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==Linking the $$BVP204 phase==
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<p class="note"><b>Notes:</b> Information about linking $$BVP204 applies only to z/VSE sites running under z/VM. <br />
It is not necessary to link the $$BVP204 phase if it has been installed for a previous version of Model 204. The load modules from the older version are compatible with version 7.5 of Model 204.</p>
The $$BVP204 phase is a transient: it is required for the z/VM-directed output
feature, and it is invoked by Model 204 to issue diagnostic instructions in order
to pass CP commands to z/VM.
Linking $$BVP204 to the system library improves performance.
===LINK$BVP job===
To link $$BVP204, use the LINK$BVP job from the J750 sublibrary.
This is a required step in a Model 204 installation on z/VSE running under z/VM.
===COPYVMPR job===
To copy $$BVP204 to the System Residence Library, use the COPYVMPR job from the J750 sublibrary.
This is a required step in a Model 204 installation on z/VSE running under z/VM.

==Installing CRAM==
==Installing CRAM==

Revision as of 20:14, 13 May 2015

Note: This page is currently under construction.


This topic describes the steps required to upgrade from Rocket Model 204 version 7.4 to version 7.5, on the IBM® z/VSE® operating system.

For information on the new features available in version 7.5, see the 7.5 Release notes.

In order to upgrade to Model 204 version 7.5, you must have version 7.4 and various Early Warnings installed on your system.

To upgrade to version 7.5 simply download, upload, and link the 7.5 object modules available from the downloads page to install the 7.5 components.

Before you begin

  • In order to upgrade to version 7.5, you must have version 7.4 and Early Warnings for Dictionary/204 through 740DI016 installed on your system. For information on Early Warnings, log in to the Rocket Customer Portal.
  • For system requirements for version 7.5, see the 7.5 Release notes.
  • You must have either a Rocket M204 user ID or a Sirius user ID to download the installation files.
  • The sublibrary containing the object has the authorization zap (covering your licensed processors) preapplied, so you do not need to get a new authorization zap from the website. (The preapplied zap will authorize Model 204 itself and any separately purchased products such as SirScan.)
  • The object files also have the maintenance zaps (as of the time the stream was prepared) preapplied, so you do not need to apply any maintenance as part of this installation. (You will only need to apply any new maintenance when it becomes available for this release.)

Overview of upgrading steps

Review the following high-level summary of steps before you begin downloading the Model 204 version 7.5 files.

For an example, see Example workflow for 7.5: download through installation.

  1. Allocate and initialize the Model 204 library.
  2. Download the Model 204 object file and macro library. You will need your Rocket M204 user ID.
  3. Populate the Model 204 library from the downloaded streams in the previous step.
  4. If you have your own user $functions (FUNU), you must do the following steps:
    1. modify FUNU for 64-bit addressing considerations and store the modified source in your V750 sublibrary.
    2. If you have any user-defined messages (MSGU), store them in your V750 sublibrary.
    3. Assemble FUNU (and MSGU, if applicable).
  5. If you use customized modules, such as CDTB, modify them as needed and assemble them.
  6. Link the following phases and utility programs:
    1. ONLINE phase
    2. IFAM1 phase, if you use it
    3. BATCH204 phase, if you use it
    4. Model 204 link phases and utility programs, such as CRAM phases
  7. If you use the CICS interface, customize it, and then assemble and link the CICS modules.
  8. If your z/VSE site runs under z/VM, copy and link the $$BVP204 phase.
  9. Allocate CCATEMP, a required data set used by Model 204 as the system scratch file.
  10. If you use SoftSpy, upgrade it for 7.5.
  11. Verify that your upgrade to Model 204 7.5 was successful.

Model 204 disk space requirements

This section summarizes the minimum disk space requirements for the libraries, to help you calculate EXTENT information for Model 204 files.

Rocket recommends a minimum library size of 1200 tracks for disk type 3390.

Reserving a partition

Rocket recommends a minimum partition size of eight megabytes (8M) when installing Model 204.

Some Model 204 installation JCL might assign system files/devices (such as SYSIPT and SYSPCH) to disk. z/VSE requires that this JCL be run in a static partition.

