Template:List of M204. messages

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M204.0001 Illegal ANALYZE command M204.0998 Unable to enter the subsysName subsystem M204.1962 Reopen failed: file not previously opened
M204.0002 No ANALYZE work file M204.0999 Number %variable used for variable-name variable M204.1963 Invalid pattern token
M204.0003 ANALYZE done M204.1000 Variable-name variable cannot be resolved: value ​=​ token M204.1964 Sorted output not possible
M204.0004 ANALYZE work file opened M204.1001 Screen item variable required​,​ not token M204.1965 Global name not found: token
M204.0005 ANALYZE fieldname ​=​ fieldname M204.1002 Thread logout - IFFNSH or IFDTHRD (IFAM4) M204.1966 Non-subsystem file reference by temp group​,​ recompiling
M204.0006 Errors exceed ERMX M204.1003 IFAM4 termination. shutdownMessage M204.1967 Remote access not allowed from IFAM
M204.0007 Unable to add SCLASS to array M204.1004 Data inconsistent with EDIT_SPEC M204.1968 Process timed out waiting for completion of token
M204.0008 Double use of proc dictionary page pageNumber M204.1005 Variable-name variable must resolve to screen item: value ​=​ token M204.1969 Remote file token at token2 token3 token4
M204.0009 Double use of proc text page pageNumber M204.1006 File token must be defined with a dataset type of direct or sequential M204.1970 No remote file save area available
M204.0010 Proc text page loop M204.1007 DLBL statement for token must specify direct access M204.1971 Remote file unavailable
M204.0011 Double use of ACT page M204.1008 LOUTPB must be increased to at least number M204.1972 Remote file physically broken
M204.0012 Double use of record description page M204.1009 Device support not linked in M204.1973 Non-TBO remote file
M204.0013 Please specify ANALYZE work file​,​ then field M204.1010 Bug .. PUTL M204.1974 Input alias requires use of WITH NOALIAS keywords
M204.0014 New free page BP not found M204.1011 Reading a printer M204.1975 Procedure may not replace alias: aliasName
M204.0015 IX says list​,​ not BP M204.1012 Writing a reader M204.1976 NOALIAS keyword requires procedure name input
M204.0016 Newfr str M204.1013 Ejecting a reader M204.1977 File fileName may not be accessed remotely
M204.0017 New Table D pages used ​=​ pagesUsed M204.1014 Output page buffer full M204.1978 Storage could not be obtained for remote access
M204.0018 subsysName set to stop​,​ remaining users ​=​ numberOfUsers M204.1015 Bug .. full screen length M204.1979 CCATEMP page could not be obtained for remote access
M204.0019 *ZAP verify reject​,​ storage remains unchanged M204.1016 Bug .. PGOUT M204.1980 Conflicting parameter settings: token and token2
M204.0020 variousMessages M204.1017 IFAM1 - user restart M204.1981 Length attribute ignored for output parameter
M204.0021 NSERVS+NUSERS(if swapping)+NSUBTKS+1 ​>​ 32767 M204.1018 Restart during initialization or termination M204.1982 Illegal jump attempted out of complex subroutine On Unit
M204.0022 Bug .. moduleName routineName M204.1019 Restart during restart M204.1983 Reopen disallowed​,​ open will be done for remote file
M204.0023 Unknown option: option M204.1020 User restart loop M204.1984 Communication error on remote node token processing fileOrGroupName
M204.0024 Unable to include subsystem procedure: procName M204.1021 token PST restarted M204.1985 Multiple itemids specified: using token
M204.0025 Bug .. APSY use count M204.1022 User restarting restartType M204.1986 Error on remote node token​,​ fileOrGroupName: token2
M204.0026 Too much audit data M204.1023 User suspended M204.1987 Remote file fileName may not be accessed with multiple process groups
M204.0027 Aux procedure dictionary full M204.1024 User restarted restartType M204.1988 Data dictionary shipping error
M204.0028 subsysName session ended M204.1025 token support not linked in M204.1989 Data expected and not received from Process token. User Id: token2 Remote Id: token3. WHAT_RECEIVED ​=​ hexValue
M204.0029 File in use by subsystem subsysName​,​ command rejected M204.1026 Bug .. MAINCMDL M204.1990 Send indicator expected from Process token. User Id: token2 Remote Id: token3. WHAT_RECEIVED ​=​ hexValue
M204.0030 Model 204 needs 370 instruction set M204.1027 Time -- no more requests M204.1991 Invalid conversation state. Process: token. User Id: token2 Remote Id: token3. STATE ​=​ token4
M204.0031 Storage acquired for number name buffer(s) ​=​ number bytes M204.1028 Please logout and hang up M204.1992 Recovery: processing roll forward block# token token2
M204.0032 Equal sign not found M204.1029 User connection lost (phone was hung up) M204.1993 Communication error: status ​=​ token​,​ statusd ​=​ token2
M204.0033 Invalid expression M204.1030 Invalid Model 204 command M204.1994 Commit of transaction token completed on token2 node token3
M204.0034 Variable parameters too large M204.1031 Please login M204.1995 Scattered commit incomplete
M204.0035 Variable parameters may not be reset M204.1032 Default file or group needed M204.1996 CMS parameter requires CMS environment
M204.0036 Variable length must be positive M204.1033 Invalid option with DBCS data type M204.1997 IN FILE clause required
M204.0037 Invalid syntax M204.1034 Command requires file manager privilege M204.1998 IFD2SNCC
M204.0038 %variable already defined - varName M204.1035 Command invalid from procedure M204.1999 Statement too long for PQO buffer
M204.0039 Request too long -- STBL​,​ LSTBL​=​value M204.1036 Updates not permitted M204.2000 Too many variables in remote find retrieval conditions
M204.0040 Invalid array declaration M204.1037 Command requires single file M204.2001 Find All Values not allowed in remote context
M204.0041 Too many dimensions declared M204.1038 Invalid print font specification M204.2002 IFD2PLME
M204.0042 Dimension declaration must be positive M204.1039 Feature not linked in M204.2003 Location missing for remote file
M204.0043 Dimension declaration too large M204.1040 Run aborted M204.2004 Function must be inside On Missing unit
M204.0044 Too few​/​many subscripts M204.1041 More is invalid -- ignored M204.2005 token missing or invalid token2 token3
M204.0045 Invalid index variable M204.1042 Compilation errors M204.2007 Remote file token at token2 token3
M204.0046 User restart during APSY restart M204.1043 System shutdown in progress; please disconnect M204.2008 LOCATION parameter omitted
M204.0047 From​/​To missing M204.1044 Output set to normal M204.2009 Unexpected conversation state token
M204.0048 Redundant From​/​To​/​By M204.1045 Request cancelled - unable to lock all records M204.2010 Comm error status​,​ statusd ​=​ token token2
M204.0049 Missing right paren M204.1046 Bug .. MACMPLX M204.2011 Comm error errmsg ​=​ token
M204.0050 Invalid value​,​ count​,​ or occurrence M204.1047 token is an invalid token2 M204.2012 token server token2 error token3
M204.0051 Unexpected right paren or comma M204.1048 Command invalid from terminals M204.2013 Function not valid on current thread type
M204.0052 Illegal term M204.1049 token token2 command not supported M204.2014 Illegal file parameter specified
M204.0053 Field name reference not in a For loop M204.1050 CCATEMP full: token M204.2015 IFDSOPEN
M204.0054 Overflow in re-scaling constant M204.1051 The answer is token M204.2016 IFDSREOP
M204.0055 I​/​O error - datasetName M204.1052 LOUTPB token to token2 M204.2017 IFGETAPG
M204.0056 Trailing pad character not allowed on preallocated ORDERED or KEY field​=​fieldName​,​ recnum​=​X'recNum'​,​ value​=​X'fieldValue' M204.1053 Buffer usage statistics for VTAMNAME token M204.2018 IFGETFPL
M204.0057 Len or DP parameter too large M204.1054 Print n fieldName invalid in this environment M204.2019 IFGETRD
M204.0058 Len must be positive M204.1055 Number of input buffer waits - token M204.2020 File fileName; condition​,​ OPEN command rejected
M204.0059 Type inconsistent with Len or DP M204.1056 Number of write waits - token M204.2021 Undefined variable type hexValue
M204.0060 Model 204 initialization. Version ​=​ versionNum datetimecModName cModLevelNum cModDatetime M204.1057 token out of token2 input buffers are active M204.2022 Compiled IFAM is required for IFFIND​/​IFSORT
M204.0061 SMF system ID ​=​ sysID​,​ job name ​=​ jobName​,​ step name ​=​ stepName​,​ job step ​=​ jobStepName​,​ JES ID ​=​ JESID M204.1058 token out of token2 output buffers are active M204.2023 Cannot flush compilation or variable
M204.0062 Execute parameters: parameters M204.1059 Number of terminals in output buffer wait queue is token M204.2024 Invalid 'in' clause specified
M204.0063 Insufficient main storage to perform enqueue M204.1060 token not allowed with non swappable servers M204.2025 Invalid record set specification
M204.0064 NDBSERVS cannot be less than NSERVS+2​,​ reset to NSERVS+2 M204.1061 There are no token interface statistics to display M204.2026 Access security error: token
M204.0065 NSERVS cannot be greater than NUSERS​,​ reset to NUSERS M204.1062 No name given​,​ command rejected M204.2027 Rejecting ATTACH - SENSE DATA ​=​ hexValue
M204.0066 Minimum servType required for this user is bytes M204.1063 File or group token not open​,​ command rejected M204.2028 Unable to send reject-attach due to local resource shortage
M204.0067 Fixed servType for this user is bytes M204.1064 I​/​O error DUMPing file fileName to token M204.2029 Required record set parameter omitted
M204.0068 Server size increased to user's fixed size of bytes M204.1065 token was not previously defined M204.2030 Invalid IFFIND specification
M204.0069 Fixed area for user will not fit in largest server​,​ initialization terminated M204.1066 token not specified M204.2031 Open Process failed: CID​=​token​,​ remote ID​=​token2​,​ SENSE​=​hexValue
M204.0070 Server too small for user: userNum M204.1067 Invalid token specified M204.2032 "auto logout" required with "auto login" when security interface active
M204.0071 LRETBL * NUSERS too high M204.1068 token M204.2033 "in order" not valid on remote file
M204.0072 User zero won't fit in largest server M204.1069 ALLOCATE​/​FREE failed with return code retCode​,​ error reason code hexValue​,​ information reason code hexValue2​,​ SMS reason code hexValue3 M204.2034 FRV not valid in remote context
M204.0073 CHKP module was not linked in or journal dataset(s) could not be opened for roll forward logging M204.1070 ALLOCATE ddName failed - reason M204.2035 Process name or cid token too long
M204.0074 Insufficient main storage for MINBUF specification above/below 16meg line​,​ SPCORE ​=​ spcore​,​ MINBUF ​=​ minbuf​,​ MAXBUF ​=​ maxbuf M204.1071 Finish during finish M204.2036 Sync level not supported
M204.0075 Initialization completed. Buffers ​=​ noOfBTBbuffers + noOfATBbuffers M204.1072 Model 204 termination begun M204.2037 IFFTCH
M204.0076 No files to process​,​ REGENERATE ending M204.1073 Online Model 204 termination begun M204.2038 IFFTCHC
M204.0077 Errors detected -- run cancelled M204.1074 CCATEMP pages used ​=​ token out of token2 M204.2039 IFFTCHE
M204.0078 Unable to open CCAGRP M204.1075 Termination complete: return code ​=​ token M204.2040 IFFCHBC
M204.0079 Input buffer high watermark - number M204.1076 Do you really want to action M204.2041 IFFCHBE
M204.0080 Expecting single identifier for file name M204.1077 Reply ​=​ options M204.2042 IFOCUR
M204.0081 Can't open CCATEMP M204.1078 Please reply "y" or "n" M204.2043 IFOCURC
M204.0082 Timeleft ​=​ number M204.1079 'end more' not supported for procs with DB2 statements M204.2044 IFOCURE
M204.0083 File fileName was created by a later release M204.1080 Too many errors M204.2045 IFCMTR
M204.0084 Insufficient FTBL space for NGROUP​,​ LFTBL​=​value M204.1081 Message facility restart M204.2046 Invalid cursor specification
M204.0085 Password checking for CMS is turned on M204.1082 Subtask hexValue was abended with abcode hexValue2 M204.2047 Cursor already opened
M204.0086 Password checking for CMS will be bypassed M204.1083 Duplicate itemid: token M204.2048 Invalid cursor name specified
M204.0087 The 'p' or 'np' options are valid only with CMS M204.1084 Broadcast message not present M204.2049 Position lost during evaluation or it was never declared
M204.0088 File fileName can no longer be opened by this release M204.1085 Insufficient storage for token M204.2050 commandName COMMAND USE​=​option PRIVILEGE​=​priv
M204.0089 No I​/​O allowed on terminal while process-to-process is in effect M204.1086 Itemid not found: token M204.2051 Invalid token - cursor is not open
M204.0090 Dynamic storage acquired during initialization ​=​ number​,​ after initialization ​=​ number M204.1087 Command requires open file M204.2052 Illegal image definition - previous image has no items
M204.0091 PSTname PST starting text M204.1088 token and token2 are mutually exclusive options M204.2053 Redundant file contexts
M204.0092 PSTname PST stopping text M204.1089 Message too long for file broadcast M204.2054 Conflicting file contexts
M204.0093 streamName is a recursive stream definition M204.1090 Default cursor item name not found M204.2055 IFRELR
M204.0094 Open failed for member memberName of concatenated stream streamName M204.1091 Invalid user ID M204.2056 IFRELA
M204.0095 Parallel stream streamName disabled​,​ number of members below MINAVAIL M204.1092 Invalid user number specified M204.2057 No physical extent information for this dataset​,​ Open statement or command rejected
M204.0096 Member memberName removed from parallel stream streamName M204.1093 Sorry​,​ that command is not allowed for a Model 204 system dataset. M204.2058 ZZZZCCATEMP: token pg: hexValue what: hexValue2 who: hexValue3
M204.0097 feature support not linked in M204.1094 token tracing is token2 token3 M204.2059 LOUTPB too small for Hitachi data stream
M204.0098 Minimum SERVSIZE for these tables: BTB​=​bytes; ATB​=​bytes; NSA​=​bytes M204.1095 "token" is invalid - specify "on" or "off" M204.2060 token name 'token2' is too long
M204.0099 Minimum SERVSIZE for these tables: BTB​=​bytes; ATB​=​bytes; NSA​=​bytes M204.1096 There were no updates for backout to process M204.2061 No Horizon request available for response
M204.0100 Files must be closed to change XTBL M204.1097 No message specified M204.2062 DMSFRET error​,​ return code ​=​ token - run terminated
M204.0101 Allocated global variables will be cleared M204.1098 Specified user not active: token M204.2063 FRN not valid in remote context
M204.0102 LITBL reset clears stacked arguments M204.1099 Transaction token has been backed out M204.2064 File fileName is not initialized
M204.0103 Invalid option - UTABLE M204.1100 Horizon transport error -- process​=​token​,​ remoteid​=​token2​,​ @SESD​=​hexValue M204.2065 Close-type keyword 'force' is required
M204.0104 Errors detected​,​ table sizes not reset M204.1101 Unexpected token receipt -- rh​=​hexValue​,​ ru​=​hexValue2... M204.2066 Multi-tasking requires KOMMOPT​=​1​,​ NMPSUBS set to 0
M204.0105 New table sizes will not fit in server​,​ table sizes not reset M204.1102 Discarding response from token -- rplseqno​=​hexValue​,​ sevcbsqn​=​hexValue2​,​ rh​=​hexValue3​,​ hsid​=​hexValue4 M204.2067 IFCLST
M204.0106 RESTOREG not allowed during roll back M204.1103 IFFTCNE M204.2068 IFPROLS
M204.0107 DUMPG not allowed during roll back M204.1104 IFUPDNE M204.2069 IFRRFLS
M204.0108 Change applied to disk CCASTAT​,​ further updates to CCASTAT not allowed in this run M204.1105 ONINIT -- Online monitor needs statistics module STAT M204.2070 token statement does not support member​=​*​,​ group​=​groupName
M204.0109 Input to RESTORE has wrong file name: fileName M204.1106 ONINIT -- too few pseudo subtasks M204.2071 Group member clause may not be used with file$ or location$
M204.0110 Invalid cmdName command M204.1107 No statistics in run - MONITOR command invalid M204.2072 IFDECL
M204.0111 Eof or I​/​O error on input to RESTORE M204.1108 Conflicting keywords specified M204.2073 Latest successful checkpoint completed at: token
M204.0112 Not enough pages to RESTORE file. At least X'hexValue' pages required M204.1109 File not open: fileName M204.2074 token checkpoints have since timed out
M204.0113 DSL​/​LPM alteration implied but not authorized M204.1110 QTBL​,​ LQTBL​=​value - too small for selective type display M204.2075 token records currently in active CHKPOINT stream
M204.0114 CCAGRP not included in job M204.1111 Performance monitoring not active M204.2076 token checkpoints currently in CHKPOINT stream
M204.0115 Invalid RESTORE or RESTOREG option M204.1112 errorType errorInfo M204.2077 token users currently inhibiting checkpoints
M204.0116 Bad input to RESTORE: reason M204.1113 Conflicting refresh specifications M204.2078 Users currently inhibiting checkpoints are:
M204.0117 Not enough pages to make requested alterations during RESTORE M204.1114 Refresh time must be greater than zero M204.2079 MINBUF reset to NLRUQ * ((NSERVS + NSUBTKS) * MAXOBUF + 15) ​=​ token * ((token2 + token3) * token4 + 15) ​=​ token5
M204.0118 Eof for CCARF stream after seq# seqNo1 of seqNo2 M204.1115 Undefined word: word M204.2080 Bug .. DBCFMOD flag was off
M204.0119 Internal SQL compilation error M204.1116 No closing parenthesis for token M204.2081 IFSTOR
M204.0120 CHKP - increase NSUBTKS M204.1117 Refresh option required after word "every" M204.2082 IFSTORC
M204.0121 I​/​O error detected on CHKPOINT stream M204.1118 Parameter not viewable ​=​ parameterName M204.2083 IFSTORE
M204.0122 Roll forward is cancelled M204.1119 Reading parameters M204.2084 Referencing bad screen
M204.0123 Unable to open the checkpoint stream M204.1120 No current file M204.2085 IFUPDT
M204.0124 Checkpoints are not allowed during recovery M204.1121 The value of token cannot be token2 than token3 M204.2086 IFUPDTC
M204.0125 Checkpointing not active M204.1122 Invalid parameter ​=​ parameterName M204.2087 IFUPDTE
M204.0126 File fileName not located in directory M204.1123 Parameter token not reset M204.2088 Required cursor parameter missing
M204.0127 File name required if not administrator M204.1124 Bump of token token2 scheduled by token3 for token4 user(s) M204.2089 Cursor parameter invalid on this thread type
M204.0128 Output set to normal M204.1125 Parameter 'input' must specify a valid programmer logical unit M204.2090 token must be less than or equal to token2
M204.0129 Request cancelled due to I​/​O error on USE output file ddName M204.1126 Subsystem subsysName must be started M204.2091 IFFRN
M204.0130 Checkpoint not in progress M204.1127 token FILEORG specified M204.2092 IFFRNC
M204.0131 echoMsgctl M204.1128 Can't get file exclusive lock - FRCVOPT was not reset M204.2093 IFFRNE
M204.0132 Checkpoint in progress​,​ please wait M204.1129 Previous request not allowed: tempProcNum M204.2094 token invalid in group context
M204.0133 USE data set ddName has a maximum record length of lrecl but the current value of LOBUFF is lobuff M204.1130 Invalid delimiter M204.2095 IFRNUM
M204.0134 RESTART must be first command M204.1131 Can't action M204.2096 IFOCC
M204.0135 No CCARF DD statement - can't perform recovery M204.1132 Float field type unavailable without transform M204.2097 IFOCCC
M204.0136 No CHKPOINT DD card - can't perform recovery M204.1133 Illegal value for DBCS parameter M204.2098 IFOCCE
M204.0137 RESTART bypassed M204.1134 Can't DEASSIGN alias: aliasName M204.2099 FRCVOPT forced to 'no transaction backout'
M204.0138 Unable to open streamName stream M204.1135 Can't DEASSIGN a procedure name: procName M204.2100 Invalid address specified
M204.0139 EOF assumed in first pass of streamName stream after seq# seqNo1 of seqNo2 M204.1136 Define procedure token M204.2101 Reset not allowed​,​ checkpointing not active
M204.0140 NDIR must be increased. RESTART aborted. M204.1137 Unexpected end-of-procedure during procedure definition. Type 'END PROC' to end definition. M204.2102 CPTIME cannot be reset from zero
M204.0141 Bug .. duplicate file name in checkpoint record M204.1138 Invalid delimiter after procedure name M204.2103 Zero is an invalid reset value
M204.0142 Serious error during roll back - run aborted M204.1139 Alias is in use​,​ ignored: alias M204.2104 Heap storage is required but the LHEAP parameter is set to 0
M204.0143 No files changed after last checkpoint​,​ RESTART bypassed M204.1140 Procedure token already exists M204.2105 Insufficient heap. MALLOC failed in token
M204.0144 parameter ​=​ parmValue but must be at least value (reason) M204.1141 Invalid class specification M204.2106 Stack overflow. Recursion too deep.
