Release notes for Model 204 version 7.7: Difference between revisions

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The debug session will be rejected.  An error message is also shown by the client.
The debug session will be rejected.  An error message is also shown by the client.
====Debugger Client Build 65====

==Compatibility issues==
==Compatibility issues==

Revision as of 14:36, 1 August 2016

These release notes list the enhancements and other changes contained in Model 204 version 7.7.


These release notes list the enhancements and other changes contained in Model 204 version 7.7, which is still in development. Until the commercial release of the software, Rocket reserves the right to add to, remove, or change anything described herein.


These release notes contain installation and features information for the Rocket Model 204 version 7.7 release. Before beginning your installation, please read through this information about product installation and changes.

New features

Long password support

Logon passwords, maintained in CCASTAT, can now contain as many as 127 characters.

This feature includes support for:

  • LOGON command, when used to change a password using oldpw:newpw
  • LOGCTL C USERID command
  • $Sir_Login function
  • Mixed-case passwords (if the CUSTOM parameter includes the value 11)
  • CCASTAT data sets created with or without password expiration support
  • Long passwords (password phrases) for use with the external security interfaces: ACF2, RACF, or TOPSECRET

Note: This feature is available for logon passwords only; it does not apply to file passwords.

No changes to CCASTAT and no new CCAIN parameters are required to enable long password support.

Large checkpoint data sets

Support is added for large data sets for the Model 204 Checkpoint facility CHKPOINT or CHKPNTS data sets.

Operating system and hardware requirements

Operating system requirements

  • IBM z/OS
    • Versions supported: z/OS version 1.07 through 2.2.
    • Version 1.07 is sufficient for all functionality except for the following features:

      • zHPF support requires version 2.1.
      • Large (1 MB) page support requires version 1.9.
      • Extended address volumes (EAV) requires version 1.12.

    On z/OS, Model 204 release 7.7 operates as an APF authorized load module, as required by many 7.7 features.
    To run Model 204 unauthorized, contact Technical Support.

  • IBM z/VM
    • Versions supported: z/VM version 5.4 through 6.3.
  • IBM z/VSE
    • Versions supported: z/VSE version 5.1 and 5.2.

Hardware requirements

In general, Model 204 version 7.7 requires the IBM z/890 or above processor.

However, the IBM z10 or above processor is required for the following features:

  • large (1 MB) page support
  • IBM's High Performance FICON (zHPF) support

Model 204 compatibility with operating systems

For information on Model 204 certification with IBM operating systems, see Model 204 system requirements.

SOUL (User Language) enhancements

New and changed classes and methods

New default certificate-signing algorithm

Janus Network Security as well as the StringList methods AppendSignedCertificate and AppendSignedClientCertificate methods have changed their default signature algorithm from SHA-1 to SHA-256.

This change is propagated by zap maintenance to versions 7.6 and 7.5 of Model 204.

"SSL" String methods

These new methods are added:

SHA384digestSHA-384 digest
SHA512digestSHA-512 digest

New System methods: FastUnload and FastUnloadTask

The FastUnload and FastUnloadTask methods in the System class work exactly like their same-named Recordset counterparts but without a Recordset object on which to operate.

New LoadMsgctl method

The new LoadMsgctl method lets you view what Model  messages have been affected by MSGCTL commands. The method also displays the current attributes of those messages.

In addition, to better understand the effect of the MSGCTL command, the RKTools SIRIUS file will contain a procedure you can use to display the MSGCTL commands that have been specified in the Online session.

New DigestAlgorithm values

Values SHA384 and SHA512 are added to the DigestAlgorithm enumeration.

Method variable invocation

Method variables can now be invoked using %var() or %obj:var(), as in JavaScript.

X509CertificateToXmlDoc method support for unknown elements

A certificate's <RelativeDistinguishedName> element can contain a wide variety of attributes that X509CertificateToXmlDoc does not understand. Under Model 204 7.6 and earlier, this results in a parse exception, but under 7.7 and later, such attributes are added as <unknown> elements with an <ObjectIdentifier> element that indicates the ASN.1 object identifier.

Note: You are advised not to refer to such an <unknown> element in your programs, since future updates to the X509CertificateToXmlDoc method may add support for the element, in which case the element name will change to a proper name. If such an element is of interest, contact Rocket Software technical support.

New XHTML entities for square-bracket characters

[ and ] are newly supported as XMHTL entities (notably in the U method). This provides a better approach to specifying square brackets (such as for XPath expressions) than the formerly recommended use of Static %variables initialized to the correct values.

