Logging on to FILEMGMT

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Logging on to FILEMGMT

The FILEMGMT subsystem must be started before you can use the following methods to log on to the FILEMGMT facility. If the subsystem has not been started, contact your dictionary administrator.

To log on to the FILEMGMT facility, choose one of the following methods:

  • Select the File Management option from the Dictionary /204 main menu.

    Note: The absence of the File Management option from your main menu means you are not authorized to use this facility.

  • Invoke FILEMGMT from the primary screen of another Dictionary/204 or Workshop/204 facility by issuing the INVOKE command. The command syntax is:


  • Call the FILEMGMT subsystem from the Model 204 command prompt by typing the subsystem name:


FILEMGMT primary screen

The FILEMGMT primary screen is displayed when you log on to FILEMGMT:

FILEMGMT File Management VER 7 REL 5 Filename: Enter option number in one prefix area _ File _ Field _ Record _ Field Group _________________________ __________ __________ ______________ 1 CREATE 7 INCREASE 1 DEFINE 1 Define 1 Define 2 RESET 8 DECREASE 2 REDEFINE 2 Redefine 2 Redefine 3 Delete 9 SECURE 3 DELETE 3 Delete 3 Delete 4 ReCREATE 10 DESECURE 4 RENAME 4 Rename 4 Rename 5 Copy 11 INITIALIZE 5 Copy 5 Copy 6 Size Field, Record or Field Group Name: ===> 1=HELp 2=DOCument 3=QUIt 4= 5= 6=COMmands 7= 8= 9=DELcmds 10= 11= 12=

Capitalized function names refer to actual Model 204 commands (for example, CREATE, DECREASE). Function names in mixed case refer to functions that FILEMGMT performs upon dictionary entries only.

You can select a maintenance function from these categories:

File maintenance Creates a new Model 204 file, determines the size of a file, recreates or modifies the parameters of an existing file, deletes or copies a file, and performs other file maintenance functions.
Field maintenance Defines fields for a new or existing file, changes existing field names or attributes, and performs other field maintenance functions.
Record maintenance Defines records for a new or existing file, changes existing record names or characteristics, and performs other record maintenance functions.
Field Group maintenance Defines field groups for a new or existing file, changes existing field group names or contents, and performs other field group maintenance functions.

FILEMGMT functions

This section presents an overview of FILEMGMT functions. All functions can be selected from the primary screen. The functions are described in detail on additional wiki pages.

File maintenance

Number Function Meaning
1 CREATE Adds a new Model 204 file. Proceeds to the File Definition - Organization screen.
2 RESET Changes the values of file parameters. Proceeds to the File Parameter Reset screen.
3 Delete Removes a file with its field, record, and field group entries from the dictionary. Proceeds to the File Delete screen.
4 ReCREATE Recreates a Model 204 file in order to reorganize the file. Proceeds to the File Definition - Organization screen.
5 Copy Copies a file and optionally its record and field definitions. Proceeds to the Copy screen for files.
6 Size Sizes a file. Proceeds to the File Size Definition screen.
7 INCREASE Increases the file table sizes of an existing file. Proceeds to the File Increase/Decrease screen.
8 DECREASE Decreases the file table sizes of an existing file. Proceeds to the File Increase/Decrease screen.
9 SECURE Secures the file.
10 DESECURE Desecures the file.
11 INITIALIZE Initializes an existing file. Proceeds to the File Initialize screen.

Field maintenance

Number Function Meaning
1 DEFINE Defines a new field in the file. If no field name is specified, proceeds to the Field Name List screen. If a field name is specified, proceeds to the Field Attribute screen.
2 REDEFINE Changes a field definition. If no field name is specified, proceeds to the Field Name List screen. If a field name is specified, proceeds to the Field Attributes screen.
3 DELETE Deletes a field, proceeds to the Field Attributes screen.
4 RENAME Renames a field, proceeds to the Field Attributes screen.
5 Copy Copies a field; if no field name is specified, copies all fields in the file. Proceeds to the Field Copy screen.

Record maintenance

Number Function Meaning
1 Define Defines a new record in the file. Proceeds to the Record Name List screen.
2 Redefine Changes a record definition. Proceeds to the Record Name List screen.
3 Delete Deletes a record. Proceeds to the Record Name List screen.
4 Rename Renames a record. Proceeds to the Record Name List screen.
5 Copy Copies a record if no record name is specified, copies all records in the file. Proceeds to the Record Copy screen.

Field Group maintenance

Number Function Meaning
1 Define Defines a new field group in the file. Proceeds to the Field Group List screen.
2 Redefine Changes a field group definition. Proceeds to the Field Group List screen.
3 Delete Deletes a field group. Proceeds to the Field Group List screen.
4 Rename Renames a field group. Proceeds to the Field Group List screen.

See also