M204.0145 The following files cannot be recovered: M204.1142 Aliases ignored on previous request redefinition M204.2107 File token was created by a later release
M204.0146 fileName - errorReason M204.1143 Can't add alias: alias M204.2108 File token was created by a later release
M204.0147 RESTART aborted M204.1144 Define procedure token M204.2109 File fileName is a DUMP dataset
M204.0148 The following files will be rolled back: M204.1145 procedureCmd M204.2110 1NF FILEMODL files must be TBO
M204.0149 fileName M204.1146 Procedure token definition ended M204.2111 1NF FILEMODL requires field attribute AT-MOST-ONE
M204.0150 Read past beginning of RESTART stream M204.1147 End procedure M204.2112 NUMERIC RANGE fields are incompatible with 1nf FILEMODL
M204.0151 I​/​O error during roll back. RESTART failed. M204.1148 Can't define procedures M204.2113 Files cannot be reset to 1NF FILEMODL
M204.0152 Unknown checkpoint record type M204.1149 token has been set to its token2 value: token3 M204.2114 token fields are not supported in files created before token2
M204.0153 Bug .. roll back LPM​/​DSL grew M204.1150 No subsystem files defined for subsystem subsysName M204.2115 Data received while waiting for CEB response- rh​=​hexValue​,​ ru​=​hexValue2
M204.0154 RESTART job jobname M204.1151 Can't delete procedure that's in use M204.2116 File fileName does not contain an ordered index
M204.0155 Rerun job jobname M204.1152 Change deleteCmd M204.2117 token fields cannot be defined in a non-TBO file
M204.0156 Invalid checkpoint date or time: dateOrTime M204.1153 Can't delete procedure procedureName M204.2118 1NF FILEMODL requires field attribute AT-MOST-ONE
M204.0157 Rolled back to [sub-]transaction checkpoint chkpID M204.1154 Invalid options specified M204.2119 AT-MOST​/​EXACTLY-ONE constraint violation in record token​,​ field ignored: token2 ​=​ token3
M204.0158 End of roll back M204.1155 Invalid keyword M204.2120 AT-MOST-ONE violation during Store Record in a non-TBO file
M204.0159 Can't perform roll forward M204.1156 Invalid privilege list M204.2121 Repeating AT-MOST-ONE field prohibited
M204.0160 Roll back not successful​,​ RF not allowed M204.1157 Subsystem subsysName​,​ SCLS definition not found M204.2122 token constraint violation for field token2 in record token3
M204.0161 Warning: pre-compile prefix reason M204.1158 Can't token procedure: token2 M204.2123 Value specified violates binary data type validation in record token​,​ field ignored: token2 ​=​ token3
M204.0162 Serious error during roll forward - run aborted M204.1159 Illegal class: class M204.2124 Value specified violates FLOAT data type validation in record token​,​ field ignored: token2 ​=​ token3
M204.0163 SERVSIZE increased to bytes M204.1160 Can't display class: class M204.2125 FOR EACH VALUE fields are incompatible with 1NF FILEMODL
M204.0164 Storage allocation failed during roll forward M204.1161 Include level too deep for DISPLAY M204.2126 User's pushdown list overflowed
M204.0165 Missing an update unit from ICL (InComplete List) M204.1162 Default must be file M204.2127 Sum of MAXBUF + SPCORE exceeds machine size
M204.0166 Checkpoint missing from CCARF M204.1163 Must be file manager to display others' privs M204.2128 There were no updates to file token in token2
M204.0167 Checkpointing terminated​,​ run cancelled M204.1164 Bug .. procedure loop. Continuing. M204.2129 Direction cannot be set to 0 for value set cursors
M204.0168 Bug .. illegal option for roll forward M204.1165 Include too deep M204.2130 Invalid 'by' value. value ​=​ 0
M204.0169 Bug .. reapplying RF entry type entryType​,​ subtype subType from updunit updateUnitNum to file fileName recNum M204.1166 Too many include argument strings M204.2131 FILEMODL can only be set to numeric validation during create - reset not allowed
M204.0170 No files need to be rolled forward M204.1167 ITBL full​,​ LITBL​=​value -- argument string ignored M204.2132 1NF FILEMODL requires numeric validation
M204.0171 A discontinuity was detected for file fileName in update updateID M204.1168 [ In fileGroupContext] Include procName M204.2133 IFCCUR
M204.0172 End of update updateID at hh:mm:ss.th M204.1169 Can't Include procName M204.2134 IFFAC
M204.0173 Start of update updateID at hh:mm:ss.th M204.1170 Error while opening files for subsystem subsysName M204.2135 "into" arguments must be string arrays
M204.0174 Bug .. roll forward did not get the same record number for file fileName old recno: recNum new recno: recNum M204.1171 Can't include M204.2136 IFFACE
M204.0175 Roll forward optimization error M204.1172 Previous request not defined M204.2137 Group update file is unavailable
M204.0176 Backout log mismatch during roll forward M204.1173 Can't edit reason procName M204.2138 End of input stream​,​ level ​=​ token
M204.0177 Reserved word ​=​ text M204.1174 No procedure file M204.2139 $pack precision must be in range 1-16
M204.0178 Field name omitted M204.1175 Proc.dict: not enough space at page​,​ cell: hexCell M204.2140 Function cannot execute while cursor is open against specified set
M204.0179 Table B search implied for field ​=​ fieldName in context name M204.1176 Can't EDIT (not authorized) into procName M204.2141 NSUBTKS too low​,​ cant initialize DKBMTIME PST
M204.0180 Table B search implied for field ​=​ fieldName in context name M204.1177 Procedure rejected. PDSIZE​=​0 in file fileName M204.2142 Maximum number of iterations exceeded for procedure: procName
M204.0181 Can't reserve buffer​,​ not enough left. M204.1178 No user classes defined for subsystem subsysName M204.2143 Insufficient main storage for SPCORE specification token 16meg line​,​ SPCORE ​=​ token2​,​ MINBUF ​=​ token3​,​ MAXBUF ​=​ token4
M204.0182 Statement label expected​,​ not token M204.1179 Unable to allocate enough storage to process password table M204.2144 token diagnostic DUMP of MRFT
M204.0183 Insufficient access to select on field fieldname M204.1180 Invalid keyword: word M204.2145 token hexValue
M204.0184 Missing ')' M204.1181 Unexpected SNA control message for token​,​ CONTROL ​=​ X'hexValue'​,​ SENSE ​=​ X'hexValue2' M204.2146 "count" argument cannot be a literal
M204.0185 Illegal use of fieldname variable M204.1182 Invalid class: class M204.2147 Deferred update dataset token for file fileName contains updates for file token2
M204.0186 New or invalid list name in list$ clause M204.1183 Alias buffer overflow M204.2148 Btree ordering impossible - cursor not opened
M204.0187 Point$ not allowed in groups M204.1184 Alias name syntax error​,​ alias ignored: aliasName M204.2149 I​/​O error on TAPE5 dataset​,​ application of index updates aborted
M204.0188 No sorted groups M204.1185 Invalid syntax for procedure name M204.2150 Start subroutine
M204.0189 File is not sorted M204.1186 Bad previous request number M204.2151 End subroutine
M204.0190 File$ and Location$ must be in group context M204.1187 VTAM logmsg failed​,​ logmsg length token​,​ please logon. M204.2152 Statement turned off parallel
M204.0191 File not in current group: file ​=​ filename M204.1188 Unable to run procedure procName for subsystem subsysName-GTBL full​,​ LGTBL​=​value M204.2153 Dataset token is already open
M204.0192 And or Than required​,​ not word M204.1189 No procedure name given M204.2154 Subsystem subsysName is not active
M204.0193 Inconsistent range conditions M204.1190 MAXBUF set to same value as MINBUF ​=​ token M204.2155 'token' is invalid -- type '*trace ?' for usage
M204.0194 Than required​,​ not word M204.1191 Maximum header or trailer number exceeded M204.2156 Unable to allocate sufficient storage for message buffer: rc ​=​ token
M204.0195 Unit unitType used by ddName DD statement currently in use M204.1192 Can't expand ACT in fileName M204.2157 M204XSVC version ​=​ token
M204.0196 Data set datasetName used by ddName DD statement currently in use M204.1193 Unable to run subsystem subsysName error procedure M204.2158 Global token definition doesn't match value in GTBL​,​ token2​,​ name hash​=​hexValue
M204.0197 Invalid NOTERM value M204.1194 Destination must be a list of paired processgroup-symbolic names or a single processgroup M204.2159 $date​/​$datej​/​$datep format parameter must be 0​,​ 1 or 2
M204.0198 Request too long -- VTBL​,​ LVTBL​=​value M204.1195 Can't close all files from a subsystem M204.2160 Global screens may not contain multiple pages
M204.0199 Open failed for VTAM applid applName with reason code X"hexValue" M204.1196 Missing arguments M204.2161 Secondary declarations of globals must specify 'Common'
M204.0200 Insufficient access to read field fieldname M204.1197 Error in ACT modification M204.2162 Global Images may not contain Len​/​Occurs Unknown
M204.0201 Unable to start PSTname PST​,​ increase NSUBTKS M204.1198 Have not added user class: class M204.2163 Trouble with disk I​/​O on file token post code ​=​ x'hexValue' csw ​=​ x'hexValue2'
M204.0202 File records requires either an INVISIBLE​,​ KEY or INVISIBLE​,​ ORDERED field: field ​=​ fieldName M204.1199 UCLASS​=​ALL not allowed. ACT does not exist in fileName M204.2164 Trouble with disk I​/​O post code ​=​ x'hexValue' CSW ​=​ x'hexValue2'
M204.0203 "Store" requires update file M204.1200 Roll token transaction number for the following files: M204.2165 Subroutine parameter list incorrectly defined
M204.0204 Parameter parmName obsolete and not reset M204.1201 Unexpected end of command M204.2166 Offload stopped for ring stream token due to run termination
M204.0205 Sort​/​hash key required in new record M204.1202 More than one name and​/​or UCLASS keyword M204.2167 A close error has been detected on dataset token
M204.0206 Unsorted file​,​ sort key rejected M204.1203 File fileName was last updated on token M204.2168 Nonsensical If statement
M204.0207 VTAM NTO interface restarted M204.1204 Invalid procedure name: procName M204.2250 Model204 must run either with M204XSVC installed or from an APF-authorized library
M204.0208 Updating sort key not permitted M204.1205 Buffer overflow M204.2251 IFLCKGET error: token
M204.0209 New value null or too long for fieldName M204.1206 More than one UCLASS or PCLASS keyword M204.2252 IFLCKREL
M204.0210 Number required​,​ not: word M204.1207 Invalid class number: class M204.2253 Subsystem subsysName​,​ recordType - record contains invalid data
M204.0211 Request too long - QTBL​,​ LQTBL​=​value M204.1208 Invalid access: code M204.2254 Value specified in LDC violates FLOAT data type validation​,​ field ignored: token ​=​ token2
M204.0212 Word too long M204.1209 Retry is not valid in an On token unit M204.2255 Value specified in LDC violates BINARY data type validation​,​ field ignored: token ​=​ token2
M204.0213 Phrase too long M204.1210 "ALL" is invalid for name list in SECURE command M204.2256 IFLCKGET
M204.0214 Field names unavailable in groups M204.1211 Invalid PCLASS list M204.2257 Connection rejected by token with explanation:
M204.0215 Illegal statement destination - statmentLabel M204.1212 On Error on-unit ignored - VTBL full​,​ LVTBL​=​value M204.2258 SESSIONS parameter too low on DEFINE token to complete connection with token2
M204.0216 Missing call destination statement label M204.1213 P.D. page full. Can't secure proc: token M204.2259 'no transaction backout' forces 'roll forward all the way'
M204.0217 Too many parts in called statement number M204.1214 token M204.2260 Connection token with token2 token3​,​ - token4 source was token5
M204.0218 Rest of line ignored after: text M204.1215 XTBL​,​ LXTBL​=​value - not enough space M204.2261 "end more" not supported for procs with DB2 statements
M204.0219 Return valid only in subroutine M204.1216 Record locking conflict M204.2262 DB2: invalid statement: token
M204.0220 Subroutine statement cannot be nested M204.1217 IFBOUT M204.2263 DB2: invalid token stmt: expected 'token2'​,​ found 'token3'
M204.0221 VTAM close error: applid token​,​ X15 ​=​ x'hexValue'​,​ errflag ​=​ x'hexValue2' M204.1218 IFCMMT M204.2264 DB2: cursor name longer than 18 chars: token
M204.0222 Retry valid only within an On unit M204.1219 Record locking table full M204.2265 DB2: maximum number of cursors exceeded
M204.0223 Statement label multiply defined M204.1220 File fileName not initialized M204.2266 DB2: string too long: token
M204.0224 Request too long -- NTBL​,​ LNTBL​=​value M204.1221 File fileName is physically inconsistent M204.2267 DB2: indicator variable token not supported for token2 stmt
M204.0225 Too many parts in statement number M204.1222 File fileName is full M204.2268 DB2: (limitation) host variable token may not be token2
M204.0226 Request too long -- QTBL​,​ LQTBL​=​value M204.1223 Enq .. waiting for token token2 token3 token4 token5 token6 token7 M204.2269 DB2: CONNECT must be first DB2 command
M204.0227 User may not access file​/​group M204.1224 Bug .. CENQ M204.2270 DB2: only 1-byte kanji shifts supported
M204.0228 Part of statement ignored M204.1225 Resource locking table full M204.2271 DB2: z​/​OS environment required
M204.0229 Invalid statement M204.1226 Bug .. CDEQ M204.2272 DB2: insufficient memory
M204.0230 Invalid text after "end" M204.1227 Record locking table full M204.2273 DB2: undeclared cursor: token
M204.0231 Too many files in group M204.1228 Bug .. reuse queue error​,​ file fileName M204.2274 Invalid D2CB offset
M204.0232 File or group isn't open - name M204.1229 Table B full -- inserts --: file fileName M204.2275 File access rule table truncated
M204.0233 Duplicate files in group - filename M204.1230 Table token full -- appends --: file fileName M204.2276 $wdwrap: invalid width value
M204.0234 Functions illegal in group definitions M204.1231 Table B full -- spills --: file fileName M204.2277 $wdwrap: line too long
M204.0235 Group support not linked in M204.1232 Value cannot be converted for preallocated field token M204.2278 $wdwrap: hyp point cannot exceed width
M204.0236 Invalid function in 'in' clause M204.1233 token​,​ bad record number token2 for file fileName M204.2279 $wdwrap: invalid hyphenation point
M204.0237 $Curfile must be in For loop M204.1234 Adding too many occurrences of token M204.2280 $justify: justification type invalid
M204.0238 Current group has no update file M204.1235 Zap missing for patch number hexValue (hex) M204.2281 $justify: invalid width value
M204.0239 Cto statement must be within record loop M204.1236 Table D list page bug: file fileName M204.2282 No "on missing" unit or transaction is lost
M204.0240 FRV impossible: field ​=​ fieldName M204.1237 token did not fit in preferred overflow area M204.2283 Commit failed
M204.0241 Sorted​/​group FRV support not linked in M204.1238 token of file fileName was last required on token2 M204.2284 'Datalen' was invalid or omitted in token process definition
M204.0242 SORTKEY or ORDERED field not found -- "IN ORDER" ignored M204.1239 Extension missing for recNum in file fileName M204.2285 Warning: 'Datalen' omitted
M204.0243 "in order" not valid in group context M204.1240 Field descriptions not supported M204.2286 Error processing remote node: token​,​ unable to stop subsystems
M204.0244 Positive number required M204.1241 Invalid field name: token M204.2287 TCP​/​IP error: token
M204.0245 Maximum pause time is 600 seconds M204.1242 Old- and new-style definitions may not be mixed M204.2288 TCP​/​IP cleanup has closed socket token for user token2
M204.0246 VTAM request failure for termid: X0​,​FDBK2​=​x'hexValue'​,​x'hexValue2' M204.1243 Invalid delimiter following field name M204.2289 token valid when REMOTEID specifies an internet address
M204.0247 Screen​,​ menu​,​ or image name not specified M204.1244 Backout is invalid for non-transaction backout files (as listed by M204.2792) M204.2290 token Error: token2 - token3 (Errno token4) - token5
M204.0248 Clear Tag must refer to input item M204.1245 Parameter token not reset due to conflicting attributes M204.2291 MVS IUCV emulation failure
