List of String methods

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The following are the available String class methods.

AsciiToEbcdicConvert ASCII string to EBCDIC
Base64ToStringConvert a base 64 string to Ebcdic
BinaryToFloatConvert binary string representation of a number to floating point
BinaryToIntegerConvert a binary string to an integer
BitAndStringDo bitwise And of strings
BitOffStringClear bits in one string from another
BitOnStringSet bits in one string from another
BitOrStringDo bitwise Or of strings
BitXorStringDo bitwise exclusive Or of strings
CenterCenter the input string within a return string of a specified length
CentreCenter the input string within a return string of a specified length
CharThe value at a specified position in the input string
DeflateCompress a longstring with deflate
EbcdicToAsciiConvert EBCDIC string to ASCII
EbcdicToUnicodeConvert EBCDIC string to Unicode
FormUrlDecodeUnicodeConvert Form URL encoded UTF-8 string to Unicode
GunzipDecompress a longstring with GUNZIP
GunzipDatetimeNSReturn create date of GZIP format longstring
GunzipFilenameReturn name of GZIP format longstring
GzipCompress a longstring with GZIP
HexToIntegerConvert a hexadecimal string to an integer
HexToStringConvert a hexadecimal string to Ebcdic
InflateDecompress a longstring with inflate
InsertInsert argument string inside the method object string
IsOneOfIs the method object string matched by any of the strings in the input list?
LeftThe left-most characters of the string
LengthThe length of the string
MD5digest16-byte MD5 digest
ParseLinesParse delimited string, creating new Stringlist
PositionInThe numeric position of one string within another
PositionOfThe numeric position of one string within another
RC4decryptRC4 encryption or decryption
RC4encryptRC4 encryption or decryption
RegexMatchPosition after match of regex
RegexReplaceReplace regex matche(s)
RegexSplitSplit string using regex, creating new Stringlist
RemoveRemove the occurrences of a specified substring
ReplaceReplace occurrences of a substring with a substitute string
ReverseReturn string characters in right-to-left order
RightThe right-most characters of the string
SHAdigest20-byte SHA digest
StringToBase64Convert an Ebcdic string to base 64
StringToDaysConvert string date/time to days since 1900
StringToHexConvert an Ebcdic string to hexadecimal
StringToMillisecondsConvert string date/time to milliseconds since 1900
StringToSecondsConvert string date/time to seconds since 1900
StringTokenizerCreate a tokenizer using the method object string
SubstringReturn a substring of the method object string
TimeStringConvertConvert date/time string from one format to another
ToLowerReturn alphabetic characters as all-lowercase
ToStringConvert string to a string
ToUpperReturn alphabetic characters as all-uppercase
TranslateApply a Character Map to the method object string
TrimLeftTrim bytes from left of string
TrimRightTrim bytes from right of string
UConvert EBCDIC string to Unicode constant, including character encoding
UnspaceRemove whitespace characters from the string
UrlDecodeUnicodeConvert URL encoded UTF-8 string to Unicode
Utf16ToUnicodeConvert a UTF-16 Longstring bytestream to Unicode
Utf8ToUnicodeConvert a UTF-8 Longstring bytestream to Unicode
WordSelect word from list of words
WordCountCount words in list
WordNumberInWord number of method object needle within argment list of words
WordNumberOfWord number of argument needle within method object list of words
WordsSublist of list of words
XHex constant method
ZipCompress a longstring with ZIP

See also