List of methods
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This derived page contains the list of all methods.
Method/Enumeration value | Class/Enumeration | Description |
Absolute | Float | Absolute value of a number |
ActionKey | Screen | Return name of key that activated last screen read |
Add | Arraylist | Add Arraylist items |
Add | Json | Add an item to a JSON array |
Add | PolygonSegments | |
Add | Stringlist | Add strings to Stringlist |
AddAttribute | XmlNode | Add Attribute to Element node |
AddBCC | Add a BCCd mail recipient | |
AddCC | Add a CCd mail recipient | |
AddComment | XmlDoc | Add Comment to XmlDoc Root or to Element XmlNode |
AddComment | XmlNode | Add Comment to XmlDoc Root or to Element XmlNode |
AddElement | XmlDoc | Add Element to XmlDoc Root or to Element XmlNode |
AddElement | XmlNode | Add Element to XmlDoc Root or to Element XmlNode |
AddField | HttpRequest | Add a form field to the request |
AddField | Screen | Add a field to an instance of a screen object |
AddHeader | Add an SMTP request header | |
AddHeader | HttpRequest | Add a request header |
AddImage | Stringlist | Add image as new Stringlist item |
AddLongstring | HttpRequest | Add a longstring to POST data for this request |
AddNamespace | XmlNode | Add namespace declaration to Element node |
AddOrdered | Stringlist | Add an item to an ordered Stringlist |
AddOrderedUnique | Stringlist | Conditionally add an item to an ordered Stringlist |
AddPart | Add one or more attachments | |
AddPI | XmlDoc | Add Processing Instruction to XmlDoc Root or to Element XmlNode |
AddPI | XmlNode | Add Processing Instruction to XmlDoc Root or to Element XmlNode |
AddRecipient | Add a mail recipient | |
AddRecord | Recordset | Add Record object record to a Recordset |
AddRecordset | Recordset | Add a Recordset's records to a Recordset |
AddRecordsetNew | Recordset | Combine two RecordSets to produce a third |
AddSubtree | XmlDoc | Copy subtree to XmlDoc Root or to Element XmlNode |
AddSubtree | XmlNode | Copy subtree to XmlDoc Root or to Element XmlNode |
AddText | XmlNode | Add Text child to Element node |
AddTopElement | XmlDoc | Add new top element to XmlDoc |
AddToRecord | XmlDoc | Add fields and/or fieldgroups to the current record |
AddUnique | Stringlist | Conditionally add an item to a Stringlist |
AddUniqueOrdered | Stringlist | Conditionally add an item to an ordered Stringlist |
AddXml | HttpRequest | Add an XmlDoc to POST data for this request |
AdjacentText | XmlDoc | Are adjacent text nodes allowed? |
AES128CBCdecrypt | String | AES 128-bit key decryption |
AES128CBCencrypt | String | AES 128-bit key decryption |
AES128decrypt | String | AES 128-bit key decryption |
AES128encrypt | String | AES 128-bit key decryption |
AES192CBCdecrypt | String | AES 192-bit key CBC decryption |
AES192CBCencrypt | String | AES 192-bit key CBC decryption |
AES192decrypt | String | AES 192-bit key decryption |
AES192encrypt | String | AES 192-bit key decryption |
AES256CBCdecrypt | String | AES 256-bit key CBC decryption |
AES256CBCencrypt | String | AES 256-bit key CBC decryption |
AES256decrypt | String | AES 256-bit key decryption |
AES256encrypt | String | AES 256-bit key decryption |
After | String | Part of string after a substring |
AfterEnd | CursorState | (enumeration value) |
AfterEnd | DatasetState | (enumeration value) |
AllOff | BitMapStatus | (enumeration value) |
AllOn | BitMapStatus | (enumeration value) |
Allow | Utf16Bom | (enumeration value) |
Allow | XmlInvalidChar | (enumeration value) |
AllowNull | XmlDoc | Allow null characters in node values? |
AllowXmlAttribute | XmlDoc | May Attribute names begin with "xml"? |
AllowXmlElement | XmlDoc | May Element names begin with "xml"? |
AmDaemon | Daemon | Is the current thread controlled by a Daemon? |
AmDebugging | DebuggerTools | |
AmIndependent | Daemon | Is the current thread an independent Daemon? |
And | SelectionCriterion | Matches an item if it meets the list of criteria |
AndRecordset | Recordset | Merge two Recordsets to form their logical intersection |
AndRecordsetNew | Recordset | Create new Recordset from intersection of two Recordsets |
Antilog | Float | Antilog base e of a number |
AntilogE | Float | Antilog base e of a number |
Antilog10 | Float | Antilog base 10 of a number |
Antilog2 | Float | Antilog base 2 of a number |
AnyNode_1.0 | XPathSingleHint | (enumeration value) |
AppendCCATempAllocatorInfo | Stringlist | Add CCATEMP allocator information to a Stringlist |
AppendCertificateInfo | Stringlist | Add certificate information to a Stringlist |
AppendCertificateRequest | Stringlist | Add certificate request to a Stringlist |
AppendCertificateRequestInfo | Stringlist | Add certificate request information to a Stringlist |
AppendClientCertificateRequest | Stringlist | Add client certificate request to a Stringlist |
AppendCPCommandOutput | Stringlist | Add output from CP command to Stringlist |
AppendEncryptedSecurityData | Stringlist | Add RC4 encrypted base64 data to a Stringlist |
AppendFieldImages | Stringlist | Add fields stored in image format to a Stringlist |
AppendFieldValues | Stringlist | Add fields names and values to a Stringlist |
AppendGeneratedPrivateKey | Stringlist | Add base64 encoded RSA private key to a Stringlist |
AppendJournalData | Stringlist | Add lines from journal to Stringlist |
AppendOpenProcedure | Stringlist | Add lines from procedure to Stringlist |
AppendPemData | Stringlist | Append PEM encoded string to a Stringlist |
AppendPrivateKeyInfo | Stringlist | Add RSA private key information to a Stringlist |
AppendProcedureList | Stringlist | Add information about procedures to a Stringlist |
AppendSignedCertificate | Stringlist | Add base64 encoded signed certificate to a Stringlist |
AppendSignedClientCertificate | Stringlist | Add base64 encoded signed client certificate to a Stringlist |
AppendSirfactCommandOutput | Stringlist | Add SirFact command output to a Stringlist |
AppendSirfactData | Stringlist | Add SirFact data display to a Stringlist |
AppendTrace | Stringlist | Add trace buffer data to a Stringlist |
AppendValue | XmlNode | Append to value of node |
AppendWebData | Stringlist | Add Janus Web upload data to a Stringlist |
Arguments | System | The arguments passed to this request |
Arg1FromClient | DebuggerTools | |
Arg2FromClient | DebuggerTools | |
Array | Json | Create an Array JSON object |
Array | JsonType | (enumeration value) |
Ascending | SortOrder | Create a new ascending SortOrder |
AsciiToEbcdic | String | Convert ASCII string to EBCDIC |
AsynchronousFinished | Daemon | Is the asynchronous request on this Daemon finished? |
AsynchronousFinished | DaemonState | (enumeration value) |
AtEnd | StringTokenizer | Is current tokenizing position at the end of the string? |
Attribute | XmlNodeType | (enumeration value) |
Audit | Arraylist | Audit Arraylist |
Audit | FloatNamedArraylist | Audit items |
Audit | NamedArraylist | Audit items |
Audit | Object | Audit contents of object |
Audit | UnicodeNamedArraylist | Audit items |