M204.0249 Use of menu requires non-zero LFSCB M204.1246 Bug .. DFIN​,​ bad record number token for file fileName M204.2292 IUCV connection refused by TCPIP - sever reason code​=​token
M204.0250 token is an invalid menu option M204.1247 Procedure procName in subsysName made resident M204.2293 Socket call failed due to token macro​,​ X15​=​x'hexValue'
M204.0251 Title must be first menu line M204.1248 Looking for close token M204.2294 TCP​/​IP interface 'token' has already been created
M204.0252 Menus limited to 23 lines M204.1249 Unexpected end of subsystem procedure M204.2295 TCP​/​IP interface name must be 1-8 characters long
M204.0253 "end menu" missing M204.1250 End of input data M204.2296 TCP​/​IP interface 'token' is disabled or has not been created
M204.0254 Name given is not a screen M204.1251 Line too long M204.2297 Conditions not met for backward processing
M204.0255 Name given is not a menu M204.1252 Unable to stop subsystem subsysName M204.2298 fileOrGroupName is disabled token
M204.0256 Negative message length on VTAM send M204.1253 Unexpected end of included data M204.2299 Conflicting parameters​,​ NRMTLOCS and NRMTFILE
M204.0257 VTAM send exception for dev: SSENSEI​,​ SSENSMI​,​ USENSEI - X'hexValue' M204.1254 User language statement is invalid in this conversation state M204.2300 CPU ID authorization zap must be applied
M204.0258 Invalid option: word1 word2 M204.1255 File fileName​,​ procedure token​,​ cmmtrl substitution completed M204.2301 Error processing remote node: token​,​ increase NRMTLOCS
M204.0259 Unexpected end of statement M204.1256 Period expected: character ​=​ char M204.2302 No room in GTBL​,​ LGTBL​=​value - SETGRC
M204.0260 item must be quoted string or %variable M204.1257 File token must be defined with a dataset type of SEQUENTIAL M204.2303 SETGRC variable(s) missing
M204.0261 Logon failed - name; increase number of M204 VTAM type terminals M204.1258 DLBL statement for token cannot specify direct access M204.2304 Reset not allowed​,​ CHKPTIMR PST not active
M204.0262 FSCB full​,​ LFSCB​=​value. Screen​/​Menu​/​Image compilation aborted. M204.1259 Table A full - token file fileName M204.2305 Node references do not match saved compilation references​,​ recompiling
M204.0263 At​/​to must be between 1 and n M204.1260 token was previously defined with different attributes​,​ new token2 options ignored M204.2306 Error during remote APSY load: token
M204.0264 VTAM closedown​/​crash M204.1261 New field names not permitted M204.2307 IFBOUTP
M204.0265 Use of screen requires non-zero LFSCB M204.1262 No new preallocated fields allowed M204.2308 Single-node update violation: groupName file fileName
M204.0266 Line ignored after invalid item: token M204.1263 Record description full for file fileName M204.2309 User not defined in sclass token
M204.0267 Title must be first screen line M204.1264 Preallocated field block too big in file fileName token token2 M204.2310 Client and service node record security IDs do not match
M204.0268 Unexpected end of line in screen​/​menu item M204.1265 No such token name: token2 ​=​ fieldname M204.2311 Subsystem subsysName is being started
M204.0269 Null item not allowed M204.1266 Nonexistent record referenced - recNum in file fileName M204.2312 Subsystem subsysName stopped at locationName
M204.0270 At column already used M204.1267 Multiple field name definitions not allowed when field option specified M204.2313 Communication error on remote node locationName processing subsystem subsysName
M204.0271 Len must be between 1 and n M204.1268 Bug .. SBNU$+hexValue: damaged record - token in file fileName M204.2314 Error on remote node token: token2
M204.0272 Duplicate At​,​ To​,​ or Len specification M204.1269 Bug .. RTSTRL M204.2315 Subsystem subsystemName at locationName is unavailable
M204.0273 Default must be quoted string M204.1270 Table C full - property entry​,​ file fileName M204.2316 TCPIP error: token​,​ process​=​token2​,​ remoteid​=​token3​,​ seituh​=​token4
M204.0274 Duplicate Default specification M204.1271 The ALTIODEV parameter is valid only in the CMS version M204.2317 Recalling migrated dataset token
M204.0275 Duplicate Tag specification M204.1272 Table C full - page entry: file fileName M204.2318 fileOrGroupName is disabled
M204.0276 Tag must be single quoted character M204.1273 Table C full - REDEFINE: file fileName M204.2319 Open for groupName failed: all members missing
M204.0277 Numeric conflicts with Alpha or Alphanum M204.1274 Bug .. FILESWP M204.2320 Foundset or list not specified on the Position statement
M204.0278 APSY: "name1" ​=​ "name2" M204.1275 Bug2 .. FILESWP M204.2321 Position name not specified on the Position statement
M204.0279 Nonnumeric value specified for range M204.1276 Insufficient access to select on field token M204.2322 Synonym token results in duplicate file entry for token2
M204.0280 Verify string should be quoted M204.1277 Insufficient access to read field token M204.2323 "remember" can be specified within a record loop only
M204.0281 Screen itemid must be between 1 and 32767 M204.1278 Insufficient access to update field token M204.2324 LANGFILE index​=​token not found in NLANG for file fileName
M204.0282 "end screen" missing M204.1279 Insufficient access to add field token M204.2325 Backout​/​Commit token statistics overflow: token2 token3
M204.0283 VTAM 3270 interface restarted M204.1280 Field not found M204.2326 Number of lines to be skipped must be between 0 and 100
M204.0284 Input item name must be unquoted M204.1281 Can not initialize more than NSUBTKS pseudo subtasks M204.2327 PQO version incompatibility with remote node: token
M204.0285 "name" is a reserved item name M204.1282 Parallel stream token disabled​,​ record token2 is not the same for all members M204.2328 token
M204.0286 Permanent 3270 I​/​O error on termid​,​ SENSE ​=​ hexValue M204.1283 Bug .. SERVSWAP M204.2329 subsysName at locationName unavailable
M204.0287 VTAM receive failed for terminal dev M204.1284 Bug .. too few buffers M204.2330 Subsystem subsysName start in progress
M204.0288 Skip requires positive number M204.1285 Trouble with server I​/​O M204.2331 File fileName isn't defined to service subsystem subsysName
M204.0289 Invalid syntax for skip M204.1286 Bug .. TIMERENQ M204.2332 Requested privileges for file token exceed allowed maximum
M204.0290 Index change error​,​ file fileName​,​ field​=​fieldName​,​ recnum​=​x'hexValue'​,​ type​=​x'hexValue2'​,​ field value​=​x'hexValue3' M204.1287 Bug .. TIMEREXP M204.2333 Subsystem definition does not allow remote access
M204.0291 Index delete error​,​ file fileName​,​ field​=​fieldName​,​ recnum​=​x'hexValue'​,​ type​=​x'hexValue2'​,​ field value​=​x'hexValue3' M204.1288 CMS interface version ​=​ token M204.2334 Location pattern is required
M204.0292 Error​,​ running procName with "errClass" ​=​ "value" M204.1289 (LGTBL - GTBLHASH*10) must be at least 288 for subsystem processing​,​ LGTBL​=​value M204.2335 Shadow group created: groupName
M204.0293 NUMERIC RANGE delete failure on recnum​=​x'hexValue'; value not found for field​=​fieldName​,​ type​=​x'hexValue2' M204.1290 Invalid PRIORITY specification M204.2336 Shadow group deleted: groupName
M204.0294 NUMERIC RANGE add failure on recnum​=​x'hexValue'; value already defined for field​=​fieldName​,​ type​=​x'hexValue2' M204.1291 Invalid PRIORITY specification M204.2337 Location$ is valid in the PQO environment only
M204.0295 Item name missing M204.1292 Invalid option 'token' -- type '*TRACE ?' for usage M204.2338 Subsystem subsysName could not be stopped at locationName
M204.0296 Default title must appear before title line M204.1293 Entry to blockmode disallowed M204.2339 Subsystem subsysName not active at locationName
M204.0297 Tag must refer to input item M204.1294 LU62 VTAM token failure; RETNCD​,​ FDBK2 ​=​ hexValue​,​ hexValue2; SENSE ​=​ hexValue3 M204.2340 Invalid language argument: 'token' for $function: token2
M204.0298 Invalid option: option M204.1295 No audit trail or journaling stream(s) M204.2341 No active subsystem like token
M204.0299 VTAM logon failed - dev; X0​,​ FDBK2 ​=​ x'hexValue' x'hexValue2' M204.1296 Data conversion error for field token record number token2 in file fileName M204.2342 No active subsystem like token from token2
M204.0300 VTAM reasonText for terminal code - termid​,​ reason code - x'hexValue' M204.1297 Audit trail message(s) have been lost M204.2343 The location must specify a remote node
M204.0301 Referenced statement label undefined M204.1298 Unable to open CCAJRNL M204.2344 This command only valid in z​/​OS or CMS
M204.0302 List name can't begin with % M204.1299 Auditing not possible M204.2345 Remote access not allowed​,​ NRMTLOCS not set
M204.0303 User bumped or interrupted with an urgent message​,​ process terminated M204.1300 RESTART command requires checkpoint logging - run terminated M204.2346 Remote file token location name not found
M204.0304 Subscripts required for %variable M204.1301 No journal stream(s) opened M204.2347 Compilation not saved - token
M204.0305 Subscripts or length specification not allowed M204.1302 Abnormal timeout return from function in ACB services M204.2348 Subsystem record locking conflict
M204.0306 Default Len not positive M204.1303 I​/​O error detected on token stream M204.2349 Referenced list undefined
M204.0307 Default Len or DP too large M204.1304 IFERLC M204.2350 Socket call completed abnormally due to token
M204.0308 Illegal variable type for field name variable M204.1305 Unbind failed for bumped or timed out session M204.2351 TCP​/​IP interface 'token' has been created
M204.0309 Illegal use of %variable M204.1306 Merged journal not allowed for RESTART M204.2352 TCIU sever in progress for interface token - reason​=​token2
M204.0310 Bug .. RDSN M204.1307 token logon rejected - token2 (reason code: hexValue) M204.2353 Socket call completed with IBM errno​=​token
M204.0311 Unacceptable statement reference M204.1308 Concatenation not allowed for CCARF M204.2354 Socket call cancellation failed - errno​=​token
M204.0312 Disk version of password table too large to read into allocated storage M204.1309 Journalling terminated​,​ run cancelled M204.2355 Link token being closed due to token2
M204.0313 token name expected​,​ not reserved word: word M204.1310 Journalling terminated M204.2356 Unable to allocate sufficient sockets to open token​,​ requested token2​,​ received token3
M204.0314 Insufficient access to update field fieldname M204.1311 CCAAUDIT formatting terminated M204.2357 TCPIP late response for token from token2 -- TUHSQN​=​hexValue​,​ SEICBSQN​=​hexValue2​,​ TH​=​hexValue3
M204.0315 Insufficient access to add field fieldname M204.1312 CCAAUDIT formatting terminated M204.2358 Expecting "global" not token
M204.0316 Recursive ON units exceed MAXOND: Evaluation stopped M204.1313 Unable to open token M204.2359 Position name not specified on the Remember statement
M204.0317 USE $JOB or USE READER accepts no arguments M204.1314 IFEFCC M204.2360 Position token has not been declared
M204.0318 Invalid use of subscript M204.1315 Transport​=​CRAM is not supported in CMS M204.2361 Foundset or list not specified on the Remember statement
M204.0319 Invalid subscript syntax M204.1316 Can't allocate the journal buffer M204.2362 Position name not specified on the Declare statement
M204.0320 Field is INVISIBLE: field ​=​ fieldName M204.1317 Can't process token M204.2363 Position has already been defined
M204.0321 Invalid cross-reference M204.1318 Incorrect volume mounted for token M204.2364 "position" can not be used in a for loop
M204.0322 Expected argument missing M204.1319 EOF assumed for ddName M204.2365 "remember" is invalid in ad hoc group context
M204.0323 Invalid use of %variable M204.1320 Offload complete for member token of ring stream token2 M204.2366 "remember" is invalid in a for loop that has no foundset
M204.0324 Screen​,​ menu​,​ or image name not defined: name M204.1321 Alias argument isn't compatible with previous call M204.2367 token file ​=​ token2​,​ procedure ​=​ token3​,​ line ​=​ token4
M204.0325 Only 32767 items allowed per screen panel M204.1322 Block of length token read from token2 is not a multiple of the LRECL of token3 M204.2368 Included from token token2
M204.0326 Colon not allowed in screen​,​ menu​,​ or image name M204.1323 Block of length token read from token2 with a block descriptor word which specifies a length of token3 M204.2369 DKUPDT disk write failure: token​,​ post code ​=​ x'hexValue' CSW ​=​ x'hexValue2'
M204.0327 Duplicate screen​,​ menu​,​ or image name: name M204.1324 Block of length token read from token2 contains a record at offset token3 with a record descriptor word which specifies a length of token4 M204.2370 DKUPDTWT must be <​=​ CPTIME*30
M204.0328 Duplicate input​/​prompt name: name M204.1325 LU62 VTAM token link failure; RETNCD​,​ FDBK2 ​=​ hexValue hexValue2; SENSE ​=​ hexValue3 M204.2371 CHKP - increase NSUBTKS or set DKUPDTWT​=​0
M204.0329 Screen or image item name not found: name M204.1326 Page trace - hexPageNumber M204.2372 STOPU requires that "on" or "off" be specified as last argument
M204.0330 Bug .. full screen item name M204.1327 Number of U DD lines output ​=​ count M204.2373 STOPU will not stop the userid issuing the STOPU command
M204.0331 POLLNO must start at 1 and ascend M204.1328 System pushdown list overflowed M204.2374 User scheduled for stop
M204.0332 retCode value from CRFS operation M204.1329 User's pushdown list overflowed M204.2375 System manager has stopped you; answering "yes" to the following message will have no effect until the system manager turns stop off
M204.0333 Parameter too long: parmName M204.1330 PRT-PART -- NSUBTKS too small M204.2376 Specified user not logged on: token
M204.0334 LOUTPB ​>​ PAGESIZE minus 40; NBKPG will be reset to zero M204.1331 Run killed - no more time M204.2377 Key too long​,​ sort key has been truncated to 760 bytes
M204.0335 LOUTPB parameter too small M204.1332 Long request - exceeded parmName <​=​ number M204.2378 Security trusted login feature disabled
M204.0336 retCode value from CRIO op M204.1333 Cancelled w​/​ DUMP M204.2379 Invalid trusted user-id length​=​token
M204.0337 Wrong version for CCASTAT - hexVersion M204.1334 Insufficient main storage for operator reply M204.2380 Could not find DSN for file selected in $dsn
M204.0338 Incorrect format for CCASTAT M204.1335 Insufficient storage available to allocate token bytes for token2 M204.2381 No file entered in $dsn
M204.0339 CCASTAT dataset missing M204.1336 Region too small - run terminated M204.2382 No DSN number or DSN out of range
M204.0340 Unable to open CCASTAT M204.1337 Constraint inconsistency encountered M204.2383 Processgroup must specify link or sessiongroup
M204.0341 Unable to open CCASTAT M204.1338 No On Attention unit M204.2384 token was previously allocated to token2
M204.0342 CTTC: statusInfo M204.1339 File fileName​,​ procedure transform completed M204.2385 Recall failed for dataset token return code token2
M204.0343 Change applies only to this run​,​ updates to CCASTAT not allowed M204.1340 Incorrect TRANSFORM command parameter M204.2386 An LU services error was received from REMOTEID​=​remoteID PROCESS​=​processName SENSE CODE​=​num
M204.0344 Disk version of CCASTAT changed by job jobName yy.ddd hh:mm M204.1341 Locked file fileName for subsystem subsysName is already opened M204.2387 Unknown or unsupported gds type received from remoteid​=​token process​=​token2 gdsid​=​hexValue
M204.0345 CCASTAT updated M204.1342 Unable to run CCASYS procedure: token M204.2388 Procedure procName in subsysName is no longer resident
M204.0346 Restart during update​,​ CCASTAT updates disallowed M204.1343 IFFWOL M204.2389 Error in sortget exit​,​ sort terminated.
