FUNPRMU parameter

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Fast/Unload user flags


Default value
Parameter type
Where set
Any user
Related products
Fast/Unload SOUL Interface
Sirius Mods 8.1 (for the most part, this parameter is ignored without the corresponding feature introduced in version 4.7 of Fast/Unload)


This parameter, together with the FUNPARM system parameter, controls the auditing of messages when using the Fast/Unload SOUL Interface. These parameters can be used to augment the availability of auditing information, in such a way that the user or the system manager can ensure that information is available for a single job or all jobs, without changes to any SOUL program invoking FastUnload, FastUnloadTask, or $Funload. Without the use of these parameters, some auditing information may be available from the FUNAUDIT dataset, but that information may be inadequate: for example, messages from a job initiated by the FastUnload method will not be in FUNAUDIT if its Report parameter is used.

This is a bitmask parameter where the bits mean:

X'02' Indicates that "basic" Fast/Unload messages for this user are always audited, regardless of the presence of a Fast/Unload SOUL Interface "report" argument.
X'04' Indicates that all Fast/Unload messages for this user, except "Field statistics", are always audited, regardless of the presence of a Fast/Unload SOUL Interface "report" argument. The X'02' bit need not be set if the X'04' bit is set.
X'08' Indicates that "basic" Fast/Unload messages for this user are always audited in the Model 204 audit trail, whether or not the FUNAUDIT DD name is present. If the X'04' bit is on, all messages are audited there as well.

In the odd case that there is no Model 204 audit trail, the X'08' bit is ignored, but auditing is performed as if the X'02' bit were on, whether it is or not.

Note: The X'01' bit is not used by FUNPRMU.

For both of the FUNPRMU X'02' and X'04' bits, the same bit has the same meaning in the FUNPARM system parameter; the indicated effect takes place if either of the FUNPRMU or FUNPARM bits are on. That is also true for the X'08' bit, although there are some additional details for the X'08' bit which generally you don't need to concern yourself with, but are explained as part of the more detailed discussion in Fast/Unload report processing, below.

Using the X'02', X'04', and X'08' bits of the FUNPRMU user parameter and the FUNPARM system parameter is fairly straightforward, and the above description should be adequate to use them. A complete description of the processing triggered by these bits is presented in the "Fast/Unload report processing" section, next.

Fast/Unload report processing

Every Fast/Unload SOUL Interface job has a "report," which may contain many Fast/Unload messages (it contains at least the FUNL0004 message line indicating the end of the job). Each SOUL invocation (of FastUnload, for example) can designate a DD name or Stringlist or $list destination for the report. Or the invocation can omit the destination, in which case the report is sent to the FUNAUDIT dataset, if there is one, or otherwise to the Model 204 audit trail.

The FUNPARM and FUNPRMU parameters allow the auditing of some of the messages from the report to be captured on FUNAUDIT and/or the Model 204 audit trail, regardless of the designation of the report destination in the various SOUL invocations of the Fast/Unload SOUL Interface.

The effect of these parameters is based on their values at the time that SOUL invokes a Fast/Unload SOUL Interface job; they are explained for each form of report destination in the following table:

If the report's destination is FUNAUDIT
  • If either FUNPARM or FUNPRMU has the X'08' bit off and the X'04' bit on, the AllMessages argument is set to True (or for $Funload, the ALLMSG option is added) and the LIST option is added, so that FUNAUDIT contains the list of Fast/Unload parameter settings and the FUEL program listing.
  • Otherwise, FUNAUDIT is not affected by these parameters, but audited information is present in the Model 204 audit trail if either parameter has the X'08' bit on.
If the report's destination is the Model 204 audit trail
  • If either FUNPARM or FUNPRMU has the X'04' bit on, the AllMessages argument is set to True (or for $Funload, the ALLMSG option is added) and the LIST option is added, so the Model 204 audit trail contains the list of Fast/Unload parameter settings and the FUEL program listing.
  • Otherwise, the Model 204 audit trail is not affected by these parameters, and they do not provide extra auditing for this invocation.
Otherwise (the report's destination is aStringlist or $list or a data set with a DD name other than FUNAUDIT)
  • If either FUNPARM or FUNPRMU has any of the X'08', X'04', or X'02' bits on, an "audit" stream is produced for the job, containing at least the job's "basic" Fast/Unload messages.
  • If either FUNPARM or FUNPRMU has the X'04' bit on, this will also contain the list of Fast/Unload parameter settings and the FUEL program listing.
  • If both FUNPARM and FUNPRMU have the X'08' bit off, the audit stream is sent to FUNAUDIT (if that DD name is present; otherwise the stream is sent to the Model 204 audit trail).
  • If both FUNPARM and FUNPRMU have the X'08' bit on, the audit stream is sent to the Model 204 audit trail.
  • If one of FUNPARM and FUNPRMU has the X'08' bit on and the other has it off, the audit stream is sent:
    • Only to the Model 204 audit trail, if there is no FUNAUDIT DD name present.
    • Both to the Model 204 audit trail and to FUNAUDIT, if the parameter that has the X'08' bit off also has the X'04' or X'02' bit on.
    • Otherwise (the parameter that has the X'08' bit off also has both the X'04' and X'02' bits off), only to the Model 204 audit trail.