System statistics displayed in SirMon

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System statistics provide information about overall performance and status of the Online system. Some identically named statistics might also be available on the user, file, subsystem, or task level. Generally, an identically named statistic for a different context will have a similar meaning to the system context.

In RKWeb, you can display all the system statistics and view their descriptions by selecting Performance > Custom from the Monitor tab, then clicking the System radio button.

APSYLD APSY loads (rate or total).
APSYLDD APSY loads from dataspace (rate or total).
AUDIT Audit lines written (rate or total).
BACKOUTS Number of backed out update units (rate or total).
BADD Fields added to table B (rate or total).
BCHG Fields changed in place in table B (rate or total).
BDEL Fields deleted from table B (rate or total).
BLKI Performance statistic: Average number of users in a server and waiting for an event to occur. Taken from latest report printed by the performance subtask. BLKI includes PST activity.
BLKIA Performance statistic: same as BLKI but calculated by weighting samples in the current performance interval with the latest report finished by the performance monitoring subtask.
BLKIT Performance statistic: same as BLKI but calculated across all performance monitoring samples since the beginning of the run.
BLKO Performance statistic: Average number of users swapped out and waiting for an event to occur. Taken from latest report printed by the performance subtask.
BLKOA Performance statistic: same as BLKO but calculated by weighting samples in the current performance interval with the latest report finished by the performance monitoring subtask.
BLKOT Performance statistic: same as BLKO but calculated across all performance monitoring samples since the beginning of the run.
BUFF. Total number of pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by pages from all tables in all database files. Equal to BUFFF + BUFFA + BUFFB + BUFFC + BUFFD + BUFFE + BUFFX + BUFFT.
BUFF.G Total number of above-the-bar pages in the disk buffer pool occupied by pages from all tables in all database files.


