The tables in the following sections contain lists of the system classes in SOUL OOP, including exception classes and enumeration classes, along with links to the class methods. It also includes system types which are typically shorthands for method templates for method variables or |collections of objects of a specific type.
System classes
System enumerations
System exceptions
Exception classes
- AddToRecordError:
- BadJournal:
- CharacterTranslationException:
- CoordinatorException
- DaemonLost:
- FormFieldNotFound:
- IncorrectDaemonState:
- InvalidBase64Data:
- InvalidBerData:
- InvalidBitNumber:
- InvalidCryptoData:
- InvalidCryptoInitVector:
- InvalidCryptoKey:
- InvalidDateString:
- InvalidDeflateData:
- InvalidGZipData:
- InvalidHexData:
- InvalidJsonType:
- InvalidPemData:
- InvalidRegex:
- InvalidSortSpecification:
- InvalidTranslateTable:
- InvalidValue:
- InvalidZipData:
- ItemNotFound:
- ItemNotPresent:
- JsonCircularReference:
- JsonParseError:
- MaxDaemExceeded:
- MismatchedQuote:
- NoFreeDaemons:
- NotJanusConnection:
- OutOfBounds:
- PKCSError:
- RecordLockingConflict:
- ScreenReadError:
- UnknownStatistic:
- UnsupportedCrypto:
- WebScreenException:
- WriteError:
- XmlParseError:
- XPathError:
System types
System types
- CertificateChecker
- ProcedureInfoList
- WebScreenCallback
- XmlParser API types