Stringlist methods syntax
The syntax for each of the Stringlist class methods is shown below.
Square brackets indicate optional elements of the method invocation. See also the notation conventions for methods and the List of Stringlist methods.
[%number=] sl:Add( string)
[%number=] sl:AddImage[( [imageName])]
[%number=] sl:AddOrdered( string)
[%number=] sl:AddOrderedUnique( string)
[%number=] sl:AddUnique( string)
[%number=] sl:AddUniqueOrdered( string)
[%rc=] sl:AppendCertificateInfo[( [certificate])]
[%rc=] sl:AppendCertificateRequest( [PrivateKey=] privateKey, - [[Country=] country], [[State=] state], - [[City=] city], - [[Organization=] organization], - [[OrganizationalUnit=] organizationalUnit], - [[CommonName=] commonName])
[%rc=] sl:AppendCertificateRequestInfo( certificateRequest)
[%rc=] sl:AppendClientCertificateRequest( [PrivateKey=] privateKey, - [[Country=] country], - [[State=] state], [[City=] city], - [[Organization=] organization], - [[OrganizationalUnit=] organizationalUnit], - [[CommonName=] commonName], - [[Challenge=] challenge])
sl:AppendEncryptedSecurityData( stringlist, [Password=] password, - [[Identifier=] identifier])
[%count=] sl:AppendFieldImages[( [Image= image], - [FirstOccurrence= firstOccurrence], - [MaxOccurrences= maxOccurrences], - [Options= options], [NullValue= nullValue])]
[%count=] sl:AppendFieldValues[( [NameLength= nameLength], - [Fieldname= fieldname], [Options= options])]
sl:AppendGeneratedPrivateKey[( [[Length=] length], [[Exponent=] exponent], - [[Salt=] salt])]
[%rc=] sl:AppendJournalData[( [[StartTime=] startTime], [[EndTime=] endTime], - [[Threads=] threads], [[Options=] options], - [[Journal=] journal])]
[%rc=] sl:AppendOpenProcedure[( [numLines], [seqIncrement])]
[%number=] sl:AppendPrivateKeyInfo[( [stringlist], [[Password=] password])]
[%rc=] sl:AppendProcedureList( file, [pname], [accnt], [date])
[%rc=] sl:AppendSignedCertificate( [PrivateKey=] privateKey, - [Request=] request, [[Signer=] signer], - [[StartDate=] startDate], - [[EndDate=] endDate], - [[SerialNumber=] serialNumber])
[%rc=] sl:AppendSignedClientCertificate( [PrivateKey=] privateKey, - [Request=] request, - [Signer=] signer, - [[StartDate=] startDate], - [[EndDate=] endDate], - [[SerialNumber=] serialNumber])
[%rc=] sl:AppendSirfactCommandOutput( command)
[%rc=] sl:AppendSirfactData( dataList)
[%count=] sl:AppendTrace[( [parms])]
%string= sl:BinaryProcedureDecode
sl:BinaryProcedureEncode( string, [base64Flag])
sl:BindImage( imageName)
[%rc=] sl:ChangeItemLength( itemNum, length)
%rc= sl:CheckCertificate( [PrivateKey=] privateKey, [[Password=] password])
%rc= sl:CheckCertificateRequest( [PrivateKey=] privateKey, - [[Password=] password])
[%outList=] sl:Compare( inList, [syncCount], [pad])
%outList= sl:Copy
sl:CopyImageBinding( boundList)
[%count=] sl:CopyItems( inList, [startItem], [numItems])
%count= sl:Count
%string= sl:CreateLines[( [delim], - [AddTrailingDelimiter= addTrailingDelimiter])]
%outList= sl:DeepCopy
[%string=] sl:Dequeue
[%count=] sl:Enqueue( string)
%number= sl:Find( string, [startItem])
%number= sl:FindImageItem( imageItem, [searchValue], [startItem], [operator])
%number= sl:FindImageItemUp( imageItem, [searchValue], [startItem], - [operator])
%number= sl:FindUp( string, [startItem])
%string= sl:FirstItem
sl:GetImage( itemNum, [imageName])
[%count=] sl:Insert( itemNum, string)
[%count=] sl:InsertImage( itemNum, [imageName])
%string= sl:Item( itemNum)
%D:outList= sl:ItemDifferenceList( sl1, itemNum, [separator])
%length= sl:ItemLength( itemNum)
%string= sl:LastItem
%newList= %(Stringlist):List( itemList)
%count= sl:ListToItem( strList2, itemNum, [separator])
%itemNum= sl:Locate( string, [start], [startCol], [endCol], [caseFlag])
%itemNum= sl:LocateUp( string, [start], [startCol], [endCol], [caseFlag])
%max= %(Stringlist):MaxItemLength
sl:MoveFromId( listId)
sl:MoveToId( listid)
%sl= %(Stringlist):New[( [imageName])]
[%rc=] sl:Overlay( itemNum, [startCol], string)
sl:OverlayImageItem( itemNum, imageItem, [value])
sl:ParseLines( string, [delims], [StripTrailingNull= stripTrailingNull])
%updList= sl:Patch( patchList, [Options= options])
%updList= sl:PatchLines( baseList, [Options= options])
%updString= sl:PatchString( baseString, [Options= options])
[%string=] sl:Pop
[%count=] sl:Print[( [[NumWidth=] numWidth], [[LenWidth=] lenWidth], - [[Start=] start], [[MaxItems=] maxItems])]
[%count=] sl:Push( string)
[%rc=] sl:RegexCapture( string, regex, [Options= options], [Status= status])
[%itemNum=] sl:RegexLocate( regex, [startItem], [Options= options], - [Status= status], [StartCol= startCol], - [EndCol= endCol])
[%itemNum=] sl:RegexLocateUp( regex, [startItem], [Options= options], - [Status= status], [StartCol= startCol], - [EndCol= endCol])
%outString= sl:RegexReplaceCorresponding( inString, replacementList, - [Options= options], - [Status= status])
[%number=] sl:RegexSplit( inString, regex, [Options= options], - [Status= status], [Add= add])
%subsetList= sl:RegexSubset( regex, [Options= options], [Status= status], - [StartCol= startCol], [EndCol= endCol])
[%count=] sl:RemoveItem( itemNum)
[%rc=] sl:Replace( number, string)
[%rc=] sl:ReplaceImage( itemNum, [imageName])
sl:Sort( sortOrder, [pad])
%outList= sl:SortNew( sortOrder, [pad])
%outList= sl:Subset( string, [startCol], [endCol], [caseFlag])
%outList= sl:SubsetImageItem( imageItem, [searchValue], [operator])
%outList= sl:Update( updList, [%status])