Value (UserStatistics function)

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Value of the specified Login statistic (UserStatistics class)

Value returns the value of a Model 204 user Login (also called "Final") statistic.


%number = userStatistics:Value( string) Throws UnknownStatistic

Syntax terms

%number A numeric variable that will be assigned the value of the specified statistic contained in the method object.
userStatistics A UserStatistics object variable.
string This case-independent string contains the name of a Model 204 user statistic. The names of all "final" or "partial" statistics supported by the Model 204 $STAT function are valid. The OBJSWAP statistic for Janus SOAP objects is also valid. All other names return an UnknownStatistic exception.

Usage notes

  • Value cancels the request if it is applied to a statistic that is exclusively a Request statistic.
  • The statistics UpdtTime(MS) and LongupdTime(MS) can also be specified without the parentheses: for example, UpdtTimeMs and LongUpdtimeMs, respectively.


The following statements validly assign and print statistic values:

%cpu = %stat:value('cpu') printText Object swaps: {%stat:value('OBJSWAP')}

See also

  • RequestValue returns the value of a Model 204 Request statistic.