Allocating library space, defining sublibraries, and cataloging procedures

The M204CATP job does the following:

  • allocates VSAM managed space for the Model 204 library (M204LIB)
  • defines the sublibraries (V750 and J750)
  • catalogs two Model 204 procedures (M204V750 and M204JCL) that help facilitate access to the Model 204 sublibraries

To run the M204CATP job:

  1. Access the M204CATP job stream text file and save it on your workstation.
  2. Upload the job stream to the mainframe in ASCII format.
  3. Modify the M204CATP job as noted in the file.
  4. Submit the M204CATP job.

Cataloging procedures

You can store some of the more frequently used JCL in the form of cataloged procedures. The jobs to catalog these procedures are distributed in the J750 sublibrary.

To catalog procedures, modify each procedure as follows:

  • Add the appropriate DLBL, EXTENT, and ASSGN information

The jobs assume that the M204JCL procedure is in the system library (IJSYSRS.SYSLIB). All other Rocket-supplied procedures are cataloged into the J750 sublibrary.
Determine the new file, library volumes, and extents; then modify the procedures before cataloging them.

Procedures that can be cataloged

As needed, you can modify and catalog the following procedures using the jobs listed in the following table.

Jobs for cataloging frequently used procedures
Procedure name Catalog job Description
M204WRK1 CATWRK1 Work file for translation and assembly
M204WRK2 CATWRK2 Work file for translation and assembly

Building the object and macro sublibrary

To build the object and macro sublibrary, you must download the object file and macro library and upload each to the mainframe.


  1. Using your Rocket M204 user ID and password, log in to the Model 204 object file download page.
  2. Click the Download object file link beside the object library that you want to download. It contains the CATV750 job stream and is saved on your workstation as M204V75.OBJ.
  3. Go to the Model 204 macro library download page.
  4. Click the Download macro library link beside the macro library that you want to download. It contains the M204VSE job stream and is saved on your workstation as M204V75_VSE.MAC.

For details on how to download, see Downloading and uploading Model 204 installation components.

Once the object and macro files are downloaded to your workstation, upload them to the z/VSE system on the IBM mainframe.

Upload format and size

You can use any file transfer mechanism to upload the files, including FTP and IND$FILE.

Specify these characteristics for the upload files:

transfer format: binary
record format: FB
record size: 80 for each downloaded file
block size: 6400 for each downloaded file
storage size for both: primary: 10 CYL; secondary: 5 CYL

Populating the library

  1. Upload the CATV750 job to the POWER RDR queue, CLASS=0, in binary format. This job will catalog object and JCL into the Model 204 sublibrary, V750.
  2. From the VSE console, release the CATV750 job from the RDR queue (R rdr,catv750). At the pause, enter the DLBL statements for your Model 204 library.
  3. Upload the M204VSE job to the POWER RDR queue, CLASS=0, in binary format. This job will catalog source and macro into the Model 204 sublibrary, V750.
  4. From the VSE console, release the M204VSE job from the RDR queue (R rdr,m204vse). At the pause, enter the DLBL statements for your Model 204 library.

CICS interface installation

The Model 204 CICS interface allows CICS complete access to Model 204 facilities and supports CICS pseudo conversational programs.

Note: It is not necessary to install the CICS interface if it has been installed for a previous version of Model 204. The load modules from the older version are compatible with version 7.5 of Model 204.


  • CICS Transaction Server support

    Rocket M204 supports the CICS Transaction Server versions 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, and 4.2.

  • Supporting TPROCESS COBOL applications

    If your CICS TPROCESS application was originally linked with AMODE=24, you must relink the CICS TPROCESS application specifying AMODE=31 because AMODE=24 is not supported.

CICS interface overview

For an overview of the CICS interface, including storage requirements and a listing of CICS interface components, see CICS interface.

Installing the CICS interface

  1. Customize the interface by editing the CICFG copy member and replacing it in the distribution library as CICFG.A. Then proceed with the CICSASM and CICSLINK jobs.

    For information on customizations needed for using the CICS Standard Mapping Service, see CICS interface.

