List of Intrinsic methods: Difference between revisions

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<tr><td valign="top">[[Centre (String function)|Centre]]</td><td valign="top">String</td><td valign="top">Center the input string within a return string of a specified length</td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top">[[Centre (String function)|Centre]]</td><td valign="top">String</td><td valign="top">Center the input string within a return string of a specified length</td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top">[[Char (String function)|Char]]</td><td valign="top">String</td><td valign="top">The value at a specified position in the input string</td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top">[[Char (String function)|Char]]</td><td valign="top">String</td><td valign="top">The value at a specified position in the input string</td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top">[[CharacterToUnicode (String function)|CharacterToUnicode]]</td><td valign="top">String</td><td valign="top">Translate characters to unicode</td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top">[[DaysToString (Float function)|DaysToString]]</td><td valign="top">Float</td><td valign="top">Convert days since 1900 to string date/time</td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top">[[DaysToString (Float function)|DaysToString]]</td><td valign="top">Float</td><td valign="top">Convert days since 1900 to string date/time</td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top">[[Deflate (String function)|Deflate]]</td><td valign="top">String</td><td valign="top">Compress a longstring with deflate</td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top">[[Deflate (String function)|Deflate]]</td><td valign="top">String</td><td valign="top">Compress a longstring with deflate</td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top">[[DerToXmlDoc (String function)|DerToXmlDoc]]</td><td valign="top">String</td><td valign="top">Convert DER encoded data to XML</td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top">[[Div (Float function)|Div]]</td><td valign="top">Float</td><td valign="top">Integer division</td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top">[[Div (Float function)|Div]]</td><td valign="top">Float</td><td valign="top">Integer division</td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top">[[EbcdicToAscii (String function)|EbcdicToAscii]]</td><td valign="top">String</td><td valign="top">Convert EBCDIC string to ASCII</td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top">[[EbcdicToAscii (String function)|EbcdicToAscii]]</td><td valign="top">String</td><td valign="top">Convert EBCDIC string to ASCII</td></tr>
Line 70: Line 72:
<tr><td valign="top">[[RC4decrypt (String function)|RC4decrypt]]</td><td valign="top">String</td><td valign="top">RC4 encryption or decryption</td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top">[[RC4decrypt (String function)|RC4decrypt]]</td><td valign="top">String</td><td valign="top">RC4 encryption or decryption</td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top">[[RC4encrypt (String function)|RC4encrypt]]</td><td valign="top">String</td><td valign="top">RC4 encryption or decryption</td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top">[[RC4encrypt (String function)|RC4encrypt]]</td><td valign="top">String</td><td valign="top">RC4 encryption or decryption</td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top">[[RSAPrivateKeyToXmlDoc (String function)|RSAPrivateKeyToXmlDoc]]</td><td valign="top">String</td><td valign="top">Convert BER encoded RSA private key to XML</td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top">[[RegexMatch (String function)|RegexMatch]]</td><td valign="top">String</td><td valign="top">Position after match of regex</td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top">[[RegexMatch (String function)|RegexMatch]]</td><td valign="top">String</td><td valign="top">Position after match of regex</td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top">[[RegexReplace (String function)|RegexReplace]]</td><td valign="top">String</td><td valign="top">Replace regex matche(s)</td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top">[[RegexReplace (String function)|RegexReplace]]</td><td valign="top">String</td><td valign="top">Replace regex matche(s)</td></tr>
Line 126: Line 129:
<tr><td valign="top">[[UnicodeTrimLeft (Unicode function)|UnicodeTrimLeft]]</td><td valign="top">Unicode</td><td valign="top">Trim characters from left of string</td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top">[[UnicodeTrimLeft (Unicode function)|UnicodeTrimLeft]]</td><td valign="top">Unicode</td><td valign="top">Trim characters from left of string</td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top">[[UnicodeTrimRight (Unicode function)|UnicodeTrimRight]]</td><td valign="top">Unicode</td><td valign="top">Trim characters from right of string</td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top">[[UnicodeTrimRight (Unicode function)|UnicodeTrimRight]]</td><td valign="top">Unicode</td><td valign="top">Trim characters from right of string</td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top">[[UnicodeUnspace (Unicode function)|UnicodeUnspace]]</td><td valign="top">Unicode</td><td valign="top">Remove whitespace characters from the string</td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top">[[UnicodeUntranslatablePosition (Unicode function)|UnicodeUntranslatablePosition]]</td><td valign="top">Unicode</td><td valign="top">Position of first Unicode character not translatable to EBCDIC</td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top">[[UnicodeUntranslatablePosition (Unicode function)|UnicodeUntranslatablePosition]]</td><td valign="top">Unicode</td><td valign="top">Position of first Unicode character not translatable to EBCDIC</td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top">[[UnicodeUrlEncode (Unicode function)|UnicodeUrlEncode]]</td><td valign="top">Unicode</td><td valign="top">URL encode unicode string</td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top">[[UnicodeUrlEncode (Unicode function)|UnicodeUrlEncode]]</td><td valign="top">Unicode</td><td valign="top">URL encode unicode string</td></tr>
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<tr><td valign="top">[[Words (String function)|Words]]</td><td valign="top">String</td><td valign="top">Sublist of list of words</td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top">[[Words (String function)|Words]]</td><td valign="top">String</td><td valign="top">Sublist of list of words</td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top">[[X (String function)|X]]</td><td valign="top">String</td><td valign="top">Hex constant method</td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top">[[X (String function)|X]]</td><td valign="top">String</td><td valign="top">Hex constant method</td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top">[[X509CertificateToXmlDoc (String function)|X509CertificateToXmlDoc]]</td><td valign="top">String</td><td valign="top">Convert BER encoded X.509 certificate to XML</td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top">[[X509CrlToXmlDoc (String function)|X509CrlToXmlDoc]]</td><td valign="top">String</td><td valign="top">Convert BER encoded X.509 CRL to XML</td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top">[[Zip (String function)|Zip]]</td><td valign="top">String</td><td valign="top">Compress a longstring with ZIP</td></tr>
<tr><td valign="top">[[Zip (String function)|Zip]]</td><td valign="top">String</td><td valign="top">Compress a longstring with ZIP</td></tr>