Above-the-bar buffers reside at virtual addresses above two gigabytes and are only used when the NUMBUFG parameter is set to a non-zero value under Model 204 V6R2 or later.
BUFF.L Total number of below-the-bar pages in the disk buffer pool occupied by pages from all tables in all database files. Equal to BUFFFL + BUFFAL + BUFFBL + BUFFCL + BUFFDL + BUFFEL + BUFFXL + BUFFTL. Below-the-bar buffers reside at virtual addresses below two gigabytes. BUFF.L has the same value as BUFF. unless the NUMBUFG parameter is set to a non-zero value under Model 204 V6R2 or later.
BUFFA Total number of pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by table A pages from all database files.
BUFFAG Total number of above-the-bar pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by table A pages from all database files.
BUFFAL Total number of below-the-bar pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by table A pages from all database files.
BUFFB Total number of pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by table B pages from all database files.
BUFFBG Total number of above-the-bar pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by table B pages from all database files.
BUFFBL Total number of below-the-bar pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by table B pages from all database files.
BUFFC Total number of pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by table C pages from all database files.
BUFFCG Total number of above-the-bar pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by table C pages from all database files.
BUFFCL Total number of below-the-bar pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by table C pages from all database files.
BUFFD Total number of pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by table D pages from all database files.
BUFFDG Total number of above-the-bar pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by table D pages from all database files.
BUFFDL Total number of below-the-bar pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by table D pages from all database files.
BUFFE Total number of pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by Table E pages from all database files.
BUFFEG Total number of above-the-bar pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by table E pages from all database files.
BUFFEL Total number of below-the-bar pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by table E pages from all database files.
BUFFF Total number of pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by FCT pages from all database files.
BUFFFG Total number of above-the-bar pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by FCT pages from all database files.
BUFFFL Total number of below-the-bar pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by FCT pages from all database files.
BUFFT Total number of pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by CCATEMP pages. Note that in the file buffer usage statistics, CCATEMP pages are indicated as table D.
BUFFTG Total number of above-the-bar pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by CCATEMP pages. Note that in the file buffer usage statistics, CCATEMP pages are indicated as table D.
BUFFTL Total number of below-the-bar pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by CCATEMP pages. Note that in the file buffer usage statistics, CCATEMP pages are indicated as table D.
BUFFX Total number of pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by Table X pages from all database files.
BUFFXG Total number of above-the-bar pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by table X pages from all database files.
BUFFXL Total number of below-the-bar pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by table X pages from all database files.
BUFM. Total number of pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by modified pages from all tables in all database files. Equal to BUFMF + BUFMA + BUFMB + BUFMC + BUFMD + BUFME + BUFMX.
BUFMA Total number of pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by modified table A pages from all database files. These pages must be written to disk before they can be flushed from the buffer pool.
BUFMAG Total number of above-the-bar pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by modified table A pages from all database files. These pages must be written to disk before they can be flushed from the buffer pool.
BUFMAL Total number of below-the-bar pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by modified table A pages from all database files. These pages must be written to disk before they can be flushed from the buffer pool.
BUFMB Total number of pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by modified table A pages from all database files. These pages must be written to disk before they can be flushed from the buffer pool.
BUFMBG Total number of above-the-bar pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by modified table B pages from all database files. These pages must be written to disk before they can be flushed from the buffer pool.
BUFMBL Total number of below-the-bar pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by modified table B pages from all database files. These pages must be written to disk before they can be flushed from the buffer pool.
BUFMC Total number of pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by modified table A pages from all database files. These pages must be written to disk before they can be flushed from the buffer pool.
BUFMCG Total number of above-the-bar pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by modified table C pages from all database files. These pages must be written to disk before they can be flushed from the buffer pool.
BUFMCL Total number of below-the-bar pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by modified table C pages from all database files. These pages must be written to disk before they can be flushed from the buffer pool.
BUFMD Total number of pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by modified table A pages from all database files. These pages must be written to disk before they can be flushed from the buffer pool.
BUFMDG Total number of above-the-bar pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by modified table D pages from all database files. These pages must be written to disk before they can be flushed from the buffer pool.
BUFMDL Total number of below-the-bar pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by modified table D pages from all database files. These pages must be written to disk before they can be flushed from the buffer pool.
BUFME Total number of pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by modified table A pages from all database files. These pages must be written to disk before they can be flushed from the buffer pool.
BUFMEG Total number of above-the-bar pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by modified table E pages from all database files. These pages must be written to disk before they can be flushed from the buffer pool.
BUFMEL Total number of below-the-bar pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by modified table E pages from all database files. These pages must be written to disk before they can be flushed from the buffer pool.
BUFMF Total number of pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by FCT pages from all database files. These pages must be written to to disk before they can be flushed from the buffer pool.
BUFMFG Total number of above-the-bar pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by modified FCT pages from all database files. These pages must be written to disk before they can be flushed from the buffer pool.
BUFMFL Total number of below-the-bar pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by modified FCT pages from all database files. These pages must be written to disk before they can be flushed from the buffer pool.
BUFMT Total number of pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by modified CCATEMP pages. These pages must be written to disk before they can be flushed from the buffer pool. Not that in the file buffer usage statistics, CCATEMP pages are indicated as table D.
BUFMTG Total number of above-the-bar pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by modified CCATEMP pages. These pages must be written to disk before they can be flushed from the buffer pool. Note that in the file usage statistics, CCATEMP pages are indicated as table D.
BUFMTL Total number of below-the-bar pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by modified CCATEMP pages. These pages must be written to disk before they can be flushed from the buffer pool. Note that in the file usage statistics, CCATEMP pages are indicated as table D.
BUFMX Total number of pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by modified table X pages from all database files. These pages must be written to disk before they can be flushed from the buffer pool.
BUFMXG Total number of above-the-bar pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by modified table E pages from all database files. These pages must be written to disk before they can be flushed from the buffer pool.
BUFMXL Total number of below-the-bar pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by modified table E pages from all database files. These pages must be written to disk before they can be flushed from the buffer pool.
BUFPAGA Total number of pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by table A pages from all database files.
BUFPAGB Total number of pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by table B pages from all database files except CCATEMP. CCATEMP table B pages are counted under BUFPAGX.
BUFPAGC Total number of pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by table C pages from all database files.
BUFPAGD Total number of pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by table D pages from all database files.
BUFPAGE Total number of pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by pages from all tables in all database files. Equal to BUFPAGA + BUFPAGB + BUFPAGC + BUFPAGD + BUFPAGF + BUFPAGX plus the number of Table X pages in the buffer pool, which can be obtained with the BUFFX statistic.
BUFPAGF Total number of pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by FCT pages from all database files.
BUFPAGL Total number of pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by table E pages from all database files. The L stands for LOBs, or large objects, which is what is stored in table E.
BUFPAGX Total number of pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by table B pages from CCATEMP. All CCATEMP pages are considered to be in table B.
BUPD Fields added to or changed in table B (rate or total). Equal to BADD+BCHG.
CCATIO Physical CCATEMP reads and writes (rate or total). Equal to CCATRD+CCATWR.
CCATLHP High water mark for percent of "low" CCATEMP pages used. These are pages in the first 64K CCATEMP pages.
CCATLHU High water mark of number of "low" CCATEMP pages used. These are pages in the first 64K CCATEMP pages.
CCATMHP High water mark for percent of CCATEMP pages in use.
CCATMHU High water mark for total number of CCATEMP pages in use.
CCATMLP The current percentage of "low" CCATEMP pages used. These are pages in the first 64K CCATEMP pages.
CCATMLU The current number of "low" CCATEMP pages used. These are pages in the first 64K CCATEMP pages.
CCATMPP Percent of CCATEMP pages in use.
CCATMPT Total number of CCATEMP pages.
CCATMPU Total number of CCATEMP pages in use.
CCATMXP The current percentage of "extended" CCATEMP pages used. These are pages past the first 64K CCATEMP pages.
CCATMXU The current number of "extended" CCATEMP pages used. These are pages past the first 64K CCATEMP pages.
CCATRD Physical CCATEMP page reads (rate or total).
CCATWR Physical CCATEMP page writes (rate or total).
CDLWAIT Number of constraint dependency lock waits (rate or total).
CFRCDIR Conflicts on the DIRECT critical file resource in all database files (rate or total). This resource protects the integrity of Table B.
CFRCEXS Conflicts on the EXISTS critical file resource in all database files (rate or total). This resource protects the integrity of the existence bit map.
CFRCIND Conflicts on the INDEX critical file resource in all database files (rate or total). This resource protects the integrity of the database indexes.
CFRCONF Conflicts on all critical file resources in all database files (rate or total).
CFRCREC Conflicts on the RECENQ critical file resource in all database files (rate or total). This resource protects the integrity of the record enqueueing tables.
CHKPALP Percent of checkpoint dataset full given the current extent allocation. Interpreting this statistic requires some knowledge of the checkpoint dataset allocation characteristics. If the checkpoint is allocated SPACE=(CYL,10,10), and 9 cylinders are filled, CHKPALP will show 90%. If the current extent fills and another is allocated, CHKPALP will drop to around 50%.
CHKPIO Checkpoint data set writes (rate or total).
CHKPLST Number of seconds since last checkpoint.
CHKPNCK Number of checkpoints in the current checkpoint stream. Always less than or equal to CPMAX. Always displayed as total.
CHKPNUS Number of user who have enqueued (preventing) checkpoints.
CHKPREC Number of records written to the checkpoint dataset since the last rewind of the dataset. Always displayed as total.
CHKPTO Number of checkpoint timeouts since the last successful checkpoint. Always displayed as total.
CHKPTOU The user number of the user that caused the last checkpoint to timeout (sometimes multiple users will be the cause, but this statistic will only display the last one it finds). Returns a -1 if the last checkpoint was successful.
CNCT System elapsed time. Seconds since online came up.
CNSCURP Current number of real primary constraint pages.
CNSMAXP Parameter - maximum number of constraint pages.
CNSMERG Number of constraint table merges (rate or total).
CNSMINP Parameter - minimum number of constraint pages.
CNSNWTS Number of share enqueue waits for contraints lock (rate or total).
CNSNWTX Number of exclusive enqueue waits for contraints lock (rate or total).
CNSOVFP Number of overflow constraints pages.
CNSOVFPH High water mark for number of overflow constraints pages.
CNSREO Number of constraints table reorgs (rate or total).
CNSREOC Number of constraints table reorg checks (rate or total).
CNSSPLT Number of constraint splits (rate or total).
CNSTWTS Milliseconds spent waiting on share for constraints lock (rate or total).
CNSTWTX Milliseconds spent waiting on exclusive for constraints lock (rate or total).
COMMITS Number of commited update units (rate or total).
CPU CPU time consumed - stat $functions return milliseconds, SirMon displays seconds (rate or total).
DEV10 Output lines written to directed output (USE) data sets or temporary procedures (rate or total).
DEV11 Output lines to remote User Language in Full Screen mode (rate or total).
DEV12 Input lines from remote User Language in Full Screen mode (rate or total).
DEV21 Output lines to TCAM 3275s (rate or total).
DEV22 Input lines from TCAM 3275s (rate or total).
DEV23 Output lines to IFAM2 or IFAM4 programs (rate or total).
DEV24 Input arguments from certain IFAM2 or IFAM4 calls (rate or total).
DEV25 Output lines to remote BTAM 3270s (rate or total).
DEV26 Input lines from remote BTAM 3270s (rate or total).
DEV27 Terminal error messages issued for inbound Horizon conversations (rate or total).
DEV28 Not used.
DEV31 IFDISP output lines to IFAM1 programs (rate or total).
DEV32 Input arguments supplied by IFAM1 calls (rate or total).
DEV33 Output lines to TCAM 2741s and teletypes (rate or total).
DEV34 Input lines from TCAM 2741s and teletypes (rate or total).
DEV35 Output lines to BTAM 3270s (rate or total).
DEV36 Input lines from BTAM 3270s (rate or total).
DEV37 Output lines to VTAM 2741s and teletypes (rate or total).
DEV38 Input lines from VTAM 2741s and teletypes (rate or total).
DEV49 Output lines to Remote Command Line applications (rate or total).
DEV5 Output lines to to procedures defined during the run (rate or total).
DEV50 Input lines from Remote Command Line applications (rate or total).
DEV51 Not used.
DEV52 Not used.
DEV53 Output lines from an IFAM1 application (rate or total).
DEV54 Input lines from an IFAM1 application (rate or total).
DEV55 Not used.
DEV56 Not used.
DEV57 Not used.
DEV58 Not used.
DEV59 Not used.
DEV6 Input lines from procedures defined during the run (rate or total).
DEV60 Not used.
DEV61 Not used.
DEV62 Not used.
DEV63 Misused for UTI stats if X'08' bit set in the MONPARM parameter|MONPARM]] system parameter.
DEV64 Misused for UTI stats if X'08' bit set in the MONPARM system parameter.
DEV65 Misused for UTI stats if X'08' bit set in the MONPARM system parameter.
DEV66 Misused for UTI stats if X'08' bit set in the MONPARM system parameter.
DEV67 Misused for UTI stats if X'08' bit set in the MONPARM system parameter.
DEV68 Misused for UTI stats if X'08' bit set in the MONPARM system parameter.
DEV69 Misused for UTI stats if X'08' bit set in the MONPARM system parameter.
DEV7 Output lines to VTAM 3270s (rate or total).
DEV70 Misused for UTI stats if X'08' bit set in the MONPARM system parameter.
DEV71 Misused for UTI stats if X'08' bit set in the MONPARM system parameter.
DEV72 Misused for UTI stats if X'08' bit set in the MONPARM system parameter.
DEV73 Misused for UTI stats if X'08' bit set in the MONPARM system parameter.
DEV74 Misused for UTI stats if X'08' bit set in the MONPARM system parameter.
DEV8 Input lines from VTAM 3270s (rate or total).
DEV9 Page headers or trailers defined in requests (rate or total).
DIRRCD Number of records scanned in direct searches of table B (rate or total).
DKAR Buffers allocated without page read request (rate or total).
DKBUFWT Number of times a thread had to wait for a disk buffer page to become available before continuing processing (rate or total). A high number for DKBUFWT could be a sign of a too small buffer pool, problems with anticipatory write logic, or application tuning problems.
DKIO Physical page reads/writes to/from the Model204 database file (rate or total). This value is equal to DKRD + DKWR. Under Model 204 V6R2 or later, this is equal to DKIOL + DKIOG.
DKIOG Physical page reads/writes to/from the Model204 database file to or from above-the-bar buffers (rate or total). This value is equal to DKRDG + DKWRG.
DKIOL Physical page reads/writes to/from the Model204 database file to or from below-the-bar buffers (rate or total). This value is equal to DKRDL + DKWRL. This has the same value as DKIO unless the NUMBUFG system parameter is set to a non-zero value under Model 204 V6R2 or later.
DKPR Requests for a page in a database file or CCATEMP (rate or total).
DKPRF Requests for a page in a database file or CCATEMP satisfied by a pending release page, a so-called fast logical page read (rate or total).
DKRD Physical pages reads from the Model204 database file (rate or total). Under Model 204 V6R2 or later this is equal to DKRDL + DKRDG.
DKRDG Physical pages reads from the Model204 database file to above-the-bar buffers (rate or total).
DKRDL Physical pages reads from the Model204 database file to below-the-bar buffers (rate or total). This has the same value as DKRD unless the NUMBUFG system parameter is set to a non-zero value under Model 204 V6R2 or later.
DKRDPRP (DKPR - DKRD) / DKPR * 100. This is the percentage of page requests satisfied by pages already in the 204 buffer pool, and which did not require a physical I/O.