Audit | XmlDoc | Display selected subtree on audit trail |
Audit | XmlNode | Display selected subtree on audit trail |
AutoSendXmlContentType | HttpRequest | Automatic content-type header generation? |
Average | Arraylist | Average the members of this ArrayList |
Average | FloatNamedArraylist | Calculate average of items or function of items |
Average | NamedArraylist | Calculate average of items or function of items |
Average | UnicodeNamedArraylist | Calculate average of items or function of items |
Base64EncodedUtfValue | AddToRecordErrorReason | (enumeration value) |
Base64ToString | String | Convert a base 64 string to Ebcdic |
Before | String | Part of string before a substring |
BeforeStart | CursorState | (enumeration value) |
Between | ShapeTools | |
Between1H | ShapeTools | |
Between1L | ShapeTools | |
Between2T | ShapeTools | |
BigEndian | Utf16Bom | (enumeration value) |
BinaryProcedureDecode | Stringlist | Convert to String from binary procedure format |
BinaryProcedureEncode | Stringlist | Convert from binary procedure format to string |
BinaryToFloat | String | Convert binary string representation of a number to floating point |
BinaryToInteger | String | Convert a binary string to an integer |
Bind | LDAP | Connect to a remote LDAP server |
BindImage | Stringlist | Associate a Stringlist with an image |
BitAndInteger | Float | Do bitwise And of integers |
BitAndString | String | Do bitwise And of strings |
BitClearString | String | Clear a bit in a string |
BitCountString | String | Count number of on bits in a string |
BitFlipString | String | Flip a bit in a string |
BitNumber | InvalidBitNumber | Invalid bit number requested |
BitOffInteger | Float | Clear bits in one integer from another |
BitOffString | String | Clear bits in one string from another |
BitOnInteger | Float | Set bits in one integer from another |
BitOnString | String | Set bits in one string from another |
BitOrInteger | Float | Do bitwise Or of integers |
BitOrString | String | Do bitwise Or of strings |
BitSetString | String | Set a bit in a string |
BitShiftLeftInteger | Float | Do left shift of bits in an integer |
BitShiftRightInteger | Float | Do right shift of bits in an integer |
BitValueString | String | Get bit value (0 or 1) in a string |
BitXorInteger | Float | Do bitwise exclusive Or of integers |
BitXorString | String | Do bitwise exclusive Or of strings |
Blink | Highlight | (enumeration value) |
BlockSize | Dataset | The block size of this dataset |
Blue | FieldColor | (enumeration value) |
Boolean | Json | Create a Boolean JSON object |
Boolean | JsonType | (enumeration value) |
BooleanValue | Json | Get boolean value of JSON object |
Break | DebuggerTools | |
BytePosition | CharacterTranslationException | Position of byte at which the exception was thrown |
Bytes | ProcedureInfo | Number of bytes in this procedure |
CallStack | System | Current call stack description |
CallStackCaller | System | Current caller information |
CallStackDepth | System | Depth of the call stack |
Capture | Socket | Should print output be sent on the socket? |
Captured | RegexSplitOutputOptions | (enumeration value) |
CapturedAndUnmatched | RegexSplitOutputOptions | (enumeration value) |
Center | String | Center the input string within a return string of a specified length |
Centre | String | Center the input string within a return string of a specified length |
Certificate | Socket | Retrieve the SSL certificate |
CertificateRequest | String | Create a certificate request from a private key |
CertInfo | Socket | Retrieve a value from the SSL certificate |
CertLevels | Socket | Number of levels of the SSL certificate |
ChangeItemLength | Stringlist | Change length of Stringlist item |
Char | String | The value at a specified position in the input string |
CharacterPosition | CharacterTranslationException | Position of character at which the exception was thrown |
CharacterPosition | JsonParseError | Position of character at which error was detected |
CharacterPosition | XmlParseError | Position of character at of before which the error occurred |
CharacterPosition | XPathError | Position of character at of before which the error occurred |
CharacterToUnicode | String | Translate characters to unicode |
CheckCertificate | Stringlist | Check format of base64 encoded certificate |
CheckCertificateRequest | Stringlist | Check format of base64 encoded certificate request |
Circle | AreaType | (enumeration value) |
ClassDescription | Object | Description of class of object |
ClassDescription | PersistentObjectInfo | Description of persistent object class |
ClassName | Object | Class name of object |
Clear | Recordset | Remove all records from Recordset |
ClientBuildNumber | DebuggerTools | |
ClientCertificate | System | Get client certificate |
ClientCertificate | XmlDoc | Create XmlDoc with client certificate details |
ClientCertificateRequest | String | Create a client certificate request from a public key |
ClientCommand | DebuggerTools | |
ClientVersion | DebuggerTools | |
Close | Dataset | Close this dataset |
Close | RecordsetCursor | Discard a RecordsetCursor object |
Close | Socket | Close this socket connection |
Closed | DatasetState | (enumeration value) |
Code | HttpResponse | Check HTTP status code of most recent request |
Code | InvalidRegex | Numeric code indicating cause of the exception |
Code | PKCSError | |
Color | ScreenField | Set or return the FieldColor for a screenfield |
Column | ScreenField | Return the column number of a screenfield |
Columns | Screen | Return the number of columns in the current screen |
Combine | XmlAdjacentTextSetting | (enumeration value) |
Command | DebuggerTools | |
Comment | XmlNodeType | (enumeration value) |
Compare | Stringlist | Compare two Stringlists and produce Stringlist describing differences |
CompressSpaces | StringTokenizer | Compress intra-token spaces |
ConflictingLockStrength | RecordLockingConflict | Lock strength of conflicting lock |
ConflictingRecordLockType | RecordLockingConflict | Lock type of conflicting lock |
ConflictTimeMilliseconds | RecordLockingConflict | Time that the conflict occurred |
ConnectionLost | CoordinatorExceptionReason | (enumeration value) |
ConnectionStartTimeMilliseconds | System | Time of connection start in milliseconds |
ConnectionStartTimeString | System | Time of connection start as string |
Content | HttpResponse | Get raw HTTP response data |
ContentToStringlist | HttpResponse | HTTP response data split into lines |
Context | Subsystem | Indicate the subsystem context |
Continue | Daemon | Continue processing in daemon |
ContinueAsynchronously | Daemon | Continue processing asynchronously in daemon |
ContinueIndependently | Daemon | Continue processing independently in daemon |
Copy | Arraylist | Copy the Arraylist |
Copy | CharacterMap | Copy specified CharacterMap object |
Copy | CharacterToUnicodeMap | Copy specified CharacterToUnicodeMap object |
Copy | FloatNamedArraylist | Copy FloatNamedArraylist |
Copy | Json | Copy the JSON object |
Copy | MarksStoreArray | Copy MarksStoreArray |
