Item (NamedArraylist property)

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Value of named item (NamedArraylist class)

Item is a ReadWrite property which returns or sets the value of the item that has the given name in the NamedArraylist.

For additional comments about the Item method in collections, see "Coding considerations for collections".


%currentItem = nal:Item( string) nal:Item( string) = newItem Throws ItemNotPresent

Syntax terms

%currentItem A variable of the same type as specified on the nal declaration to contain the value of the specified nal item.
nal A NamedArraylist object.
string A string that serves as a subscript to identify a nal item.
newItem A value of the same type as specified on the nal declaration to be assigned to the specified nal item.

Usage notes

  • The Item keyword is not required. For example, in the first of the "Examples" on the NamedArraylist class page, the following statement:

    %alist('Idle') = 'Eric'

    is equivalent to:

    %alist:Item('Idle') = 'Eric'

  • If the Item property is being set and there is already an item on the NamedArraylist that has the specified name, that item is replaced. If the Item property is being set and there is no item on the NamedArraylist that has the indicated name, the item is added.
  • If the Item property is being retrieved and there is no item on the NamedArraylist that has the indicat ed name, the result is one of the following actions:
    • If the UseDefault property value is False:
      • Under Sirius Mods version 8.0 and later an ItemNotPresent exception is thrown.
      • Under Sirius Mods version 7.9 and earlier the request is cancelled.
    • The Default value is returned if the UseDefault property is True.

    Regardless of the value of UseDefault, the presence of the item with the indicated name can be checked using the Number function, for example:

    %num = %myLis:number(%key) if %num then %name = %myLis:itemByNumber(%num) ...

  • As shown in the first of the NamedArraylist "Examples", NamedArraylist items are ordered alphabetically by their names.

See also

  • The ItemByNumber property lets you retrieve or set an item using the item's ordinal number.
  • The NameByNumber function lets you retrieve an item's name using the item's ordinal number.
  • The Number function lets you retrieve an item's ordinal number using the item's name; it can be useful for determining whether an item exists for a specified name.