M204.0347 Password M204.1344 IFFWOLC M204.2390 Sorted files may not specify a non-US LANGFILE
M204.0348 System shutdown in progress​,​ logins not allowed M204.1345 IFFWOLE M204.2391 Subsystem subsysName​,​ recordType - translation failed for field fieldName
M204.0349 Login failed or Enter logoff M204.1346 Server area greater than cylinder capacity for token. Cylinder size ​=​ token2 bytes. M204.2392 Invalid LOADNULLS option: must be ON or OFF
M204.0350 New password accepted M204.1347 Sessiongroup winners cannot exceed maximum M204.2393 Subsystem subsysName​,​ can't login PQO user
M204.0351 New password rejected M204.1348 Can't open server dataset: token M204.2394 Subsystem subsysName​,​ no remote login after autostart
M204.0352 IODEV​=​nn​,​ Ok uuuuuuuuuu aaaaaaaaaa llllll yy.ddd mmm dd hh.mm.ss ccc nnnnnnnn M204.1349 Insufficient space allocated to server dataset(s)​,​ additional bytes required ​=​ token M204.2395 Subsystem subsysName​,​ recordType - record missing
M204.0353 uuuuuuuuuu aaaaaaaaaa llllll yy mmm dd hh.mm M204.1350 Parallel stream streamName member memberName record recordNum seqNo is of length length M204.2396 With result longer than 255 bytes was truncated
M204.0354 All users are logged out M204.1351 LU62 VTAM action errType X15​,​ X0 ​=​ hexValue hexValue2; RETNCD​,​ FDBK2 ​=​ hexValue3 hexValue4; SENSE ​=​ hexValue5 M204.2397 'token' is not a valid option for the CLOSE LINK command
M204.0355 Invalid keyword: keyword M204.1352 Server too big by number bytes M204.2398 REMOTEID​=​'token' MODENAME​=​'token2': undefined for link 'token3'
M204.0356 Password may not be changed M204.1353 IDAL count exceeded​,​ EXCPVR not possible M204.2399 Conversation state undefined
M204.0357 Invalid RESTART option: option M204.1354 Application loop involving error procedure in subsystem subsysName M204.2400 Ipcd buffer pointer is zero
M204.0358 Password changed M204.1355 Unknown error message for VTAMLU62 exit M204.2401 Ipcd session pointer is zero
M204.0359 Invalid password M204.1356 LU62 VTAM error; FMH5 (attach) expected M204.2402 Failed to connect with TCP​/​IP server​=​token
M204.0360 Terminal security violation - userID M204.1357 Open error - errType M204.2403 Global label token does not reference a record set
M204.0361 Password table not in core​,​ file not secured M204.1358 Open failed for ddName M204.2404 Soft restart of user secondary to Horizon PST restart
M204.0362 File fileName text M204.1359 Unable to allocate sufficient storage to open object M204.2405 Declare token not allowed in IFAM
M204.0363 File fileName is not secured​,​ command ignored M204.1360 NOTERM too large; actual number of token threads in use is numOfThreads M204.2406 Only string variables allowed in IFAM
M204.0364 Password table has been corrupted - notify system manager M204.1361 ddName DD statement currently in use M204.2407 Remote location name expected
M204.0365 Argument too long M204.1362 sysnnn is an invalid logical unit M204.2408 File or group keyword expected
M204.0366 LOGCTL or LOGIN command being processed​,​ try again M204.1363 object is currently in use M204.2409 File or group name expected
M204.0367 Enter table key or return M204.1364 Retryable STXIT AB trapped abendCode M204.2410 Keyword At expected
M204.0368 New key rejected M204.1365 STXIT AB trapped abendCode M204.2411 Specified file or group does not exist
M204.0369 Password table not in core M204.1366 Retryable STXIT AB trapped abendCode M204.2412 ENABLE​/​DISABLE command complete
M204.0370 Table in use​,​ try again M204.1367 Retryable STXIT AB trapped abendCode M204.2413 token invalid outside of On unit
M204.0371 Invalid LOGCTL syntax M204.1368 Insufficient real storage to perform PFIX M204.2414 DBCS values cannot be truncated or padded on the left
M204.0372 Entry already exists M204.1369 PFREE issued for storage which was not page fixed M204.2415 REGENERATE backed out uncommitted transactions for file fileName due to roll back only discontinuity
M204.0373 Entry not deleted M204.1370 Authorization required for parmName M204.2416 Pure DBCS values cannot be padded on the right
M204.0374 prompt M204.1371 Insufficient main storage for operator message M204.2417 Empty RESTART stream assumed in first pass
M204.0375 Entry not added​/​changed M204.1372 TIME​=​1440 may not be specified with Timer SVC M204.2418 File token disabled for remote open
M204.0376 Parameters accepted M204.1373 Retryable STAE trapped abendcode M204.2419 Communications error: token disabled
M204.0377 Insufficient table space to process request M204.1374 STAE trapped abendCode M204.2420 User scheduled for start
M204.0378 Specified entry not found M204.1375 Retryable STAE trapped abendCode M204.2421 File regenerated over missing journals
M204.0379 Enter terminal list​,​ all​,​ none​,​ add​,​ del​,​ or return M204.1376 Retryable STAE trapped abendCode M204.2422 Roll forward did not get the same record number for file fileName old recno: token new recno: token2
M204.0380 Invalid syntax for terminal list​,​ all assumed M204.1377 Vs only option ignored - token M204.2423 Type token RF entry from update unit token2 to file fileName token3token4 was not reapplied
M204.0381 Expected address or offset M204.1378 Authorization under APF required for feature M204.2424 Integrity clause missing
M204.0382 Expected file name M204.1379 Model 204 SNAP failed M204.2425 Record: token transformed to: token2 in token3
M204.0383 Invalid or missing page number M204.1380 Invalid NOTERM or POLLNO value M204.2426 DK token file​=​token2 page​=​hexValue dbcd​=​hexValue2 buf​=​hexValue3 from​=​hexValue4​,​hexValue5
M204.0384 Expected offset M204.1381 phrase phrase hexData M204.2427 DKBM trace: token file​=​token2 page​=​hexValue caller​=​hexValue2​,​hexValue3
M204.0385 Invalid Model 204 program or table name M204.1382 CHUNK size number used: flags​=​x"hexValue"​,​ low​=​hexValue2​,​ high​=​hexValue3 M204.2428 CCAPRQ dataset too small
M204.0386 Program not linked in M204.1383 X3270CHK error for terminal token; return code ​=​ x"hexValue" M204.2429 Command requires administrator privileges
M204.0387 *ZAP invalid syntax M204.1384 X3270OUT error for terminal token; return code ​=​ x"hexValue" M204.2430 CREATEPQ command rejected
M204.0388 File not open M204.1385 X3270IN error for terminal token; return code ​=​ x"hexValue" M204.2431 CCAPRQ open failed
M204.0389 excType exception occurred at addr modName+offset M204.1386 Error invoking subsystem through the AUTOSYS parameter M204.2432 Print request token token2 queued for token3​,​ token4 lines
M204.0390 excType exception occurred at addr modName+offset M204.1387 ALLOCATE failed; ddName​=​ddName​,​ DSN​=​dsname could not be located M204.2433 CCAPRQ required​,​ but not present
M204.0391 SNAPID ​=​ number M204.1388 CHUNK size exceeds maximum of token M204.2434 Incorrect define print queue syntax​,​ command rejected
M204.0392 Invalid display option: option M204.1389 Mismatch between user image and internal image M204.2435 Print queue facility not active
M204.0393 Specified checkpoint not found in RESTART stream M204.1390 Permanent terminal I​/​O error - token M204.2436 Print queue token already exists
M204.0394 File not open: filename M204.1391 File argument isn't compatible with previous call M204.2437 Print queue definitions busy​,​ try later
M204.0395 Dynamic allocation failed M204.1392 Soft restart of user due to token M204.2438 Option "token" already specified​,​ command rejected
M204.0396 Invalid DISPLAY FIELD option M204.1393 CHUNK clause not of format "CHUNK chunkSize FOR chunkTargetFieldName" M204.2439 Previous options reset by "like" clause
M204.0397 Must specify name list or "all" M204.1394 CHUNK chunkSize value invalid: reason M204.2440 Unrecognized define print queue option: "token"
M204.0398 Fatal I​/​O error on CCARF in pass 2 of roll forward M204.1395 CHUNK target field invalid type: reason M204.2441 Maximum forms name length is four
M204.0399 Record description unavailable for filename M204.1396 CHUNK fields must be INVISIBLE ORDERED NUMERIC M204.2442 Invalid token specification​,​ command rejected
M204.0400 Unable to allocate sufficient storage to perform concatenation on datasetName data set M204.1397 A CHUNK field was defined​,​ file fileName may no longer be opened with M204 releases prior to V7R5 M204.2443 Target of like clause​,​ "token"​,​ not found
M204.0401 Non-positive length detected on journal entry M204.1398 Commit of transaction token not confirmed on remote node token2 M204.2444 Gmt time service not supported in this environment
M204.0402 No preallocated fields in filename M204.1399 Same server area defined for server above the bar and non swappable server M204.2445 Omnireplicator token
M204.0403 Invalid option list M204.1400 Server areas ATB require server swapping in memory M204.2446 DEBUGUL parm must be set before subsystem is started
M204.0404 Bug .. display record M204.1401 Forced logout due to bump M204.2447 Komm must be page fixed to use PCTIMER
M204.0405 Invalid DEFINE option: option M204.1402 Invalid value for CHUNK target: token​=​'token2'; values must be -999999999999999​->​999999999999999 M204.2448 DEBUGUL is set and no DEBUG information can be found for current statement
M204.0406 Redundant specification: fieldAttribute M204.1403 Increase SERVGSZ to at least token for required ATB server areas M204.2449 token procedure ​=​ token2​,​ line ​=​ token3
M204.0407 Invalid REDEFINE attribute: fieldAttribute value M204.1404 Failed to open token M204.2450 Testing
M204.0408 OCCURS must be between 1 and 255 M204.1405 Unknown journal entry M204.2451 Bad mapping of SQL column token.token2 to M204 field token3 (datatype mismatch)
M204.0409 LENGTH must be between 1 and 255 M204.1406 Missing journal was detected between token and token2 for file token3 M204.2452 Index for token field token2 cannot be used in SQL query processing
M204.0410 Invalid use of FEW-VALUED or MANY-VALUED M204.1407 token discontinuity occurred at token2 for file fileName M204.2453 SQL request may trigger Table B search in file token and the whole file may be locked
M204.0411 Conflicting attributes: fieldAttributes M204.1408 No updates in token after token2 ​=​ token3 of file token4 M204.2454 A link may not specify an application ID used by a remote that it owns
M204.0412 Record security override required M204.1409 Missing stopping point for file token M204.2455 A remote may not specify an application ID used by the link that owns it
M204.0413 FEW-VALUED field rejected because FVFPG​=​0 M204.1410 REGENERATE command rejected M204.2456 Replication field token​,​ not defined in file fileName
M204.0414 Invalid RENAME syntax M204.1411 Null lines are not allowed M204.2457 TIME ​>​ 18325 specified - TIMESTOP will be ignored
M204.0415 Only VISIBLE or ORDERED fields can be renamed M204.1412 token not allowed with ATB servers M204.2458 Trace table allocated​,​size ​=​ x"hexValue" bytes
M204.0416 New name already exists M204.1413 Stop time earlier than or same as start time for file token M204.2459 Trace output will go to token
M204.0417 Cannot delete sort​/​hash key field M204.1414 Error: sort record ​>​ 16meg M204.2460 Global token context does not match global definition
M204.0418 Cannot delete record security field M204.1415 Expecting a "file" clause M204.2461 Continue is only valid in an On unit invoked from a For loop processing a scattered group
M204.0419 Invalid REDEFINE syntax M204.1417 TTY DD card missing - token M204.2462 Invalid token specified: token2
M204.0420 MANY-VALUED field rejected because MVFPG​=​0 M204.1418 Line error during open M204.2463 Command token is an alias of token2​,​ resetting it also
M204.0421 Dictionary page full​,​ can't extend M204.1419 Unexpected I​/​O return code M204.2464 Warning - RCL received out of sequence request
M204.0422 Redefinition successfully undone for fieldName M204.1420 User deactivated M204.2465 Invalid value 'token' for the token2 parameter
M204.0423 Range field occurs more than once in record recNum M204.1421 Too many I​/​O errors M204.2466 The token parameter requires that the token2 parameter be specified
M204.0424 At record recNum M204.1422 Forced logout due to inactive thread timeout M204.2467 Operator rejected future date verification
M204.0425 DP parameter must be positive M204.1423 Hardware error​,​ re-enter M204.2468 SYSDATE​/​SYSTIME parameter is not within range of tod clock value
M204.0426 Wrong page read -- Found: fileName​,​ x'hexValue' Expected: fileName​,​ x'hexValue2' M204.1424 FLOD L statement nested too deeply M204.2469 SYSDATE​/​SYSTIME parameter cannot be set to value prior to current system date​/​time
M204.0427 Insufficient getvis storage to locate the label for fileName M204.1425 2741 DD card missing - token M204.2470 Please reply "y" or "n"
M204.0428 Data set datasetName resides on DOS device type devType which is not currently supported M204.1426 Invalid "FROM" clause M204.2471 Length of token parameter value is too large
M204.0429 # of private buffers required number GT # allocated for current M204 session: number M204.1427 Invalid stopping point clause M204.2472 File fileName was last updated in the future and has failed the future date check; current date: token - date of file: token2
M204.0430 Subsystem subsysName started M204.1428 Missing an "OF" clause M204.2473 File fileName was last updated in the future and has failed the future date check; current date: token - date of file: token2
M204.0431 Subsystem subsysName stopped M204.1429 Failed to allocate token M204.2474 token bad global variable: token2 token3 token4 hexValue hexValue2
M204.0432 Unable to login user for subsystem subsysName M204.1430 Failed to open file token M204.2475 Display of procedure would fill CCATEMP - command rejected
M204.0433 No procedures selected for subsystem subsysName M204.1431 Error during the restore step M204.2476 The following gds variable is not known to remote ID token: hexValue
M204.0434 buffType set to number M204.1432 Process processName​,​ lost session​,​ SENSE CODE X'hexValue' M204.2477 A map error was reported by the remote LU but no map was in use: remoteid​=​token process​=​token2
M204.0435 Waiting for a buffer M204.1433 token: token2 M204.2478 'token' rejected​,​ would overwrite currently active proc
M204.0436 Unable to allocate PD for subsystem subsysName M204.1434 Transfer failed​,​ REMOTEID token is unavailable to VTAM M204.2479 The following error log was received from REMOTEID token: token2
M204.0437 Bug .. APSY PD empty for subsystem subsysName M204.1435 Error during regenerate​,​ REGENERATE is cancelled​,​ RF entry number token M204.2480 MODENAME unspecified by token and will default
M204.0438 Unable to run subsystem subsysName initialization procedure - procName M204.1436 Stopped processing file token M204.2481 Login token conflicts with that specified by token2
M204.0439 Page being illegally modified M204.1437 REGENERATE is now complete M204.2482 MODENAME SNASVCMG is reserved for internal use
M204.0440 File fileName disk update [completed|aborted] M204.1438 Incorrect target clause​,​ should be CHECKPOINT or UPDATE M204.2483 token is not a valid token2 name
M204.0441 CCATEMP full: [operation|pooltype] M204.1439 Invalid stopping point date or time: token M204.2484 On token operation​,​ image token2 not active
M204.0442 Unable to run subsystem subsysName login procedure - GTBL full​,​ LGTBL​=​value M204.1440 Expected byte count M204.2485 token token2 token3​,​ value not valid during evaluation
M204.0443 Table letter full in file fileName M204.1441 Process processName​,​ link failed​,​ SENSE CODE X'hexValue' M204.2486 token: Table D full. Page allocated from Table D reserve area
M204.0444 Subsystem must be stopped for test option M204.1442 Cannot enter data mode from data mode M204.2487 Data mover (M204XDM) is not active
M204.0445 Not enough chunks in Table D in file fileName M204.1444 OUTLPP too small for backpaging M204.2488 token restart of user after EOJ - attempted file update blocked
M204.0446 subsysName temporarily disabled M204.1445 token was previously defined​/​allocated M204.2489 IODEV parameter expected
M204.0447 Table D inconsistency in file fileName M204.1446 Outboard formatting halted​,​ maximum error count exceeded M204.2490 Illegal assignment to static %variable
M204.0448 Subsystem test in progress​,​ command rejected M204.1447 Outboard formatting halted​,​ screen request not current M204.2491 Static %variables must have the Initial attribute
M204.0449 Invalid argument to $chktag or $chkmod M204.1448 Outboard formatting halted​,​ screen error - x'hexValue' M204.2492 Invalid variable type for Initial attribute
M204.0450 Bug .. DKFLSHP flushing file fileName with pages on dirty chain M204.1449 Error while processing CCASNAPsnapInfo M204.2493 Variable too small for Initial value
M204.0451 DKFUB .. page was being modified in file fileName M204.1450 Unexpected outboard formatting command x'hexValue'​,​ outboard formatting halted M204.2494 token updating a shared page
M204.0452 TTBL full​,​ LTTBL​=​value M204.1451 Terminal not outboard formatting compatible​,​ outboard formatting halted M204.2495 token missing token2 $function argument
M204.0453 No DD card for file fileName M204.1452 Unable to allocate sufficient storage for VSAM parameter list M204.2496 Cleanx: invalid SVAR VTYPE
M204.0454 Unable to open file dataset ddName codeType code literal userCode M204.1453 RESTART recovery is running M204.2497 Cleanx: loop in SVAR chain
M204.0455 Insufficient SPCORE M204.1454 System manager has restricted use of this command M204.2498 Cleanx: invalid SVAR chain pointer
M204.0456 Illegal PAGESZ parameter​,​ file: fileName M204.1455 Recovery of token requested​,​ but file is unavailable M204.2499 Data conversion error for value set in file fileName
M204.0457 Unit type incompatible with page size​,​ file: fileName M204.1456 Open failed for VSAM dataset token​,​ reason code x'hexValue' M204.2500 SQL error token: token2
M204.0458 Bug .. dead subtask M204.1457 Unable to scan list of subsystem names M204.2501 Release incompatability
M204.0459 Resource locking table full. Subsystem subsysName needs number entries M204.1458 LRECL must be at least token for CCAAUDIT M204.2502 token error​,​ DSNAME ​=​ token2​,​ return code ​=​ token3​,​ reason code ​=​ token4
M204.0460 token exceeded​,​ token2 not generated M204.1459 Insufficient Table D space to define ordered field M204.2503 IBM system interface macro token abended​,​ abend code ​=​ hexValue​,​ reason code ​=​ hexValue2
M204.0461 Wrong page write attempt on file fileName M204.1460 Access to file token parameters not authorized M204.2504 token user​=​token2 comp_code​=​token3 rsn_code​=​token4 qm​=​token5 q​=​token6
M204.0462 Trouble with disk I​/​O on file fileName M204.1461 Access to file token parameter token2 not authorized M204.2505 MQOPEN ext_qm​=​token ext_q​=​token2
M204.0463 Trouble with disk I​/​O M204.1462 Access to file token parameter token2 not authorized M204.2506 token user​=​token2 comp_code​=​token3 rsn_code​=​token4 qm​=​token5 ext_qm​=​token6 task​=​hexValue
M204.0464 Possible incorrect DD statement M204.1463 Invalid parameter: token M204.2507 token token2
M204.0465 I​/​O error formatting extent M204.1464 token has already been specified M204.2508 hexValue
M204.0466 Login violation by userid userID M204.1465 Name expected M204.2509 token hexValue
M204.0467 Subsystem initialization procedure: procName M204.1466 Invalid name: token M204.2510 Missing or incomplete CCAIN file
M204.0468 Compilation not saved - reason token M204.1467 'with' or 'like' expected M204.2511 token token2 token3 token4 token5
M204.0469 One subsystem (subsysName1) cannot invoke another (subsysName2) M204.1468 'with' expected M204.2512 Roll back will use the following dataset: token
M204.0470 Error opening file fileName M204.1469 token M204.2513 Non-ORDERED field for Value In clause
M204.0471 Invalid EOD option​,​ text​,​ ON assumed M204.1470 Illegal compilation name M204.2514 Remote Value In clause not supported
M204.0472 subsysName not available M204.1471 token is required for this command M204.2515 token data set is invalid for token2
M204.0473 Unable to initialize subsysName M204.1472 One of the following is required for this command: M204.2516 MQ​/​204 option error: token require token2
M204.0474 Disconnected from subsysName M204.1473 token is required when token2 is specified M204.2517 More than 10 images specified
M204.0475 Close failed for file fileName M204.1474 The name of a ring member cannot match the offload name M204.2518 Fill character is invalid: it must have a value less than 256 (X'FF')