Copy | NamedArraylist | Copy the NamedArraylist |
Copy | PersistentObjectInfo | Make a copy of a PersistentObjectInfo object |
Copy | ProcedureInfo | Copy this ProcedureInfo |
Copy | RandomNumberGenerator | Copy this RandomNumberGenerator |
Copy | Record | Copy this Record object |
Copy | RecordLockingConflict | Copy the RecordLockingConflict object |
Copy | Recordset | Copy this Recordset object |
Copy | Regex | Return a copy of a Regex object |
Copy | Screen | Return a copy of a screen object |
Copy | SortedRecordset | Copy this SortedRecordset object |
Copy | Stringlist | Copy Stringlist |
Copy | UnicodeNamedArraylist | Copy UnicodeNamedArraylist |
Copy | UserStatistics | Copy the UserStatistics |
Copy | XmlDoc | Copy this XmlDoc |
CopyImageBinding | Stringlist | Copy image association from another Stringlist |
CopyItems | Stringlist | Copy items between Stringlists |
CopyLine | MinuteGrid | |
Corridor | AreaType | (enumeration value) |
Count | Arraylist | Number of items in Arraylist |
Count | FloatNamedArraylist | Number of items |
Count | Json | Number of items in object |
Count | NamedArraylist | Number of items |
Count | Recordset | Calculate number of records in Recordset |
Count | SortedRecordset | Calculate number of records in SortedRecordset |
Count | Stringlist | Number of items in Stringlist |
Count | UnicodeNamedArraylist | Number of items |
Count | XmlAttributeList | Number of attributes |
Count | XmlNodelist | Number of nodes in this nodelist |
CountSubset | Arraylist | Number of items matching a criterion |
CountSubset | FloatNamedArraylist | Number of items that match some selection criteria |
CountSubset | NamedArraylist | Number of items that match some selection criteria |
CountSubset | UnicodeNamedArraylist | Number of items that match some selection criteria |
CR | LineEnd | (enumeration value) |
CreateLines | Stringlist | Create delimited string from Stringlist |
CRLF | LineEnd | (enumeration value) |
Crosses | PolygonSegments | |
CurrentQuoted | StringTokenizer | Is current token a quoted token? |
CurrentRecord | FastUnloadTask | Return current record from Fast/Unload as Longstring |
CurrentRecord | Record | Create a Record object from current record in For loop or Recordset |
CurrentRecord | RecordsetCursor | Create Record object from current record in the set |
CurrentRecordIsUpdated | System | Is the current record updated? |
CurrentTimeDays | System | Current time in days |
CurrentTimeMilliseconds | System | Current time in milliseconds |
CurrentTimeSeconds | System | Current time in seconds |
CurrentTimeString | System | Current time as a string |
CurrentToken | StringTokenizer | String value of current token |
CurrentTokenPosition | StringTokenizer | Position of first character in the current token |
Cursor | Recordset | Create a RecordsetCursor object from a Recordset |
Cursor | SortedRecordset | Instantiate a RecordsetCursor for this SortedRecordset |
CursorColumn | Screen | Return the column number of the cursor position |
CursorItemId | Screen | Return the item ID of field at the cursor position |
CursorRow | Screen | Return the row number of the cursor position |
DaemonOutput | DaemonLost | Stringlist copy of last output stream of lost daemon thread |
DaysToString | Float | Convert days since 1900 to string date/time |
DEA128CBCdecrypt | String | DEA 128-bit key decryption |
DEA128CBCencrypt | String | DEA 128-bit key decryption |
DEA128decrypt | String | DEA 128-bit key decryption |
DEA128encrypt | String | DEA 128-bit key decryption |
DEA192CBCdecrypt | String | DEA 192-bit key CBC decryption |
DEA192CBCencrypt | String | DEA 192-bit key CBC decryption |
DEA192decrypt | String | DEA 192-bit key decryption |
DEA192encrypt | String | DEA 192-bit key decryption |
DEA64CBCdecrypt | String | DEA 64-bit key CBC decryption |
DEA64CBCencrypt | String | DEA 64-bit key CBC decryption |
DEA64decrypt | String | DEA 64-bit key decryption |
DEA64encrypt | String | DEA 64-bit key decryption |
DebuggeeState | DebuggerTools | |
DebugOff | DebuggerTools | |
DeepCopy | Arraylist | Deep Copy the Arraylist |
DeepCopy | CharacterMap | "Deepcopy" specified CharacterMap object |
DeepCopy | CharacterToUnicodeMap | "Deepcopy" specified CharacterToUnicodeMap object |
DeepCopy | FloatNamedArraylist | Deep Copy FloatNamedArraylist |
DeepCopy | Json | Copy the JSON object |
DeepCopy | MarksStoreArray | Copy MarksStoreArray |
DeepCopy | NamedArraylist | Deep Copy NamedArraylist |
DeepCopy | PersistentObjectInfo | Make a copy of a PersistentObjectInfo object |
DeepCopy | ProcedureInfo | DeepCopy this ProcedureInfo |
DeepCopy | RandomNumberGenerator | Deep copy this RandomNumberGenerator |
DeepCopy | Record | Deep copy this Record object |
DeepCopy | RecordLockingConflict | Deep copy the RecordLockingConflict object |
DeepCopy | Recordset | Deep copy this Recordset object |
DeepCopy | Regex | Return a deep copy of a Regex object |
DeepCopy | Screen | Return a deep copy of a screen object |
DeepCopy | ScreenField | Return a deep copy of a screenfield object |
DeepCopy | SortedRecordset | Deep copy this SortedRecordset object |
DeepCopy | Stringlist | Copy Stringlist |
DeepCopy | UnicodeNamedArraylist | Deep Copy UnicodeNamedArraylist |
DeepCopy | UserStatistics | DeepCopy the UserStatistics |
DeepCopy | XmlDoc | Deep copy this XmlDoc |
DeepCopy | XmlNode | Deep copy this node |
DeepDiscard | ScreenField | Do deep discard of a ScreenField object |
DeepDiscard | XmlNode | Do deep discard of an XmlNode object |
Default | FloatNamedArraylist | Value for Item to return when Name has no value |
Default | NamedArraylist | Value for Item to return when Name has no value |
Default | UnicodeNamedArraylist | Value for Item to return when Name has no value |
DefaultSelector | XmlParser | Set a default selector |
DefaultURI | XmlDoc | Default URI in scope at selected node |
DefaultURI | XmlNode | Default URI in scope at selected node |
Deflate | String | Compress a longstring with deflate |
Delete | Json | Delete a JSON object/array item value |
Delete | ScreenField | Delete screenfield |
DeleteGlobal | Subsystem | Delete a subsystem global |
DeleteGlobal | System | Delete a system-wide global |
DeleteObject | Subsystem | Delete a subsystem object |
DeleteObject | System | Delete a system-wide object |
DeleteSelectionPrefix | XmlDoc | Delete prefix's XPath-selection association |
DeleteString | Subsystem | Delete a subsystem string |
DeleteString | System | Delete a system-wide string |
DeleteSubtree | XmlDoc | Delete selected subtree |
DeleteSubtree | XmlNode | Delete selected subtree |
DeleteTopElement | XmlDoc | Delete top element from XmlDoc |
Depth | XmlParser | The current depth in the document |
Dequeue | Arraylist | Retrieve first Arraylist item, then remove item |
Dequeue | Stringlist | Retrieve value of first Stringlist item, then remove item |
DerToXmlDoc | String | Convert DER encoded data to XML |
Descending | SortOrder | Create a new descending SortOrder |
Description | AddToRecordError | Description of error |