For example, to produce an XPath expression equivalent to the following:


Code like this was recommended under version 7.5 of Model 204:

%lsq is string len 1 static initial('&#x5B;'):u %rsq is string len 1 static initial('&#x5D;'):u . . . %myXmldoc:print('*/pers' %lsq '@name="Hector"' %rsq)

Under version 7.7, you can instead use the new entities and avoid the declarations, concatenations, and runtime conversions required above:


Procedure names may begin with zero

Formerly, a procedure name was not allowed to begin with a zero or a minus sign. As of version 7.7, a procedure name can begin with a zero, and alphanumeric procedure names can begin with a minus sign character (-), which is interpreted as a hyphen. For example, 00123, -1myproc, and -myproc are valid procedure names.
See the PROCEDURE command for details.

Janus product enhancements

Janus Network Security ciphers

Support for certificates signed using SHA-384 and SHA-512 are added to Janus Network Security. This makes it possible to generate certificates signed with these algorithms and to accept server or client certificates signed with these algorithms.

Janus Web Server default rules

Janus Web used to automatically implement two web server ON rules to set up access to the Janus Web sample home page and to demonstration application procedures. These rules were removed in version 7.6 (by zap maintenance) and are not present in version 7.7.

Also, the automatic JANUS WEB ALLOW rule, which allowed any user to access the port without requiring a login, is changed to the following to force login for any URL on a Janus Web port:


This rule applies, in version 7.6 (by zap maintenance) and in version 7.7, unless overridden by user-added rules.

Fast/Unload enhancements

Integration of Fast/Unload with the Online load module

Starting with version 7.7 of Model 204, Fast/Unload is entirely linked with the Model 204 Online load module, maintenance zaps applied to the Online load module will include all Fast/Unload maintenance, and the version number of Fast/Unload is the same as the version number of Model 204.

Previously (for all versions of Fast/Unload through version 4.7), the standalone FUNLOAD load module was downloaded and linked separately and independently from Model 204.

zIIP exploitation

If you have an authorization zap that contains the base zIIP support product of Model 204 and contains the Fast/Unload HPO product, your standalone PGM=FUNLOAD jobs will run on a zIIP processor, if one is available. See Fast/Unload HPO.

Physical read-only file access with FUSI

The Fast/Unload SOUL Interface (FUSI) will support read-only file access at the physical I/O level.

This functionality also requires:

  • The V7.7 FastUnload and FastUnloadTask methods in the System class, which work exactly like their same-named Recordset counterparts but without a Recordset to operate on.
  • The FUEL code for the Fast/Unload request to contain the OPEN statement, just as in standalone Fast/Unload (PGM=FUNLOAD).
  • The NOENQ parameter to become meaningful under FUSI.

    This will cause Fast/Unload to process the Model 204 file (or files, if multiple files are specified on the FUEL OPEN statement) without the shared DASD enqueuing feature, and thus the processing of the file(s) is read-only at a physical I/O level.

Here is an example fragment of read-only processing using FUSI:

text to %fuel = new OPEN DATAFIL FOR EACH RECORD PUT ... ... OUTPUT ... END FOR end text %(system):FastUnload(input=%fuel, ..., parameters = 'NOENQ, ...')

New #VIEW function

The #VIEW204 function returns the value of the Model 204 parameter you specify as an argument.

PUT statement enhancements

Length prefix for PUT output values

New PUT statement syntax is added to insert a one-byte or two-byte binary integer, containing the byte length of a PUT value, in the output stream before the value.

This addition provides better readability and lower CPU cost than the techniques currently used to achieve the same result.

COUNTED keyword for AS clause

The AS clause of a PUT statement will now allow the COUNTED keyword:

... PUT info .. AS [type] COUNTED[1|2]

For example, PUT FIRST.NAME AS COUNTED2 puts the first occurrence of field FIRST.NAME as a string value, preceded by a two-byte binary integer containing the length of that occurrence.

This feature will allow FUEL code such as the following:


To be replaced by the more readable and more efficient:


#function as PUT "info" argument

New in this version, a #function call is allowed as the PUT info argument. For example, instead of FUEL code such as the following:


You can use this more readable and similarly efficient equivalent:


#STRIP function enhancements

New #STRIP fourth argument

The new fourth argument of #STRIP lets you designate a #STRIP first-argument value to be nullified. That is, when the value of the first argument is equal to the value of the fourth argument, #STRIP returns a null string. You might use this optional argument for fields that have a "placeholder value" or "default value" which is not actual data.

This argument can be conveniently combined with the new COUNTED option for PUT, because a length-prefixed format allows a reliable, unambiguous representation of a series of null strings.

Combining the new fourth argument, the new COUNTED option, and the new N option of the second argument provides a simpler alternative to FUEL code such as the following:


You can replace the above statements by the more readable and efficient:


New #STRIP type options

LK, N, and P strip-type options are added to the #STRIP function:

  • The new LK option lets you strip leading zeroes from numeric value output.