  2. Update the CICS System Definition (CSD) using one of the following methods:
    • Resource Definition Online (CEDA).
    • The IBM DFHSCDUP offline utility, to process the definitions in batch.
    • Processing the CICS Program Control Table (PCT) and Program Processing Table (PPT).
  3. Assemble, translate, and catalog the Model 204 CICS Interface modules, using the following jobs:
  4. Relink the IFAM2 transactions requiring pseudo conversational support with IFENTPS.
  5. Relink all user process-to-process partners with IFPPCI.

Updating the CICS System Definition (CSD)

You can update the CSD by using CEDA, by using the DFHCSDUP utility, or by processing the CICS Program Control Table (PCT). Use the values in the following table, where appropriate, for the method you choose. Information about using CEDA follows the table.

CICS System Definition values

User program Program name Transaction ID Modifiable
CICFG symbol
TWA size
IFAM2 pseudo conversational DFHPSF DFHPSF is accessed by using a CICS LINK.
It is never invoked with a transaction ID from a terminal.
Full-screen interface M204PSFS M204 &TRN 88
Screen copy transaction M204CRPS U204 N/A N/A
Screen print transaction M204PRNT P204 &COP 88

CEDA (the Resource Definition Online transaction) or the DFHCSDUP utility defines the transactions and programs to the CSD file.

If you are not using tables, then define the transactions and programs by using CEDA and the values in the previous table, as in the following example:

CEDA DEFine PROG(program_name) GRoup(group_name) LANGuage(ASSEMBLER) RELoad(NO) RESident(NO) (Except for DFHPSF, RESident(YES)) STatus(ENABLED) CEDA DEFine TRANsaction(trans_ID) GRoup(group_name) PROgram(program_name) TWASIZE(twa_size_value) . . . CEDA CHeck GRoup(group_name) CEDA INstall GRoup(group_name)

You can use a transaction ID for a user program that is different from the value shown in the previous table. However, if you do so, you must change the associated CICFG symbol shown in the table.

As shown in the preceding example, group_name is any valid group name for the user site.

Note: Remember to add the groups to the GRPLIST for the particular CICS region. If the groups are not added, they are not installed during each CICS initialization.

Processing the PCT and PPT

The JCL sublibrary members PCTNTRY and PPTNTRY have the Program Control Table (PCT) and the Program Processing Table (PPT) default values shown in the following sections. You can update the CSD by adding to or modifying these default values and then assembling the tables.

PCT: Program Control Table

The Program Control Table (PCT) assigns user programs to their related CICS transaction identifiers (the transaction codes). Entries are required for both the 3270 full-screen interface and the screen print transaction.

The JCL sublibrary member, PCTNTRY, contains the PCT default values shown in the following code:


The following entry in the PCT is required for all user IFAM2 transactions:


Use the values in the previous table if you are updating the PCT. If you use a transaction ID for a user program that is different from the value shown in that table, you must change the associated CICFG symbol.

PPT: Program Processing Table

The Program Processing Table (PPT) stores program attributes. Entries are required for the 3270 full-screen interface, direct printer support, and the IFAM2 interface.

The JCL sublibrary member, PPTNTRY, contains the PPT default values shown in the following code.

Note: In the first line of the PPT, be sure to set the RES parameter to YES; otherwise, the transaction does not complete successfully.


Assembling the CICS Interface modules

Assemble, in the sequence listed, the CICS Interface modules listed in the assembly step in the CICS interface installation section.

Some assemblies display a warning message (DFHEIMSG 4) because the CSA address is release-dependent. If the interface program is running in the release under which it was assembled, ignore the warning.

After the modules are successfully built, relink as directed in the CICS interface installation section.

Preparing site-specific FUNU, MSGU, and CDTB modules


If you use translation tables or user-written functions, you must change the source code in the FUNU.A, MSGU.A, and CDTB.A sublibrary members to accommodate the requirements of your site, as shown in the following table.