Description | CharacterTranslationException | Brief description of the exception |
Description | CoordinatorException | Brief description of the exception |
Description | InvalidBerData | Description of error |
Description | InvalidRegex | Brief description of the exception |
Description | JsonParseError | Description of the error |
Description | PKCSError | |
Description | WebScreenException | Brief description of the exception |
Description | XmlParseError | Brief description of the exception |
Description | XPathError | Brief description of the exception |
Difference | UserStatistics | Difference in login statistics |
Difference | XmlNodelist | Difference between XmlNodelists |
DifferenceToString | UserStatistics | Login timestamps difference in string format |
DifferenceToXmlDoc | UserStatistics | Login timestamps difference in xml format |
Disallow | XmlAdjacentTextSetting | (enumeration value) |
Disallow | XmlInvalidChar | (enumeration value) |
DiscardGlobal | Object | Discard a global object |
DiscardGlobals | Object | Discard global objects |
DiscardSession | Object | Discard a session object |
DiscardSessions | Object | Discard session objects |
Div | Float | Integer division |
Domain | Domain name of host | |
Done | FastUnloadTaskState | (enumeration value) |
Dump | MinuteGrid | |
Dump | MinuteLine | |
EastOfPrime | LongitudePosition | (enumeration value) |
EbcdicToAscii | String | Convert EBCDIC string to ASCII |
EbcdicToUnicode | String | Convert EBCDIC string to Unicode |
Element | XmlNodeType | (enumeration value) |
Ellipse | AreaType | (enumeration value) |
Empty | CursorState | (enumeration value) |
Empty | Stringlist | Remove all items from a Stringlist |
EmptyResult | XPathErrorReason | (enumeration value) |
Encoding | XmlDoc | Encoding of XML document |
EndElement | XmlSelector | Construct an element end selector |
EndsWith | String | Is the end string the terminal substring of the method object string? |
Enqueue | Arraylist | Add item to end of Arraylist |
Enqueue | Stringlist | Add string as new Stringlist item |
Enter | ActionKey | (enumeration value) |
Eq | SelectionCriterion | Matches an item if it is equal to another item |
Equals | ShapeTools | |
EquatoR | LatitudePosition | (enumeration value) |
ErrInfo | Socket | Retrieve info about the most recent socket error |
ErrorAddingField | AddToRecordErrorReason | (enumeration value) |
ErrorAddingFieldgroup | AddToRecordErrorReason | (enumeration value) |
ErrorAddingMaxFieldgroupID | AddToRecordErrorReason | (enumeration value) |
ErrorNumber | LDAP | Error number of the most recent LDAP error |
ErrorObtainingRecord | AddToRecordErrorReason | (enumeration value) |
ErrorText | LDAP | Error message of the most recent LDAP error |
Exclusive | LockStrength | (enumeration value) |
Exists | XmlAttributeList | Check if an attribute is in this list |
Exists | XmlDoc | Is XPath result non-empty? |
Exists | XmlNode | Is XPath result non-empty? |
ExpectedField | AddToRecordErrorReason | (enumeration value) |
ExpectedFieldgroup | AddToRecordErrorReason | (enumeration value) |
F | RecordFormat | (enumeration value) |
False | Boolean | (enumeration value) |
False | Json | Create a false Boolean JSON object |
False | SelectionCriterion | Does not match any item |
FastUnload | Recordset | Unload Recordset using Fast/Unload User Language Interface |
FastUnloadTask | Recordset | Initiate asynch Recordset unload using Fast/Unload User Language Interface |
FB | RecordFormat | (enumeration value) |
FieldCount | HttpRequest | Number of fields in the current request |
FieldgroupNameTooLong | AddToRecordErrorReason | (enumeration value) |
FieldNameTooLong | AddToRecordErrorReason | (enumeration value) |
FieldOrFieldgroupName | AddToRecordError | Name of field or fieldgroup for which error occurred |
Filename | ProcedureInfo | Name of the file containing this procedure |
FileName | Record | Return the name of the file that contains the Record object's record |
Filename | RecordLockingConflict | Name of the file in which last record locking conflict occurred |
FileName | RecordsetCursor | Return name of file containing the record at the current cursor position |
Find | MarksStoreArray | Find next MarksStoreArray item that matches a value |
Find | Stringlist | Find next stringlist item that matches a string |
FindApprox | LDAP | Retrieve records with approximate attr values fromthe LDAP directory |
FindEQ | LDAP | Retrieve matching records from the LDAP directory |
FindGE | LDAP | Retrieve records with greater attr string values from the LDAP directory |
FindImageItem | Stringlist | Find next matching image item in Stringlist |
FindImageItemUp | Stringlist | Find previous matching image item in Stringlist |
FindLE | LDAP | Retrieve records with lesser attr string values from the LDAP directory |
FindNextItem | Arraylist | Find matching Arraylist item |
FindNextItem | FloatNamedArraylist | Next item that matches some selection criteria |
FindNextItem | NamedArraylist | Next item that matches some selection criteria |
FindNextItem | UnicodeNamedArraylist | Next item that matches some selection criteria |
FindNextItemNumber | Arraylist | Return number of matching item |
FindNextItemNumber | FloatNamedArraylist | Item number of next item that matches some selection criteria |
FindNextItemNumber | NamedArraylist | Item number of next item that matches some selection criteria |
FindNextItemNumber | UnicodeNamedArraylist | Item number of next item that matches some selection criteria |
FindPreviousItem | Arraylist | Find matching Arraylist item |
FindPreviousItem | FloatNamedArraylist | Previous item that matches some selection criteria |
FindPreviousItem | NamedArraylist | Previous item that matches some selection criteria |
FindPreviousItem | UnicodeNamedArraylist | Previous item that matches some selection criteria |
FindPreviousItemNumber | Arraylist | Return number of matching item |
FindPreviousItemNumber | FloatNamedArraylist | Item number of previous item that matches some selection criteria |
FindPreviousItemNumber | NamedArraylist | Item number of previous item that matches some selection criteria |
FindPreviousItemNumber | UnicodeNamedArraylist | Item number of previous item that matches some selection criteria |
FindStringInCommonName | LDAP | Retrieve substring matching records from LDAP directory |
FindToken | StringTokenizer | Search for specified token |
FindUp | Stringlist | Find previous stringlist item that matches a string |
First | RecordsetCursor | Move cursor to the first record in the set |
FirstItem | Arraylist | Retrieve or set value of first Arraylist item |
FirstItem | FloatNamedArraylist | Return or set first item |
FirstItem | NamedArraylist | Return or set first item |
FirstItem | Stringlist | Retrieve value of first Stringlist item |
FirstItem | UnicodeNamedArraylist | Return or set first item |
FirstItemName | FloatNamedArraylist | Name of first item |
FirstItemName | NamedArraylist | Name of first item |
FirstItemName | UnicodeNamedArraylist | Name of first item |