M204.0476 DP * only valid with string M204.1475 The offload name cannot match the streamname M204.2519 User request interrupted by EOJ
M204.0477 File fileName was restored M204.1476 The name of a ring member cannot match the control name M204.2520 Illegal use of screen item name variable
M204.0478 RACF message display limit reached; not all messages are displayed M204.1477 The control name cannot match the streamname M204.2521 Queue manager: token not found
M204.0479 Process group not found: processgrpName M204.1478 The control name cannot match the offload name M204.2522 Message specification is invalid
M204.0480 Invalid backpage request: backPage M204.1479 The name of a member cannot match the stream name M204.2523 The value of token cannot be token2 than token3
M204.0481 Procedure procName in subsysName could not be made resident; increase RESPAGE or RESSIZE M204.1480 Duplicate member name - token M204.2524 token is an invalid token2
M204.0490 File fileName was restored M204.1481 The scope option should not be specified and will be discontinued in the future M204.2525 None may not be specified with other keywords on the Report option
M204.0493 $unbin argument not 2 or 4 characters M204.1482 Block ended already M204.2526 token and token2 are mutually exclusive options
M204.0494 FLOAT LENGTH must be 4​,​ 8 or 16 M204.1483 Not enough Table D space to store procedure M204.2527 token has already been specified
M204.0495 Screen option requires terminal option within a procedure M204.1484 Misplaced End statement M204.2528 token is an invalid option
M204.0496 Screen option requires a full screen terminal M204.1485 Block End statement cannot be numbered M204.2529 Invalid run-time options variable
M204.0497 SNAPID ​=​ number M204.1486 Unable to close VSAM dataset token​,​ reason code x'hexValue' M204.2530 Reserved for MQ​/​204 use
M204.0498 Transaction backout files must be updated without accessing non-TBO files M204.1487 Possible I​/​O error detected for VSAM dataset token M204.2531 MQ​/​204 EVAL debug: string
M204.0499 File not freed: fileName M204.1488 Not enough temporary space to store procedure M204.2532 MQ​/​204 EVAL debug end
M204.0500 File fileName: restoring from DUMP of date/time M204.1489 Not enough file space to continue procedure definition - file fileName M204.2533 MQMXTASK less than MQINTASK; MQMXTASK reset
M204.0501 MODEL parameter invalid: number M204.1490 Invalid AUTHCTL syntax M204.2534 Insufficient storage to allocate MQUSERD
M204.0509 No action taken by FREE command; ddName not allocated M204.1491 $usrpriv argument 2 must specify 'log' or 'nolog' M204.2535 MQ​/​204 disabled (MQINTASK is 0)
M204.0510 FREE command successful; ddName freed M204.1492 Link token is already open or being closed M204.2536 MQ​/​204 operations not allowed during recovery
M204.0513 token M204.1493 Stop processgroup token in progress M204.2537 Subtask hexValue abended with abcode hexValue2 and rsn code hexValue3
M204.0517 VTAM input exception​,​ user is restarted M204.1494 Link token not open or close​/​stop link in progress M204.2538 Subtask hexValue terminated prematurely
M204.0524 Maximum number (token) of token2 exceeded M204.1495 Maximum token conversations exceeded for processgroup token2 M204.2539 Command invalid when MQINTASK is 0
M204.0525 Warning: can't edit into procedure M204.1496 No session blocks available for link token M204.2540 Queue manager name required
M204.0526 Editing into procedure M204.1497 Remote specification conflicts with open type M204.2541 Queue manager token is not defined
M204.0527 Rest of line ignored​,​ invalid operation ​=​ c M204.1498 Two processgroups using different links point to the same REMOTEID and SESPARMS M204.2542 No MQ​/​204 subtasks available
M204.0528 Rest of line ignored. Cancelled operation ​=​ c M204.1499 Process token already open M204.2543 Connection to queue manager token failed​,​ reason code hexValue
M204.0529 Not found; will ignore rest of line M204.1500 token M204.2544 Unable to start queue manager
M204.0530 Procedure name too long​,​ rest of line ignored M204.1501 token system not operational M204.2545 Queue manager token has not been started
M204.0531 Procedure name syntax error​,​ rest of line ignored M204.1502 Interface delete is disabled M204.2546 Soft restart of user due to bump while in extended quiesce
M204.0532 Invalid previous request number M204.1503 No external authorizer is running M204.2547 ENQCTL proceeding with jobname​=​token
M204.0533 Editing space exhausted -- DKBL M204.1504 token interface is disabled M204.2548 ENQCTL proceeding with jobname​=​token
M204.0534 Nested iteration not allowed M204.1505 token clause required M204.2549 token command illegal from within a subsystem (token2)
M204.0535 Iteration string exceeds 256 characters M204.1506 token hexValue M204.2550 More than token extents specified​,​ file: token2
M204.0536 Skipping to next ')' M204.1507 CMS VTAM interface SATTACH failed M204.2551 token is invalid for file: token2
M204.0537 Positive iteration count required​,​ count ​=​ n M204.1508 userID is not authorized to use Model 204 M204.2552 IGCLM244 version 71D or higher is required
M204.0539 Can't edit into procedure M204.1509 Account not authorized M204.2553 ECMSUBS less than ECISUBS; ECMSUBS reset
M204.0540 Bug .. edit​,​ enq chain M204.1510 VTAM storage shortage detected during user transfer M204.2554 PROTOCOL​=​PRX1 is obsolete: defaulting to PROTOCOL​=​IP
M204.0541 Procedure is in use: procedure M204.1511 Transfer failed​,​ invalid REMOTEID defined for VTAM transfer: token M204.2555 ECF subtask type​=​hexValue ECTASK​=​hexValue2 TCB​=​hexValue3 initialized
M204.0542 Edit complete - command M204.1512 Remote VTAM application rejected the transfer M204.2556 Insufficient storage to allocate token
M204.0543 Warning: procedure can't COPY into itself; procName M204.1513 Transfer failed​,​ VTAMNAME token does not specify ACQ and PASS in its VTAM APPL AUTH definition M204.2557 token token2 token3token4 token5hexValue token6hexValue2 token7hexValue3
M204.0544 Ignoring 256 characters. Delimiter​=​c M204.1514 Transfer failed​,​ invalid data area or data length M204.2558 ECF function name=value name=value
M204.0545 Space not allowed as delimiter M204.1515 Transfer failed​,​ REMOTEID equals VTAMNAME: token M204.2559 token can be reset only on user 0 or the first IODEV​=​7 line: this value is ignored
M204.0546 Procedure not defined M204.1516 VTAM transfer failed​,​ clsdst​=​pass failure​,​ X0​,​FDBK2​=​x'hexValue'​,​x'hexValue2' M204.2560 ECF subtask ECTASK​=​hexValue TCB​=​hexValue2 (module​=​token) action due to cause
M204.0547 Procedure line too long M204.1517 Job submission is not authorized M204.2561 ECF token module​=​token2 completion​=​token3 reason​=​token4 return​=​token5 ECTASK​=​hexValue TCB​=​hexValue2
M204.0548 token - cannot modify procedure dictionary M204.1518 Userid token is currently logged on M204.2562 ECF operation module​=​modName ddName​=​ddName addr​=​addr length​=​len EPA​=​addr info
M204.0549 Cannot define new procedure procedure M204.1519 Invalid token call from interprocess IODEV M204.2563 Module​=​token returned more than token2 bytes
M204.0550 Editing space exhausted -- QTBL​,​ LQTBL​=​value M204.1520 Command requires token privilege M204.2564 File fileName has already been recovered using this CCARF
M204.0551 Request too long -- STBL​,​ LSTBL​=​value M204.1521 token does not exist or requested access not authorized M204.2565 token​=​token2​,​ restart​=​token3
M204.0552 Variable too small for result M204.1522 Roll forward stream missing or cannot be opened​,​ run terminated M204.2566 LINK​=​token​,​ LOCALID​=​token2​,​ PGROUP​=​token3​,​ PROCESS​=​token4​,​ RMTID​=​token5 literal mode
M204.0553 Subscript range error for token M204.1523 Eof reached in first pass of token stream after seq# token2 of token3 M204.2567 Regs​=​ hexValue hexValue2 hexValue3 hexValue4 hexValue5 hexValue6 hexValue7 hexValue8 hexValue9 hexValue10 hexValue11 hexValue12 hexValue13 hexValue14 hexValue15 hexValue16
M204.0554 Divide by zero M204.1524 Unable to start second pass on roll back​,​ RESTART failed M204.2568 Entry token ​,​ PDRT token2 ​,​ 2nd PDRT token3 hexValue hexValue2 hexValue3 hexValue4 hexValue5 hexValue6 hexValue7 hexValue8
M204.0555 Extra numeric field ignored in recnum​=​token​,​ field​=​token2 M204.1525 No inbound threads available M204.2569 Seslock token already token2
M204.0556 Extra numeric field ignored in recnum​=​token​,​ field​=​token2 M204.1526 Checkpoint -- insufficient storage for checkpoint work area M204.2570 TCP​/​IP cleanup deferred for socket token user token2 - token3
M204.0557 File Records Under requires either an INVISIBLE​,​KEY or INVISIBLE​,​ORDERED field: field ​=​ fieldName M204.1527 fileOrGroupName file option prohibits delete records M204.2571 TCP​/​IP cleanup deferred for socket token user token2 - local sessterm has been previously scheduled
M204.0558 $setl not allowed for full screen device M204.1528 Where​/​With clause is invalid against sorted set M204.2572 TCP​/​IP cleanup failed for socket token user token2 - session block could not be located
M204.0559 Updating sort key: field ​=​ fieldname M204.1529 Maximum deferred update files already open M204.2573 token user​=​token2 comp_code​=​token3 rsn_code​=​token4 qm​=​token5 q​=​token6 ext_qm​=​token7 ext_q​=​token8 local dynamic queue token9
M204.0560 INVISIBLE field: field ​=​ fieldname M204.1530 token statement contains options that are incompatible with this link type M204.2574 This operation is not supported from user zero
M204.0561 Value non-numerical: value ​=​ value M204.1531 Block began with different label M204.2575 RENAME rejected​,​ token token2 token3
M204.0562 Request too long - tablevalue M204.1532 End token expected​,​ not End token2 M204.2576 token RENAMEd from token2 to token3
M204.0563 Arithmetic overflow M204.1533 Statement numbers prohibited M204.2577 Subsystem name exceeds 10 characters in length
M204.0564 Connection to user lost (phone was hung up) M204.1534 Statement labels prohibited M204.2578 Socket token link token2 closing
M204.0565 Can't process on token - VTBL full​,​ LVTBL​=​value M204.1535 Label reference needed M204.2579 Socket token link token2 closed
M204.0566 Quadruple missing M204.1536 IUCV connect to GCS machine token failed; return code ​=​ token2 M204.2580 Error creating dataspace token - token2 failed R15​=​hexValue R0​=​hexValue2
M204.0567 Insufficient CCATEMP space to process command M204.1537 token IUCV token2 failed; return code ​=​ token3 M204.2581 APF authorization required for XMEMOPT​=​2 (IOS Branch Entry) and XMEMOPT​=​2 required for option
M204.0569 File filename​,​ Find: Table B records to be searched ​=​ number M204.1538 VT204 program not available on token M204.2582 Error creating dataspace token - token2
M204.0570 NON-FRV​,​ NON-ORDERED field: field ​=​ token M204.1539 IUCV message completed abnormally​,​ ipaudit ​=​ hexValue M204.2583 PCBPTTRD not zero following passive socket close
M204.0571 Point$ argument syntax error M204.1540 LRESERVE must be between 0 and 99 M204.2584 SOCD not found
M204.0572 New value null​,​ pad​,​ or too long for token M204.1541 NRESERVE must be between 0 and 99 M204.2585 Close attempted for socket without SESD
M204.0573 Value(s) too long--STBL​,​ LSTBL​=​value M204.1542 SPLITPCT must be between 1 and 100 M204.2586 Close attempted after API termination
M204.0574 Request too long -- VTBL​,​ LVTBL​=​value M204.1543 IMMED must be between 0 and 255 M204.2587 Socket token was set in the exception FDS for token2 but there is no session block currently associated with this socket
M204.0577 QTBL full​,​ LQTBL​=​value -- direct search M204.1544 LEVEL must be between 0 and 255 M204.2588 Socket token was set in the read FDS for token2 but there is no session block currently associated with this socket
M204.0578 Too many call levels - VTBL​,​ LVTBL​=​value M204.1545 Session not established for inbound process token M204.2589 Socket token was set in the write FDS for token2 but there is no session block currently associated with this socket
M204.0579 Cannot return - empty stack M204.1546 You have taken all the available strings​,​ current request denied M204.2590 SESD for socket token link token2 unexpectedly deallocated before socket data could be read
M204.0580 Bug .. SOR M204.1547 Maximum number of data and image clauses exceeded M204.2591 SESD for socket token link token2 unexpectedly deallocated after socket data was read
M204.0581 Waiting for share access to file token M204.1548 IFFDV M204.2592 Passive socket for link token has been closed
M204.0582 Access to file token prevented by: jobname M204.1549 IFFDVC M204.2593 SESD for socket token was unexpectedly reallocated
M204.0583 Waiting for exclusive access to file token M204.1550 IFFDVE M204.2594 Socket token received a zero-length record from remote token2 port token3
M204.0584 File is in use: token M204.1551 IFGETV M204.2595 Passive socket for link token has been closed temporarily due to local resource shortage
M204.0585 Shared dasd enq list overlaid for file fileName token M204.1552 IFGTVC M204.2596 Passive socket for link token has been reopened: local resource shortage abated
M204.0586 ENQCTL not allowed during roll back M204.1553 IFGTVE M204.2597 token command invalid from an RCL thread
M204.0587 ENQCTL invalid argument - token M204.1554 IFSRTV M204.2598 Socket token moved to deferred clnup queue for link token2
M204.0588 systemId enqType jobname stepname date time M204.1555 IFSTVC M204.2599 TCP​/​IP PC call handler "SNMPGPCN" not linked in
M204.0589 Command requires z​/​OS or CMS environment M204.1556 IFSTVE M204.2600 Sessinit rejected: socket token remoteid​=​token2 port​=​token3 link​=​token4
M204.0590 Share-dasd enqueueing inactivated​,​ FPL of file token is on a read-only device M204.1557 IFFDV errors M204.2601 ECF module name not token
M204.0591 Share dasd enq list full for file fileName M204.1558 IFDEQ M204.2602 Late data received after timeout or bump -- rh​=​hexValue​,​ ru​=​hexValue2
M204.0592 Invalid string type specification M204.1559 Invalid IFGETV spec syntax M204.2603 Socket accept request for link token could not be accommodated: no session block available
M204.0593 Invalid file name: token M204.1560 Invalid sort option: token M204.2604 FLOD record definition exceeds record length
M204.0594 DP is invalid with pure DBCS M204.1561 IFDALL M204.2605 CHKPOINT too small for roll forward - token blocks required; token2 found
M204.0595 Undeclared variables are not permitted with the Undefined option M204.1562 IFDEQL M204.2606 Only token token2 licensed​,​ run terminated
M204.0597 In Order clause is invalid against sorted set M204.1563 IFENQ M204.2607 CPQZACTN and CPQZSECS are corequisite parameters
M204.0598 FREE ddName failed - reason M204.1564 IFENQL M204.2608 CPQZACTN value is invalid or more than one mutually exclusive value set
M204.0599 There is no current default string length M204.1565 IFFLS M204.2609 Posting not allowed for named ECBs
M204.0602 File is in use M204.1566 Pad must be a single quoted character M204.2610 token
M204.0603 No default file​/​group M204.1567 Duplicate pad specification M204.2611 CHECKPOINT token command successful
M204.0604 Closing default​,​ user must establish new default M204.1568 Image item variable required M204.2612 CHECKPOINT command unsuccessful - token
M204.0606 File is member of open temp group - not token M204.1569 Referenced item not in active image M204.2613 token
M204.0607 Active procedure file not closed - file fileName M204.1570 message cpuID hexValue M204.2614 Extended quiesce in progress - updating suspended​,​ please wait
M204.0608 File closed: token M204.1571 message M204.2615 token
M204.0609 File fileName must be transformed using a release of Model 204 prior to 8.0 M204.1572 token token2 not open M204.2616 token command ignored - system in extended quiesce
M204.0610 File directory is full M204.1573 File token not positioned before Read Next M204.2617 Extended quiesce ring journal offload failed
M204.0611 All file DCB's are in use M204.1574 End of file in file token M204.2618 User entered a nonswappable SWAIT during extended quiesce processing - KJWHAT​=​ x'hexValue'
M204.0612 No opens allowed during roll back M204.1575 Record not found in file token M204.2619 token restarted - extended quiesce processing may be affected
M204.0613 Group not found; open rejected M204.1576 Keyed read attempted on sequential file token M204.2620 Subsystem token invalid CCATEMP page count token2
M204.0614 Argument missing M204.1577 Error reading token token2 M204.2621 No file tables DUMP(G)ed
M204.0615 File fileName is being recovered M204.1578 Record not found by position in token M204.2622 HWM CCATEMP pages used in token ​=​ token2​,​ max available ​=​ token3
M204.0616 Tag must refer to input item: token M204.1579 No position token to release M204.2623 JCL ddNames not allowed for GDG members; use DEFINE DATASET
M204.0617 Checkpoint required to update file fileName M204.1580 Image depending variable not numeric M204.2624 Insert not supported for large object fields
M204.0618 Roll forward logging required to update file fileName M204.1581 Image depending variable negative or exceeds maximum M204.2625 User restart due to end-of-screen page pause with open Model 204 file pages
M204.0619 Group file opened: file fileName M204.1582 VSAM string unavailable for position M204.2626 XMEMSVC must be set to a valid SVC # if either x'02' or x'80' is set in XMEMOPT
M204.0620 File fileName opened token M204.1583 Referenced item has unknown length or location M204.2627 Fast recovery: beginning journal block token
M204.0621 File fileName recoverType to recoverPoint dateTime M204.1584 Occurs must be between 0 and 32767 M204.2628 uuuuuuuuuu aaaaaaaaaa llllll yy mmm dd hh.mm
M204.0622 Update token of token2 was token3 update token4 file fileName by token5 M204.1585 Length invalid for item type​,​ DP​,​ or BP M204.2629 ONEPASS disallowed across file recovery
M204.0623 File fileName may be logically inconsistent M204.1586 Option token duplicates or conflicts with previous options M204.2630 Statement too complicated
M204.0624 File fileName is in deferred update mode M204.1587 FSCB full​,​ image too large: LFSCB required ​=​ token​,​ bytes available in FSCB ​=​ token2 M204.2631 Too many subroutines
M204.0625 File fileName is full M204.1588 Unknown length or location not allowed with align M204.2632 LQTBL set to max of 16383 for non-UL threads
M204.0626 File fileName is physically inconsistent M204.1589 Maximum Image length is 32767: LFSCB required ​=​ token M204.2633 (re)enter new password
M204.0627 File fileName is not initialized M204.1590 Conflicting inbound and outbound parameters M204.2634 Your password will expire in token
M204.0628 File message not printed - insufficient storage M204.1591 IFUTBL M204.2635 There have been token unsuccessful login attempts
M204.0629 FLIO not linked in M204.1592 VTBL full​,​ LVTBL​=​value​,​ sorted output impossible M204.2636 User token deleted from password table: token2
M204.0630 token command rejected M204.1593 CICS printer not available​,​ token M204.2637 Unable to add entry: the maximum have already been added
M204.0631 Maximum number of files open already M204.1594 Dimension must be 1​,​ 2​,​ or 3 M204.2638 Discrepancy: current vs expected journal block token token2
M204.0633 Dataset incorrectly DUMP​/​RESTORED​,​ file: token M204.1595 token is not an array variable M204.2639 Your password has expired
M204.0634 Trouble with disk I​/​O​,​ possible incorrect DD card​,​ file​=​"token" M204.1596 File token is referenced within this request M204.2640 Command rejected: another user token password table entry for token2
M204.0635 Reserved prefix used M204.1597 Password incorrect for token M204.2641 A new password must be entered: the current one token
M204.0636 File security violation M204.1598 Attempt to read past end of file token M204.2642 Your userid has been revoked: excessive failed login attempts
M204.0637 No room for record description M204.1599 Group name blank M204.2643 Passwords do not match
M204.0638 Number of slots ​=​ token M204.1600 No global name given M204.2644 Data set token used by CCASTAT DD statement currently in use
M204.0639 Slots used ​=​ token M204.1601 CICS printer error​,​ token M204.2645 'KEEPDEFS' specified and token
M204.0640 Percentage of Table C used ​=​ token M204.1602 CICS printer close failed​,​ token M204.2646 'KEEPDEFS' specified and no field definitions present​,​ 'KEEPDEFS' ignored
M204.0641 File fileName has never been used M204.1603 Outboard formatting: too many lines on screen without "new page" statement M204.2647 Unable to update active definition​,​ token is no longer active.
