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&&amDaemonReturns a 1 if a Daemon tab contains the currently active code. Otherwise, the returned number is 0.
&&argServes as a placeholder for a command argument within a macro (if used outside of a macro, an error is issued).
&&assertFailureCountReturns a count of the number of times that the result of an assert command is a Failure.
&&assertStatusReturns a string that contains a summary of the counts of assert command results.
&&assertSuccessCountReturns a count of the number of times that the result of an assert macro command is a Success.
&&blackOrWhiteListTests whether the Debugger is filtering the procedures you are going to debug, and if so, whether a Black List or White List is being used.
&&buildNumberReturns the number of the build of the Client from which the function is called.
&&concatenateConcatenate and return the function's arguments.
&&currentPacFileReturns the URL of the Proxy Auto Config (PAC) file in use, or it returns empty if no PAC file is in use.
&&currentRunningMacroReturns the full file-system path to the macro within which it is called. If not called from within a macro, the function returns a null string.
&&currentTitleReturns the current title of the Client main window.
&&existsTests if a macro variable is defined.
&&fileExistsReturns 1 if the file identified by fileSpec exists, 0 if not.
&&getMainSearchInputAreaReturns the value specified in the search input area on the Client main window.
&&getScopeReturns the scope of the specified routine from the SOUL call stack, -1 if routine not found or we are not executing a program.
&&getVariableOrFieldInputAreaReturns the value specified in the Entity name input box. If the Client is in hide-lower mode, the function returns the value specified in the input box in the Status bar.
&&globalAssertFailureCountSame as &&assertFailureCount except its scope is the entire Client session.
&&globalAssertStatusSame as &&assertStatus except its scope is the entire Client session.
&&globalAssertSuccessCountSame as &&assertSuccessCount except its scope is the entire Client session.
&&ieModeReturns the current setting of the Client's IE Mode preference.
&&indexReturns the 1-based position of the needle argument within the haystack argument, or it returns 0 if the needle value is not found within the haystack value.
&&isWatchedDetermines whether its argument is a variable that is currently specified in the Watch Window. If it is, &&isWatched returns 1<; if not, it returns 0.
&&isWindowOpenReturns 1 if the window whose title is passed is open, 0 otherwise
&&lengthReturns the length in characters of its string argument.
&&logFileReturns the absolute Windows file path of the client log file (the log.txt file).
&&numberOfBreakpointsReturns the number of breakpoints that are set in the current request, irrespective of the current executing position in the request.
&&numberOfLevelsReturns the number of code levels being debugged. The main program is one level, and each active daemon adds another level.
&&numberWatchedReturns the number of items that are currently being watched in the Watch Window.
&&originalTitleReturns the default value of the title of the Client main window.
&&preferenceReturns the value of the specified Client preference setting.
&&procNameReturns the name of the procedure that is being executed.
&&promptPauses a macro while you supply an argument value for a command that is specified within the macro, then continues running the macro using the supplied value for the command.
&&quoteReturns its argument enclosed in double quotes.
&&scriptFolderReturns the value of <scriptFolder> from debuggerConfig.xml.
&&searchResultReturns the line number of the line that contained the found string, if the last Client search operation successfully found something.
&&searchSuccessReturns 1 (True) if the last Client search operation (invoked by button or command) successfully found something. If the last search found nothing, or if there was no prior search, &&searchSuccess returns 0 (False).
&&selectedTabReturns the label of the Client main window tab that is currently active. Or, it returns a null string () if no tab is active
&&stateFileFolderReturns the location of all "state" files such as the log and saved preferences and window positions.
&&statusMessageReturns the most recent Client status message.
&&substringReturn a substring of the target string argument.
&&sumReturns the sum of the function arguments.
&&verifyMatchReturns the 1-based position (in string) of the first character in string that is also in the characters in charSet.
&&verifyNoMatchReturns the 1-based position (in string) of the first character in string that is not in the characters in charSet. If no character in string is not in charSet, returns 0.
&&windowStatusReturns 1 if the named window is open, 0 otherwise.

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