FloatToBinary | Float | Binary string containing floating point representation |
FloatToString | Float | Convert a number to a string |
FoldDoubledQuotes | StringTokenizer | Doubled quotes treated as escaped quote char |
FormUrlDecodeUnicode | String | Convert Form URL encoded UTF-8 string to Unicode |
Full | DatasetState | (enumeration value) |
GarbageCollect | Object | Clean up unreachable objects |
Ge | SelectionCriterion | Matches an item if it is greater than or equal to another item |
GeneratedPrivateKey | System | Generate an RSA private key |
Get | HttpRequest | Send an HTTP GET request to the server |
GetGlobal | Object | Retrieve global object reference |
GetImage | Stringlist | Retrieve Stringlist item into image |
GetInputObject | Daemon | Retrieve input object passed by master thread |
GetNextRecord | FastUnloadTask | Get next record from Fast/Unload |
GetObject | Subsystem | Get a subsystem object |
GetObject | System | Get a system-wide object |
GetReplyCode | Retrieve the last numeric reply code | |
GetReplyText | Retrieve the last response | |
GetSession | Object | Retrieve session object reference |
GetSocketNumber | Socket | Socket number of this socket |
GetSocketObject | Socket | Get a socket object for the given socket number |
GlobalList | Object | Get list of global objects |
GlobalList | PersistentObjectInfo | Get list of global objects |
Green | FieldColor | (enumeration value) |
Gt | SelectionCriterion | Matches an item if greater than another item |
Gunzip | String | Decompress a longstring with GUNZIP |
GunzipDatetimeNS | String | Return create date of GZIP format longstring |
GunzipFilename | String | Return name of GZIP format longstring |
Gzip | String | Compress a longstring with GZIP |
HasRecord | CursorState | (enumeration value) |
HaveDaemon | Daemon | Is the thread associated with this Daemon accessible? |
HaveRecord | FastUnloadTaskState | (enumeration value) |
HeaderCount | HttpRequest | Number of headers in this request |
HeaderCount | HttpResponse | Number of HTTP response headers |
HeaderNames | HttpResponse | List of HTTP response header names |
HeaderValue | HttpResponse | HTTP response header value |
HexToInteger | String | Convert a hexadecimal string to an integer |
HexToString | String | Convert a hexadecimal string to Ebcdic |
HexValue | CharacterTranslationException | Hexadecimal value of bytes causing the exception |
Highlight | ScreenField | Set or return the highlight attribute for screenfield |
Host | The host name of the SMTP server | |
Host | HttpRequest | Target web server |
Host | UdpSocket | Remote host IP address |
HttpVersion | HttpRequest | Set HTTP protocol version for requests |
Ignore | XmlNamespaceSetting | (enumeration value) |
In | PolygonSegments | |
Inflate | String | Decompress a longstring with inflate |
Info | Socket | Retrieve information about the socket |
Initialize | MarksStoreArray | Set all items in MarksStoreArray to the same value |
InputHexValue | XmlParseError | Hexadecimal value of bytes causing the exception |
InputRecordNumber | AddToRecordError | Value of 'number' attribute from input XmlDoc |
Insert | Arraylist | Insert items into Arraylist |
Insert | Json | Insert an item into a JSON array |
Insert | String | Insert argument string inside the method object string |
Insert | Stringlist | Insert strings into a Stringlist |
InsertCommentBefore | XmlNode | Insert a Comment before this node |
InsertElementBefore | XmlNode | Insert an Element before this node |
InsertImage | Stringlist | Insert image into a Stringlist |
InsertPIBefore | XmlNode | Insert a processing instruction before this node |
InsertSubtreeBefore | XmlNode | Insert copy of subtree before this node |
InsertTextBefore | XmlNode | Insert Text node before this node |
InsufficientStorageForLOB | AddToRecordErrorReason | (enumeration value) |
InsufficientVirtualStorage | CoordinatorExceptionReason | (enumeration value) |
IntegerToBinary | Float | Convert an integer to a binary string |
IntegerToHex | Float | Convert an integer to a hexadecimal string |
InvalidBase64 | AddToRecordErrorReason | (enumeration value) |
InvalidChar | XmlDoc | Allow invalid characters (obsolete) |
InvalidCharacterPosition | XmlDoc | Detect invalid characters |
InvalidCharacterReference | TranslationExceptionReason | (enumeration value) |
InvalidCodepage | AddToRecordErrorReason | (enumeration value) |
InvalidEncoding | TranslationExceptionReason | (enumeration value) |
InvalidFieldgroupID | AddToRecordErrorReason | (enumeration value) |
InvalidNode | AddToRecordErrorReason | (enumeration value) |
InvalidRecordNumber | AddToRecordErrorReason | (enumeration value) |
InvalidResponse | CoordinatorExceptionReason | (enumeration value) |
InvalidUnicodeCharacter | XmlParseErrorReason | (enumeration value) |
InvalidUrlEncoding | TranslationExceptionReason | (enumeration value) |
InvalidUTF16Encoding | XmlParseErrorReason | (enumeration value) |
InvalidUTF8Encoding | XmlParseErrorReason | (enumeration value) |
InvalidVersion | AddToRecordErrorReason | (enumeration value) |
Invisible | ScreenField | Set or return the invisible attribute for screenfield |
IsEmpty | Recordset | Is Recordset empty? |
IsEmpty | SortedRecordset | Is this SortedRecordset empty? |
IsFalse | Boolean | Is this Boolean value false (enumeration value) |
IsMerged | Journal | Is journal the output of MERGEJ? |
IsNotNull | SelectionCriterion | Matches an item if it is not null |
IsNull | SelectionCriterion | Matches an item if it is null |
IsOneOf | String | Is the method object string matched by any of the strings in the input list? |
IsPrime | Float | Is this number prime? |
IsSelectionPrefix | XmlDoc | Check if prefix has XPath-selection association |
IsStartOf | String | Is the method object string an initial substring of the argument string? |
IsTrue | Boolean | Is this Boolean value true? (enumeration value) |
IsUnicode | Regex | Is this a Unicode regular exprssion |
IsUpdated | Record | Is record updated in current transaction? |
IsValidString | XmlDoc | Valid XML Element/Attribute value? (obsolete) |
Item | Arraylist | Return or set Arraylist item value |
Item | FloatNamedArraylist | Value of named item |
Item | Json | Return or set JSON object/array item value |
Item | MarksStoreArray | Retrieve or set value of MarksStoreArray item |
Item | NamedArraylist | Value of named item |
Item | Stringlist | Retrieve value of Stringlist item |
Item | UnicodeNamedArraylist | Value of named item |
Item | XmlNodelist | Retrieve an item from this nodelist |
ItemByNumber | FloatNamedArraylist | Return or set item using item number |
ItemByNumber | Json | Return JSON object/array item value by item number |
ItemByNumber | NamedArraylist | Return or set item using item number |
ItemByNumber | UnicodeNamedArraylist | Return or set item using item number |
ItemDifferenceList | Stringlist | Compare Stringlist to delimited Stringlist item |
Itemid | ScreenField | Set or return the item ID value for screenfield |
ItemLength | Stringlist | Length of Stringlist item |