    LK, together with other new Fast/Unload PUT features, provides a simpler alternative to FUEL code such as the following:


    You can replace the above statements by the more readable and efficient:


  • The new N option prevents leading-character stripping, trailing-character stripping, or both.

    For an example, see New #STRIP fourth argument, above.

  • The new P option strips all but one leading pad-argument characters from the #STRIP first argument returned value, if that value contains a non-zero length string of only pad characters.

    P, together with other new Fast/Unload PUT features, provides a simpler alternative to FUEL code such as the following, which outputs a numeric value with leading zeroes stripped:


    You can replace the above statements by the more readable and efficient:


    Note: A FUEL IF statement oddity is that the precedence of AND and OR are the same.

New and changed commands

DISPLAY MODMAP (new parameter: UEX)

The DISPLAY MODMAP command now has a UEX parameter that displays the entry point addresses of all defined user exits.

JANUS DEFINE (new parameter: SSLTRUST)

The JANUS DEFINE command now has an SSLTRUST parameter that indicates that the certificate presented by the other side of a TLS/SSL connection is to be accepted even if it is not signed by a known certifying authority.

JANUS WEB (rule changes)

The JANUS WEB command

LOGONCP command (LOGON and Change Password)

Because colons are now valid password characters, this command replaces the former technique for changing passwords using LOGON. That technique let you specify oldpassword:newpassword in response to the M204.0347: Password prompt. With the LOGONCP command, you are prompted and re-prompted for the new password after successful logon:

LOGONCP USER1 M204.0347: Password M204.0353: USER1 USER1 login 16 JUL 29 12.38 M204.2633: Enter new password M204.2633: Re-enter new password M204.0350: New password accepted M204.0345: CCASTAT updated

LOGINCP is a synonym for LOGONCP.

ZHPF (new parameters: filename and *)

The ZHPF command checks zHPF ability for the file currently opened by the user.

As of Model 204 7.7, you can specify parameters to ZHPF:

  • filename, to check a specific file
  • An asterisk (*), to check local files opened by all users

New and changed parameters

CUSTOM (new values)

The following values have been added to the CUSTOM parameter in this release:

  • The CUSTOM=23 value always truncates the userid to 10 characters.
  • The CUSTOM=41 value allows recording of data on successful RACF user logins. The login data is shown in RACFRW batch reports.
  • The CUSTOM=42 value allows the editing of procedure names containing the following special characters: comma, equal sign, space, single quote, semicolon.

LFSCB (new default/minimum value)

The default (and minimum) value of LFSCB is now 8 bytes.

LITBL (new default/minimum value)

The default (and minimum) value of LITBL is now 8 bytes.


The new system parameter, MINDEBCL, can be set in an Online to specify the minimum Debugger Client build number that can be used with that Online.


For z/OS system customers using Model 204 zIIP support, the new SCHDOFLS system parameter helps you to regulate the zIIP processor workload.

SCHDOFLS specifies both of the following:

  • The target number of threads on the zIIP offload queue before a non-SRB MP subtask is dispatched to help the zIIP subtasks.
  • If started, how aggressively non-SRB MP subtasks pick up work from the zIIP offload queue.

This parameter applies to z/OS only.

Performance enhancements

Journal and checkpoint processing enhancements

New journal and checkpoint write PSTs (pseudo subtasks) are invoked by the SYSOPT2 parameter.

A dual mode of operation (with and without write PSTs) is available: if the new PSTs are not created (for any reason), the journal and checkpoint processing continues as it does in version 7.5 of Model 204.

The NSUBTKS parameter is also crucial: If SYSOPT2 indicates new PSTs but NSUBTKS is too low, the Online will not come up.

Increase in request limit for number of images, screens, and menus

These limits are increased to 4095 per request:

  • The total number of images for all blocks (formerly 256)
  • The maximum number of menus and screens combined (formerly 256)

Statistics enhancements


The performance statistic BLKO now reports invisible users as blocked out. In previous releases, invisible users were not reported and BLKO remained virtually zero. The new BLKO value is more precise, and by summing BLKO, WTSV, BLKI, REDY, SWPG and RUNG, you can now approximate USRS (average active users).

For the MONITOR command, the QUE column now reports BLKO instead of OFFQ for invisible users and displays new values OFFO and OFFI. OFFO is invisible and blocked out; OFFI is invisible and blocked in. BLKO now means blocked out and on some queue. BLKI now means blocked in and on some queue.

Other enhancements

MODEL 6 screen size and back-paging

As of Model 204 version 7.7 (and 7.5 or 7.6 with maintenance applied), a large LOUTPB value for MODEL 6 geometries is allowed, even if screen back-paging has been enabled.

In previous releases, during initialization, if back-paging was enabled for the IODEV, LOUTPB was automatically reset to the limit that supported back-paging.

