List of Unicode methods

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The following are the available Unicode class methods.

, and:

UnicodeCharThe value at a specified position in the input string
UnicodeLeftThe left-most characters of the string
UnicodeLengthLength of this string
UnicodePositionInThe numeric position of one string within another
UnicodePositionOfThe numeric position of one string within another
UnicodeReplaceApply the replacement table to this string
UnicodeRightThe right-most characters of the string
UnicodeSubstringReturn a substring of the method object string
UnicodeToEbcdicTranslate to Ebcdic
UnicodeToLowerTranslate to lowercase
UnicodeToUpperTranslate to uppercase
UnicodeToUtf16Translate to UTF-16
UnicodeToUtf16HexTranslate to hexadecimal UTF-16
UnicodeToUtf8Translate to UTF-8
UnicodeToUtf8HexTranslate to hexadecimal UTF-8
UnicodeWithCatenate this unicode with another