M204.0642 Invalid TABLEB option M204.1605 At position not valid within an array M204.2648 Buffer or large object reference has token token2
M204.0643 An operand is invalid or missing M204.1606 Invalid relational operator for key: token M204.2649 CCASTAT is currently in use
M204.0644 Invalid operand following first number M204.1607 "for" clause conflicts with open type M204.2650 Pause time not in range
M204.0645 Page numbers in wrong order M204.1608 "for" clause required M204.2651 Not all threads processed for IODEV token
M204.0646 File fileName is not a sorted file M204.1609 Use of image requires non-zero LFSCB M204.2652 token
M204.0647 Bug .. TABLEB M204.1610 Only 4095 images allowed for a single block M204.2653 Refresh privileges required for subsystem subsysName
M204.0648 Too many specified options M204.1611 Digits must be between 1 and 15 M204.2654 Table token does not exist
M204.0649 Page number must be positive M204.1612 DP must be between 0 and 15 M204.2655 Unable to resume subsystem subsysName
M204.0650 Page number specified is too small M204.1613 Bits must be 8​,​ 16​,​ 24​,​ or 32 M204.2656 Unable to suspend subsystem subsysName
M204.0651 Page number specified is too big M204.1614 At position must be between 1 and 32767 M204.2657 Subsystem subsysName resumed
M204.0652 Deferred update ddName must start with "TAPE" M204.1615 Current item is not in the same image as token M204.2658 Subsystem subsysName not in suspend state
M204.0653 Can't open deferred update dataset: ddName M204.1616 Image​,​ item​,​ or array name not defined: token M204.2659 subsysName set to suspend​,​ remaining users ​=​ noOfUsers
M204.0654 Insufficient core for deferred update dataset: filename M204.1617 Current item must be in same array as target of At M204.2660 Bug .. roll forward did not put page token on the reuse queue in file fileName
M204.0655 Can't reposition deferred update dataset: token M204.1618 BP must be between 0 and 31 M204.2661 Subsystem subsysName suspended
M204.0656 Updates deferred to ddName M204.1619 Len must be positive number or "unknown" M204.2662 File fileName has no Table E pages
M204.0657 Sort error M204.1620 Occurs must be between 1 and 32767 or "unknown" M204.2663 Remote files not allowed
M204.0658 Trouble with deferred update I​/​O: token M204.1621 Depending variable token not defined or not an item M204.2664 Temp groups not allowed for subsystem procedure group
M204.0659 Can't open TAPEI M204.1622 "end image" missing M204.2665 procName refreshed in subsystem subsysName
M204.0660 Unable to attach sort​,​ rc ​=​ number M204.1623 Image​,​ array​,​ and item names must be unique M204.2666 token replaced in token2 token3
M204.0661 Sort work DD card​,​ CCA1WK01​,​ missing M204.1624 Invalid value for Pad or Initial character M204.2667 EXCPVR not supported under 64 bit; EXCP will be substituted
M204.0662 Can't defer updates​,​ FLOD aborted M204.1625 To position must be between start of item and 32767 M204.2668 token not found in any active subsystem
M204.0664 Can't open SORT5 M204.1626 Skip must be between 1 and 32767 M204.2669 Procedure token is in use by subsystem subsysName
M204.0665 Can't open TAPE5 M204.1627 Array with depending variable cannot be overlaid M204.2670 Subsystem subsysName is unavailable
M204.0667 Unable to attach FRV sort​,​ rc ​=​ number M204.1628 Duplicate Occurs clause M204.2671 Parameter token is not supported for files created before version token2
M204.0668 Invalid EDIT option: token M204.1629 "unknown" not allowed inside an array M204.2672 Refresh in progress for subsystem procedure: token
M204.0669 Server initialization error: $status​=​token $statusd​=​token2 M204.1630 Occurs clause required for array M204.2673 Command requires an unordered file organization. File fileName
M204.0670 File fileName is on a read-only device M204.1631 Array with depending variable must have known location M204.2674 Invalid parameter: token
M204.0671 File token is on a read-only device M204.1632 Item length must be specified M204.2675 Invalid value entered for parameter: token
M204.0672 File is in deferred update mode M204.1633 Number or variable required​,​ not: token M204.2676 Insufficient free space in Table B. File fileName is full. Command COMPACTB ends.
M204.0673 Error procedure not defined or cancelled in subsys subsysName - error code: APSYerrorCode M204.1634 Item must be defined with "Len Unknown" M204.2677 File fileName: all free pages allowed for compaction have been used. Command COMPACTB ends.
M204.0674 Not enough core for sort communications area M204.1635 Array or item must be defined with "occurs unknown" M204.2678 Bug .. roll forward did not get the same extension record length for file fileName
M204.0675 Record description unavailable M204.1636 Occurs must be between 0 and 32767 M204.2679 Bug .. roll forward did not get the same extension pointer for file fileName
M204.0676 token does not have token2 privilege on token3 token4. M204.1637 Length invalid for item type​,​ DP​,​ or BP M204.2680 Bug .. roll forward did not get the same CHUNK length for file fileName
M204.0677 Bad line -- ignored M204.1638 Name required for array with Occurs Unknown M204.2681 Bug .. roll forward did not get the same new record length for file fileName
M204.0678 Duplicate tag -- ignored M204.1639 "to" invalid for item with unknown location M204.2682 token : variable did not resolve to token2
M204.0679 Implied decimal position invalid M204.1640 Invalid Initial value for item type: token M204.2683 REFRESH SUBSYSPROC command failed
M204.0680 Nesting level too deep M204.1641 Maximum Image length is 32767 M204.2684 Checkpoint configuration conflict - token token2
M204.0681 Too many ENDL's M204.1642 No active array M204.2685 CHKPNTS is open so CPMAX set to 1
M204.0682 FLOD compilation errors found M204.1643 Item type required M204.2686 Checkpoint processing will use both CHKPOINT and CHKPNTS
M204.0683 FLOD filename M204.1644 Line ignored after invalid option: token M204.2687 Sub-transaction checkpoint postponed by user token user no token2 on file token3
M204.0684 No value supplied -- col​=​0 M204.1645 Image cannot overlay item with subscript or unknown location M204.2688 CHKPNTS DD not open; sub-transaction checkpointing not active
M204.0685 Editing into procName M204.1646 Name given is not an image M204.2689 Not enough Table E pages
M204.0686 Expected SQL evaluation stack exceeded - increase SQLIQBSZ M204.1647 Illegal item used as depending variable M204.2690 token pages would fill Table E in file fileName
M204.0687 All devices in use M204.1648 "to" invalid inside an array M204.2691 Buffer assignment must reference large object field
M204.0688 Input record number internalRecnum M204.1649 All "unknown" data must follow depending arrays and variables M204.2692 token is highest number of CHKP records
M204.0689 File record number internalRecnum M204.1650 Openc invalid for external file M204.2693 Source and target lengths must be equal
M204.0690 Null field name -- executing D command M204.1651 Invalid reference to array or skip name: token M204.2694 Object extended too far
M204.0691 Branched to missing tag M204.1652 Enter a valid procedure name or hit attention to exit M204.2695 No buffer available
M204.0692 Tag number ​=​ labelNumber M204.1653 token is a required member of active subsystem(s) M204.2696 Attempt to access data past buffer end
M204.0693 String too long M204.1654 token has been stopped M204.2697 Start of sub-trans CHKP at: token​,​ token2
M204.0694 FLOD finished -- pass count satisfied M204.1655 All blocks ended​,​ label not found M204.2698 End of sub-trans CHKP at: token​,​ token2
M204.0695 Invalid binary input M204.1656 Entity name or type token exceeds 8 characters M204.2699 $Lob functions require BLOB​/​CLOB field
M204.0696 Decimal point position invalid​,​ not inserted M204.1657 "with" expected M204.2700 CHECKPOINT command ignored: sub-transaction checkpoint in progress
M204.0697 FLOD finished -- STOP statement M204.1658 ID required for ROUTER​=​VM M204.2701 token
M204.0698 FLOD finished -- end of input M204.1659 Invalid entity for USE command M204.2702 File fileName mismatch between Table token queue length after rebuild and number of pages added to the queue: token2
M204.0699 Begin first Z step M204.1660 ROUTER​=​token not supported for this operating system M204.2703 Open token failed. File update in progress
M204.0700 End first Z step M204.1661 VOLUME must be specified and not 'SCRTCH' when POSITION ​>​ 1 M204.2704 Buffer reference requires LOB field
M204.0701 Begin second Z step M204.1662 Invalid At or After position for aligned item M204.2705 Compilation syntax required literal large object field​,​ but evaluation found 'token'
M204.0702 End second Z step M204.1663 I​/​O error or EOF on first read of CCARF stream M204.2706 Reserve clause invalid on Change statement
M204.0703 FLOD finished -- record count satisfied M204.1664 "TO UPDATE" only allowed on first line of REGENerate M204.2707 Table B auto increase parameters are not supported for hash files
M204.0704 No record defined -- FLOD M204.1666 JECL statement cannot be longer than 71 characters M204.2708 No files updated by transaction token after subtran chkp
M204.0705 Error in record internalRecnum M204.1669 Image to be token is not active M204.2709 *LOOK CORE x'hexValue' x'hexValue2'
M204.0706 Command requires operation in a virtual machine M204.1670 token token2 not open for output M204.2710 Error token setting TCP​/​IP SYSID token2
M204.0707 Table B full -- appends M204.1671 File token is not open M204.2711 token is not a DUMP dataset​,​ cannot RESTORE into token2
M204.0708 Return code from token was token2 M204.1672 Percent variable required M204.2712 token token2 token3
M204.0709 Closing VTAM interface M204.1673 End of line expected​,​ found token M204.2713 Insert not supported for large object fields
M204.0710 Too many occurrences in recnum​=​token​,​ field​=​token2 M204.1674 File name cannot be null M204.2714 ddName specified for both dump ddName and filename
M204.0711 Incompressible value in recnum​=​token​,​ field​=​token2 M204.1675 Position not valid for sequential file M204.2715 Attempt to access data past end of LOB
M204.0712 Value too long in recnum​=​token​,​ field​=​token2 M204.1676 Invalid 3270 SBA in input stream: x'hexValue' M204.2716 Free space is empty
M204.0713 End of line -- rcode M204.1677 Prompt​/​title items must have the "protected" attribute M204.2717 Automatic increase for file fileName Table token is not done due to empty free space
M204.0714 Bad tag or index number M204.1678 CICS terminal required for ROUTER​=​CICS M204.2718 Send statement bytes value less than one
M204.0715 Invalid command format M204.1679 Variable redefinition conflicts with complex subroutine feature M204.2719 Open or OpenC token failed. Update statements already compiled​,​ read only privileges insufficient
M204.0716 Invalid userID M204.1680 Invalid "in range" syntax M204.2720 VIO not allowed with XMEMOPT​=​2
M204.0717 Invalid file specification M204.1681 Alphabetically and Numerically illegal with Like​,​ Present M204.2721 TCP address token already uses port token2 on interface token3
M204.0718 Invalid user number specified M204.1682 Bug .. Like pattern​,​ string ​=​ 'token'​,​ pattern ​=​ 'token2' M204.2722 Group closed: token
M204.0719 Up too far M204.1683 VMCF message limit exceeded M204.2723 FOPT​=​x'10' invalid when DTSFN not specified in run
M204.0720 Down too far M204.1684 Missing right paren in find specs M204.2724 Parameter "DELETE" is indicated for file fileName with no LPU feature enabled and not a single user run. An exclusive file enqueue will be required.
M204.0721 Case command has over 25 entries M204.1685 Subsystem subsysName does not exist M204.2725 File options x'10' and x'02' are incompatible
M204.0722 Repeating range field prohibited M204.1686 Unable to re-establish connection after VTAM transfer failed​,​ X0​,​ FDBK2​=​x'hexValue'​,​x'hexValue2' M204.2726 Previous compaction for file fileName has not finished
M204.0723 Function not defined M204.1687 FNV on Ordered For loop was not an ORDERED field: field ​=​ fieldName M204.2727 Can't delete DTS field when FOPT​=​X'10' is on
M204.0724 Communication error - SENSE ​=​ hexValue M204.1688 token in pattern 'token2' near character token3 M204.2728 Date time stamp field may not be INVISIBLE​,​ UNIQUE​,​ nor have multiple occurrences
M204.0725 Too many arguments M204.1689 token in pattern 'token2' near character token3 M204.2729 Date time stamp file may not be opened when DTSFN not specified in run
M204.0726 Function not linked in M204.1690 Unmatched parenthesis in pattern token M204.2730 Date time stamp file​,​ but DTSFN not defined in file
M204.0727 Invalid function syntax M204.1691 Unmatched parenthesis in pattern token M204.2731 DEBUGOPT specified​,​ but XMEMOPT not set
M204.0728 Function must be inside For loop M204.1692 Ordered retrieval syntax error M204.2732 File fileName has no Table X defined. Parameter "DELETE" not allowed.
M204.0729 Function must be in file context M204.1693 "in order" invalid with sorted set M204.2733 DTS option is not allowed for files created before release 6.1
M204.0730 String too long M204.1694 Null ordered record loop implied M204.2734 IARV token error - return code​=​token2​,​ reason code​=​x'hexValue'
M204.0731 $unfloat argument not 4 or 8 characters M204.1695 ORDERED fields are not allowed in files created before Release 9.0 M204.2735 File fileName has too many records per Table B page to satisfy record limit requirement
M204.0732 Format error M204.1696 Image not active M204.2736 File fileName FOPT​=​x'10' turned off: date time stamp field undefined
M204.0733 $encrypt parameter not a positive integer M204.1697 First step in reorganizing the ordered index has completed M204.2737 CHKPOINT dataset must be copied to larger dataset - do not delete and reallocate !
M204.0734 Global value is not numeric - $incrg M204.1698 File fileName not open for deferred updates to the ordered index M204.2738 Command requires file manager privilege for file fileName
M204.0735 No room for new value of global - $incrg​,​ LGTBL​=​value M204.1699 Redefinition failed​,​ insufficient space to create the ordered index M204.2739 Parameter token cannot be reset on user 0's parameter line: token2
M204.0736 Invalid value count M204.1700 UNIQUE fields are not allowed in files created before Release 9.0 M204.2740 Invalid parameter token: token2 support not linked in
M204.0737 Undefined %variable M204.1701 Non-unique value token found for field token2 in record number token3; conflicts with record number token4 M204.2741 Roll back​/​roll forward must be run prior to RERUNRB - RESTART cancelled
M204.0738 Value too long - truncation occurred M204.1702 Uniqueness violation detected for token ​=​ token2 in file fileName M204.2742 Bug .. new record number not basic for file fileName
M204.0739 Too many values given M204.1703 Uniqueness violation detected M204.2743 Bug .. first record not basic for file fileName
M204.0740 $jobcode argument not in the range 0 to 4095 M204.1704 File Records requires a non-UNIQUE field M204.2744 Bug .. not enough space on page for file fileName
M204.0741 Invalid access string - string M204.1705 File Records requires a non-UNIQUE field M204.2745 Bug .. extension pointer not zero for file fileName
M204.0742 Invalid context specification: text M204.1706 Non-unique value token found for ORDERED field token2 M204.2746 XSIZE*XRECPPG may not be 1 nor exceed 536870911
M204.0743 Invalid second argument to $round M204.1707 Sort​/​hash key must be first field loaded into new record M204.2747 Table X not supported under sorted or hashed organization
M204.0744 Fortran routines weren't linked in M204.1708 REGENERATE did not perform restore M204.2748 Starting record number is too big
M204.0745 Negative argument to $sqrt​,​ return 0 M204.1709 token interface is not supported in this operating system M204.2749 File fileName number of basic records processed: token
M204.0746 Argument 2 to $arctan2 was 0​,​ return 0 M204.1710 'at' option not supported M204.2750 File fileName number of extension records before compaction: token
M204.0747 Argument too big for trig functions​,​ return 0 M204.1711 "From" clause required for files created prior to Release 9.0 M204.2751 File fileName number of extension records after compaction: token
M204.0748 Argument too big for $ixpi​,​return 0 M204.1712 Invalid or undeclared member variable specified M204.2752 File fileName number of not processed (locked) records: token
M204.0749 Invalid arguments to $rxpi or $ixpi​,​ return 0 M204.1713 Member memberName not found in groupName M204.2753 File fileName number of free pages used: token
M204.0750 Invalid arguments to $rxpr​,​ return 0 M204.1714 Cannot store record into groupName​,​ key required in update file fileName M204.2754 File fileName number of deleted logically-deleted records: token
M204.0751 Invalid argument to $log or $log10​,​ return 0 M204.1715 Cannot store record into groupName​,​ file fileName has no sort​/​hash key M204.2755 File fileName unexpected error during physical delete. Compaction ends.
M204.0752 Exponent too large for $exp​,​ return 0 M204.1716 Cannot store record into groupName​,​ no update file M204.2756 NUMBUFG reset to NLRUQG * ((NSERVS + NSUBTKS) * MAXOBUF + 15) ​=​ token * ((token2 + token3) * token4 + 15) ​=​ token5
M204.0753 $sinh or $cosh argument invalid​,​ return 0 M204.1717 fileOrGroupName file option prohibits delete records M204.2757 Insufficient above-the-bar storage -- run terminated
M204.0754 Bad argument to $gamma​,​ return 0 M204.1718 Frn in group context requires "member" clause M204.2758 MAXBUF+NUMBUFG can't exceed 2G
M204.0755 Bad argument to $lgamma​,​ return 0 M204.1719 IFSKEY M204.2759 token not supported under CMS
M204.0756 No code tables defined M204.1720 IFSKYC M204.2760 token not allowed with NUMBUFG ​>​ 0
M204.0757 Invalid code table identifier ​=​ token M204.1721 IFSKYE M204.2761 token detected - backout will follow
M204.0758 Insufficient storage for message M204.1722 Parameter list expected M204.2762 File fileName has no Table X defined. Parameter "TABLEX" not allowed.