Revision as of 20:47, 16 April 2012

The following are the available Intrinsic methods.

AbsoluteFloatAbsolute value of a number
AntilogFloatAntilog base e of a number
Antilog10FloatAntilog base 10 of a number
Antilog2FloatAntilog base 2 of a number
AntilogEFloatAntilog base e of a number
AsciiToEbcdicStringConvert ASCII string to EBCDIC
Base64ToStringStringConvert a base 64 string to Ebcdic
BinaryToFloatStringConvert binary string representation of a number to floating point
BinaryToIntegerStringConvert a binary string to an integer
BitAndIntegerFloatDo bitwise And of integers
BitAndStringStringDo bitwise And of strings
BitOffIntegerFloatClear bits in one integer from another
BitOffStringStringClear bits in one string from another
BitOnIntegerFloatSet bits in one integer from another
BitOnStringStringSet bits in one string from another
BitOrIntegerFloatDo bitwise Or of integers
BitOrStringStringDo bitwise Or of strings
BitShiftLeftIntegerFloatDo left shift of bits in an integer
BitShiftRightIntegerFloatDo right shift of bits in an integer
BitXorIntegerFloatDo bitwise exclusive Or of integers
BitXorStringStringDo bitwise exclusive Or of strings
CenterStringCenter the input string within a return string of a specified length
CentreStringCenter the input string within a return string of a specified length
CharStringThe value at a specified position in the input string
CharacterToUnicodeStringTranslate characters to unicode
DaysToStringFloatConvert days since 1900 to string date/time
DeflateStringCompress a longstring with deflate
DerToXmlDocStringConvert DER encoded data to XML
DivFloatInteger division
EbcdicToAsciiStringConvert EBCDIC string to ASCII
EbcdicToUnicodeStringConvert EBCDIC string to Unicode
FloatToBinaryFloatBinary string containing floating point representation
FloatToStringFloatConvert a number to a string
FormUrlDecodeUnicodeStringConvert Form URL encoded UTF-8 string to Unicode
GunzipStringDecompress a longstring with GUNZIP
GunzipDatetimeNSStringReturn create date of GZIP format longstring
GunzipFilenameStringReturn name of GZIP format longstring
GzipStringCompress a longstring with GZIP
HexToIntegerStringConvert a hexadecimal string to an integer
HexToStringStringConvert a hexadecimal string to Ebcdic
InflateStringDecompress a longstring with inflate
InsertStringInsert argument string inside the method object string
IntegerToBinaryFloatConvert an integer to a binary string
IntegerToHexFloatConvert an integer to a hexadecimal string
IsOneOfStringIs the method object string matched by any of the strings in the input list?
IsPrimeFloatIs this number prime?
IsStartOfStringIs the method object string an initial substring of the argument string?
LeftStringThe left-most characters of the string
LengthStringThe length of the string
LogFloatNatural log (base e) of a number
Log10FloatLog base 10 of a number
Log2FloatLog base 2 of a number
LogEFloatNatural log (base e) of a number
MD5digestString16-byte MD5 digest
MillisecondsToStringFloatConvert milliseconds since 1900 to string date/time
ModFloatRemainder of integer division
ModulusFloatRemainder of integer division
NextPrimeFloatFind smallest prime greater than this number
ParseLinesStringParse delimited string, creating new Stringlist
PositionInStringThe numeric position of one string within another
PositionOfStringThe numeric position of one string within another
PreviousPrimeFloatFind greatest prime smaller than this number
RC4decryptStringRC4 encryption or decryption
RC4encryptStringRC4 encryption or decryption
RSAPrivateKeyToXmlDocStringConvert BER encoded RSA private key to XML
RegexMatchStringPosition after match of regex
RegexReplaceStringReplace regex matche(s)
RegexSplitStringSplit string using regex, creating new Stringlist
RemoveStringRemove the occurrences of a specified substring
ReplaceStringReplace occurrences of a substring with a substitute string
ReverseStringReturn string characters in right-to-left order