Back-paging will now be disabled for any terminal with a MODEL 6 screen geometry that requires more than 6142 bytes.

ECF calls to the IBM IDCAMS utility

The new IDCAMS option for the External Module statement of the Model 204 External Call Facility lets a SOUL program invoke IDCAMS without using the SYSIN and SYSPRINT DD statements. Instead, the Model 204 Universal Buffer is used to pass the input lines and receive the output lines from IDCAMS.

Debugger updates

SoftSpy authorization

SoftSpy and Muse are now authorized using the standard zap AUTH mechanism.

EDIT CONFIG is no longer used to enter authorization keys, and the second (key entry) screen of SPY EDIT CONFIG no longer appears.

SoftSpy Error message for DBCSENV

As in previous releases, SoftSpy is not supported in a DBCS (double-byte character set) environment. As of version 7.7, if the CCAIN parameter DBCSENV is set to a non-zero value, the SPY command is rejected with the following message:

Message 207: SoftSpy may not be used in a DBCS environment.

Debugger Client version information display on mainframe

As of version 7.7, Debugger build 64, the most recent version of the Debugger Client sends its build and tag number to the mainframe, and this information is displayed in message MSIR.1077.

This information is not sent if the Debugger Client build number is less than 64.

Enforcing use of a minimum version of the Debugger Client

A new system parameter, MINDEBCL, lets you specify the minimum build number of a Debugger Client that can be used with an Online. Normally, when you use the Tn3270 or Janus Debugger, no restrictions are placed on which version of the Debugger workstation client is used. Versions of the client are identified by a build number, which is displayed in the Audit Tab when the client starts:

2016 07 30 17:21:47 The Rocket Software Debugger Client 2016 07 30 17:21:47 Build: 65 (01 August 2016) Tag: 1 GA

You may also view the build number of the client at any time by selecting Help->About. On Debugger client build 65 and up, you may also get the build number from the client function &&buildNumber().

Build 64 (and up) of the debugger client transmits its build number back to mainframe side when a debugging session is initiated. The mainframe side uses this information to construct the MSIR.1077 message:

MSIR.1077: Begin debug session, user 3, client: Build: 65, Tag: 1 (Janus debugger session)

Since client builds before 64 do not transmit their build number, the mainframe side views all client versions prior to build 64 as build 63.

If you set MINDEBCL to a positive value and try to use a version of the debugger client whose build number is less than MINDEBCL, you will see the following error on the Audit Trail, and on the terminal if you are using TN3270 DEBUG ON:

MSIR.1079: Debugger Client Build: xx < MINDEBCL: yy debugger client connection refused

The debug session will be rejected. An error message is also shown by the client.

Debugger Client Build 65

Compatibility issues

APSYPAGE parameter cannot be non-zero

(Applies to the IBM z/OS system.)

The APSYPAGE parameter was disabled (but still allowed) in version 7.6. As of version 7.7, if APSYPAGE is non-zero, the Online will not come up and the following error message will appear:

M204.2958: APSYPAGE is obsolete as of 7.6. Rocket recommends using RESPAGE and/or TEMPPAGE as the alternative

See APSYPAGE parameter for information about alternatives to APSYPAGE.

Unlabeled FDV statement compilation errors

Version 7.7 introduced an edge case incompatibility by disallowing code which is very questionable or clearly wrong; that is, previously the compiler allowed pretty much any statements between the label and the FDV. Such statements are no longer allowed.

For example, the following was allowed in older versions of Model 204:

a: audit 'About to FDV' fdv foo b: frv in a

Inserting SOUL code between a label and an FDV statement is no longer allowed, and so the result of the above is:

M204.0311 Unacceptable statement reference

This change was also introduced as maintenance in both version 7.5 (as zaps 75Z408 and 75Z414) and version 7.6 (as zaps 76Z175 and 76Z182).

KOMM addressing changes

  • KU is no longer 4K addressable from KOMM. It has been relocated to KOMM+1100 and must be addressed using grande (‘G’) instructions.
  • KHEOC has been renamed to KGEOC.
  • KUUSRNO has been renamed to KBUSRNO.
  • In addition, all KUP… fields have been removed and replaced by their 64-bit equivalent KUG… fields.
    For example, before 7.7, VTBL might be addressed by using L R1,KUPVT.
    As of version 7.7, that reference would require LG R1,KUGVT.

For context, see Converting user-written functions.

Journal format compatibility

A recovery code error unintentionally allowed recovery to be run using Model 204 7.6 against a version 7.5 journal, and vice versa. Although the error was benign because the journal formats were the same in those versions, mixing of journal versions and Model 204 versions is no longer allowed.

New and updated messages

See New and updated messages in Model 204 version 7.7 for details.