Customizable user modules
If you use... Then do this... Using this job
Your own User Language functions Add them to the FUNU.A member FUNUASMC
Error messages with your own User Language functions Modify the MSGU.A member MSGUASMC
$CODE and $DECODE functions to encode and decode character strings Edit your own translation tables into the CDTB.A member CDTBASMC

The FUNU.A member contains one user function, $SEP, which adds separators when a date is entered in the format mm/dd/yy. MSGU.A also contains one sample error message.

You can use FUNU.A and MSGU.A to write your own user functions. The steps for installing the modules, as well as assembly considerations, are provided here.

It is recommended that if you think your site will make use of the TCP/IP Sockets Interface for Model 204, link the FUNU.A member during the installation process, even if you have not yet developed your own functions. This ensures access to the $ASCII and $EBCDIC functions.

Assembling FUNU, MSGU, and CDTB

The following table identifies the JCL to assemble FUNU, MSGU, and CDTB, and catalog the object decks into the Model 204 sublibrary.

JCL library member for user modules
Member Assembles and catalogs user modules
FUNUASMC FUNU (functions)
MSGUASMC MSGU (messages)
CDTBASMC CDTB (code table)

Once the modules are assembled and cataloged, link the Model 204 phases to contain user code tables and/or user functions, specifying the V750 sublibrary (which contains the FUNU, MSGU, and CDTB modules) in the search list.

Assembly considerations for FUNU and MSGU

Some of the Model 204 macros and copy code needed to assemble FUNU and MSGU contain assembly language statements that are not supported by the z/VSE assembler. An assembly error occurs in the following circumstances:

  • EQU statement specifies a length attribute or type attribute. The following example from the VARDEFS copy book illustrates the error:


    The error generated for this statement is:


  • EQU statement specifies a value that is too long or too large by assembler rules. The following example from the STARTS macro illustrates the error:


    The error generated for this statement is:


    See the z/VSE assembler error message IPK117 for more information.

  • Symbol defined by an EQU statement of the type described above is referenced in a subsequent assembler statement. The following example from the STARTS macro illustrates the error:


    Where the error occurs because MAXFS is undefined (see the example in the second bullet, above), the error generated for this statement is:


  • In FUNU, some undefined symbols generate the following statement:

    QW9 ***** UNDEFINED *****

    The error generated for this statement is:


The text generated is executable and executes properly (barring logic errors) unless code that references an undefined symbol is executed.

Assembling FUNU and MSGU generates the errors described. However, in FUNU, no assembly errors occur within the FUNUTAB table entries or within the code for a user function (between the $name ENTER statement that begins the function and the LEAVENUM, LEAVESTR, or LEAVEF0 macro that terminates it). In MSGU, no assembly errors occur after the MSGU$ CSECT statement. CDTB receives no assembly errors.

z/VSE assembler errors

Rocket Software takes no responsibility for the errors generated by the z/VSE assembler. It is your responsibility to ensure that you do not code user functions referencing symbols that are undefined due to an assembler error.

Installing CRAM

The Cross-Region Access Method (CRAM) lets two or more Model 204 users in two or more partitions communicate with each other. CRAM is used by:

  • BATCH2
  • CICS Interface
  • IFAM2

See Defining the user environment (CCAIN) for more information about CRAM.

Linking the CRAM phases

To link the CRAM phases (CRAMSWT, CRAMZWT, IGCLM244, and SNAPCRAM), use the LINKCRAM job from the J750 sublibrary.

Link editing the Model 204 phases

You must link all required phases and any optional phases that you want to use, including utilities and sort exits.

To link any of the Model 204 phases, run the job listed for that phase in the following table. This table also lists utilities you might need and the jobs used to link or relink them.

Phases listed as Optional might be needed at your site, depending on your installation requirements.

Executable phases and jobs used for linking or relinking
Phase or utility Purpose / Notes Job For more details, see ...
$$BVP204 z/VM-directed output logical transient. Required on z/VSE systems running under z/VM. LINK$BVP Linking the $$BVP204 phase
ALLOCATE Initializes Model 204 database files

Required for Installation JCL, SQL installation, and Dictionary/204

AUDIT204 Generates an audit trail for printing out later, and produces statistical reports and analysis LINKAUDT AUDIT204 utility

Establishes a User Language connection to a Model 204 ONLINE running in a separate region

Optional; recommended for CRAM testing.