JsonParse | Unicode | Parse a string into a Json object tree |
KeyEQ | Dataset | Position a VSAM dataset by key = |
KeyGE | Dataset | Position a VSAM dataset by key >= |
Last | RecordsetCursor | Move cursor to the last record in the set |
LastCommandErrorCount | Daemon | Number of errors since the last Run invocation |
LastItem | Arraylist | Retrieve or set value of last Arraylist item |
LastItem | FloatNamedArraylist | Return or set last item |
LastItem | NamedArraylist | Return or set last item |
LastItem | Stringlist | Retrieve value of last Stringlist item |
LastItem | UnicodeNamedArraylist | Return or set last item |
LastItemName | FloatNamedArraylist | Name of last item |
LastItemName | NamedArraylist | Name of last item |
LastItemName | UnicodeNamedArraylist | Name of last item |
LastSubsystemErrorFile | System | The last subsystem error file |
LastSubsystemErrorProcedure | System | The last subsystem error procedure |
LastSubsystemErrorSubsystem | System | The last subsystem error subsystem |
LastUpdateTime | ProcedureInfo | Most recent update as date string |
LastUpdateTimeMilliseconds | ProcedureInfo | Most recent update time in milliseconds |
LastUpdateUser | ProcedureInfo | Last user to update this procedure |
Le | SelectionCriterion | Matches an item if it is less than or equal to another item |
Left | String | The left-most characters of the string |
Length | String | The length of the string |
Length | XmlDoc | Length of string-value of selected node |
Length | XmlNode | Length of string-value of selected node |
LF | LineEnd | (enumeration value) |
Line | InvalidPemData | Line where error encountered |
LineEnd | HttpRequest | Line-end sequence for POSTed Stringlist data |
List | Arraylist | Construct and populate a new Arraylist |
List | ProcedureInfo | Get list of procedures |
List | SortOrder | Create a composite SortOrder |
List | Stringlist | Construct a new Stringlist from list of strings |
List | XmlSelector | Construct a composite selector |
ListOfGlobals | Subsystem | List of subsystem globals |
ListOfGlobals | System | List of system globals |
ListOfObjects | Subsystem | List of subsystem objects |
ListOfObjects | System | List of system objects |
ListOfStrings | Subsystem | List of subsystem strings |
ListOfStrings | System | List of system strings |
ListToItem | Stringlist | Convert Stringlist to single delimited Stringlist item |
LittleEndian | Utf16Bom | (enumeration value) |
LoadChangedRecords | XmlDoc | Load ChangedRecords into this XmlDoc |
LoadCommandInfo | XmlDoc | Load command info into this XmlDoc |
LoadElement | XmlParser | Load the current element into an XmlDoc object |
LoadFromRecord | XmlDoc | Load fields and fieldgroups from current record |
LoadFromRecord | XmlNode | Load fields and fieldgroups from current record |
LoadFromStringlist | XmlDoc | Deserialize Stringlist into XmlDoc (obsolete) |
LoadFromStringlist | XmlNode | Deserialize Stringlist into XmlDoc (obsolete) |
LoadMessageInfo | XmlDoc | Load message info into this XmlDoc |
LoadMsgctl | XmlDoc | Load MSGCTL commands to this XmlDoc |
LoadParameterInfo | XmlDoc | Load parameter info into this XmlDoc |
LoadSystemMethodInfo | XmlDoc | Load info about system methods into this XmlDoc |
LoadXml | XmlDoc | Deserialize XML document or fragment into XmlDoc Root or into Element XmlNode |
LoadXml | XmlNode | Deserialize XML document or fragment into XmlDoc Root or into Element XmlNode |
LocalHost | UdpSocket | Local IP address for bound socket |
LocalName | XmlAttributeList | Get the local name of the indexed attribute |
LocalName | XmlDoc | Name (without prefix) of selected node |
LocalName | XmlNode | Name (without prefix) of selected node |
LocalPort | UdpSocket | Local port number for bound socket |
Locate | Regex | Find next item in Stringlist that matches a regex |
Locate | Stringlist | Locate next Stringlist item containing string |
LocateUp | Regex | Find next item in Stringlist that matches a regex |
LocateUp | Stringlist | Locate previous Stringlist item containing string |
LockingUserNumber | RecordLockingConflict | User number of the user that locked the conflicting record |
LockStrength | Record | Return lock strength of Record |
LockStrength | Recordset | Return lock strength of Recordset |
LockStrength | RecordsetCursor | Return lock strength of RecordsetCursor object |
LockTimeMilliseconds | RecordLockingConflict | Time that the conflicting record was locked |
Log | Float | Natural log (base e) of a number |
LogE | Float | Natural log (base e) of a number |
LoginToString | UserStatistics | Login statistics in string format |
Log10 | Float | Log base 10 of a number |
Log2 | Float | Log base 2 of a number |
LoopLockStrength | Record | Set or return minimum lock strength for Record in For loops |
LoopLockStrength | Recordset | Set or return minimum lock strength for Recordset records that are in For loops |
LoopLockStrength | RecordsetCursor | Set or return minimum lock strength of records in For Record At loops |
Lost | DaemonState | (enumeration value) |
Lt | SelectionCriterion | Matches an item if it is less than another item |
Send the mail message | ||
MarksNumberToStoreCode | Float | |
MarksStoreCodeDecrement | String | |
MarksStoreCodeIncrement | String | |
MarksStoreCodeToNumber | String | |
MasterNumber | Daemon | User number of the master thread |
Match | Regex | Position after match of regex |
Matched | RegexSplitOutputOptions | (enumeration value) |
MatchedAndUnmatched | RegexSplitOutputOptions | (enumeration value) |
MaxActionKey | Screen | Return name of key that activated last screen read |
Maximum | Arraylist | Get number of maximum item |
Maximum | FloatNamedArraylist | Name of item with maximum value or maximum value of function applied to items |
Maximum | NamedArraylist | Name of item with maximum value or maximum value of function applied to items |
Maximum | UnicodeNamedArraylist | Name of item with maximum value or maximum value of function applied to items |
MaximumConnectionsExceeded | CoordinatorExceptionReason | (enumeration value) |
MaximumItem | Arraylist | Get item that has maximum value |
MaximumItem | FloatNamedArraylist | Item with maximum value or maximum value of function applied to items |
MaximumItem | NamedArraylist | Item with maximum value or maximum value of function applied to items |
MaximumItem | UnicodeNamedArraylist | Item with maximum value or maximum value of function applied to items |
MaxItemLength | Stringlist | Maximum Stringlist item length |
MaxRedirects | HttpRequest | Automatically handle redirects |
MaxStoreCode | MarksStoreArray | Store code of last item in MarksStoreArray |
MaxStoreCodeNumber | MarksStoreArray | Number of store codes in MarksStoreArray |
MD5 | DigestAlgorithm | (enumeration value) |
MD5digest | String | 16-byte MD5 digest |
MergeCount | Journal | Number of journals input to the MERGEJ run producing this journal |
Message | HttpResponse | Return code message of most recent request |
MethodName | InvalidJsonType | Type of object for invalid method |
MillisecondsToString | Float | Convert milliseconds since 1900 to string date/time |