Hence, this is a measure of caching efficiency.

While there is no definite "good" or "bad" number for DKRDPRP, the ideal situation is to have as high a percentage as possible of page requests satisfied by pages in cache (that is, in the buffer pool).
DKRR Physical reads of database file and CCATEMP pages when the page was recently used (rate or total).
DKSAW Anticipatory disk buffer writes (rate or total).
DKSAWB Anticipatory disk buffer writes at bottom of the reuse queue (rate or total). This number will almost always be 0 or very close.
DKSAWBG Anticipatory disk buffer writes at bottom of the reuse queue (rate or total) for above-the-bar buffers. This number will almost always be 0 or very close.
DKSAWBL Anticipatory disk buffer writes at bottom of the reuse queue (rate or total) for below-the-bar buffers. This number will almost always be 0 or very close.
DKSAWC Anticipatory disk buffer writes for CCATEMP pages (rate or total). Obsolete: with 2.2 will always return a 0.
DKSAWG Anticipatory disk buffer writes (rate or total) for above-the-bar buffers. This number will be zero, unless the NUMBUFG system parameter is set to a non-zero value under Model 204 V6R2 or later.
DKSAWL Anticipatory disk buffer writes (rate or total) for below-the-bar buffers. This number will be the same as DKSAW, unless the NUMBUFG system parameter is set to a non-zero value under Model 204 V6R2 or later.
DKSAWT Anticipatory disk buffer writes at top of the reuse queue (rate or total). This number will always be 0 and is only listed for historic reasons.
DKSAWW Anticipatory disk buffer writes upon "window" entry in the reuse queue (rate or total). This number is the chief component of the DKSAW statistic and will almost always be almost exactly the same value as DKSAW.
DKSCW "COMMIT" or non-anticipatory disk buffer writes (rate or total). Equal to DKWR - DKSAW since all writes are either anticipatory writes or writes resulting from physical commits.
DKSDIR High water mark for the number of modified buffers inside the window.
DKSDIRT Total number of modified buffers inside the window.
DKSFB Calls to find a buffer (rate or total). Obsolete: this stat will always return 0.
DKSFBS Scans required because the oldest free buffer was not immediately available (rate or total).
DKSFNU Number of times page found in buffers not in use (rate or total).
DKSH2M "Find Buffer Scans" that crossed from the high reuse queue into the medium reuse queue (rate or total). Obsolete with 2.2.
DKSKIP High water mark of the number of free buffers that were skipped when searching for a buffer that could be reused immediately.
DKSKIPT Free buffers that were skipped when searching for a buffer that could be reused immediately (rate or total).
DKSM2L "Find Buffer Scans" that crossed from the medium reuse queue the low reuse queue (rate or total). Obsolete under 2.2
DKSRHC Number of rehashes required because of disk buffer pool hash cell collisions.
DKSRR Physical reads of database file and CCATEMP pages when the page was recently used (rate or total).
DKSTBLA Physical Table A read (rate or total).
DKSTBLB Physical Table B read (rate or total).
DKSTBLC Physical Table C read (rate or total).
DKSTBLD Physical Table D read (rate or total).
DKSTBLE Physical Table E read (rate or total).
DKSTBLF Physical Table F read (rate or total).
DKSTKQC Number of times current page closed because user had four open pages and needed another (rate or total).
DKSUAW Waits for oldest buffer in buffer pool to be written out (rate or total). Makes up part of DKBUFWT. Obsolete.
DKSWAIT Number of waits to reuse buffer (rate or total).
DKSWRP High water mark number of concurrent active anticipatory writes.
DKSWRPT Total number of currently active anticipatory writes.
DKWR Physical page writes to Model204 database file (rate or total). Under Model 204 V6R2 or later this is equal to DKWRL + DKWRG.
DKWRG Physical pages writes to the Model204 database file from above-the-bar buffers (rate or total).
DKWRL Physical page writes to the Model204 database file from below-the-bar buffers (rate or total). This has the same value as DKWR unless the NUMBUFG system parameter is set to a non-zero value under Model 204 V6R2 or later.
DMPRST DUMP and RESTORE I/O's (rate or total). Equal to DUMP+REST.
DNSCACHE The number of entries in the name server cache (the CACHE value on the JANUS NAMESERVER command).
DNSCURNS The current "go to" nameserver in dotted IP address format with the port number in parentheses. For example:
DNSMAXTL The value of the MAXTTL parameter on the JANUS NAMESERVER command.
DNSRCACH Number of name lookup requests that found the requested name in the cache (rate or total).
DNSRFAIL Number of name lookup requests that did not succeed, that is, did not get an IP adress (rate or total).
DNSRSUCC Number of name lookups requests that succeeded (rate or total).
DNSRTIMO Number of requests to nameservers that timed out before they got a response. With multiple nameservers, a single request can try several servers and so get several timeouts. But, of course, this is probably pretty rare in practice.
DNSRTOT Total number of name lookup request (rate or total).
DNSWTIME Total time spent waiting for responses from nameservers. "Interesting" calculated values might be DNSWTIME/DNSRTOT or DNSWTIME/(DNSRTOT-DNSRCACH).
DUMP Writes to a Model204 file backup (rate or total).
ECCALL Number of External Call Facility calls (rate or total).
ECCNCT Total amount of time External Call Facility subtasks spent running (rate or total).
ECCPU Total amount of CPU used by External Call Facility subtasks (rate or total).
ECCTOUT Number of External Call Facility calls that timed out, that is did not complete in the time period specified on the EXTERNAL PROGRAM statement (rate or total).
ECCWAITP Number of External Call Facility calls that had to wait for a load module to become available either because it was non-reentrant and it was in use or because the module was being loaded or deleted (rate or total).
ECCWAITS Number of External Call Facility calls that had to wait for a subtask to become available (rate or total).
ECDELETE Number of EXTERNAL DELETE statements executed (rate or total).
ECEXCP Total number of I/O's done by External Call Facility subtasks (rate or total).
ECLOAD Number of EXTERNAL LOAD statements executed (rate or total).
ECNAMMAX High water mark of External Call Facility call names defined via EXTERNAL NAME (total).
ECPGMMAX High water mark of External Call Facility load modules defined via EXTERNAL PROGRAM (total).
ECTSKMAX High water mark of External Call Facility subtasks in use (total).
ECTWAITP Amount of time External Call Facility calls that had to wait for a load module to become available either because it was non-reentrant and it was in use or because the module was being loaded or deleted (rate or total).
ECTWAITS Amount of time External Call Facility programs spent waiting for a subtask to become available (rate or total).
ERRPDL High water mark of the SYSTEM push-down list.
FBMX High water mark of the number of active disk buffers. This is an optional statistic.
FBWT Waits for a free Model204 disk buffer (rate or total). This will always be 0 if the number of buffers is greater than or equal to 4 times the number of servers. Makes up part of DKBUFWT.
FINDS User Language FIND statements executed (rate or total).
GTBLRS Number of GTBL rearrangements required to add a non-string global "object", such as an image or screen.
GTBLRU Number of GTBL rearrangements required to add or expand a string global value with $Setg.
HRDRSTRT Counts the number of times a hard user restart has occured (rate or total).
IN Input lines from CCAIN, user zero (rate or total).
INCMFS Input lines from CMS full screen console - ALTIODEV 47 (rate or total).
INCMIO Input lines from CMS non-full screen console - ALTIODEV 45 (rate or total).
INCRAM Input lines from remote User Language threads (BATCH2, etc.) - IODEV 29. (rate or total).
INTTY Input lines from BTAM teletypes - IODEV 15 (rate or total).
INVMFS Input lines from VMCF or IUCV full screen threads - IODEV 41 (rate or total).
INVMIF Input arguments supplied by certain IFAM2 or IFAM4 calls from CMS programs - IODEV 43 (rate or total).
INVMIO Input lines from IUCV or VMCF non-full screen threads - IODEV 39 (rate or total).
INXX Input lines from QSAM users - IODEV 3 (rate or total).
IN2265 Not used - IODEV 17 (total only).
IN2741 Input lines from BTAM 2741s - IODEV 13 (rate or total).
IN3275 Input lines from BTAM 3270s - IODEV 19 (rate or total).
IXADD Index entries added to tables C and D, including attempts to add duplicates (rate or total).
IXDEL Index entries deleted from tables C and D (rate or total).
