interfaces.

When the default user fails to log in, the security interface is operational but CCASTAT logons are not allowed. The following error message is displayed:

M204.1500: CCASTAT logons not allowed

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=0Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=IInformation class; the message can be suppressed with the X'02' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITMSWrites the message with line type MS to the audit trail
NOCOUNTDoes not increment the error count (ERCNT) parameter

Back to list of messages

M204.1592: VTBL full, LVTBL=nnnn, sorted output impossible

From v7.8 onwards, the message text for this message includes the current LVTBL setting, as above. Prior to V7.8, the message text was as follows

M204.1592: VTBL full​,​ sorted output impossible

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=4Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITERWrites the message with line type ER to the audit trail
COUNTIncrements the error count (ERCNT) parameter

Back to list of messages

M204.1749: Subsystem parameters lost​,​ GTBL full​,​ LGTBL​=​nnnn

From v7.8 onwards, the message text for this message includes the current LGTBL setting, as above. Prior to V7.8, the message text was as follows

M204.1749: Subsystem parameters lost​,​ GTBL full

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=4Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITERWrites the message with line type ER to the audit trail
COUNTIncrements the error count (ERCNT) parameter

Back to list of messages

M204.1899 Transfer statement from sourceVtamName to targetVtamName complete​,​ User userId disconnected

The message, issued when a VTAM Transfer statement completes, now contains the source and target VTAM names for the transfer process.

The change in message text is enabled within V7.7 with the application of zap 77z310.

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=4Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITADWrites the message with line type AD to the audit trail
CANCELCancels the user's request
NOCOUNTDoes not increment the error count (ERCNT) parameter
NOTERMDoes not display the message on the user's terminal
SAVESaves the message in the VIEW ERRORS table

Back to list of messages

M204.1900 User userId transferred to targetVtamName from sourceVtamName

This message, issued on the target ONLINE when a user has transferred to that ONLINE, now displays the source and target VTAM names involved in the VTAM Transfer.

The change in message text is enabled within V7.7 with the application of zap 77z310.

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=4Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITADWrites the message with line type AD to the audit trail
NOCOUNTDoes not increment the error count (ERCNT) parameter

Back to list of messages

M204.2020 File fileName; condition?,? OPEN command rejected

The first change to this message is that the filename of the affected file is now displayed at the beginning of the message text.

The second change is that a second error type affecting file opens is now support. The original error type of "Unsupported device for Model 204 database %F" was reported for all condition,s even where the device type wasn't the underlying issue. Whilst this error type has been retained for conditions where it is valid, a new error type of "DDNAME not found" is now available for the message. Thus, in a situation where one thread is attempting to allocate a ddname, and another thread in parallel is trying to open a file with the same ddname, the following message variant may be produced

M204.2020: File filename; DDNAME not found, OPEN command rejected

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=4Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITERWrites the message with line type ER to the audit trail
COUNTIncrements the error count (ERCNT) parameter

Back to list of messages

M204.2302: No room in GTBL​,​ LGTBL​=​nnnn - SETGRC

From v7.8 onwards, the message text for this message includes the current LGTBL setting, as above. Prior to V7.8, the message text was as follows

M204.2302: No room in GTBL​ - SETGRC

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=4Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITERWrites the message with line type ER to the audit trail
COUNTIncrements the error count (ERCNT) parameter

Back to list of messages

M204.2700 CHECKPOINT command ignored: sub-transaction checkpoint in progress

A CHECKPOINT (TRAN | SUBTRAN | ABORT) command was issued while the system was taking a sub-transaction checkpoint. The command is ignored. If this message was issued in response to a CHECKPOINT ABORT command, the sub-transaction in progress has passed that phase of its processing during which it can be aborted.

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=4Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITMSWrites the message with line type MS to the audit trail
NOCOUNTDoes not increment the error count (ERCNT) parameter

Back to list of messages

M204.2964 Password missing or too long

A password string within an IFSTRTN call has not been delimited with a semicolon.

Response: Ensure that the password string is delimited by a semicolon, as in the following example

CALL IFSTRTN(RC,'logonid;password;'...)

Version introduced: 7.8

Return codes: E 00 04 AUDITMS NOCOUNT

M204.2965 Unable to cleanly close log file(s)

Introduced in zap 77z243.

This message causes a snap/dump if the log file (such as a journal, jlog, or checkpoint) cannot be cleanly quiesced when bringing down an Online. The problem with the log file is rare but caused a hang further along in processing. This message causes a snap/dump much closer to the time of error, making it easier to diagnose the problem.

Response: Use the snap/dump generated by the message to diagnose the cause of the error.


M204.2966 what line number?,? procedure proc in file file

This message provides diagnostic information following various types of error messages.

The first M204.2966 message after an error has what set to Error at. Subsequent M204.2966 messages (if any) have what set to Called from.

number, proc, and file indicate the line number, procedure, and file where the error occurred or from where the previous M204.2966 entry was called. Essentially, this provides a call stack trace to aid in diagnosing problems. No more than 20 levels of calls are shown for an error.

Response: Use the M204.2966 messages after an error to try to diagnose the cause of the error.

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=0Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=IInformation class; the message can be suppressed with the X'02' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITMSWrites the message with line type MS to the audit trail
NOCOUNTDoes not increment the error count (ERCNT) parameter

Back to list of messages

M204.2967 what line number of command level program

This message provides diagnostic information after various types of error messages.