Minimum | Arraylist | Get number of minimum item |
Minimum | FloatNamedArraylist | Name of item with minimum value or minimum value of function applied to items |
Minimum | NamedArraylist | Name of item with minimum value or minimum value of function applied to items |
Minimum | UnicodeNamedArraylist | Name of item with minimum value or minimum value of function applied to items |
MinimumItem | Arraylist | Get item that has minimum value |
MinimumItem | FloatNamedArraylist | Item with minimum value or minimum value of function applied to items |
MinimumItem | NamedArraylist | Item with minimum value or minimum value of function applied to items |
MinimumItem | UnicodeNamedArraylist | Item with minimum value or minimum value of function applied to items |
Mixed | BitMapStatus | (enumeration value) |
Mod | Float | Remainder of integer division |
Modified | ScreenField | Set or return the modified attribute for screenfield |
Modulus | Float | Remainder of integer division |
MoveFromId | Stringlist | Move data from $list to Stringlist |
MoveToId | Stringlist | Move data from Stringlist to $list |
MultiPartFormEncoding | HttpRequest | Use Stringlists for data transfer? |
Name | PersistentObjectInfo | Name of persistent object |
Name | ProcedureInfo | Name of this procedure |
Name | Subsystem | Name of this subsystem |
Name | UnknownStatistic | Name of statistic not recognized by the method |
NameByNumber | FloatNamedArraylist | Name of specified item number |
NameByNumber | Json | Get name of item in JSON object |
NameByNumber | NamedArraylist | Name of specified item number |
NameByNumber | UnicodeNamedArraylist | Name of specified item |
NameLookupError | CoordinatorExceptionReason | (enumeration value) |
Namespace | XmlDoc | (Dis)allow or disable prefix handling |
NameUnresolved | CoordinatorExceptionReason | (enumeration value) |
Ne | SelectionCriterion | Matches an item if not equal to another item |
New | AddToRecordError | Create new AddToRecordError object |
New | Arraylist | Create a new Arraylist object |
New | BadJournal | Create a new BadJournal object |
New | CharacterMap | Create CharacterMap object |
New | CharacterToUnicodeMap | Create CharacterToUnicodeMap object |
New | CharacterTranslationException | Create a new CharacterTranslationException object |
New | CoordinatorException | Create a new CoordinatorException object |
New | Daemon | Create a new Daemon |
New | DaemonLost | Create a new DaemonLost object |
New | Dataset | Create a new dataset object |
New | Create a new email object | |
New | FloatNamedArraylist | Create a new FloatNamedArraylist object |
New | FormFieldNotFound | Create a new FormFieldNotFound object |
New | HttpRequest | Create a new HttpRequest object |
New | IncorrectDaemonState | Create a new IncorrectDaemonState object |
New | InvalidBase64Data | Create a new InvalidBase64Data object |
New | InvalidBerData | Create a new InvalidBerData object |
New | InvalidBitNumber | Create a new InvalidBitNumber object |
New | InvalidCryptoData | Create a new InvalidCryptoData object |
New | InvalidCryptoInitVector | Create a new InvalidCryptoInitVector object |
New | InvalidCryptoKey | Create a new InvalidCryptoKey object |
New | InvalidDateString | Create a new InvalidDateString object |
New | InvalidDeflateData | Create a new InvalidDeflateData object |
New | InvalidGZipData | Create a new InvalidGZipData object |
New | InvalidHexData | Create a new InvalidHexData object |
New | InvalidJsonType | Create a new InvalidJsonType object |
New | InvalidPemData | Create a new InvalidPemData object |
New | InvalidRegex | Create a new InvalidRegex object |
New | InvalidSortSpecification | Create a new InvalidSortSpecification object |
New | InvalidTranslateTable | Create a new InvalidTranslateTable object |
New | InvalidValue | Create a new InvalidValue object |
New | InvalidZipData | Create a new InvalidZipData object |
New | ItemNotFound | Create a new ItemNotFound object |
New | ItemNotPresent | Create a new ItemNotPresent object |
New | Journal | Create a new Journal object |
New | JsonCircularReference | Create a new JsonCircularReference object |
New | JsonParseError | Create a new JsonParseError object |
New | LDAP | Create a new LDAP object |
New | MarksStoreArray | Create new MarksStoreArray instance |
New | MaxDaemExceeded | Create a new MaxDaemExceeded object |
New | MinuteGrid | Create a new MinuteGrid object |
New | MinuteLine | Create a new MinuteLine object |
New | MismatchedQuote | Create a new MismatchedQuote object |
New | NamedArraylist | Create a new NamedArraylist object |
New | NoFreeDaemons | Create a new NoFreeDaemons object |
New | NotJanusConnection | Create a new NotJanusConnection object |
New | Object | Create a new Object object |
New | OutOfBounds | Create a new OutOfBounds object |
New | PKCSError | Create a new PKCSError object |
New | PolygonSegments | Create a new PolygonSegments object |
New | ProcedureInfo | Create a new ProcedureInfo instance |
New | RandomNumberGenerator | Create a new RandomNumberGenerator |
New | Record | Create a new file-context Record object |
New | Record | Create a new group-context Record object |
New | RecordLockingConflict | Create a new RecordLockingConflict object |
New | Recordset | Create a new Recordset object |
New | RecordsetCursor | Create a new RecordsetCursor object |
New | Regex | Create new Regex instance |
New | Screen | Create new Screen instance |
New | ScreenReadError | Create a new ScreenReadError object |
New | ShapeTools | Create a new ShapeTools object |
New | Socket | Open a new socket |
New | SortedRecordset | Create a new SortedRecordset object |
New | SortOrder | Create a new, null SortOrder |
New | Stringlist | Create new Stringlist instance |
New | StringTokenizer | Create new StringTokenizer object |
New | UdpSocket | Create a UdpSocket object |
New | UnicodeNamedArraylist | Create a new UnicodeNamedArraylist object |
New | UnknownStatistic | Create a new UnknownStatistic object |
New | UnsupportedCrypto | Create a new UnsupportedCrypto object |
New | UserStatistics | Create a new UserStatistics instance |
New | WebScreenException | Create a new WebScreenException object |
New | WriteError | Create a new WriteError object |
New | XmlAttributeList | Create a new XmlAttributeList object |
New | XmlDoc | Create a new XmlDoc object |
New | XmlNodelist | Create a new XmlNodelist |
New | XmlParseError | Create a new XmlParseError object |
New | XmlParser | Construct a new XmlParser instance |
New | XPathError | Create a new XPathError object |
NewFieldColumn | Screen | Get or set column number for next added field |
NewFieldRow | Screen | Get or set row number for next added field |
NewFromAsciiCodepage | CharacterToUnicodeMap | Create CharacterToUnicodeMap object from ASCII codepage |
NewFromEbcdicCodepage | CharacterToUnicodeMap | Create CharacterToUnicodeMap object from EBCDIC codepage |
NewFromGlobal | PersistentObjectInfo | Get info about global object |
