List of Intrinsic methods
The following are the available Intrinsic methods.
Method | Class | Description |
Absolute | Float | Absolute value of a number |
Antilog | Float | Antilog base e of a number |
Antilog10 | Float | Antilog base 10 of a number |
Antilog2 | Float | Antilog base 2 of a number |
AntilogE | Float | Antilog base e of a number |
AsciiToEbcdic | String | Convert ASCII string to EBCDIC |
Base64ToString | String | Convert a base 64 string to Ebcdic |
BinaryToFloat | String | Convert binary string representation of a number to floating point |
BinaryToInteger | String | Convert a binary string to an integer |
BitAndInteger | Float | Do bitwise And of integers |
BitAndString | String | Do bitwise And of strings |
BitOffInteger | Float | Clear bits in one integer from another |
BitOffString | String | Clear bits in one string from another |
BitOnInteger | Float | Set bits in one integer from another |
BitOnString | String | Set bits in one string from another |
BitOrInteger | Float | Do bitwise Or of integers |
BitOrString | String | Do bitwise Or of strings |
BitShiftLeftInteger | Float | Do left shift of bits in an integer |
BitShiftRightInteger | Float | Do right shift of bits in an integer |
BitXorInteger | Float | Do bitwise exclusive Or of integers |
BitXorString | String | Do bitwise exclusive Or of strings |
Center | String | Center the input string within a return string of a specified length |
Centre | String | Center the input string within a return string of a specified length |
Char | String | The value at a specified position in the input string |
DaysToString | Float | Convert days since 1900 to string date/time |
Deflate | String | |
Div | Float | Integer division |
EbcdicToAscii | String | Convert EBCDIC string to ASCII |
EbcdicToUnicode | String | Convert EBCDIC string to Unicode |
FloatToBinary | Float | |
FloatToString | Float | Convert a number to a string |
Gunzip | String | |
GunzipDatetimeNS | String | |
GunzipFilename | String | |
Gzip | String | |
HexToInteger | String | Convert a hexadecimal string to an integer |
HexToString | String | Convert a hexadecimal string to Ebcdic |
Inflate | String | |
Insert | String | Insert argument string inside the method object string |
IntegerToBinary | Float | Convert an integer to a binary string |
IntegerToHex | Float | Convert an integer to a hexadecimal string |
IsOneOf | String | Is the method object string matched by any of the strings in the input list? |
IsPrime | Float | Is this number prime? |
Left | String | The left-most characters of the string |
Length | String | The length of the string |
Log | Float | Natural log (base e) of a number |
Log10 | Float | Log base 10 of a number |
Log2 | Float | Log base 2 of a number |
LogE | Float | Natural log (base e) of a number |
MD5digest | String | |
MarksNumberToStoreCode | Float | |
MarksStoreCodeDecrement | String | |
MarksStoreCodeIncrement | String | |
MarksStoreCodeToNumber | String | |
MillisecondsToString | Float | Convert milliseconds since 1900 to string date/time |
Mod | Float | Remainder of integer division |
Modulus | Float | Remainder of integer division |
NextPrime | Float | Find smallest prime greater than this number |
ParseLines | String | |
PositionIn | String | The numeric position of one string within another |
PositionOf | String | The numeric position of one string within another |
PreviousPrime | Float | Find greatest prime smaller than this number |
RC4decrypt | String | |
RC4encrypt | String | |
RegexMatch | String | |
RegexReplace | String | |
RegexSplit | String | |
Remove | String | Remove the occurrences of a specified substring |
Replace | String | Replace occurrences of a substring with a substitute string |
Reverse | String | Return string characters in right-to-left order |
Right | String | The right-most characters of the string |
Round | Float | Round a floating point number to the closest integer |
SHAdigest | String | |
SecondsToString | Float | Convert seconds since 1900 to string date/time |
SquareRoot | Float | Square root of a number |
StringToBase64 | String | Convert an Ebcdic string to base 64 |
StringToDays | String | Convert string date/time to days since 1900 |
StringToHex | String | Convert an Ebcdic string to hexadecimal |
StringToMilliseconds | String | Convert string date/time to milliseconds since 1900 |
StringToSeconds | String | Convert string date/time to seconds since 1900 |
Substring | String | Return a substring of the method object string |
ToDegrees | Float | Convert a number in radians to degrees |
ToFloatPower | Float | Raise number to a floating point power |
ToIntegerPower | Float | Raise number to an integer power |
ToLower | String | Return alphabetic characters as all-lowercase |
ToPower | Float | Raise number to an integer power |
ToRadians | Float | Convert a number in desgrees to radians |
ToString | String | Convert string to a string |
ToUpper | String | Return alphabetic characters as all-uppercase |
Translate | String | Apply a Character Map to the method object string |
U | String | |
UnicodeChar | Unicode | The value at a specified position in the input string |
UnicodeLeft | Unicode | The left-most characters of the string |
UnicodeLength | Unicode | Length of this string |
UnicodePositionIn | Unicode | The numeric position of one string within another |
UnicodePositionOf | Unicode | The numeric position of one string within another |
UnicodeRegexMatch | Unicode | |
UnicodeRegexReplace | Unicode | |
UnicodeReplace | Unicode | Apply the replacement table to this string |
UnicodeRight | Unicode | The right-most characters of the string |
UnicodeSubstring | Unicode | Return a substring of the method object string |
UnicodeToEbcdic | Unicode | Translate to Ebcdic |
UnicodeToLower | Unicode | Translate to lowercase |
UnicodeToUpper | Unicode | Translate to uppercase |
UnicodeToUtf16 | Unicode | Translate to UTF-16 |
UnicodeToUtf16Hex | Unicode | Translate to hexadecimal UTF-16 |
UnicodeToUtf8 | Unicode | Translate to UTF-8 |
UnicodeToUtf8Hex | Unicode | Translate to hexadecimal UTF-8 |
UnicodeUntranslatablePosition | Unicode | |
UnicodeWith | Unicode | Catenate this unicode with another |
Unspace | String | Remove whitespace characters from the string |
Utf16ToUnicode | String | Convert a UTF-16 Longstring bytestream to Unicode |
Utf8ToUnicode | String | Convert a UTF-8 Longstring bytestream to Unicode |
X | String | Hex constant method |
Zip | String | |
stringTokenizer | String | Create a tokenizer using the method object string |