IXUPD Index entries changed in tables C and D (rate or total). Equal to IXADD + IXDEL.
JRNLALP Percentage of journal dataset full given the current extent allocation. Interpreting this statistic requires some knowledge of the journal dataset allocation characteristics:
  • If the journal is allocated SPACE=(CYL,10,10) and 9 cylinders are filled, JRNLALP will show 90%.
  • If the current extent fills and another is is allocated, JRNLALP will drop to around 50%.
High values may signal that the region is about to switch to another ring member or that a critical "full" condition is pending in the journal.
JRNLIO Physical journal writes - CCAJRNL I/O's (rate or total).
JSCREENS Counts the number of times Janus Web incremented the SCREENS statistic. Since these may occur outside of request context, they would not necessarily have corresponding Since-Last statistics (rate or total).
JWEBERRS Counts the number of times that Janus Web returned a 4xx status code. Note that these would not be counted in the SCREENS statistic, but it is handy to know that for example a bunch of 404 or 401 errors are occurring (rate or total).
LCDKBM Number of DKBM MP lock conflicts (rate or total).
LCFORT Number of FORTRAN MP lock conflicts (rate or total).
LCHASH Number of HASH MP lock conflicts (rate or total).
LCLRUQ Number of LRUQ MP lock conflicts (rate or total).
LCRCLK Number of RCLK (record locking) MP lock conflicts (rate or total).
LCTOT Total number of all types of MP lock conflicts (rate or total).
LCV7IB Number of V7IB MP lock conflicts (rate or total).
LCV7OB Number of V7OB MP lock conflicts (rate or total).
LKPOST Real POST SVCs issued to release MP locks (rate or total).
LKWAIT Real WAIT SVCs issued to wait for MP locks (rate or total).
LOCAL0 Locally defined stat for $INCSTAT and $SETSTAT. (rate or total).
LOCAL1 Locally defined stat for $INCSTAT and $SETSTAT. (rate or total).
LOCAL2 Locally defined stat for $INCSTAT and $SETSTAT. (rate or total).
LOCAL3 Locally defined stat for $INCSTAT and $SETSTAT. (rate or total).
LOCAL4 Locally defined stat for $INCSTAT and $SETSTAT. (rate or total).
LOCAL5 Locally defined stat for $INCSTAT and $SETSTAT. (rate or total).
LOCAL6 Locally defined stat for $INCSTAT and $SETSTAT. (rate or total).
LOCAL7 Locally defined stat for $INCSTAT and $SETSTAT. (rate or total).
LOCAL8 Locally defined stat for $INCSTAT and $SETSTAT. (rate or total).
LOCAL9 Locally defined stat for $INCSTAT and $SETSTAT. (rate or total).
LOFORT Number of times FORTRAN MP lock was obtained (rate or total).
LOFORTE Number of times FORTRAN MP lock was obtained EXC (rate or total).
LOFORTS Number of times FORTRAN MP lock was obtained SHR (rate or total).
LOGALP Percent full of log dataset, if it's being used.
LOGIO Records added to log dataset, if it's being used (rate or total).
LONGUPDT Number of update units exceeding MAXUD parameter (rate or total).
LONGUTIM Total duration in milliseconds of update units that exceeded the MAXUD parameter.
LORCLK Number of times RCLK MP lock was obtained (rate or total).
LORCLKE Number of times RCLK MP lock was obtained EXC (rate or total).
LORCLKS Number of times RCLK MP lock was obtained SHR (rate or total).
LOTOT Number of times any kind of MP lock was obtained (rate or total).
LOTOTE Number of times any kind of EXC MP lock was obtained (rate or total).
LOTOTS Number of times any kind of SHR MP lock was obtained (rate or total).
LPCMLW Number of times CMLW lock posted. (rate or total).
LPCNST Number of times CNST lock posted. (rate or total).
LPDBCD Number of times DBCD lock posted. (rate or total).
LPECMM Number of times ECMM lock posted. (rate or total).
LPECTM Number of times ECTM lock posted. (rate or total).
LPFILD Number of times FILD lock posted. (rate or total).
LPFORT Number of times FORT lock posted. (rate or total).
LPHASH Number of times HASH lock posted. (rate or total).
LPITS1 Number of times ITS1 lock posted. (rate or total).
LPITS2 Number of times ITS2 lock posted. (rate or total).
LPJRNL Number of times JRNL lock posted. (rate or total).
LPLIOS Number of times LIOS lock posted. (rate or total).
LPLRUQ Number of times LRUQ lock posted. (rate or total).
LPMQCH Number of times MQCH lock posted. (rate or total).
LPMQST Number of times MQST lock posted. (rate or total).
LPMQTA Number of times MQTA lock posted. (rate or total).
LPPAGE Number of times PAGE lock posted. (rate or total).
LPQMAN Number of times QMAN lock posted. (rate or total).
LPQUEU Number of times QUEU lock posted. (rate or total).
LPRCLK Number of times RCLK lock posted. (rate or total).
LPSIR1 Number of times SIR1 lock posted. (rate or total).
LPSIR2 Number of times SIR2 lock posted. (rate or total).
LPSMFS Number of times SMFS lock posted. (rate or total).
LPTOTAL Total something relating to lock posters. (rate or total).
LPTWND Number of times TWND lock posted. (rate or total).
LPUSR1 Number of times USR1 lock posted. (rate or total).
LPUSR2 Number of times USR2 lock posted. (rate or total).
LPV7IB Number of times V7IB lock posted. (rate or total).
LPV7OB Number of times V7OB lock posted. (rate or total).
LSCMLW Number of times CMLW lock spun. (rate or total).
LSCNST Number of times CNST lock spun. (rate or total).
LSDBCD Number of times DBCD lock spun. (rate or total).
LSECMM Number of times ECMM lock spun. (rate or total).
LSECTM Number of times ECTM lock spun. (rate or total).
LSFILD Number of times FILD lock spun. (rate or total).
LSFORT Number of times FORT lock spun. (rate or total).
LSHASH Number of times HASH lock spun. (rate or total).
LSITS1 Number of times ITS1 lock spun. (rate or total).
LSITS2 Number of times ITS2 lock spun. (rate or total).
LSJRNL Number of times JRNL lock spun. (rate or total).
LSLIOS Number of times LIOS lock spun. (rate or total).
LSLRUQ Number of times LRUQ lock spun. (rate or total).
LSMQCH Number of times MQCH lock spun. (rate or total).
LSMQST Number of times MQST lock spun. (rate or total).
LSMQTA Number of times MQTA lock spun. (rate or total).
LSPAGE Number of times PAGE lock spun. (rate or total).
LSQMAN Number of times QMAN lock spun. (rate or total).
LSQUEU Number of times QUEU lock spun. (rate or total).
LSRCLK Number of times RCLK lock spun. (rate or total).
LSSIR1 Number of times SIR1 lock spun. (rate or total).
LSSIR2 Number of times SIR2 lock spun. (rate or total).
LSSMFS Number of times SMFS lock spun. (rate or total).
LSTOTAL Total something relating to lock spins. (rate or total).
LSTWND Number of times TWND lock spun. (rate or total).
LSUSR1 Number of times USR1 lock spun. (rate or total).
LSUSR2 Number of times USR2 lock spun. (rate or total).
LSV7IB Number of times V7IB lock spun. (rate or total).
LSV7OB Number of times V7OB lock spun. (rate or total).
LWCMLW Number of times CMLW lock waited. (rate or total).
LWCNST Number of times CNST lock waited. (rate or total).
LWDBCD Number of times DBCD lock waited. (rate or total).
LWECMM Number of times ECMM lock waited. (rate or total).
LWECTM Number of times ECTM lock waited. (rate or total).
LWFILD Number of times FILD lock waited. (rate or total).
LWFORT Number of times FORT lock waited. (rate or total).
LWHASH Number of times HASH lock waited. (rate or total).
LWITS1 Number of times ITS1 lock waited. (rate or total).
LWITS2 Number of times ITS2 lock waited. (rate or total).
LWJRNL Number of times JRNL lock waited. (rate or total).
LWLIOS Number of times LIOS lock waited. (rate or total).
LWLRUQ Number of times LRUQ lock waited. (rate or total).
LWMQCH Number of times MQCH lock waited. (rate or total).
LWMQST Number of times MQST lock waited. (rate or total).
LWMQTA Number of times MQTA lock waited. (rate or total).
LWPAGE Number of times PAGE lock waited. (rate or total).
LWQMAN Number of times QMAN lock waited. (rate or total).
LWQUEU Number of times QUEU lock waited. (rate or total).
LWRCLK Number of times RCLK lock waited. (rate or total).
LWSIR1 Number of times SIR1 lock waited. (rate or total).
LWSIR2 Number of times SIR2 lock waited. (rate or total).
LWSMFS Number of times SMFS lock waited. (rate or total).
LWTOTAL Total something relating to lock waiters. (rate or total).
LWTWND Number of times TWND lock waited. (rate or total).
LWUSR1 Number of times USR1 lock waited. (rate or total).
LWUSR2 Number of times USR2 lock waited. (rate or total).
LWV7IB Number of times V7IB lock waited. (rate or total).
LWV7OB Number of times V7OB lock waited. (rate or total).
MODPAGA Total number of pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by modified table A pages from all database files. These pages must be written to disk before being flushed from the buffer pool.
MODPAGB Total number of pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by modified table B pages from all database files except CCATEMP.

