ULTRACEP parameter

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Max UL Trace statement pages


Default value
Parameter type
Where set
User and $Resetn resettable
Related products
Before Sirius Mods 6.7


This numeric parameter indicates the maximum number of CCATEMP pages that will be allocated for a user for holding trace data. The CCATEMP wrap-around trace table is a user-specific trace table that consists of a set of CCATEMP pages whose maximum size is specified by the ULTRACEP user parameter.

If ULTRACEP pages are already in use when a Trace statement is issued, and output is being routed to the trace table (ULTRACE X'04' set — see ULTRACE), the trace data on the oldest page is discarded, and the oldest page is reused for the new trace data. For more information on the Trace statement, see the SirFact_Reference_Manual.

The wrap-around trace table is dumped in SirFact dumps, and it can be viewed with the following command when using the FACT subsystem to examine a dump:

D[ISPLAY] T[RACE][.{* | N}]

where N specifies that the last n entries are to be displayed. Specifying D T will display all trace entries, and specifying D T.20 will display the last 20.

The current contents of the wrap-around trace table can also be examined with the $Trace2List function or the Stringlist class AppendTrace method. For more information about SirFact dumps, the $Trace2List function, and the AppendTrace method, see the SirFact manual.