The first M204.2967 message after an error has what set to Error at and subsequent M204.2967 messages (if any) have what set to Called from.

number indicates the line number for a command line program (counting from the Begin) where the error occurred, or where the previous M204.2966 entry was called from. Essentially, this provides a call stack trace to aid in diagnosing problems. No more than 20 levels of calls are shown for an error.

Response: Use the M204.2967 (and M204.2966, if any) after an error to try to diagnose the cause of the error.

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=0Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=IInformation class; the message can be suppressed with the X'02' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITMSWrites the message with line type MS to the audit trail
NOCOUNTDoes not increment the error count (ERCNT) parameter

Back to list of messages

M204.2968 what: no debug info

An error message (immediately preceding M204.2968) was issued, but insufficient compile-time information was collected to provide the diagnostic information provided in the M204.2966 and M204.2967 messages. To get that additional information to help diagnose the problem, set the SIRFCAT X'01' bit if authorized for SirFact, or set the DEBUGUL parameter to a non-zero value. The latter requires no product authorization, but it does increase QTBL requirements.

Response: If you are unable to diagnose the problem, consider setting one of the parameters described above to aid in problem diagnosis.

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=0Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=IInformation class; the message can be suppressed with the X'02' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITMSWrites the message with line type MS to the audit trail
NOCOUNTDoes not increment the error count (ERCNT) parameter

Back to list of messages

M204.2969 MBSCAN (mbscan) exceeded?,? records to be searched ?=? number

A Table B scan would exceed the setting of MBSCAN, so the request is cancelled.

Response: Correct the Find statement at the line indicated by the following M204.2966 message (hopefully available), or increase MBSCAN to tolerate the number of scanned records, if reasonable.

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=4Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITERWrites the message with line type ER to the audit trail
CANCELCancels the user's request
COUNTIncrements the error count (ERCNT) parameter

Back to list of messages

M204.2970 Maximum call stack limit (limit) reached

The number of messages describing the call stack reached the maximum allowed for such messages (currently 20). This message is largely informational; it is more useful to focus on the preceding M204.2966 messages.

Response: Examine the preceding M204.2966 messages.

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=0Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=IInformation class; the message can be suppressed with the X'02' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITMSWrites the message with line type MS to the audit trail
NOCOUNTDoes not increment the error count (ERCNT) parameter

Back to list of messages

M204.2971 No 2PC ports named token with coordinators named token2 defined


Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=4Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITERWrites the message with line type ER to the audit trail
COUNTIncrements the error count (ERCNT) parameter

Back to list of messages

M204.2972 Warning SIRTERM X'02' bit not set - WSF Query not supported


Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=0Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=IInformation class; the message can be suppressed with the X'02' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITMSWrites the message with line type MS to the audit trail
NOCOUNTDoes not increment the error count (ERCNT) parameter

Back to list of messages

M204.2973 Unable to reset Model to token: token2


Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=4Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITMSWrites the message with line type MS to the audit trail
NOCOUNTDoes not increment the error count (ERCNT) parameter

Back to list of messages

M204.2974 Action disabled by commit exit

An attempt to invoke the Commit Exit features failed. For example this might occur because the commit Exit apsy defined by the COMMITX parameter is not defined to CCASYS, or becasuse apsy processing ( SYSOPT 1 ) is not available to the current run even though COMMITX is set in CCAIN. The user session invoking the Commit Exit feature is restarted, and the updates causing Commit Exit to be invoked are backed out.


Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=4Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITMSWrites the message with line type MS to the audit trail
NOCOUNTDoes not increment the error count (ERCNT) parameter

Back to list of messages

M204.2975 token connection to host token2token3token4 port number token5 using Janus 2PC port token6


Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=0Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=IInformation class; the message can be suppressed with the X'02' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITADWrites the message with line type AD to the audit trail
NOCOUNTDoes not increment the error count (ERCNT) parameter
NOTERMDoes not display the message on the user's terminal

Back to list of messages

M204.2976 Attempt to update non-TBO file in a global transaction


Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=4Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITERWrites the message with line type ER to the audit trail
CANCELCancels the user's request
COUNTIncrements the error count (ERCNT) parameter

Back to list of messages

M204.2977 Global transaction error: token


Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=0Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=IInformation class; the message can be suppressed with the X'02' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITMSWrites the message with line type MS to the audit trail
NOCOUNTDoes not increment the error count (ERCNT) parameter

Back to list of messages

M204.2978 Implicit commit of global transaction failed


Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=4Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITMSWrites the message with line type MS to the audit trail
NOCOUNTDoes not increment the error count (ERCNT) parameter

Back to list of messages

M204.2979 There were errors before RESTART


Message attributes:

RETCODEO=52Sets online return code
RETCODEB=52Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITADWrites the message with line type AD to the audit trail
NOCOUNTDoes not increment the error count (ERCNT) parameter

Back to list of messages

M204.2988 VTAM transfer failed​,​ Session Parametes(LOGMODE​,​ Cryptography​,​ or VPACING) not valid


Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=4Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITERWrites the message with line type ER to the audit trail
COUNTIncrements the error count (ERCNT) parameter
SAVESaves the message in the VIEW ERRORS table

Back to list of messages

MSIR messages

MSIR.0942 Debugger token0 port defaulted to token2

This message has been changed from an error message to an informational message

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=0Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=IInformation class; the message can be suppressed with the X'02' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITMSWrites the message with line type MS to the audit trail
NOCOUNTDoes not increment the error count (ERCNT) parameter

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