These pages must be written to disk before being flushed from the These pages must be written to disk before being flushed from the buffer pool.

Modified CCATEMP table B pages are counted under the MODPAGX statistic.
MODPAGC Total number of pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by modified table C pages from all database files. These pages must be written to disk before being flushed from the buffer pool.
MODPAGD Total number of pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by modified table D pages from all database files. These pages must be written to disk before being flushed from the buffer pool.
MODPAGE Total number of pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by modified pages from all tables in all database files.

These pages must be written to disk before being flushed from the buffer pool.

Equal to MODPAGA + MODPAGB + MODPAGC + MODPAGD + MODPAGF + MODPAGX + modfied pages from table X which can be obtained via the BUFMX statistic.
MODPAGF Total number of pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by modified FCT pages from all database files. These pages must be written to disk before being flushed from the buffer pool.
MODPAGL Total number of pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by modified table E pages from all database files. These pages must be written to disk before being flushed from the buffer pool. The L stands for LOBs, or large objects, which is what is stored in table E.
MODPAGX Total number of pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by modified table X pages from CCATEMP. All CCATEMP pages are considered to be in table B. These pages must be written to disk before being flushed from the buffer pool.
MOVE Thread switches (rate or total).
MPHASHD Number of MP duplicate hash entries found (rate or total).
MPSTOPS The number of times Model 204 temporarily disabled multi-processing. A high value for MPSTOPS could indicate suboptimal MP/204 processing. Note that SirMon itself will sometimes do an MPSTOP to collect certain statistics. MPSTOPS will alwasy be zero for Model 204 versions prior to 7.4, and in non-MP environments (rate or total).
MQAPICNT Number of MQ Series calls excluding MQGETs with WAIT specified (rate or total).
MQAPITIM Time spent in MQ Series calls excluding MQGETs with WAIT specified (rate or total).
MQAVTASK The number of available MQ Series tasks (total). This number is the maximum number of MQ Series tasks that can be allocated in the region (the value of the MQMXTASK parameter) minus the current number of MQ Series tasks in use (the MQIUTASK statistic).
MQBYTEIN Number of bytes received by MQ Series MQGET calls (rate or total).
MQBYTEOU Number of bytes sent by MQ Series MQPUT and MQPUT1 calls (rate or total).
MQCUBUFS Number of bytes of MQ Series message buffers currently allocated (total).
MQCUQU Number of bytes of MQ Series queues currently open (total).
MQCUTASK Current number of MQ Series tasks in the region (total)
MQFRTASK The number of unused MQ Series tasks (total). This number is the number of MQ Series tasks in the region (the MQCUTASK statistic) minus the current number of MQ Series tasks in use (the MQIUTASK statistic).
MQGETS Number of MQ Series MQGET calls (rate or total).
MQGWTCNT Number of MQ Series MQGET calls with WAIT specified (rate or total).
MQGWTSUC Number of successful MQ Series MQGET calls with WAIT specified (rate or total). Always less than or equal to MQGWTCNT.
MQGWTTIM Time spent waiting for a response from an MQ Series MQGET call that had a non-unlimited time-limit (rate or total). Always less than or equal to MQGWTTSP.
MQGWTTSP Wait time specified for all MQ Series MQGET calls that had a non-unlimited time-limit (rate or total). Always greater than or equal to MQGWTTIM.
MQHWBUFS High water mark of number of bytes of MQ Series message buffers allocated (total).
MQHWQU High water mark of number of open MQ Series queues (total).
MQHWTASK High water mark of number of MQ Series tasks in the region (total).
MQINTASK Initial number of MQ Series tasks in the region as specified by the MQINTASK system parameter (total).
MQIUTASK Number of MQ Series tasks in use in the region (total).
MQMXTASK Maximum number of MQ Series tasks in the region as specified by the MQMXTASK system parameter (total).
MQNUMQM The number of distinct MQ Series queue managers connected to over the course of the run (total).
MQNUMQU The number of distinct MQ Series queues accessed over the course of the run (total).
MQPUTS Number of MQ Series MQPUT and MQPUT1 calls (rate or total).
MTDEQ Number of items taken by MAIN from MAIN queue. Rate or total. Before Model 204 Version 7.4 always returns 0.
MTSDEQ Number of items taken by MAIN from another task queue. Rate or total. Before Model 204 Version 7.4 always returns 0.
MTZDEQ Number of items taken by MAIN from zIIP queue. Rate or total. Before Model 204 Version 7.4 always returns 0. To see non-zero results for MTZDEQ you must turn off SCHDOPT x'20'. SCHDOPT x'20' prevents maintask from 'stealing' zIIP work.
NBLKI Current number of threads blocked (waiting) and in a server.
NBLKO Current number of threads blocked (waiting) and not in a server.
NJBUFF Number of journal buffers.
NLOGON Current number of threads with logged on users.
NOFFQ Current number of threads blocked (waiting), not in server and not on a queue scanned by the scheduler. These are usually threads waiting for VTAM input.
NREDY Current number of threads ready to run.
NREDYR Current number of threads ready to run or running.
NRUNBL Current number of threads ready to run, running or waiting to be swapped into a server so they could be run. Equal to NLOGON-NWAIT.
NRUNG Current number of threads running.
NSERVS Number of servers defined in the online job.
NSWPG Current number of threads swapping into or out of a server.
NUMBUF Number of allocated database file page buffers.
NUMBUFG Number of allocated above-the-bar database file page buffers.
NUSERS Total number of threads defined to online.
NWAIT Current number of threads blocked (waiting). Equal to NLOGON-NRUNBL. Same as NWTNG.
NWTCFR Current number of threads waiting for a critical file resource. Equal to NWT24+NWT25.
NWTCK Current number of threads waiting to wait for checkpoint I/O. This is the portion of NWT18 associated with the checkpoint data set.
NWTCKIO Current number of threads waiting for checkpoint I/O. This is NWTCK+NWT16.
NWTCKPC Current number of threads waiting for checkpoint completion. This is the same as NWT20.
NWTDKIO Current number of threads waiting for database or CCATEMP disk I/O. This is the same as NWT01.
NWTENQ Current number of threads waiting for an internal resource or a record lock. This is the same as NWT07.
NWTJR Current number of threads waiting to wait for journal I/O. This is the portion of NWT18 associated with the journal data set.
NWTJRIO Current number of threads waiting for journal I/O. This is NWTJR+NWT15.
NWTMISC Current number of threads waiting for miscellaneous events. This is NWAIT-NWTDKIO-NWTUSER-NWTENQ-NWTJRIO-NWTCKIO -NWTCKPC-NWTCFR.
NWTNG Current number of threads blocked (waiting). Equal to NLOGON-NRUNBL. Same as NWAIT.
NWTSV Current number of threads swapped out and waiting for a server.
NWTUNK Current number of threads waiting for undefined event. Please call Technical Support if you receive a non-zero value of this.
NWTUSER Current number of threads waiting for user input or for output to reach a user. Equal to NWT02+NWT03+NWT11.
NWT00 Current number of threads in an unspecified wait.
NWT01 Current number of threads waiting for database or CCATEMP disk I/O. This is the same as NWTDKIO.
NWT02 Current number of threads waiting for output to reach a user.
NWT03 Current number of threads waiting for user input.
NWT04 Current number of threads waiting for operator console input.
NWT05 Current number of threads waiting for DUMP writes.
NWT06 Current number of threads waiting for RESTORE reads.
NWT07 Current number of threads waiting for internal resources or for record locks.
NWT08 Current number of threads waiting for a free disk buffer.
NWT09 Current number of threads waiting forever (deactivated).
NWT10 Current number of threads waiting for a pseudo subtask or reactivation (hung terminal).
NWT11 Current number of threads waiting for an IFAM2 or IFAM4 call.
NWT12 Current number of threads waiting for a wakeup.
NWT13 Current number of threads waiting for a server I/O. Note that this will almost always be zero because it does not include users that are being swapped in or out as a result of another wait type or slicing decisions.
NWT14 Not used.
NWT15 Current number of threads waiting for journal writes to complete.
NWT16 Current number of threads waiting for checkpoint writes to complete.
NWT17 Current number of threads waiting for a check on a previous write to the checkpoint data set.
NWT18 Current number of threads waiting for multi-user output arbitration. Number waiting for journal or checkpoint buffer.
NWT19 Current number of threads waiting for checkpoint requests to be acknowledged.
NWT20 Current number of threads waiting for checkpoint completion. This is the same as NWTCKPC.
NWT21 Current number of threads waiting forever (dead user).
NWT22 Current number of threads waiting for VSAM or sequential file input.
NWT23 Current number of threads waiting for user login after a login failure.
NWT24 Current number of threads waiting for exclusive control of a critical file resource.
NWT25 Current number of threads waiting for shared control of a critical file resource.