M204.0759 Sort work DD card​,​ CCA2WK01​,​ missing M204.1723 token is illegal syntax in parameter list M204.2763 File fileName Table token total number of pages processed: token2
M204.0760 Sort return codes - sort 1: hexValue​,​ sort 2: hexValue2 M204.1724 "FS" or "Field Save" expected​,​ not token M204.2764 File fileName Table token # of pages added to the reuse queue: token2
M204.0761 ATRPG*ASTRPPG exceeds token M204.1725 Parameter number num is type incompatible M204.2765 File fileName Table token reuse queue length before rebuild: token2
M204.0762 Unnecessary sort​/​hash key ignored M204.1726 Parameter refers to undeclared list M204.2766 File fileName Table token # of pages that were on the reuse queue: token2
M204.0763 Begin initialization: file fileName M204.1727 Reference to invalid subroutine name M204.2767 File fileName Table token reuse queue length after rebuild: token2
M204.0764 End initialization: file fileName token M204.1728 Assignment to input parameter illegal M204.2768 File fileName has no Table X pages
M204.0765 Enter sort​,​ hash​,​ or record security key M204.1729 Duplicate type specification - token M204.2769 File fileName has no TABLEX pages in use
M204.0766 Type of key expected​,​ not: token M204.1730 List token already defined M204.2770 File fileName parameter RECRDOPT​=​1 requires Table X to be defined.
M204.0767 Unnecessary sort​/​hash key rejected M204.1731 Subroutine with parameters should not begin with a label M204.2771 Attempt to update TBO and non-TBO files in the same transaction
M204.0768 Unnecessary record security key rejected M204.1732 Parameter count is not equal to the original parameter count M204.2772 File already at dynamic maximum
M204.0769 File option not allowed from operator M204.1733 Label token already defined M204.2773 The LPM will be too big
M204.0770 Broadcast message not present M204.1734 Invalid use of array name as parameter M204.2774 Another token command is in progress
M204.0771 "​=​" expected after field name M204.1735 Type incompatibility between Common variables M204.2775 Invalid expression in Initial clause
M204.0772 "(" expected after field name M204.1736 File​/​group incompatibility between Common lists M204.2776 token scheduler abend​,​ Model 204 terminating
M204.0773 token name required M204.1737 token token2 not opened for input M204.2777 token parameter reset to larger token2 ​=​ token3
M204.0774 No creates allowed during roll back M204.1738 Image data truncated M204.2778 DB2THRD not zero but module ULDB is not linked.
M204.0775 No name given M204.1739 Option token duplicates or conflicts with previous options M204.2779 Undeclared variable in Initial clause
M204.0776 tokentoken2token3 is an invalid option M204.1740 Image array must contain some items M204.2780 Abend during initialization​,​ Model 204 terminating
M204.0777 Reserved name used M204.1741 "for" clause required M204.2781 Gstatus must be G​,​ L​,​ spaces​,​ or null
M204.0778 Device token not defined M204.1742 "for" clause conflicts with open type M204.2782 XSIZE must be specified
M204.0779 Invalid DBCS data encountered M204.1743 token token2 not found M204.2783 Temp group does not match saved compilation​,​ recompiling
M204.0780 File already in use M204.1744 Close statement invalid for file or group M204.2784 Ignoring commands​,​ until Begin found
M204.0781 No FILESAVE areas available M204.1745 Data sent has been truncated M204.2785 Rewind invalid with stream configuration
M204.0782 Begin creation: file fileName M204.1746 Missing process name M204.2786 CPQZSECS timer refreshed - expires in token seconds
M204.0783 Incorrect ddName list M204.1747 After position not valid with image M204.2787 Output incomplete: UDD lines output ​=​ count
M204.0784 First ddName is not file name M204.1748 Subsystem name required M204.2788 Ignoring commands​,​ until Begin found
M204.0785 Duplicate ddNames M204.1749 Subsystem parameters lost​,​ GTBL full​,​ LGTBL​=​value M204.2789 Error executing Fast​/​Unload request for PGM​=​FUNLOAD: token
M204.0786 Specified user not active: token M204.1750 CCASYS missing field token M204.2790 Initial clause references uninitialized variable: token
M204.0787 Reading file parameters M204.1751 Invalid alphanumeric edit pattern (token): missing "!" character M204.2791 Initial clause ignored​,​ Initial specified in previous Common declaration
M204.0788 Invalid parameter card M204.1752 Null alphanumeric edit pattern not allowed M204.2792 token token2
M204.0789 Sorted file parameters ignored M204.1753 Null numeric edit pattern not allowed M204.2793 Initial must be specified in first Common declaration
M204.0790 File too big M204.1754 Invalid numeric edit pattern (token): illegal character M204.2794 Journal block discrepancy. Expected block number is token​,​ current block number is token2
M204.0791 An even length is required for pure DBCS M204.1755 Invalid numeric edit pattern (token): missing $$​,​++​,​--​,​z​,​*​,​9 M204.2795 Reserve keyword expected
M204.0792 Total table size too large M204.1756 Invalid numeric edit pattern (token): too many digits M204.2796 SMTP token
M204.0793 I​/​O error forced formatting M204.1757 Invalid numeric edit pattern (token): extra character(s) at end M204.2797 Expected comma - found token
M204.0794 End file creation: token M204.1758 Invalid numeric edit pattern (token): "token2" in wrong position M204.2798 BLOB​/​CLOB field or FNV required
M204.0795 Data type must be reset M204.1759 File fileName already being DUMPed M204.2799 $SndMail error token
M204.0796 ASIZE cannot exceed 16777216 M204.1760 File fileName: token beginning at token2 M204.2800 linePart1 ​>>​token<< linePart3
M204.0797 BSIZE*BRECPPG exceeds maximum value M204.1761 File fileName: token completed at token2 M204.2801 line
M204.0798 File allocation not permitted during roll back pass 1 M204.1762 File fileName: token ended abnormally M204.2802 line
M204.0799 I​/​O error while formatting extent M204.1763 Maximum parameter count exceeded M204.2803 (File ​=​ fileName​,​ procedure ​=​ procName​,​ line ​=​ lineNo)
M204.0800 Mixed DBCS screen items not supported on this device M204.1764 Input​/​output incompatibility: parameter number token M204.2804 linePart1 ​>>​token<< linePart3
M204.0801 CREATE command rejected M204.1765 Subroutine name multiply defined M204.2805 line
M204.0802 Direct file hash key feature used M204.1766 Duplicate DP specification - token M204.2806 line
M204.0803 Invalid INCREASE amount M204.1767 Null parameter list is illegal M204.2807 (file ​=​ fileName​,​ procedure ​=​ procName​,​ line ​=​ lineNo)
M204.0804 Not enough free space M204.1768 Null parameter is illegal M204.2808 BLOB​/​CLOB field not allowed
M204.0805 INCREASE makes file too big M204.1769 Common​/​global is allowed only on first image M204.2809 File fileName wrong segment token for page token2
M204.0806 ENQCTL invalid argument - token M204.1770 Illegal label specified M204.2810 File fileName descriptor not found for object at token record number token2
M204.0807 File fileName Table token increased by token2 pages M204.1771 Expecting "Common" or "Global" not token M204.2811 File fileName number of moved objects: token
M204.0808 No ddNames given M204.1772 Duplicate Len specification - token M204.2812 File fileName number of moved pages: token
M204.0809 sharedDASDentry M204.1773 word not allowed following Declare M204.2813 File fileName number of record locking conflicts: token
M204.0810 Invalid command format M204.1774 Replication file fileName must be TBO​,​ and have roll forward and checkpoint logging enabled M204.2814 File fileName number of multisegment objects: token
M204.0811 File datasets increased M204.1775 Cannot use percent variable with file$ or list$ or location$ M204.2815 File fileName total number of gaps: token
M204.0812 INCREASE command rejected M204.1776 token not valid in an expression M204.2816 File fileName total gap size: token
M204.0813 Printer SVC is not installed M204.1777 Condition missing on Repeat While statement M204.2817 File fileName segment: token number of gaps: token2 total gap size: token3
M204.0814 Invalid DECREASE amount M204.1778 INCREASE​/​DECREASE rejected for file with active procedure M204.2818 File fileName record token has no field pointing to object at token2
M204.0815 Not enough room in table M204.1779 Return invalid in On units​,​ use Bypass statement M204.2819 File fileName record token not found for object at token2
M204.0816 INITIALIZE rejected for file with active procedure M204.1780 Word "Times" required on Repeat n Times statement M204.2820 File fileName discrepancy found for token page token2
M204.0817 File fileName Table token decreased by token2 pages M204.1781 Invalid condition on Repeat While statement M204.2821 File fileName object at hexValue stretches past EHIGHPG
M204.0818 DECREASE command rejected M204.1782 Active procedure - file fileName not restored M204.2822 Compaction ends abnormally. File fileName has to be recovered
M204.0819 FTBL full​,​ LFTBL​=​value .. can't add GFT entry M204.1783 token is now an alias of token2 M204.2823 File fileName bug token during object move
M204.0820 In sorted files BPGPMSTR and BPGPOVFL must be between 1 and 32767 M204.1784 Invalid process-to-process status code M204.2824 Bug .. DKFPE: no object found
M204.0821 Group file closed: name M204.1785 Data received has been truncated M204.2825 COMPACTB and COMPACTE may not be run at the same time
M204.0822 Can't close group because of active procedure M204.1786 Process-to-process not supported on this thread M204.2826 File fileName token compaction not allowed
M204.0823 token has been defined as a stream - streams are not currently supported by this function M204.1787 The defined process-to-process buffer size is too large M204.2827 Bug .. DKFPE: different record number
M204.0824 Permanent groups not available M204.1788 Unable to allocate necessary process-to-process data areas M204.2828 Bug .. DKFPE: different attribute
M204.0825 Reading group parameters M204.1789 Invalid process-to-process message M204.2829 Reorganize file fileName to improve efficiency for Table E allocation
M204.0826 Invalid parameter line​,​ command rejected M204.1790 CLOSE for Link linkName failed M204.2830 Unable to allocate SDASDENQ work area - more entries exist
M204.0827 Invalid parameter​,​ command rejected: parameter M204.1791 Partner process will not accept defined PROTOCOL​,​ MODE​,​ or TERMINAL M204.2831 Updates to DTS files not supported in this environment
M204.0828 Temp group created: name M204.1792 Odd length not allowed for String DBCS field M204.2832 USE PROC active for procedure
M204.0829 Group is in use M204.1793 Partner process is not active M204.2833 token fields cannot be defined in a file with ATRPG*ASTRPPG​>​4000
M204.0830 Perm group created: name M204.1794 Invalid action option option​,​ Synclevel assumed M204.2834 Address lookup failed for token
M204.0831 Missing FROM clause​,​ CREATE rejected M204.1795 token function requires scattered group context M204.2835 File fileName Table token increased by token2 pages automatically
M204.0832 Too many files​,​ CREATE rejected M204.1796 Process-to-process communications link has been closed M204.2836 Value of parameter token invalid - reset to token2
M204.0833 Duplicate files "token" : token2 rejected M204.1797 token clause required for token2 statement for this link type M204.2837 No logical connection between process token and remoteid token2
M204.0834 Update file must be group member M204.1798 Shadow group open failure M204.2838 token only valid in FILEORG x'100' files
M204.0835 cntrlBlock not allocated M204.1799 Shadow group communication failure M204.2839 token is a token2​,​ not a token3
M204.0836 CCAGRP already exists M204.1800 Shadow group token has been opened for scattered group token2 at client node token3 M204.2840 Statement has too many intermediate results
M204.0837 VTAM token interface is closing M204.1801 token function index out of range M204.2841 Remote fieldgroups not supported
M204.0838 VTAM token interface has been closed forever M204.1802 Transaction token has been backed out on remote node token2 M204.2842 Invalid context for fieldgroup
M204.0839 CCAGRP dataset too small M204.1803 No inbound threads allocated M204.2843 Maximum fieldgroup ID exceeded in record recNum in file fileName
M204.0840 Disk I​/​O error while formatting M204.1804 Insufficient CSA storage for cross-memory control block allocation M204.2844 Mix of fields and fieldgroups​,​ name ​=​ fieldName
M204.0841 Bug .. CCAGRP already in directory M204.1805 Error initializing cross-memory environment M204.2845 Invalid fieldgroup context for name
M204.0842 CREATEG command rejected M204.1806 Process not defined for transfer M204.2846 Invalid fieldgroup context for name
M204.0843 token M204.1807 Invalid Open: process not defined as master M204.2847 Fieldgroup context lost in record recNum in file fileName
M204.0844 Recovery is now complete M204.1808 Error in executing Transfer statement M204.2848 Invalid fieldgroup ID: token
M204.0845 Updates not allowed during recovery M204.1809 Receive into input parameter is illegal M204.2849 Required keyword token missing
M204.0846 Group is in use M204.1810 Open for link token failed token2 M204.2850 token value missing
M204.0847 Close group before deleting M204.1811 User language statement is not supported for this link type M204.2851 token value 'token2' too big​,​ must be bytes
M204.0848 Perm group deleted: name M204.1812 Proc file must be group member or * M204.2852 Update to missing fieldgroup occurrence in record recNum in file fileName
M204.0849 Group not found: name M204.1813 Command not allowed in PROCFILE​=​* context M204.2853 token not allowed for EXACTLY-ONE field
M204.0850 Bug .. FSPUT - output page buffer overflow M204.1814 Proc located in file token M204.2854 Attempt to do operation for EXACTLY-ONE field: fieldname
M204.0851 Temp group deleted: name M204.1815 Temp group token does not match numlock perm files-not logged into token2 M204.2855 Field depth+length unrepresentable in record recNum in file fileName
M204.0852 Bug .. GRDOGT M204.1816 Procedure token already exists -- specify "replace" M204.2856 Fieldname variable fieldname: expected token​,​ got token2
M204.0853 Invalid DISPLAY option M204.1817 CMS external security interface disabled - not running in CMS M204.2857 COUNT-OCCURRENCES-OF field not allowed for attribute field
M204.0854 Procedure cannot redefine included procedure M204.1818 Error initializing CMS external security M204.2858 Fieldgroup context mismatch between COUNT-OCCURRENCES-OF field and counted field
M204.0855 CCAGRP is being recovered and can't be displayed M204.1819 Error initializing PST for CMS external security M204.2859 New attribute field not allowed for non-empty file
M204.0856 Undefined group name ignored: name M204.1820 Unexpected IUCV interrupt type token M204.2860 Field token already has a COUNT-OCCURRENCES-OF field
M204.0857 Group left open with old privileges M204.1821 CMS external security terminating due to error M204.2861 Occurrence counter fieldname overflowed
M204.0858 Group name/extraInfo M204.1822 token error in routine token2 function token3 return code token4 reason code token5 M204.2862 Attempt to update automatic field fieldName
M204.0859 Perm groups are not available during recovery M204.1823 Security error in routine token return code token2 M204.2863 Attempt to do operation for automatic field: fieldname
M204.0860 Open group limit (NGROUP) exceeded M204.1824 token error msg token2 - see token3 messages manual M204.2864 Full search of ordered index performed for field: token
M204.0861 FTBL full​,​ LFTBL​=​value can't open group M204.1825 token informational message token2 - see token3 messages manual M204.2865 Attempt to modify invalid DATETIME value: fieldname ​=​ value
M204.0862 Opening file: name M204.1826 Member token of parallel stream token2 has token3 records M204.2866 File already has token field
M204.0863 Group open failed​,​ files left open M204.1827 Open failed for member token of parallel stream token2 M204.2867 Fieldgroup token already has token2 field
M204.0864 Group open failed​,​ closing partial group M204.1828 ORDERED field referenced​,​ no variable length deferred update dataset supplied M204.2868 MINLOBE must be between 0 and token
M204.0865 IFSORT M204.1829 Invalid VL parameter specified M204.2869 Change refused: MINLOBE ​>​ 0 for file fileName field token
M204.0866 IFSRTC M204.1830 Opening offload member of token stream M204.2870 Change refused: MINLOBE ​>​ 0 for file fileName field token
M204.0867 IFSRTE M204.1831 Invalid value specified for Signal M204.2871 Fieldgroup context mismatch between CONCATENATION-OF field and component field
M204.0868 Group already exists M204.1832 File skewed for different device type​,​ file: token M204.2872 Concatenation value too long for field token
M204.0869 CCAGRP security transformed M204.1833 The total number of property entries is token M204.2873 Concatenation field token component field token2 contains separator character
M204.0870 Current function not allowed with sorted record​/​set M204.1834 token primary property entries have overflow M204.2874 Attempt to modification a value that's constraintFailure: fieldname ​=​ value
M204.0871 IFSTRT (IFAM​/​II) jobname M204.1835 SCOPE​=​SYSTEM is assumed for token M204.2875 Concatenation list invalid: reason
M204.0872 IFOPEN M204.1836 Ring stream token created with token2 members​,​ DEFINE specified token3 members M204.2876 Invalid constraintType value: value
M204.0873 IFCLOSE M204.1837 No records found on control stream for ring stream token M204.2877 With clause invalid: reason
M204.0874 IFFINDC​/​IFFNDXC​/​IFFACC M204.1838 Offload disabled for ring stream token due to token2 error on token3 stream token4 M204.2878 With clause invalid: field fieldname in file fileName reason
M204.0875 Compilation name required M204.1839 Offload PST for ring stream token failed to initialize M204.2879 Remote ID id mode logmode
M204.0876 IFFINDE M204.1840 All members of ring stream token are full. Waiting for available member M204.2880 Memory datasets cannot be part of multi-dataset file
M204.0877 IFFNDXE M204.1841 token hardware feature required for token2 M204.2881 Data conversion error
M204.0878 IFFIND​/​IFFNDX M204.1842 I​/​O error detected on token stream token2 due to error on token3 token4 M204.2882 Recovery journal (CCARF) version token is not supported
M204.0879 Wrong compilation type M204.1843 Autooffload value must be less than the number of ring members M204.2883 Mix of journal versions in recovery CCARF
M204.0880 IFFIND COMPLETE M204.1844 Time specified exceeds 24 hours M204.2884 token was previously defined as a token2​,​ new definition ignored
M204.0881 IFCOUNT ​=​ token M204.1845 token of concatenated stream token2 failed M204.2885 Invalid fieldgroup ID: token
M204.0882 IFGETC​/​IFMOREC​/​IFPUTC M204.1846 Member token of token2 stream token3 now active token4 M204.2886 Fieldgroup ID token already exists in record recNum in file fileName
M204.0883 IFCTOC M204.1847 Syntax error​,​ token command rejected M204.2887 ABANDON option invalid for this type of link
M204.0884 IFGETE​/​IFGETXE M204.1848 token is an invalid token2 name M204.2888 Link flags hexValue locks held hexValue2 remote partner token
M204.0885 IFMOREE​/​IFMORXE M204.1849 Unable to allocate sufficient storage for work area​,​ COPY command rejected M204.2889 User token no token2 session abandoned for link token3
M204.0886 IFMORE​/​IFMOREX M204.1850 Nothing to be copied​,​ COPY command failed M204.2890 Link token closed normally; it can be re-opened
M204.0887 IFGET(X) M204.1851 Unable to open ddName stream​,​ COPY command failed M204.2891 Link linkName subtask waiting on ECB hexValue RPL hexValue2
M204.0888 IFCTOE M204.1852 End of data action on input​,​ COPY command status M204.2892 SQEDS in chain elementCount last one is hexValue
M204.0889 IFFLUSH M204.1853 I​/​O error on ddName​,​ COPY command failed M204.2893 'token' is not a valid option for the OPEN LINK command
M204.0890 Syntax error: token token2 M204.1854 File full condition on output​,​ COPY command failed M204.2894 Link token cannot be replaced - it is not a VTAM LU 6.2 link
M204.0891 IFLIST M204.1855 Stream ddName is not a ring​,​ or does not exist​,​ command rejected M204.2895 Link token has not been abandoned​,​ is open​,​ or was closed ok
M204.0892 IFPROL M204.1856 Stream to be tokened is not opened for output​,​ command rejected M204.2896 Link token has replaced link token2
M204.0893 IFRRFL M204.1857 Offload failed M204.2897 token token2 now uses link token3
M204.0894 IFRPRM M204.1858 COPY command completed M204.2898 Print To not supported for LOB fields
M204.0895 IFEPRM M204.1859 token blocks have been copied to output stream​/​dataset M204.2899 Remote fieldgroup updates not supported
M204.0896 Invalid parameter M204.1860 Second argument to $View invalid with CURFILE M204.2900 Cannot delete token that token2
M204.0897 IFEPRM - result too long M204.1861 Invalid DBCS escape in input stream: x'hexValue' M204.2901 **Fix is available for problem** FOPT​=​x'10' (dts) is not supported during FLOD​/​FILELOAD
M204.0898 IFDISP M204.1862 Insufficient length for String Mixed DBCS field M204.2902 ECTG supported; XMEMOPT reset from x'hexValue' to x'hexValue2'
M204.0899 IFFNSH M204.1863 $stat arg "token" is not a valid user statistic name M204.2903 FILEORG​=​x'100' is not supported during FLOD​/​FILELOAD
M204.0900 IFLOG M204.1864 ORDERED field referenced​,​ no VL specified on FILELOAD command M204.2904 Insufficient CCATEMP pages for backout data
M204.0901 IFPOINT M204.1865 Cross-memory options are not supported in this environment M204.2905 IBM system interface macro token warning​,​ return code ​=​ hexValue​,​ reason code ​=​ hexValue2
M204.0902 IFCTO M204.1866 I​/​O error occurred while token CCASTAT dataset M204.2906 IEANTCR cannot be loaded - code token rc token2
M204.0903 token - result too long M204.1867 Unable to reposition the CCASTAT dataset to the beginning of the dataset M204.2907 Link token rejected accept: sockaddr is hexValue
M204.0904 EDIT_SPEC syntax error M204.1868 $stat type "token" is not a valid statistic type M204.2908 Processgroup not found for remote token
M204.0905 Value too long for STBL​,​ LSTBL​=​value M204.1869 Invalid argument supplied to $hex M204.2909 IEANTDL return code token - name​/​token not deleted
M204.0906 Unknown specification type M204.1870 Second attempt to identify array or item size is invalid M204.2910 IEANTDL cannot be loaded - code token rc token2
M204.0907 IFAM job too long -- QTBL​,​ LQTBL​=​value M204.1871 The percentage of property entries with overflow is token M204.2911 Attempted connect from processgroup token to IPV6 server token2​,​ but link token3 is IPV4
M204.0908 Name list syntax error M204.1872 File fileName is on a read-only device M204.2912 IEANTCR return code token - name​/​token not created
M204.0909 Argument passed to $SETL is out of range: value ​=​ token M204.1873 DBCS parameter cannot be reset when DBCSENV​=​0 M204.2913 "new" option requires single user run
M204.0910 Illegal subscript M204.1874 The number of pages with spills is token M204.2914 CCASERVR in memory is required for token
M204.0911 Field or variable name list too long - QTBL​,​ LQTBL​=​value M204.1875 Unable to reset MODEL to token M204.2915 IGNORE specified for file token token2
M204.0912 Extra ) M204.1876 NJBUFF not resettable under z​/​VSE​,​ NJBUFF​=​1 assumed M204.2916 sizeParameter requires at least one area to be set in tablesParameter
M204.0913 IFFIND errors M204.1877 token token2 started M204.2917 Server dataset token is allocated above 64k cyl. Servers above 64k cyl are not supported.