RightStringThe right-most characters of the string
RoundFloatRound a floating point number to the closest integer
SHAdigestString20-byte SHA digest
SecondsToStringFloatConvert seconds since 1900 to string date/time
SquareRootFloatSquare root of a number
StartsWithStringIs the argument string an initial substring of the method object string?
StringToBase64StringConvert an Ebcdic string to base 64
StringToDaysStringConvert string date/time to days since 1900
StringToHexStringConvert an Ebcdic string to hexadecimal
StringToMillisecondsStringConvert string date/time to milliseconds since 1900
StringToSecondsStringConvert string date/time to seconds since 1900
StringTokenizerStringCreate a tokenizer using the method object string
SubstringStringReturn a substring of the method object string
TimeStringConvertStringConvert date/time string from one format to another
ToDegreesFloatConvert a number in radians to degrees
ToFloatPowerFloatRaise number to a floating point power
ToIntegerPowerFloatRaise number to an integer power
ToLowerStringReturn alphabetic characters as all-lowercase
ToPowerFloatRaise number to an integer power
ToRadiansFloatConvert a number in desgrees to radians
ToStringStringConvert string to a string
ToUpperStringReturn alphabetic characters as all-uppercase
TranslateStringApply a Character Map to the method object string
TrimLeftStringTrim bytes from left of string
TrimRightStringTrim bytes from right of string
UStringConvert EBCDIC string to Unicode constant, including character encoding
UnicodeCharUnicodeThe value at a specified position in the input string
UnicodeEQUnicodeTest if unicode strings are equal
UnicodeFormUrlEncodeUnicodeForm URL encode unicode string
UnicodeGEUnicodeTest if unicode string greater than or equal to another
UnicodeGTUnicodeTest if unicode string greater than another
UnicodeLEUnicodeTest if unicode string less than or equal to another
UnicodeLTUnicodeTest if unicode string less than another
UnicodeLeftUnicodeThe left-most characters of the string
UnicodeLengthUnicodeLength of this string
UnicodeNEUnicodeTest if unicode strings are unequal
UnicodePositionInUnicodeThe numeric position of one string within another
UnicodePositionOfUnicodeThe numeric position of one string within another
UnicodeRegexMatchUnicodePosition after match of regex
UnicodeRegexReplaceUnicodeReplace regex matche(s)
UnicodeReplaceUnicodeApply the replacement table to this string
UnicodeRightUnicodeThe right-most characters of the string
UnicodeSubstringUnicodeReturn a substring of the method object string
UnicodeToEbcdicUnicodeTranslate to Ebcdic
UnicodeToLowerUnicodeTranslate to lowercase
UnicodeToUpperUnicodeTranslate to uppercase
UnicodeToUtf16UnicodeTranslate to UTF-16
UnicodeToUtf8UnicodeTranslate to UTF-8
UnicodeTrimLeftUnicodeTrim characters from left of string
UnicodeTrimRightUnicodeTrim characters from right of string
UnicodeUnspaceUnicodeRemove whitespace characters from the string
UnicodeUntranslatablePositionUnicodePosition of first Unicode character not translatable to EBCDIC
UnicodeUrlEncodeUnicodeURL encode unicode string
UnicodeWithUnicodeConcatenate this Unicode string with another
UnspaceStringRemove whitespace characters from the string
UrlDecodeUnicodeStringConvert URL encoded UTF-8 string to Unicode
Utf16ToUnicodeStringConvert a UTF-16 Longstring bytestream to Unicode
Utf8ToUnicodeStringConvert a UTF-8 Longstring bytestream to Unicode
WordStringSelect word from list of words
WordCountStringCount words in list
WordNumberInStringWord number of method object needle within argment list of words
WordNumberOfStringWord number of argument needle within method object list of words
WordsStringSublist of list of words
XStringHex constant method
X509CertificateToXmlDocStringConvert BER encoded X.509 certificate to XML
X509CrlToXmlDocStringConvert BER encoded X.509 CRL to XML
ZipStringCompress a longstring with ZIP

See also