NWT26 Current number of threads waiting for a VTAM buffer.
NWT27 Current number of threads waiting for interprocess input.
NWT28 Current number of threads waiting for interprocess output to complete.
NWT29 Current number of threads waiting for response from the security interface.
NWT30 Current number of threads waiting in swappable $WAITs.
NWT31 Current number of threads waiting in non-swappable $WAITs.
NWT32 Current number of threads waiting on the DB2 subtask.
NWT33 Current number of threads waiting on replicator service thread.
NWT34 Current number of replicator service threads waiting for work.
NWT35 Current number of threads waiting on replication initialization.
NWT36 Current number of threads waiting on replication UL block startup.
NWT37 Current number of threads waiting on replication recover completion.
NWT38 Current number of threads waiting on a response from a SoftSpy server thread. Same as NWT62.
NWT39 Current number of SoftSpy server threads waiting for input from a user. Same as NWT63.
NWT40 Current number of threads waiting on MQ subtask to be available.
NWT41 Current number of threads waiting on MQ subtask to run.
NWT42 Current number of threads waiting on MQGET with wait time specified.
NWT43 Current number of threads waiting on ECF to LOAD/DELETE a module.
NWT44 Current number of threads waiting on external program to be free.
NWT45 Current number of threads waiting on ECF subtask to be free.
NWT46 Current number of threads waiting on external program to run.
NWT47 Current number of threads with a wait type of 47.
NWT48 Current number of threads with a wait type of 48.
NWT49 Current number of threads with a wait type of 49.
NWT50 Current number of threads waiting for HSM recall of a migrated dataset.
NWT51 Current number of threads waiting for share mode constraints db lock.
NWT52 Current number of threads waiting for share exc. constraints db lock.
NWT53 Current number of threads waiting for sub-tran cp processing to complete for this user.
NWT54 Current number of threads waiting on blocking file command to complete (sub-tran CP postponement).
NWT55 Current number of threads waiting on sub-tran CP CPTS timer.
NWT56 Current number of threads waiting on sub-tran CP scanner array.
NWT57 Current number of threads with a wait type of 57.
NWT58 Current number of threads with a wait type of 58.
NWT59 Current number of threads with a wait type of 59.
NWT60 Current number of threads with a wait type of 60.
NWT61 Current number of threads with a wait type of 61.
NWT62 Current number of threads waiting on a response from a SoftSpy server thread. Same as NWT38.
NWT63 Current number of SoftSpy server threads waiting for input from a user. Same as NWT39.
NWT64 Current number of threads with a wait type of 64.
NWT65 Current number of threads with a wait type of 65.
NWT66 Current number of threads with a wait type of 66.
NWT67 Current number of threads with a wait type of 67.
NWT68 Current number of threads with a wait type of 68.
NWT69 Current number of threads with a wait type of 69.
NWT70 Current number of threads with a wait type of 70.
NWT71 Current number of threads with a wait type of 71.
NWT72 Current number of threads with a wait type of 72.
NWT73 Current number of threads with a wait type of 73.
NWT74 Current number of threads with a wait type of 74.
NWT75 Current number of threads with a wait type of 75.
NWT76 Current number of threads with a wait type of 76.
NWT77 Current number of threads with a wait type of 77.
NWT78 Current number of threads with a wait type of 78.
NWT79 Current number of threads with a wait type of 79.
NWT80 Current number of threads with customer wait code 0.
NWT81 Current number of threads with customer wait code 1.
NWT82 Current number of threads with customer wait code 2.
NWT83 Current number of threads with customer wait code 3.
NWT84 Current number of threads with customer wait code 4.
NWT85 Current number of threads with customer wait code 5.
NWT86 Current number of threads with customer wait code 6.
NWT87 Current number of threads with customer wait code 7.
NWT88 Current number of threads with customer wait code 8.
NWT89 Current number of threads with customer wait code 9.
NWT90 Current number of threads with a wait type of 90.
NWT91 Current number of threads with a wait type of 91.
NWT92 Current number of threads with a wait type of 92.
NWT93 Current number of threads with a wait type of 93.
NWT94 Current number of threads with a wait type of 94.
NWT95 Current number of threads with a wait type of 95.
NWT96 Current number of threads with a wait type of 96.
NWT97 Current number of threads waiting on Fast/Unload request.
NWT98 Current number of threads waiting on MAXAUSER delay.
NWT99 Current number of threads waiting on SirFact quiesce.
NWT100 Current number of threads with a wait type of 100.
NWT101 Current number of threads with a wait type of 101.
NWT102 Current number of threads with a wait type of 102.
NWT103 Current number of threads with a wait type of 103.
NWT104 Current number of threads with a wait type of 104.
NWT105 Current number of threads with a wait type of 105.
NWT106 Current number of threads with a wait type of 106.
NWT107 Current number of threads with a wait type of 107.
NWT108 Current number of threads with a wait type of 108.
NWT109 Current number of threads with a wait type of 109.
OBJSWAP SOAP ULI objects must be resident in a server area (VTBL and perhaps STBL) before they can be referenced. If a request accesses more objects than were allocated, objects are swapped from the server to CCATEMP. Rate or total.
OFFIN Number of something (rate or total).
OFFOU Number of something (rate or total).
OUT Number of output lines to CCAPRINT - User 0 output.
OUTCMFS Output lines from CMS full screen console - ALTIODEV 47 (rate or total).
OUTCMIO Output lines from CMS non-full screen console - ALTIODEV 45 (rate or total).
OUTCRAM Output lines from remote User Language threads (BATCH2, etc.) - IODEV 29. (rate or total).
OUTTTY Output lines from BTAM teletypes - IODEV 15 (rate or total).
OUTVMFS Output lines from VMCF or IUCV full screen threads - IODEV 41 (rate or total).
OUTVMIF Arguments supplied by certain IFAM2 or IFMA4 calls from CMS programs - IODEV 43 (rate or total).
OUTVMIO Output lines from VMCF or IUCV non-full screen threads - IODEV 39 (rate or total).
OUTXX Output lines from QSAM users - IODEV 3 (rate or total).
OUT2265 Not used - IODEV 17 (total only).
OUT2741 Output lines from BTAM 2741s - IODEV 13 (rate or total).
OUT3275 Output lines from BTAM 3270s - IODEV 19 (rate or total).
PBRSFLT Number of private buffer reserve faults. Each occurrence of this value indicates a user restart (rate or total).
PBUFAVL Number of private buffers available.
PBUFMAX Maximum number of private buffers that can be reserved.
PBUFUSE The number of private buffers currently reserved.
PCPU Percentage of CPU acquired when requested. This is a measure of how much other work on the CPU is adversely affecting the Online. PCPU of 100 means not at all.
PCPUC CPU total, in milliseconds - numerator in PCPU calculations.
PCPUR Runnable time total, in milliseconds - denominator in PCPU calculations.
PRCNPRE Number of non-precompiled procedures in all active subsystems.
PRCPRE Number of precompiled procedures in all active subsystems.
PRCPSVW Number of server writes while running precompiled procedures in all active subsystems since they were started.
PRCRES Number of resident precompiled procedures in all active subsystems.
PRCRESB Number of bytes used by resident QTBL for procedures in all active subsystem.
PRCRESE Number of procedures in all active subsystems that are eligible to use resident QTBL but were not able to obtain the required virtual storage.
PRCSAVE Number of saved compilations for precompiled procedures in all active subsystems.
PRCSVWR Number of server writes while running any procedure in all active subsystems.
RECADD Records started in table B not including extension records (rate or total).
RECDEL Records deleted from table B not including extension records (rate or total).
RECDS Records processed by FOR LOOPS, SORTS, IFGETS, or IFPOINTS (rate or total).
RECENQH High Water Mark (bytes) in record enqueuing table used.
RECENQP Percent of record enqueueing table currently in use. Equal to 100 * (RECENQU / RECENQT).
RECENQQ High Water Mark percentage of record enqueuing table used.
RECENQT Total number of bytes in the record enqueueing table.
RECENQU Total number of bytes currently in use in the record enqueueing table.
RECNQHH High Water Mark number of record enqueuing headers used.
REDY Performance statistic: Average number of users ready to run. Taken from the latest report printed by the performance subtask.
REDYA Performance statistic: same as REDY but calculated by weighting samples in the current performance interval with the latest report finished by the performance monitoring subtask.
REDYT Performance statistic: same as REDY but calculated across all performance monitoring samples since the beginning of the run.
REQ Requests executed or streams written to USE output (rate or total).
RESCURR Number of bytes currently used for resident (shared) QTBL. This is the same as the viewable parameter by the same name.
RESEVAL Number of evaluations for procedures in any subsystem using resident (shared) QTBL.
RESHIGH High water mark of the number of bytes used for resident (shared) QTBL. This is the same as the viewable parameter by the same name.
RESP Percentile response time for last 100 full screen terminal I/O's.

