IODEV parameter

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Type of I/O device


Default value
Parameter type
Where set
On user's parameter line
Related products
Model 204 V2.1 or earlier


IODEV specifies the input/output device type.

Valid settings of IODEV are:

IODEV Access method/device type
1 CCAIN/CCAPRINT (User 0 only)
3 BSAM (see Uses of IODEV=3 at Defining the user environment (CCAIN))
7 SNA Communications Server 3270
11 Remote User Language thread (full screen)
19 VTAM or TCP/IP (Horizon SQL thread)
23 Host Language IFAM thread
25 FUSI thread, new in version 7.6 of Model 204. These are created implicitly; as many threads are created as is the value of the FUNTSKN parameter. There is no reason to attempt to define these threads explicitly.
27 VTAM (Horizon thread)
29 Remote User Language thread (line-at-a-time)
37 SNA Communications Server 3767 and NTO (z/OS)

Note: Value 37 is no longer supported as of Model 204 version 7.6.

39 IUCV User Language thread (line-at-a-time)
41 IUCV User Language thread (full screen)
43 IUCV Host Language Interface thread
45 CMS line-at-a-time console. This z/VM device setting is an ALTIODEV value; is cannot be specified on the user's parameter line.
47 CMS full screen console. This z/VM device setting is an ALTIODEV value; is cannot be specified on the user's parameter line.
49 VTAM or TCP/IP Horizon Remote Command Line (RCL) thread.
51 SNA Communications Server (Parallel Query Option/204 thread)

Note: In addition to the above table of valid settings of the IODEV parameter, the value of IODEV on some Model 204 threads can be set as a result of other parameters:

SDAEMDEV15IODEV number for Sdaemons
TNDEV21IODEV number for TNSERV threads