AppendPrivateKeyInfo (Stringlist function)
Add RSA private key information to a Stringlist (Stringlist class)
[Requires Janus Network Security]
This callable method adds lines from the information section of an SSL private key to the end of a Stringlist.
[%number =] sl:AppendPrivateKeyInfo[( [sl], [[Password=] string])]
Syntax terms
%number | An, optional, numeric variable that is set to zero if the function is a success. The possible return codes are described below in Return codes. |
sl | A Stringlist object to receive the private key information. |
sl | A Stringlist object that contains the base64 encoded text of an RSA private key. |
Password | This optional, name allowed, parameter is a string that contains a password to decrypt the private key, if necessary. |
Return codes
0 | All is well. |
1 | Encrypted but no password specified. |
2 | Encrypted and wrong password specified. |
3 | Out of CCATEMP. |
5 | Stringlist identifier missing. |
6 | Invalid Stringlist identifier. |
7 | Insufficient storage. |
10 | Input Stringlist identifier missing. |
11 | Invalid input Stringlist identifier. |
12 | Invalid input Stringlist data (not correctly base-64 encoded). |
13 | Invalid request/certificate (internal structure of certificate is not valid). |
Usage notes
- The updated Stringlist contains an arbitrary amount of
information in an arbitrary order. Each list item
is in ID=value format. These are the possible IDs:
S.C Subject country S.S Subject state or province S.L Subject locality - city, town, village, etc. S.O Subject organization S.OU Subject organization unit S.CN Subject common name I.C Issuer country I.S Issuer state or province I.L Issuer locality: city, town, village, etc. I.O Issuer organization I.OU Issuer organization unit I.CN Issuer common name EFF Effective date in YYMMDDHHMISS format (GMT) EXP Expiration date in YYMMDDHHMISS format (GMT) ALG Key algorithm - currently always RSA N Public modulus in hexadecimal E Public exponent in hexadecimal
In the following example, a private key is hard-coded into one Stringlist, then the information contained in the private key is extracted via AppendPrivateKeyInfo into another Stringlist:
b %sl is object stringlist %pkey is object stringlist %sl = new %pkey = new text to %pkey raw ----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEogIBAAKCAQEAm6TwmSXt4+lyrhwy9SBq2LVjdTeJ5kUbU9jzmBCfw/NuC1tX YAAdc0UG5DDJYPHkWkYa7+z50SYzmoxKI8PfCLyxSOPeVW9CEhRSyiIIlyjQikIK a0YMeOXVetGiutl/y346yQYltkbQXb1SOogTg07fTRs7NWcQ4Rrcd6DEnSkrHxbv T04Z0MwoSojA+NRyBCMpa+w+R0dzrBNZIT11WOccecYjEyuPSS2ydcdgr/Rp4WKC UHmRulXWQjhEjwqFPRG4f8BkYJGr8lN262M4ti4Z11KV/lYA/lEpYUkmCaY936p4 IoVoQy8GFn7mj50sxwSa446bTvKlVPsySMDK2wIBAwKCAQAZ8NLEMPz7UZMdBLMo ... aQmxZUwUo7em8Ci6dX17AoGAcmpQ5AUj5vMdRnOmiIhLM+jgbbQjBD+52hwbkkIn sZ00cQ5asvdrHt3ziIqN7RMu5okuwdFTdk5IGHTA43qykel0e7wxwADI7qybJXWF rsIve5XyKCD55gAM4W8y4+CLkCv6dPwmkTq4vfdaYr0/NPIvigzUq0NEXFVPJfQc GncCgYEAlFIEKq0mVWLBtZRwNjehKOaWGkVVHJnoWqlBngfamQkOiGvWScQ0MVbw K3U00KpuNHRF5RVy035uoU2tnQDLyG+RmUO7j2+t90MOmgXqiZlTz08uf/fQaprd NzpmjANA/9cT3rwHD31LsjaDXASM5IW0q7h+vhvVLtVkDzDnW5w= -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- end text %sl:appendPrivateKeyInfo(%pkey) %sl:print end
The result is something like:
ALG=RSA N=9BA4F09925EDE3E972AE1C32F5206AD8 ... A461AEFECF9D126339A8C4A23C3DF08B- CB148E3DE556F42121452CA22089728D08 ... 4D1B3B356710E11ADC77A0C49D292B1F- 16EF4F4E19D0CC284A88C0F8D472042329 ... 2507991BA55D64238448F0A853D11B87- FC0646091ABF25376EB6338B62E19D7529 ... E38E9B4EF2A554FB3248C0CADB E=03
See also
Stringlist methods:
- AppendCertificateInfo
- AppendCertificateRequest
- AppendCertificateRequestInfo
- AppendClientCertificateRequest
- AppendEncryptedSecurityData
- AppendGeneratedPrivateKey
- AppendPemData
- AppendPrivateKeyInfo
- AppendSignedCertificate
- AppendSignedClientCertificate
- CheckCertificate
- CheckCertificateRequest
- PemToString
String methods:
- CertificateRequest
- SignedCertificate
- SignedClientCertificate
- DerToXmlDoc
- RSAPrivateKeyToXmlDoc
- X509CertificateToXmlDoc
- X509CrlToXmlDoc
- Multiple cryptographic cipher methods
System methods:
Socket methods: