Template:List of M204 parameters: Difference between revisions

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Line 1,259: Line 1,259:
         <th xml:space="preserve"><var>[[MAXOND parameter|MAXOND]]</var></th>
         <th xml:space="preserve"><var>[[MAXOND parameter|MAXOND]]</var></th>
         <td xml:space="preserve">Maximum ON unit Depth</td>
         <td xml:space="preserve">Maximum ON unit recursion depth</td>
         <td xml:space="preserve">Any user</td>
         <td xml:space="preserve">Any user</td>

Revision as of 01:29, 2 August 2014

Parameter name Description Set/reset type
ACCOUNT Billing account Viewable only
ACCTIM Time before partial stat lines User 0 parameter line
ACTRDS Active RSA subtasks (S) System manager
ADDLVL Default add FLS level File manager
AGEINCR Aging priority increment System manager
AGEINTVL Aging interval System manager
AGESCAN Age scan interval System manager
AGESLICE Aging slice increment System manager
ALOCPRIV Allocate privilege requirement System manager
ALTIODEV Alternate user zero IODEV EXEC PARM field
AMPSUBS Number of active offload subtasks System manager
AMPSUBZ Number of active zIIP eligible subtasks System manager
APSYPAGE Number of APSY pages in hiperspace User 0 parameter line
APSYSEC Sirius APSY security flags (S) User 0 parameter line
APSYXMM Expanded storage megabytes for saved APSY compilations (S) User 0 parameter line
ARETRIES Table A page retries Viewable only
ASIZE Pages in table A Viewable only
ASTRPPG Table A strings per page CREATE command
ATRPG Table A attribute pages CREATE command
AUDITOPT Audit options System manager
AUTOGCN Garbage collection threshold (S) Any user
AUTOSYS Automatic subsystem User n parameter line
B24EXCWT BATCH204 wait time(ms) between M204.0583 msgs User 0 parameter line
B24SHRWT BATCH204 wait time(ms) between M204.0582 msgs User 0 parameter line
BASECENT CENTSPLT base century Viewable only
BAUTOINC Number of pages for table B auto increase File manager
BAUTOTYP Table B auto increase options (obs) File manager
BEXTOVFL Table B extra overflow areas CREATE command
BHIGHPG Table B highest active page Viewable only
BIGOBJL Size of object list considered big (S) System manager
BLOWPG Table B lowest active page Viewable only
BPGPMSTR Table B pages/master area CREATE command
BPGPOVFL Table B pages/overflow area CREATE command
BQLEN Table B queue length Viewable only
BRECPPG Table B records per page CREATE command
BRESERVE Table B reserve space File manager
BREUSE Free space required to reuse table B page File manager
BREUSED Records added reusing record numbers Viewable only
BRLIMSZ Table B record limit size Viewable only
BSIZE Pages in table B CREATE command
CACHE Cache fast write User 0 parameter line
CASE Text input case Viewable only
CAUDIT Card audit bits System manager
CDMAXP2X Maximum constraints pages power of 2 User 0 parameter line
CDMINP2X Minimum constraints pages power of 2 User 0 parameter line
CECHO Card echo Any user
CEECHO Card edit echo Any user
CENTSPAN CENTSPAN for date $functions (S) User 0 parameter line
CENTSPLT Century year split Any user
CFRJRNL CFR+rec locking stats to CCAJRNL User 0 parameter line
CFRLOOK CFR+rec locking stats to monitor User 0 parameter line
CFRWPCT Max nonswappable CFR waiters User 0 parameter line
CHKPRIV Checkpoint privilege requirement System manager
CMSVERSN Version of the CMS interface Viewable only
COMEND End of comment block System manager
COMMAND Model204 command table System manager
COMMLOG $Command login flags (S) User 0 parameter line
COMPERR Compiler error reporting options Any user
COMPOPT Compiler options (S) User 0 parameter line
COMSTART Start of comment block System manager
CP3270 3270 code page ID (S) Viewable only
CPMAX Max # of checkpoints System manager
CPQZACTN Checkpoint extended quiesce timeout action System manager
CPQZSECS Number of seconds before CPQZACTN System manager
CPSORT IFAM2 CHKP signon tries System manager
CPTIME Minutes between checkpoints System manager
CPTO Checkpoint timeout in seconds System manager
CPTQ Batch quiesce timeout in seconds System manager
CPTS Sub-transaction timeout in seconds System manager
CPTYPE Checkpoint type System manager
CPUSLICE CPU slice - CPU System manager
CRETRIES Table C page retries Viewable only
CRFSCHNL Full screen CRAM name User 0 parameter line
CRIOCHNL User language CRAM channel name User 0 parameter line
CS3270 3270 character set ID (S) Viewable only
CSECHO Card substitution echo Any user
CSIPID TCP/IP system ID (S) User 0 parameter line
CSIZE Pages in table C CREATE command
CURALVL Add FLS level for file/group Viewable only
CURCLASS User priv class (proc) for file/group Viewable only
CURFILE Current file Viewable only
CURLOC CURFILE location if remote Viewable only
CURPRIV Privs for current file/group Viewable only
CURREC Current record number Any user
CURREP31 Current 31-bit storage for report writers (megabytes) (S) Viewable only
CURREP64 Current 64-bit storage for report writers (megabytes) (S) Viewable only
CURRLVL Read FLS level for file/group Viewable only
CURSLVL Select FLS level for file/group Viewable only
CURULVL Update FLS level for file/group Viewable only
CUSTOM Enable special modifications to Model 204 System manager
D$ONEOF $OneOf item delimiter Any user
DACTIVE List page active Viewable only
DAUTOINC Number of pages for table D auto increase File manager
DB2PLAN DB2 plan name User 0 parameter line
DB2POINT Exec DB2 decimal point User 0 parameter line
DB2QUOTE Exec DB2 quote User 0 parameter line
DB2THRD Number of DB2 threads User 0 parameter line
DEBUGMAX Maximum debug worker threads (S) User 0 parameter line
DEBUGPAG Maximum debug CCATEMP pages (S) System manager
DEBUGUL User language debug options Any user
DEFCENT Default century Any user
DEFINCP Default automatic table size pct increase System manager
DHIGHPG Table D highest page used Viewable only
DKUPDTWT # seconds after file's last update before file is updated on disk System manager
DPGSRES Table D pages reserved File manager
DPGSUSED Table D pages in use Viewable only
DRESERVE List page reserve space File manager
DSIZE Pages in table D CREATE command
DSPOPT Data space options User 0 parameter line
DTS Date time stamp updates (1=automatic, 0=bypassed) System manager
DTSFN Date time stamp field name User 0 parameter line
DUFILES Files open in deferred update mode Viewable only
DUMPAOPT MP altpdl dump options System manager
DUMPMOPT MP maintask dump options System manager
DUMPOPTS Fast Backup/Restore flags (S) System manager
DUMPSOPT MP subtask dump options System manager
DUMPTMAX Maximum CCATEMP usage for DUMP (S) System manager
DUMPTMIN Minimum free CCATEMP for DUMP (S) System manager
DUPTERM Number of duplicate terminals User n parameter line
DVADD Device address User n parameter line
ECISUBS ECF initial subtasks User 0 parameter line
ECMODS ECF maximum modules loaded User 0 parameter line
ECMSUBS ECF maximum subtasks User 0 parameter line
ECNAMES ECF maximum call names User 0 parameter line
ECPRIV ECF privileges User 0 parameter line
ECPSIZE ECF initial parameter area allocation User 0 parameter line
ECWAIT ECF maximum wait for external call System manager
EDIT Edit control Any user
EHIGHPG Table E highest page used Viewable only
ENQRETRY Retry record locking Any user
ENTTAB Default entity translation table (S) User 0 parameter line
EOJPW EOJ password User 0 parameter line
EOVFLADD Records added to extra overflow areas Viewable only
EOVFLDEL Records deleted from ext ovflow areas Viewable only
EPGSUSED Table E pages in use Viewable only
ERASE Erase-character symbol Any user
ERCNT Error count (S) Any user
ERMX Maximum number of errors Any user
ERRLEN Length of errors saved User 0 parameter line
ERRMSGL Saved error message length User 0 parameter line
ERRSAVE No of errors saved User 0 parameter line
ESIZE Pages in table E CREATE command
EXCPVR EXCPVR appendage id User 0 parameter line
EXTNADD Extension records added Viewable only
EXTNDEL Extension records deleted Viewable only
FACTDEB SirFact debugging flags (S) Any user
FASTGLOB Fast global processing Any user
FICREATE Create format Viewable only
FIFLAGS File status switches Viewable only
FIFORMAT Current FPL format Viewable only
FILEMODL File model enforced File manager
FILEORG File organization CREATE command
FISTAT Current status of file File manager
FITRANS Transform format Viewable only
FIXSIZE Fixed server size requirement Viewable only
FLUSH Erase-line symbol Any user
FNVMASK Filename version mask (S) User 0 parameter line
FOPT File options File manager
FRCVOPT File recovery options File manager
FREESIZE Pages in free space Viewable only
FRELPREV Fast/Reload previous request number (S) System manager
FSATTN Full screen attention key Any user
FSOUTPUT Full screen color and highlighting Any user
FSTRMOPT Full screen terminal options User n parameter line
FUNCOPTS Sirius function flags (S) System manager
FUNMAXT Default Fast/Unload request timeout (seconds) (S) System manager
FUNPARM Fast/Unload system flags (S) System manager
FUNPGM Name of Fast/Unload load module (S) User 0 parameter line
FUNPRMU Fast/Unload user flags (S) Any user
FUNTSKN Maximum Fast/Unload tasks (S) User 0 parameter line
FVFPG Table A few valued field pages CREATE command
GCSTATS Garbage collector statistics (S) Any user
GTBLHASH Number of hashed GTBL buckets Any user
GTBLPCT Initial GTBL percentage to allocate for plain globals Any user
HASHCELL Hash cells per buffer User 0 parameter line
HASHKEY Name of file's hash key field Viewable only
HASHSPIL Hash file spill chain length User 0 parameter line
HDRCTL Header control Any user
HGHREP31 High 31-bit storage for report writers (megabytes) (S) Viewable only
HGHREP64 High 64-bit storage for report writers (megabytes) (S) Viewable only
HIGHSORT Record with highest sort key Viewable only
HTLEN Max length of each header or trailer User n parameter line
IFAMBS IFAM2 buffer size User 0 parameter line
IFAMCHNL IFAM2 CRAM channel name User 0 parameter line
INCCC Input cont char column Any user
INCSLICE Include slicing limit System manager
INMRL Max input record length Any user
INPUT Input device name User n parameter line
IODEV Type of I/O device User n parameter line
IOSLICE CPU slice - IO System manager
IPADDR IP address User n parameter line
IVERIFY Write verify - initialization CREATE command
JANDEBM Janus Web debugging message flags (S) Any user
JESID JES job id Viewable only
JOBNM Job name Viewable only
JOBSTEP Job step name Viewable only
KOMMOPT KOMM options (obs) User 0 parameter line
LANGFILE Language name for file File manager
LANGUSER Language name for thread Any user
LAUDIT Line audit bits System manager
LAUDPROC Length of audit procedure names User 0 parameter line
LCPDLST Length of C push-down list User 0 parameter line
LDKBMW # of pages in DKBM stat window System manager
LDKBMWND # of pages in DKBM LRU window User 0 parameter line
LDKBMWNG # of pages in above-the-bar DKBM LRU window User 0 parameter line
LECHO Line echo Any user
LEECHO Line edit echo Any user
LENQTBL # of resource locking table entries per user User 0 parameter line
LFSCB Length of full screen buffer User n parameter line
LFTBL Length of FTBL User n parameter line
LGTBL Length of global variable table User n parameter line
LHEAP Length of heap User n parameter line
LIBUFF Length of input buffer User n parameter line
LINEND Logical line end symbol Any user
LITBL Length of ITBL User n parameter line
LNTBL Length of NTBL User n parameter line
LOBUFF Length of output buffer User n parameter line
LOCATION D204 location User 0 parameter line
LOGADD Room for password additions User 0 parameter line
LOGFAIL Action to be taken if logtry exceeded System manager
LOGONENQ Userid logon enqueue User n parameter line
LOGTRY Maximum number of login attempts allowed per thread System manager
LOUTPB Length of output page buffer User n parameter line
LPDLST Length of user push down list User n parameter line
LPFORCE Force procedure audit System manager
LQTBL Length of QTBL User n parameter line
LRECLTBL Length of record locking table (deprecated - use LRETBL) User 0 parameter line
LRESLTBL # of resource locking table entries per user (deprecated - use LENQTBL) User 0 parameter line
LRETBL Length of record locking table User 0 parameter line
LRUPG LRU pages remembered EXEC PARM field
LRUTIM Time to flush obsolete LRU references User 0 parameter line
LSECHO Line substitution echo Any user
LSERVER Server size requirement Viewable only
LSERVPD Length of scheduler pdl (obs) User 0 parameter line
LSTBL Length of STBL User n parameter line
LSTRLOB Treat LOBs as Longstrings (S) System manager
LTTBL Length of TTBL User n parameter line
LVLTRC End of input stream message Any user
LVTBL Length of VTBL User n parameter line
LXTBL Length of XTBL User n parameter line
MARKSAN Maximum items in a MarksArray (S) Any user
MAXAUSER Maximum active interactive users (S) System manager
MAXAUSEW Minimum seconds between MAXAUSER warnings (S) System manager
MAXBG Maximum background/independent Daemons (S) User 0 parameter line
MAXBUF Maximum number of buffers User 0 parameter line
MAXDAEM Maximum Daemon objects per user (S) System manager
MAXHDR Max number of headers User n parameter line
MAXINCBP Maximum dynamic table B size pct increase System manager
MAXINCL Max Include level User 0 parameter line
MAXOBUF Maximum open buffers per user User 0 parameter line
MAXOND Maximum ON unit recursion depth Any user
MAXRDS Maximum RSA subtasks (S) User 0 parameter line
MAXREP31 Maximum 31-bit storage for report writers (megabytes) (S) System manager
MAXREP64 Maximum 64-bit storage for report writers (megabytes) (S) System manager
MAXSIMIO Max simultaneous disk I/Os System manager
MAXSPINS Max number of spins for mplock System manager
MAXTIME Maximum run time Viewable only
MAXTRL Max number of trailers User n parameter line
MAXUD Long update unit durations (ms) User 0 parameter line
MBSCAN Max table B records scan Any user
MCNCT Max connect time Any user
MCPU Max CPU time Any user
MDKRD Max disk reads Any user
MDKWR Max disk writes Any user
MINBUF Minimum number of buffers User 0 parameter line
MISCOPT Miscellaneous system options (obs) System manager
MODEL Terminal model Any user
MODPROT 204 load module protection flags (S) User 0 parameter line
MODTIM Julian date-time of Model 204 module Viewable only
MONPARM SirMon system flags (S) User 0 parameter line
MOUT Max output lines Any user
MPOPTS MP user language options Any user
MPSYS MP/204 system flags System manager
MQBUFSZ Initial universal buffer size User 0 parameter line
MQDEQMAN MQ/204 default queue manager System manager
MQINTASK Initial MQ/204 subtasks User 0 parameter line
MQMXTASK Maximum MQ/204 subtasks User 0 parameter line
MQSUBREL Release MQ subtask (1-release, 0 - retain) Any user
MQWAIT Maximum wait for MQ/204 subtask System manager
MSGCTL Message printing options Any user
MSRES Maximum SREs per file in RETBL System manager
MSTRADD Records added to master areas Viewable only
MSTRDEL Records deleted from master areas Viewable only
MUDD Max UDD lines Any user
MVFPG Table A many valued field pages CREATE command
MXIJLOG Number of 4k pages for JLOG statistics User 0 parameter line
NBKPG Number of backpages kept User n parameter line
NCMPBUF Number of compression buffers (S) User 0 parameter line
NDCBS Number of file DCBs User 0 parameter line
NDIR Number of file directory entries User 0 parameter line
NECBS Number of ECBs User 0 parameter line
NFILES Number of file areas User 0 parameter line
NGROUP Max # of open groups User 0 parameter line
NJBUFF Number of journal buffers EXEC PARM field
NLBUFF Number of CCAJLOG buffers EXEC PARM field
NLRUQ # of DKBM LRU queues User 0 parameter line
NLRUQG # of above-the-bar DKBM LRU queues User 0 parameter line
NMPSUBS Number of offload subtasks User 0 parameter line
NMPSUBZ Number of zIIP eligible subtasks User 0 parameter line
NOECBS Number of ECBs User 0 parameter line
NORQS Number of requests preserved User n parameter line
NOTERM Number of terminals on line User n parameter line
NOTHREAD Number of inbound threads User n parameter line
NOUTBUF # of full screen output buffers User n parameter line
NRMTFILE Number of remote file areas User 0 parameter line
NRMTLOCS Number of remote locations User 0 parameter line
NSERVS Number of servers User 0 parameter line
NSUBTKS Max number of pseudo-subtasks User 0 parameter line
NUMBUF Number of buffers Viewable only
NUMBUFG Number of above-the-bar buffers User 0 parameter line
NUSERS Number of users User 0 parameter line
OBJSTAT Sirius object statistic flags (S) Any user
OBJSTMIN Sirius object statistic minimum (S) Any user
OIDEPTH No. levels of ordered index nodes Viewable only
OILEAVES No. ordered index nodes: leaves Viewable only
OILPACT Ordered index list page active Viewable only
OINBYTES No. ordered index bytes Viewable only
OINENTRY No. ordered index entries Viewable only
OINODES No. ordered index nodes: all levels Viewable only
OPENCTL Open control flags File manager
OPSYS Operating system EXEC PARM field
OUTCCC Output cont char column Any user
OUTLPP Output lines per page Any user
OUTMRL Max output record length Any user
OUTPNO Output page number Any user
OUTPUT Output device name User n parameter line
OVFLADD Records added to overflow areas Viewable only
OVFLDEL Records deleted from overflow areas Viewable only
PAGE Backpage command character Any user
PAGEFIX Page-fix parameter string User 0 parameter line
PAGESZ File page size User 0 parameter line
PDSIZE Pages per procedure dictionary section CREATE command
PDSTRPPG Names/procedure dictionary page limit CREATE command
PERFOPT Sirius Performance Enhancement flags (S) User 0 parameter line
PERFOPT2 Sirius Performance Enhancement flags V2 (S) User 0 parameter line
PGSEP Lines between pages Any user
POLLNO Relative polling number User n parameter line
PQOOPT Parallel query options Any user
PQOSYS Parallel query system options User 0 parameter line
PRCLDEF Default user class for procedures File manager
PRIOMAX Max age priority System manager
PRIORITY User priority User n parameter line
PRIVDEF Default file privileges File manager
PROMPT Prompt control Any user
PUPDTH Procedure update hash value (S) User 0 parameter line
PWDEXP Password expiration days Viewable only
PWDPURGE Password purge days Viewable only
PWDWARN Password warning days Viewable only
RCVOPT Recovery options User 0 parameter line
READLVL Default read FLS level File manager
RECLOCKO Record locking options (S) User 0 parameter line
RECRDOPT Record options CREATE command
RECSCTY Name of file's record security field Viewable only
RECSECID Record security id Viewable only
RESCURR Current storage used for resident requests Viewable only
RESHIGH HWM for storage used for resident requests Viewable only
RESLTHR APSY load threshold for making request resident System manager
RESPAGE Number of resident N/QTBL ATB pages User 0 parameter line
RESSIZE Maximum storage to be used for resident requests System manager
RESTARTU Restart utility flags (S) EXEC PARM field
RESTHRSH Server write threshold for making request resident System manager
RETRVBUF Size of retrieve key buffer (S) User 0 parameter line
RETRVKEY Retrieve PF key Any user
RETRVOPT Retrieve key options (S) Any user
RPTCNT Samples between performance stat lines User 0 parameter line
SCANPARM SirScan system flags (S) User 0 parameter line
SCANTIME Maximum seconds between SirScan info messages (S) User 0 parameter line
SCHDOFL Threshold for activating subtasks System manager
SCHDOFLZ Threshold for activating zIIP subtasks System manager
SCHDOPT Scheduler options System manager
SCHDOPT1 Scheduler options System manager
SCRNSTBL STBL size for Screen objects (S) System manager
SDAEMDEL SDaemon swap delay (MS) (S) System manager
SDAEMDEV IODEV number for SDaemons (S) User 0 parameter line
SDEBGUIP Sirius debug default GUI port number (S) System manager
SDEBWRKP Sirius debug default worker port number (S) System manager
SDMOPT SDaemon options (S) System manager
SECPLIST Security parameter-list name for default user User 0 parameter line
SECTRLOG Security trusted login environment User n parameter line
SECTY Low-level security in effect Viewable only
SELLVL Default select FLS level File manager
SEQOPT Sequential processing options System manager
SEQPDL Minimum PDL available for sequencer User n parameter line
SERVACTV Current size of this server Viewable only
SERVGA Above the bar server areas User 0 parameter line
SERVGSZ Above the bar server size User 0 parameter line
SERVNSA Non swappable server areas User 0 parameter line
SERVNSSZ Non swappable server area size User 0 parameter line
SERVSIZE Maximum size of this server User n parameter line
SESDEBUG Session debugging flags (S) Any user
SESDEFOW Default open wait time in seconds (S) User 0 parameter line
SESDEFTO Default session timeout seconds (S) System manager
SESMAXTO Maximum session timeout in seconds (S) System manager
SESNPRV Maximum number of private sessions (S) User 0 parameter line
SESNPUB Maximum number of public sessions (S) User 0 parameter line
SESOPT Session options (S) User 0 parameter line
SESUMAX Maximum private sessions per user (S) User 0 parameter line
SIOSLICE Server slice - IO System manager
SIRAPSYF Sirius APSY flags (S) System manager
SIRCOMP Sirius compilation flags (S) Any user
SIREDIT Sirius EDIT flags (S) Any user
SIRFACT SirFact flags (S) User 0 parameter line
SIRFUNC Function table options (S) EXEC PARM field
SIRMSG Upper casing of msgs/parm descriptions (deprecated - use UPCASMSG) (S) System manager
SIRPDLHW Accurate PDL HWM calculation (S) User 0 parameter line
SIRPRMPT Sirius full screen prompt (S) System manager
SIRTERM Sirius terminal options (S) User 0 parameter line
SIRTUNE SirTune flags (S) EXEC PARM field
SLICEMAX Max age slice System manager
SMFLORN SMF logout rec # User 0 parameter line
SMFSLRN SMF "since last" rec # User 0 parameter line
SMFSVC SMF SVC # (obs) User 0 parameter line
SMPLTIM Performance sample time User 0 parameter line
SMTPCADD Default SMTP client address System manager
SMTPCPRT Default SMTP client port System manager
SMTPSADD Default SMTP server address System manager
SMTPSPRT Default SMTP server port System manager
SNAPCLS Class for spun-off snaps System manager
SNAPCTL Snap/dump options System manager
SNAPDST Destination for spun-off snaps System manager
SNAPFAIL Number of CCASNAP failures Viewable only
SNAPFLIM 0 or max snap failures allowed System manager
SNAPID Number of snaps so far Viewable only
SNAPLIM 0 or max number of snaps allowed System manager
SNAPLIMD 0 or max number of occurrences of any particular snap (S) System manager
SNAPPDLX Snap pdl extension option System manager
SOCKMAX Maximum sockets per user (S) User 0 parameter line
SORTKEY Name of file's sort key field Viewable only
SPANSIZE SPANSIZE for date $functions (S) User 0 parameter line
SPCORE Spare core reserved User 0 parameter line
SPILLADD Spill indicator - adds Viewable only
SPILLDEL Spill indicator - deletes Viewable only
SQLBSCAN Max RSQL read/writes Any user
SQLBUFSZ Remote SQL server buffer size Any user
SQLCNVER SQL fetch option Any user
SQLFILE SQL generated file names System manager
SQLIQBSZ SQL intrnl query buff size Any user
SQLLPLIM SQL read/writes per slice Any user
SRSDEFTO Default saved record set timeout (S) System manager
SRSMAX Maximum number of saved record sets (S) User 0 parameter line
SRSMAXTO Maximum saved record set timeout (S) System manager
SRSMAXUS Maximum saved record sets per user (S) System manager
SRSPARM Saved record set parameters (S) Any user
SRVSLICE Server slice - CPU System manager
STEPNM Step name Viewable only
STORCUR Current dynamic storage allocation Viewable only
STORCURG Current mbytes ATB storage allocated Viewable only
STORINIT Storage acquired during initialization Viewable only
STORMAX Dynamic storage high water mark Viewable only
STORMAXG HWM mbytes ATB storage allocated Viewable only
STORMXZP HWM mbytes storage allocated with 1 MB pages Viewable only
STORZPAG Current mbytes storage allocated with 1 MB pages Viewable only