Handles a single user in batch mode

Required to complete installation

Link or relink when:

  • Installing user modules FUNU, MSGU, CDTB
  • Installing or upgrading to a new release of Model 204
  • Moving to a different release of CICS (M204 CICS Interface)
LINKB204 Linking the BATCH204 phase
CRAMSWT CRAM non-master subtask LINKCRAM Installing CRAM
CRAMZWT CRAM master subtask LINKCRAM Installing CRAM
DFHPSF CICS/IFAM2 Interface PSFASM Updating the CICS System Definition (CSD)
HASH15 Sort exit for M204HASH LINKHA15 Using M204HASH in the z/VSE environment
IFAM1 Host Language Interface single-thread configuration

Link or relink when installing or upgrading to a new release of Model 204. (You can ignore UNRESOLVED ADCON messages.)

IGCLM244CRAM load moduleLINKCRAMInstalling CRAM
M204CRPSCICS full-screen printer routineCRPSASMUpdating the CICS System Definition (CSD)
M204LLoads a Model 204 phase above the lineLNKM204LLink editing the M204L phase
M204PRNTCICS 3270 print routinePRNTASMCUpdating the CICS System Definition (CSD)
M204PSFSCICS full-screen remote User Language interface routinePSFSASMUpdating the CICS System Definition (CSD)
MERGEJMedia recovery journal merge utilityLINKMRGJUsing the MERGEJ utility
OI15File Load utility sort exitsLINKOI15Deferred update feature
OI35File Load utility sort exitsLINKOI35Deferred update feature
ONLINELink online; Required.

Link or relink when:

  • Installing user modules FUNU, MSGU, CDTB
  • Installing or upgrading to a new release of Model 204
  • Moving to a different release of CICS (M204 CICS Interface)
LINKONLNLinking the ONLINE phase
SNAPCRAMCRAM control block SNAP dump routineLINKCRAMInstalling CRAM
UTILCPrints the Model 204 checkpoint fileLINKUTLCObtaining checkpoint information (UTILC)
UTILJPrints and copies Model 204 journal filesLINKUTLJUsing the UTILJ utility
UTLAPrints the Model 204 audit trailLINKUTLAz/VSE and the audit trail
ZBLDTABInitializes the Model 204 password table. Required to allocate and initialize CCASTAT.LINKZBTBStoring security information (CCASTAT)
ZCTLTABConvert CCASTAT for the Password Expiration feature. Required to convert an existing CCASTAT data set to allow data control of passwords.LINKZCTBStoring security information (CCASTAT)

Linking the ONLINE phase

LINKONLN is the JCL member for linking the ONLINE phase and contains INCLUDE statements for the Model 204 core and all features. Uncomment the features that you are going to use.

Because the features for CICS do not affect the ONLINE phase, there are no INCLUDE statements for CICS.

Linking the IFAM1 phase

LINKIFM1 is the JCL member for linking the IFAM1 phase and contains an INCLUDE statement for the Model 204 core.

The following sample LINKIFM1 JCL is used to link IFAM1.


Linking the BATCH204 phase

LINKB204 is the JCL member for linking the BATCH204 phase and contains an INCLUDE statement for the Model 204 core and all features. Uncomment the features that you are going to use.

The following sample LINKB204 JCL is used to link BATCH204.

LINKB204 JCL example

// JOB LINKB204 * ******************************************************************** * Rocket Model 204 * 02/15 * ******************************************************************** * LINKB204 links/catalogs the MODEL 204 BATCH204 phase /* /* Note: if using LE functions in MODEL 204, /* - add INCLUDE statements for LE modules /* - concatenate appropriate sublibrary to search. /* // EXEC PROC=M204JCL DLBL for JCL sublibrary // LIBDEF PROC,SEARCH=M204LIB.V750 // EXEC PROC=M204V750 DLBL for V750 M204 library // LIBDEF PHASE,CATALOG=M204LIB.V750 // LIBDEF OBJ,SEARCH=M204LIB.V750 // OPTION CATAL PHASE BATCH204,* REPLACE=YES * INCLUDE LKNOSONL /* Uncomment for Pattern Matcher * INCLUDE LKSQLONL /* Uncomment for Remote SQL and Pattern Matcher ENTRY MAINTASK /* // EXEC LNKEDT /* /&

Linking the Model 204 utility load modules

Most of the utility load modules from Model 204 version 7.4 will continue to perform correctly when used with version 7.5.

