Insert (Arraylist function)

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Insert items into Arraylist (Arraylist class)

This callable function inserts one or more new items before the number item in the Arraylist.


[%count =] al:Insert( number, itemList)

Syntax terms

%count An, optional, numeric variable to return the number of items in the indicated Arraylist after the items have been inserted.
al An Arraylist object.
number A whole number ordinal, from 1 to the number of items in al plus one, to identify an al item before which the items in itemList will be inserted.
itemList Under Sirius Mods 7.9 and later, this is a comma-delimited set of a combination of one or more of these:
  • Values or variables of the same type as specified on the al declaration
  • Collections of objects of the same type as specified on the al declaration

Each of these, from left to right, becomes an item or items inserted into the method object Arraylist.

Under Sirius Mods 7.8 and earlier, itemList is only a single item to be inserted into al: a value or variable of the same type as specified on the al declaration, or a value or variable convertible to that type.

Usage notes

  • If number is less than or equal to the number of items in the Arraylist, the new items are inserted before the indicated item.
  • If number is equal to the number of items in the Arraylist plus one, the new items are added to the end of the Arraylist.
  • If number is greater than the number of items in the Arraylist plus one, or less than or equal to zero, the request is cancelled.


For more examples of Insert calls, see Arraylist class.

Inserting numbers into an Arraylist

In the following example, a literal number, a numeric variable and another Arraylist of numbers is inserted into an Arraylist:

b %nums is arraylist of float %perfect is float %primes is arraylist of float %nums = list(0, 1) %perfect = 6 %primes = list(2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 23) %nums:insert(2, 16, %perfect, %primes) %nums:print end

This outputs:

1: 0 2: 16 3: 6 4: 2 5: 3 6: 5 7: 7 8: 11 9: 13 10: 17 11: 23 12: 1

Inserting objects into an Arraylist

In the following example, a new object, an object variable and another Arraylist of objects are inserted into an Arraylist:

b class coordinate public constructor new(%x is float, %y is float) function toString is longstring variable x is float variable y is float end public constructor new(%x is float, %y is float) %this:x = %x; %this:y = %y end constructor function toString is longstring returnText coordinate: x={%x}, y={%y} end function end class %points is arraylist of object coordinate %where is object coordinate %locations is arraylist of object coordinate %points = list(new(6, 9), new(-4, 3)) %where = new(17, -3) %locations = list(new(1, 1), new(2, 5), new(3, 11)) %points:insert(2, new(4, 3), %where, %locations) %points:print end

This outputs:

1: coordinate: x=6, y=9 2: coordinate: x=4, y=3 3: coordinate: x=17, y=-3 4: coordinate: x=1, y=1 5: coordinate: x=2, y=5 6: coordinate: x=3, y=11 7: coordinate: x=-4, y=3

See also