RESP must be requested as RESPxx, where "xx" is a 2-digit percentile.

RESP75 gives the 75th percentile response time, RESP90 gives the 90th percentile, etc. Stat $functions return milliseconds, SirMon displays seconds.
RESPAVG Average response time for the last 100 full screen I/O's. Stat $functions return milliseconds, SirMon displays seconds.
RESPIND Relative measure of system responsiveness (1.00 is ideal). This measure can be affected significantly by highly I/O bound batch jobs if there are relatively few users on the system. See RESP, RESPAVG, and RESPMED for better responsiveness measures.
RESPMEDMedian response time for the last 100 full screen I/O's. Stat $functions return milliseconds, SirMon displays seconds.
RESSIZE Total number of bytes available for use for resident (shared) QTBL. This is the same as the settable/viewable parameter by the same name.
RESSWCH Number of evaluations for procedures in any subsystem that had to switch from using resident (shared) QTBL to non-resident QTBL.
REST Reads from a Model204 backup file resulting from a RESTORE command (rate or total).
RESTHRSH Server wait threshold for making request resident.
RSXCOMP Record enqueueing table compactions (rate or total). A non-zero value of RSXCOMP indicates that you should probably increase LRETBL.
RUNG Performance statistic: Average number of users running. Taken from the latest report printed by the performance subtask.
RUNGA Performance statistic: same as RUNG but calculated by weighting samples in the current performance interval with the latest report finished by the performance monitoring subtask.
RUNGT Performance statistic: same as RUNG but calculated across all performance monitoring samples since the beginning of the run.
SCHDCPU Amount of scheduler CPU used by Model 204 in milliseconds. This value will be 0 unless the '1' bit of the SCHDOPT parameter is set (rate or total).
SCRNS Full screen reads (rate or total) or text Web responses sent.
SDMACT Current number of active sdaemons - this counts all Janus TCP/IP users as well as background sessions initiated by calls to $COMMBG, $COMMAND and $COMMNDL.
SDMACTH High water mark for active sdaemons.
SDMACTM Maximum number of active sdaemons allowed. This will match the NOTERM setting on the sdaemon IODEV (usually it is IODEV 15).
SDMFRE Number of free (available) sdaemons - SDMACTM - SDMACT.
SDMFREL Low water mark for number of free (available) sdaemons - SDMACTM - SDMACTH.
SDMUNAV Number of times an sdaemon was required but unavailable (either for JANUS or a synchronous $COMM request). Does not include number of times an asynchronous $COMMBG request waited to acquire an sdaemon.
SFTRSTRT Counts the number of times a soft user restart has occured (rate or total).
SLIC Times users were time sliced (rate or total).
SMPLS Samples in the last completed performance monitoring report. SMPLS is used as the numerator in deriving performance monitor stats BLKI, BLKO, REDY, RUNG, SWPG, SVAC, USRS and WTSV. Always 0 if the performance monitoring subtask is not running.
SMPLSC Performance statistic: same as SMPLS but for report currently being calculated.
SMPLST Performance statistic: same as SMPLS but calculated since the beginning of the run.
SNAPID Number of SNAP DUMPs that have occurred in the online.
SORTS User Language SORT statements evaluated (rate or total).
SRSDEFT Default timeout value for saved record sets and $lists. Same as the value of the eponymous system parameter.
SRSMAX Maximum number of saved record sets and/or $lists in the system. Same as the value of the eponymous system parameter.
SRSMAXT Maximum timeout value allowed for a saved record set or $list. Same as the value of the eponymous system parameter.
SRSMAXU Maximum number of saved record sets and/or $lists per userid. Same as the value of the eponymous system parameter.
SRSNCUR Current number of saved record set or $list slots used out of the SRSMAX slots available.
SRSNEXP Number of saved record sets or $lists that were expired, that is deleted because they had not been referenced withing their timeout time (rate or total).
SRSNFUL Number of saved record sets or $lists that could not be saved because there were already SRSMAX non-expired saved record sets or $lists saved in the system and CANCEL or ERROR was in effect for $WEB_SAVE_RECSET or $WEB_SAVE_LIST calls (rate or total).
SRSNHGH Highwater mark of saved record set or $list slots used out of the SRSMAX slots available.
SRSNRST Number of record sets or $lists restored via $WEB_REST_RECSET or $WEB_REST_LIST calls (rate or total).
SRSNSAV Number of record sets or $lists saved via $WEB_SAVE_RECSET or $WEB_SAVE_LIST calls (rate or total).
SRSNSTL Number of saved record sets or $lists that were stolen, that is deleted before their timeout time, because another user did a $WEB_SAVE_RECSET or $WEB_SAVE_LIST with STEAL in effect and the maximum saved record sets and $lists (SRSMAX) were already saved.
SRSNSUS Number of saved record sets or $lists that were stolen, that is deleted before their timeout time, because a userid did a $WEB_SAVE_RECSET or $WEB_SAVE_LIST with USTEAL in effect and the maximum saved record sets and $lists (SRSMAXUS) were already saved by the userid (rate or total).
SRSNULM Number of saved record sets or $lists that could not be saved because there were already SRSMAXUS non-expired saved record sets or $lists saved by the userid and UCANCEL or UERROR was in effect for $WEB_SAVE_RECSET or $WEB_SAVE_LIST calls (rate or total).
SRSSAVG Average age in seconds of saved record sets or $lists stolen because a user did a $WEB_SAVE_RECSET or $WEB_SAVE_LIST and the system limit of saved record sets and $lists (SRSMAX) had been hit and STEAL was in effect for the indicated $function calls.
SRSSMIN Minimum age in seconds of saved record sets or $lists stolen because a user did a $WEB_SAVE_RECSET or $WEB_SAVE_LIST and the system limit of saved record sets and $lists (SRSMAX) had been hit and STEAL was in effect for the indicated $function calls.
SRSUAVG Average age in seconds of saved record sets or $lists stolen because a user did a $WEB_SAVE_RECSET or $WEB_SAVE_LIST and the user limit of saved record sets and $lists (SRSMAXUS) had been hit and USTEAL was in effect for the indicated $function calls.
SRSUMIN Minimum age in seconds of saved record sets or $lists stolen because a user did a $WEB_SAVE_RECSET or $WEB_SAVE_LIST and the user limit of saved record sets and $lists (SRSMAXUS) had been hit and USTEAL was in effect for the indicated $function calls.
STCPU Amount of CPU used by offload subtasks in milliseconds - stat $functions return milliseconds, SirMon displays seconds (rate or total).
STDEQ Number of work units removed from offload queue by offload subtasks (rate or total).