However, you must use the 7.5 version of the following utilities, which are sensitive to the Model 204 journal and checkpoint format. The link jobs are available in the J750 sublibrary.

UtilityDescriptionLink job
ALLOCATE Initialize Model 204 database files LINKALOC
AUDIT204 Extract from journal, with report stats and analysis LINKAUDT
MERGEJ Merge concurrent journal streamsLINKMRGJ
UTILC Information from checkpoint streamLINKUTLC
UTILJ Information from journal stream; add EOF markersLINKUTLJ

Link editing the M204L phase

To run above the line (in 31-bit addressing space), you need to link the M204L program, which acts as an intermediary to load Model 204 phases above the line.

In the PARM clause of the EXEC statement, indicate the Model 204 load module that M204L will load above the line.

In the following example, ONLINE will be loaded above the line and then invoked:


The following sample LNKM204L JCL is used to link M204L.

// JOB LNKM204L * ******************************************************************** * Rocket Model 204 * 02/15 * ******************************************************************** * LNKM204L links/catalogs the MODEL 204 M204L phase /* /* // EXEC PROC=M204JCL DLBL for JCL sublibrary // LIBDEF PROC,SEARCH=M204LIB.V750 // EXEC PROC=M204V750 DLBL for V750 M204 library // LIBDEF PHASE,CATALOG=M204LIB.V750 // LIBDEF OBJ,SEARCH=M204LIB.V750 // OPTION CATAL ACTION ERRLMT(500) PHASE M204L,* REPLACE=YES INCLUDE M204L /* // EXEC LNKEDT /* /&

Link editing messages

When link editing any Model 204 programs, the following messages appear one or more times in the output listing:


These messages result from the linkage editor flagging any duplicate CSECT as an error in a new release of system software. If the message reads exactly as above, you can ignore it. However, if the error message displays anything other than COPR, contact Technical Support.

Also, you will typically see Unresolved External warnings for the following references, which you may ignore: FORTRAN modules such as DTRNH, DSQRT, and so on.

Allocating CCATEMP

CCATEMP is a required data set used by Model 204 as the system scratch file.

Allocate CCATEMP before running jobs that execute an ONLINE, BATCH204, or IFAM1 program.

  1. Calculate the size of CCATEMP:

    Allocate a minimum of 25 pages per user if your site uses file groups, otherwise allocate 20 pages per user.

  2. Allocate CCATEMP with the ALOCTEMP job.

Upgrading SoftSpy for 7.5

To upgrade SoftSpy for version 7.5, download, upload, and restore the SoftSpy procedure file, SPYPROC, which is distributed in a dump format.

  1. Download SPYPROC, in binary form, from the SOUL files download page to a workstation file.
  2. Upload the file from your workstation to your z/VSE system.
  3. RESTORE the file into a Model 204 SOUL file.

For detailed instructions, see the dump files section of Downloading and restoring SOUL files.

Verifying Model 204 7.5 on your system

To perform an initial verification that your upgrade to 7.5 was successful, issue the following commands from the Model 204 command line.

Command You should see...
ROCKET A list of authorized Model 204 products (including 7.5) currently on your system.
DISPLAY ZAPS A list of Model 204 zaps (including 7.5 zaps) on your system.
DICTADMIN The Dictionary Administration subsystem, displaying Release 7.5 on its menu screens.
SUBSYSMGMT The Application Subsystem facility, displaying VER 7 REL 5 on its menu screens.

See also

Additional information

Refer to the Rocket Model 204 Installation Guide for IBM z/VSE, version 7.4, for additional installation information.