SUB Substitution control Any user
SVIOMAXT Server tracks per user Viewable only
SYSDATE System initial date User 0 parameter line
SYSDINFO System date message User 0 parameter line
SYSID SMF system identification Viewable only
SYSOPT System options EXEC PARM field
SYSOPT2 System options User 0 parameter line
SYSTIME System initial time User 0 parameter line
TABSP Tab spacing Any user
TCPNAME TCP/IP service machine name User 0 parameter line
TCPOPTS TCP options System manager
TCPSERV Name of TCP/IP server address space (S) User 0 parameter line
TCPSUBSY Subsystem name for TCP/IP server (S) User 0 parameter line
TCPTYPE Type of TCP/IP server address space (S) User 0 parameter line
TEMPBOP Number of CCATEMP pages reserved for backout data User 0 parameter line
TEMPCUR CCATEMP pages currently in use Viewable only
TEMPCURE CCATEMP pages currently in use (expansion area) Viewable only
TEMPCURS CCATEMP pages currently in use (small model page pool) Viewable only
TEMPHIE CCATEMP HWM pages used (expansion area) Viewable only
TEMPHIS CCATEMP HWM pages used (small model page pool) Viewable only
TEMPMAX CCATEMP highest number of pages used Viewable only
TEMPPAGE Number of CCATEMP pages in storage User 0 parameter line
TEMPSIZE CCATEMP size in pages Viewable only
TERMBUF # of full screen input buffers User n parameter line
TERMID Terminal id User n parameter line
TERMOPT Terminal options Any user
TIMELEF Time left before end of run Viewable only
TIMEOUT Inactive thread timeout in seconds User n parameter line
TIMESTOP Time allowed for termination User 0 parameter line
TIMESVC CCA timing SVC # User 0 parameter line
TNDEV IODEV number for TNSERV threads (S) User 0 parameter line
UBUFSZ Initial universal buffer size User 0 parameter line
UCPUSLIC User CPU slice User n parameter line
UDDCCC USE DDNAME - cont char column Any user
UDDLPP USE DDNAME - lines per page Any user
UDDRFM USE DDNAME - record format Any user
UFEOHASH Unlocked FEO hash table size User 0 parameter line
UFEOMISS Number of unlocked FEO misses Viewable only
UIOSLIC User I/O slice User n parameter line
ULTRACE UL Trace statement flags (S) Any user
ULTRACEP Max UL Trace statement pages (S) Any user
UPCASMSG Upper casing of msgs/parm descriptions System manager
UPDTID User current update id Viewable only
UPDTLVL Default update FLS level File manager
UPRIV User privilege bits Viewable only
USERID User id Viewable only
USLCMAX User slice max to CSLICE User n parameter line
USLCWAIT User slice wait time User n parameter line
VDP Default %var decimal places Any user
VERIFY Write verify File manager
VERSION Release of Model 204 Viewable only
VLEN Default %var length Any user
VMFSCHNL VMCF display mode channel name User 0 parameter line
VMIFCHNL VMCF IFAM channel name User 0 parameter line
VMIOCHNL VMCF line mode channel name User 0 parameter line
VTAMNAME VTAM application name User 0 parameter line
VTAMNTO VTAM NTO application name User 0 parameter line
VTGCSSRV GCS service VM for VTAM terminals User 0 parameter line
VTLAPSY Login APSY for VT75 terminals (S) System manager
VTYPE Default %var type Any user
WAITSCAN Wait scan interval System manager
WAITTIME Wait time in seconds for a response Any user
WEBAUDIT Janus Web audit trail reduction flags (S) User 0 parameter line
WEBOPT Miscellaneous Janus Web options (S) User 0 parameter line
XAUTOINC Number of pages for table X auto increase File manager
XDMSSN XDM subsystem User 0 parameter line
XHIGHPG Table X highest active page Viewable only
XMEMOPT Cross-memory PC options User 0 parameter line
XMEMSVC Cross-memory SVC # User 0 parameter line
XQLEN Table X queue length Viewable only
XRECPPG Table X slots per page CREATE command
XRESERVE Table X reserve space per page File manager
XREUSE Free space required to reuse table X page File manager
XREUSED Extension slots reused in table X Viewable only
XSIZE Pages in table X CREATE command
ZPAGEOPT 1 mb page areas User 0 parameter line
ZQMAX Z queue max length System manager