A high ratio of STDEQ to STCPU could indicate an MP mode switch thrashing situation.

For a 60 MIP processor, a ratio of 2 might be high - faster processors should have lower rations.
STIMERS Number of operating system STIMERS issued by Model 204 (rate or total).
STORAG Total number of bytes of virtual storage currently allocated by Model 204.
STORAGH High water mark for total number of bytes of virtual storage allocated by Model 204.
STORAGI Total number of bytes of virtual storage allocated by Model 204 during initialization.
STORG24 Total number of bytes of 24 bit ("below the line") virtual storage currently allocated by Model 204.
STORG31 Total number of bytes of 31 bit ("above the line") virtual storage currently allocated by Model 204.
STPOST Total number of POST SVCs issued to transfer work to/from offload subtasks (rate or total).
STRECDS Records sorted in SORT statement evaluation (rate or total).
STWAIT Total number of times offload subtasks issued a WAIT SVC to wait for work from the maintask (rate or total).
STZDEQ Number of items taken by MP from zIIP queue. Rate or total. Before Model 204 Version 7.4 always returns 0. To see non-zero results for STZDEQ you must turn off SCHDOPT x'40'. SCHDOPT x'40' prevents a subtask from 'stealing' from zIIP.
SVAC Performance statistic: Average number of active servers. Taken from the latest report printed by the performance subtask.
SVACA Performance statistic: same as SVAC but calculated by weighting samples in the current performance interval with the latest report finished by the performance monitoring subtask.
SVACT Performance statistic: same as SVAC but calculated across all performance monitoring samples since the beginning of the run.
SVIO Server reads and writes (rate or total). Equal to SVRD+SVWR.
SVMX Performance statistic: High water mark of active servers.
SVPAGES Number of 4K pages of server data swapped in or out by Model204.
SVRD Server reads (rate or total).
SVWR Server writes (rate or total).
SWPG Performance statistic: Average number of users in transit to or from a server. Taken from the latest report printed by the performance subtask.
SWPGA Performance statistic: same as SWPG but calculated by weighting samples in the current performance interval with the latest report finished by the performance monitoring subtask.
SWPGT Performance statistic: same as SWPG but calculated across all performance monitoring samples since the beginning of the run.
SWT Number of real waits while not in user switching mode (rate or total).
TCON TCAM congested queue returns (rate or total).
TCPBACT Number of active Janus connections.
TCPBBR Number of bytes read on Janus connections (rate or total).
TCPBBW Number of bytes written on Janus connections (rate or total).
TCPBNBW Number of blocked writes on Janus connections.

These are writes that could not be issued immediately but had to wait for notification from the TCPIP address space that sufficient buffer space had been cleared.

Blocked writes can be caused by network bottlenecks or applications that don't immediately accept output data (rate or total).
TCPBNR Number of reads on Janus connections. (rate or total).
TCPBNW Number of writes on Janus connections (rate or total).
TCPCON Current number of active Janus connections.
TCPCONH High water mark for number of Janus connections.
TCPCONL Number of licensed Janus connections.
TCPCONM Smaller of either the number of licensed Janus connections or the number of sdaemons allocated to the online.
TCPFRE Number of free Janus connections (TCPCONM - TCPCON).
TCPFREL Low water mark for number of free connections (TCPCONM - TCPCONH)
TCPREF Number of Janus connections refused due to some limit: MAXCON, licensed connections, or storage.
TFMX High water mark of CCATEMP pages in use.
TQWT TCAM write waits (rate or total).
TSMX Highest CCATEMP page number in use from small model area.
UBCUR Total number of bytes currently allocated for Universal Buffers.
UBHWM High water mark for storage allocated for Universal Buffers.
UPTRANS Number of updating transactions started (rate or total).
USMX Performance statistic: Highwater mark of logged on users.
USRS Performance statistic: Average number of simultaneously logged on users. Taken from the latest report printed by the performance monitoring subtask.
USRSA Performance statistic: same as USRS but calculated by weighting samples in the current performance interval with the latest report finished by the performance monitoring subtask.
USRST Performance statistic: same as USRS but calculated across all performance monitoring samples since the beginning of the run.
UTI>50 Number of user screen requests that came in greater than 50 seconds after the previous Model 204 response (rate or total). Always 0 unless the X'08' bit is set in the system MONPARM parameter.
UTI0.1 Number of user screen requests that came in less than 0.1 seconds of the previous Model 204 response (rate or total). Always 0 unless the X'08' bit is set in the system MONPARM parameter.
UTI0.25 Number of user screen requests that came in between 0.1 and 0.25 seconds of the previous Model 204 response (rate or total). Always 0 unless the X'08' bit is set in the system MONPARM parameter.
UTI0.5 Number of user screen requests that came in between 0.25 and 0.5 seconds of the previous Model 204 response (rate or total). Always 0 unless the X'08' bit is set in the system MONPARM parameter.
UTI1 Number of user screen requests that came in between 0.5 and 1 seconds of the previous Model 204 response (rate or total). Always 0 unless the X'08' bit is set in the system MONPARM parameter.
UTI10 Number of user screen requests that came in between 5 and 10 seconds of the previous Model 204 response (rate or total). Always 0 unless the X'08' bit is set in the system MONPARM parameter.
UTI15 Number of user screen requests that came in between 10 and 15 seconds of the previous Model 204 response (rate or total). Always 0 unless the X'08' bit is set in the system MONPARM parameter.
UTI2 Number of user screen requests that came in between 1 and 2 seconds of the previous Model 204 response (rate or total). Always 0 unless the X'08' bit is set in the system MONPARM parameter.
UTI20 Number of user screen requests that came in between 15 and 20 seconds of the previous Model 204 response (rate or total). Always 0 unless the X'08' bit is set in the system MONPARM parameter.
UTI30 Number of user screen requests that came in between 20 and 30 seconds of the previous Model 204 response (rate or total). Always 0 unless the X'08' bit is set in the system MONPARM parameter.
UTI5 Number of user screen requests that came in between 2 and 5 seconds of the previous Model 204 response (rate or total). Always 0 unless the X'08' bit is set in the system MONPARM parameter.
UTI50 Number of user screen requests that came in between 30 and 50 seconds of the previous Model 204 response (rate or total). Always 0 unless the X'08' bit is set in the system MONPARM parameter.
VTAMBW VTAM buffer waits (rate or total). Equal to VTAMBWI+VTAMBWO. A non-zero value for VTAMBW means that you should probably consider increasing TERMBUF.
VTAMBWI VTAM buffer waits for input (rate or total). A non-zero value for VTAMBWI means that you should probably consider increasing TERMBUF.
VTAMBWO VTAM buffer waits for output (rate or total). A non-zero value for VTAMBWO means that you should probably consider increasing TERMBUF.
VTAMWW VTAM write waits (rate or total).
WAIT Real waits (rate or total).
WTSV Performance statistic: Average number of users waiting for a server. Taken from the latest report printed by the performance monitoring subtask.
WTSVA Performance statistic: same as WTSV but calculated by weighting samples in the current performance interval with the latest report finished by the performance monitoring subtask.
WTSVT Performance statistic: same as WTSV but calculated across all performance monitoring samples since the beginning of the run.
ZTDEQ Number of items taken by zIIP from zIIP queue. Rate or total. Before Model 204 Version 7.4, always returns 0.

See also