M204.0914 End IFFIND M204.1878 token token2 stopped M204.2918 Parameter SERVNSSZ is only valid when servers in memory are used
M204.0915 Upcase is invalid with DBCS data types M204.1879 token token2 was not stopped M204.2919 HWM MBYTES ATB storage allocated ​=​ token
M204.0916 IFAM job too long -- VTBL​,​ LVTBL​=​value M204.1880 token token2 was not started M204.2920 Non-zero token is required
M204.0917 IFAM job too long -- NTBL​,​ LNTBL​=​value M204.1881 Too many signals received on session M204.2921 Server areas above the bar are not supported in VSE
M204.0918 Undefined compilation M204.1882 Invalid value specified for timeout M204.2922 token bit setting is not valid
M204.0919 $enter fixed point value incorrect M204.1883 token value cannot be changed for this processgroup M204.2923 Increase SERVNSSZ to at least token for required non swappable server areas
M204.0920 Value or name list syntax error M204.1884 token token2 is not operational M204.2924 SERVNSSZ​/​SERVNSA reset: server swap inactive (NUSERS​=​NSERVS)
M204.0921 No message specified M204.1885 token M204.2925 HWM MBytes storage allocated with 1 MB pages ​=​ token
M204.0922 Invalid language code M204.1886 token M204.2926 1 MB page feature is not available. Parameter ZPAGEOPT is reset to zero.
M204.0923 Invalid string argument M204.1887 token M204.2927 token token2 hexValue token3 token4 token5 token6 hexValue2 token7 token8
M204.0924 IFINIT M204.1888 token token2 token3 token4 hexValue hexValue2 M204.2928 Maximum socket used on TCP​/​IP link token was token2
M204.0925 Function requires file context M204.1889 token token2 hexValue hexValue2 hexValue3 M204.2929 Can't open file with UTF fields without Sirius unicode support
M204.0926 Function requires file manager privilege M204.1890 Number of write buffer waits - token M204.2930 Unable to allocate storage object for token
M204.0927 IFDFLD M204.1891 Write buffer high watermark - token M204.2931 Operating system does not support token
M204.0928 IFDFLD requires file context M204.1892 Number of CLSDST waits - token M204.2932 Increase SERVSIZE to at least token for required server
M204.0929 IFRFLD​/​IFNFLD​/​IFDELF M204.1893 Number of RESPONSE waits - token M204.2933 Module version mismatch​,​ KOMM​=​token​,​ token2​=​token3
M204.0930 Requires subsystem command privilege M204.1894 Parallel stream token member token2 record token3 token4 contains x'hexValue' in position token5 M204.2934 FILEORG X'200' not supported for hashed or sorted file organizations
M204.0931 Unable to allocate subsystem control block M204.1895 Number of OPNDST waits - token M204.2935 token fields may not be RENAMED or DELETED
M204.0932 IFBREC M204.1896 Number of storage short retries - token M204.2936 A CHUNK field of size token already exists for this field
M204.0933 Unexpected end-of-procedure during request compilation. Type 'END NORUN' to cancel. M204.1897 Link token opened M204.2937 CHUNK size: token is not an integral multiple​/​divisor of the existing CHUNK size: token2
M204.0934 Procedure tried to define procedure procName but failed M204.1898 Link token token2 closed token3 M204.2938 You may not define more than token CHUNKS for a field
M204.0935 IFDREC M204.1899 Transfer statement from sourceVtamName to targetVtamName complete​,​ User userId disconnected M204.2939 token has been set to its token2 value: token3
M204.0936 IFPUTE M204.1900 User userId transferred to targetVtamName from sourceVtamName M204.2940 Attempt to use filename (string) after INITIALIZE keyword disallowed because it is misleading
M204.0937 IFPUT M204.1901 Location name expected after AT​,​ not a comma M204.2941 File being initialized (file fileName) does not match name given after INITIALIZE command: string
M204.0938 Fatal record locking table inconsistency M204.1902 Location name expected after AT​,​ not end of line M204.2942 Extraneous string after field attribute list: string
M204.0939 ​=​ required​,​ not token M204.1903 item exceeds max characters in length M204.2943 Error using filename phrase for file string: FILE keyword required
M204.0940 IFDSET M204.1904 Invalid option option​,​ must be OPTIONAL​,​ MANDATORY​,​ OPT or MAND M204.2944 Should have end of INITIALIZE command but instead found: token
M204.0941 IFDVAL M204.1905 Missing ) after file option M204.2945 Error(s) encountered​,​ token command not performed
M204.0942 IFFILE M204.1906 BLDGFT​=​YES not allowed on scattered group M204.2946 Error(s) encountered​,​ token command not performed
M204.0943 Syntax error -- IFFILE M204.1907 PROCFILE​=​* not allowed on scattered group M204.2947 Module address hexValue length hexValue2 protected successfully
M204.0944 Nonexistent record referenced in file fileName M204.1908 PROCFILE may not be remote M204.2948 Setting of 1 in SIRFUNC is required for zIIP usage when FUNDLE is linked in
M204.0945 Record security violation M204.1909 Location name is required M204.2949 Expecting token on token2 command​,​ found: 'token3'
M204.0946 Invalid file specification M204.1910 MAXFAIL greater than number of optional files M204.2950 IODEV 25 line not allowed with FUNTSKN ​>​ 0
M204.0947 No current record M204.1911 Invalid MAXFAIL specification​,​ must be * or number <​=​ count of optional files M204.2951 command is obsoleteaddedInfo
M204.0948 Max Pfkey must be greater than 0 M204.1912 MAXFAIL may only be specified on groups with optional members M204.2952 Auto-defining token IODEV 25 (FUSI) threads
M204.0949 Duplicate Max Pfkey rejected M204.1913 Reopen only valid on group that was previously opened M204.2953 File token token2 zHPF capabilities hexValue hexValue2 hexValue3 Supported: token3
M204.0950 At Column + Len must not exceed token M204.1914 Opening remote file token at token2 M204.2954 Feature token not supported
M204.0951 Undefined field token M204.1915 Group open error: mandatory file token at token2 could not be opened M204.2955 Universal buffer allocation failed.
M204.0952 Specified access not allowed for field token M204.1916 Group open error: more than MAXFAIL optional files could not be opened M204.2956 File token is in-memory file
M204.0953 Invalid access string token M204.1917 Group open warning: optional file token at token2 not open(ed) and marked unavailable M204.2957 Error hexValue opening stream token for Janus Web port token2
M204.0954 IFAM2 initialized​,​ threads ​=​ count M204.1918 Group open warning: local files cannot be optional. OPTIONAL ignored for: fileName M204.2958 APSYPAGE is obsolete as of 7.6. Rocket recommends using RESPAGE and​/​or TEMPPAGE as the alternative
M204.0955 IFAM2 CRAM open error RC​=​token​,​ IFAM halted - channel ​=​ chanName M204.1919 Too many locations in scattered group M204.2959 Invalid product keyword: token
M204.0956 Serious CRAM error​,​ thread halted: error code ​=​ errorCode M204.1920 File fileName - RPRA entry not initialized M204.2960 Initialized interface for token token2
M204.0957 IFAM batch job died​,​ thread released for jobname M204.1921 Global lists​/​foundsets invalid in ad hoc group context M204.2961 Missing end "​/​" in PGM​=​FUNLOAD PARM
M204.0958 Forced logout of IFAM thread for job jobname M204.1922 CFRJRNL set to 0 because CFRLOOK​=​0 M204.2962 M204Params between "​/​..​/​" in PGM​=​FUNLOAD PARM​=​ exceeds token characters
M204.0959 Release 5 IFIF​,​ call rejected for: jobname M204.1923 CFRLOOK set to 0​,​ statistics not being collected M204.2963 PGM​=​FUNLOAD user zero parameters:
M204.0960 Apparent restart loop​,​ thread halted after nn M204.1924 token function requires group context M204.2964 Password missing or too long
M204.0961 Unable to force signon checkpoint for job jobname M204.1925 token option requires token2 M204.2965 Unable to cleanly close log file(s)
M204.0962 Sign on​,​ job name ​=​ jobname M204.1926 Bad replication record operation : token M204.2966 what line number​,​ procedure proc in file file
M204.0963 Sign off​,​ job name ​=​ jobname M204.1927 The initial 'by' value or direction parameter must be positive M204.2967 what line number of command level program
M204.0964 Unable to force signoff checkpoint for job jobname M204.1928 Link token is not open M204.2968 what: no debug info
M204.0965 Thread logout - IFFNSH or IFDTHRD (IFAM2) M204.1929 Number of users ​=​ token​,​ number of compactions ​=​ token2 M204.2969 MBSCAN (mbscan) exceeded​,​ records to be searched ​=​ number
M204.0966 IFAM2 termination. shutdownMessage M204.1930 Current # bytes ​=​ token​,​ HWM # bytes ​=​ token2 M204.2970 Maximum call stack limit (limit) reached
M204.0967 Can't ask for a checkpoint without a wait M204.1931 Current # headers ​=​ token​,​ HWM headers ​=​ token2 M204.2971 No 2PC ports named token with coordinators named token2 defined
M204.0968 IFCHKPT -- checkpoint request M204.1932 Required LRETBL ​=​ bytes M204.2972 Warning SIRTERM X'02' bit not set - WSF Query not supported
M204.0969 IFCHKPT -- checkpoint waiting M204.1933 Uniqueness violation during Store Record in a non-TBO file M204.2973 Unable to reset Model to token: token2
M204.0970 IFCHKPC M204.1934 File fileName has field-level constraints defined moreInfo M204.2974 Action disabled by commit exit
M204.0971 M204 is not in full operation yet​,​ call rejected for: jobname M204.1935 UNIQUE fields are not allowed in non-TBO files M204.2975 token connection to host token2token3token4 port number token5 using Janus 2PC port token6
M204.0972 IFAM2 master ICB not open M204.1936 Missing bracket for incoming signal M204.2976 Attempt to update non-TBO file in a global transaction
M204.0973 IFAM2 not drained​,​ IFAMCLOSE not allowed M204.1937 token token2 is not open M204.2977 Global transaction error: token
M204.0974 IFAM2 not initialized in this run M204.1938 Request for space in Table E extends beyond EHIGHPG​,​ bit map pages are scanned for freespace M204.2978 Implicit commit of global transaction failed
M204.0975 IFAM2 not active M204.1939 Number of ddName blocks written ​=​ num M204.2979 There were errors before RESTART
M204.0976 IFAM2 drained M204.1940 Procedure file does not match subsysmgmt specification M204.2980 ddname -- Start: hexValue​,​ Offset: hexValue2
M204.0977 IFAM2 drain in progress​,​ active threads​=​ nn M204.1941 New LFTBL must be at least token​,​ files must be closed M204.2981 RETLIM exceeded - Current: token; Needed: token2
M204.0978 Invalid channel type - name M204.1942 Subsystem subsysName started without in-core procedure dictionary M204.2982 ​=​​=​​=​​>​ token starting regex scan at token2token3
M204.0979 No threads are active M204.1943 token requires a string percent variable M204.2983 Regex tracing stopped -- MREGEXTR (token) exceeded
M204.0980 Invalid thread number- nn M204.1944 IUCV connection with security machine severed M204.2984 tokentoken2Atoken3 (token4)​,​ pos: token5​,​ string pos: token6
M204.0981 Specified thread is not active - threadNum M204.1945 IUCV reply error - IPAUDIT ​=​ hexValue M204.2985 EVALOPT trapped error: token
M204.0982 No threads defined for IFAM2 channel nn M204.1946 Test or Debug privileges required when temp group used as procfile M204.2988 VTAM transfer failed​,​ Session Parameters(LOGMODE​,​ Cryptography​,​ or VPACING) are invalid
M204.0983 IFAM2 already halted M204.1947 Account and Profile cannot both be specified M204.2990 NSERVS set to NUSERS since all server tables in non-swappable area
M204.0984 Conflicting attribute rejected: token M204.1948 Open Process must run within a subsystem M204.2991 Unable to take CPPAGTHR initiated checkpoint: token
M204.0985 Thread halted​,​ or halt pending - threadNum M204.1949 'OPEN' must be specified on DEFINE command M204.2992 Forcing checkpoint because CPPAGTHR reached
M204.0986 Default cursor column must be between 1 and 80 M204.1950 Password must be specified M204.3020 Successfully allocated token token2 token3 token4 token5 token6 token7
M204.0987 IFAM2 master icb not closed M204.1951 Security violation M204.3022 token issued by token2 @hexValue RPLSEQNO: hexValue2 HSID: hexValue3
M204.0988 Default cursor row must be between 1 and end of screen M204.1952 SESPARMS entity not supported M204.3023 Cannot resolve NIB: RPLARG hexValue RPLUSFLD hexValue2
M204.0989 IFAM2 master ICB not open​,​ IFAMSTART impossible M204.1953 Type of 'open process' conflicts with type of process definition M204.3024 LNVNIB CID hexValue LNVNIB USER hexValue2
M204.0990 Thread not started​,​ halted due to restart loop - threadNum M204.1954 LOGIN​=​TRUST must be specified if GUESTUSER​=​ACCEPT M204.3025 token: hexValue REMOTEID: token2 MODENAME: token3
M204.0991 Else incorrectly paired with If M204.1955 Reserved names are not allowed in Open Process M204.3026 TPN: token Requesting User: token2
M204.0992 File fileName​,​ float transform already completed​,​ command ignored M204.1956 Remote file fileName at token must be re-opened M204.3027 Source was token
M204.0993 File fileName​,​ float transform completed M204.1957 Not allowed in remote context M204.3051 token token2 not found
M204.0994 IFAM4 initialized​,​ threads ​=​ count M204.1958 NFILES + NRMTFILE ​>​ 16383 M204.3052 token not found for PROCESS token2
M204.0995 IFAM4 termination requested by monitor M204.1959 PQO not linked in M204.3053 token
M204.0996 Bug .. sick record found by transform M204.1960 token interface initialized M204.3054 token
M204.0997 Duplicate default cursor options rejected M204.1961 Reopen failed: no such file M204.3055 Link PSWD length may not exceed 8 bytes