NewFromLastConflict | RecordLockingConflict | Create object from current conflict information |
NewFromRecord | XmlDoc | Create a new XmlDoc from the current record |
NewFromSession | PersistentObjectInfo | Get info about session object |
NewGlobal | Transaction | Start new global transaction |
Next | MinuteGrid | |
Next | MinuteLine | |
Next | RecordsetCursor | Move cursor to the next record in the set |
Next | XmlNode | Get the next node after this node |
NextChar | StringTokenizer | Value of character at current tokenizing position |
NextPosition | StringTokenizer | Position of character at current tokenizing position |
NextPrime | Float | Find smallest prime greater than this number |
NextToken | StringTokenizer | Next token forward in current tokenizer string |
NodeName | AddToRecordError | Name of node in input XmlDoc for which error occurred |
NodeType | AddToRecordError | XmlNodeType of node in input XmlDoc for which error occurred |
NoEmptyElement | XmlNode | Suppress/produce empty tag when serializing this Element, if childless |
None | Highlight | (enumeration value) |
None | LockStrength | (enumeration value) |
None | Utf16Bom | (enumeration value) |
None | XmlNamespaceSetting | (enumeration value) |
None | XPathSingleHint | (enumeration value) |
NoneAvailable | CoordinatorExceptionReason | (enumeration value) |
NoPortConnectionsAvailable | CoordinatorExceptionReason | (enumeration value) |
NoRecord | CursorState | (enumeration value) |
NorthOfEquator | LatitudePosition | (enumeration value) |
Not | SelectionCriterion | Matches an item if it does not meet the criterion |
NotAtEnd | StringTokenizer | Is present tokenizing position at end of tokenizerstring? |
NullifyGlobal | Object | Clear global object reference |
NullifyGlobals | Object | Clear global object references |
NullifySession | Object | Clear session object reference |
NullifySessions | Object | Clear global object references |
Num | Socket | Socket numbers of a set of selected sockets |
Number | FloatNamedArraylist | Item number of specified name |
Number | Json | Create a Number JSON object |
Number | JsonType | (enumeration value) |
Number | NamedArraylist | Item number of specified name |
Number | UnicodeNamedArraylist | Item number of specified name |
NumberByName | Json | Get number of named item in JSON object |
NumberOfBuffers | Dataset | Number of buffers to use for i/o |
NumberValue | Json | Get number value of JSON object |
Numeric | ScreenField | Set or return the numeric attribute for screenfield |
Object | Json | Create an Object JSON object |
Object | JsonType | (enumeration value) |
ObjectId | Object | Internal numeric name of object |
Off | MinuteGrid | |
Off | MinuteLine | |
OffXY | MinuteGrid | |
On | MinuteGrid | |
On | MinuteLine | |
On | XmlNamespaceSetting | (enumeration value) |
OnReset | Socket | Jump to label when this socket resets |
OnSecondsXY | MinuteGrid | |
OnXY | MinuteGrid | |
Open | Daemon | Open a file/group on the Daemon thread |
Open | Dataset | Open this dataset |
Open | DatasetState | (enumeration value) |
OperationFromClient | DebuggerTools | |
Options | Regex | Regular expression options |
Or | SelectionCriterion | Matches an item if it meets one of the listed criteria |
OriginSet | MinuteGrid | |
OriginX | MinuteGrid | |
OriginY | MinuteGrid | |
Output | Dataset | Indicates whether this dataset is writeable |
Overlay | Stringlist | Overlay part of Stringlist item with string |
OverlayImageItem | Stringlist | Overlay part of Stringlist item with image item |
Page | HttpRequest | Relative page path |
PAI | Record | Print All Information from record |
PAI | RecordsetCursor | |
ParentNumber | Daemon | User number of the parent thread |
Parse | Json | Create an JSON object from serialized JSON |
Parse | XmlParser | Start parsing the current document |
ParseLines | String | Parse delimited string, creating new Stringlist |
ParseLines | Stringlist | Parse delimited string, appending to this Stringlist |
ParseXml | HttpResponse | Deserialize response data to XmlDoc |
Patch | Stringlist | Update base Stringlist with patch Stringlist |
PatchLines | Stringlist | Apply patch Stringlist to a base Stringlist |
PatchString | Stringlist | Update base string with patch Stringlist |
PeekChar | StringTokenizer | Value of character at current tokenizing position, do not advance |
PeekPreviousChar | StringTokenizer | Value of previous character |
PeekToken | StringTokenizer | Value of next token in current tokenizer string, do not advance |
PemToString | Stringlist | Extract base64 encoded PEM data to string |
PendingUpdate | RecordLockType | (enumeration value) |
PF1 | ActionKey | (enumeration value) |
PF10 | ActionKey | (enumeration value) |
PF11 | ActionKey | (enumeration value) |
PF12 | ActionKey | (enumeration value) |
PF13 | ActionKey | (enumeration value) |
PF14 | ActionKey | (enumeration value) |
PF15 | ActionKey | (enumeration value) |
PF16 | ActionKey | (enumeration value) |
PF17 | ActionKey | (enumeration value) |
PF18 | ActionKey | (enumeration value) |
PF19 | ActionKey | (enumeration value) |
PF2 | ActionKey | (enumeration value) |
PF20 | ActionKey | (enumeration value) |
PF21 | ActionKey | (enumeration value) |
PF22 | ActionKey | (enumeration value) |
PF23 | ActionKey | (enumeration value) |
PF24 | ActionKey | (enumeration value) |
PF3 | ActionKey | (enumeration value) |
PF4 | ActionKey | (enumeration value) |
PF5 | ActionKey | (enumeration value) |
PF6 | ActionKey | (enumeration value) |
PF7 | ActionKey | (enumeration value) |
PF8 | ActionKey | (enumeration value) |
PF9 | ActionKey | (enumeration value) |
PI | XmlNodeType | (enumeration value) |
Pink | FieldColor | (enumeration value) |
PointCheck | ShapeTools | |
PointInit | ShapeTools | |
Polygon | AreaType | (enumeration value) |
Pop | Arraylist | Retrieve last Arraylist item, then remove item |
Pop | Stringlist | Retrieve value of last Stringlist item, then remove last item |
Port | TCP port number of the SMTP server | |
Port | HttpRequest | Target server port number |
Port | UdpSocket | Remote host IP port number |
Position | InvalidBase64Data | Input string position where non-base64 encoding character found |
Position | InvalidBerData | Position where error encountered |
Position | InvalidHexData | Input string position where non-hexadecimal character found |
Position | InvalidPemData | Position in line where error encountered |
Position | InvalidRegex | Regex position at or before which the error occurred |
PositionIn | String | The numeric position of one string within another |
PositionOf | String | The numeric position of one string within another |
Post | HttpRequest | Send an HTTP POST request to the server |
Prefix | XmlAttributeList | Get the prefix of the indexed attribute |
Prefix | XmlDoc | Prefix part of name of selected node |
Prefix | XmlNode | Prefix part of name of selected node |
PrefixURI | XmlDoc | URI of specified prefix in context of selected node |
PrefixURI | XmlNode | URI of specified prefix in context of selected node |
Previous | RecordsetCursor | Move cursor to the previous record in the set |
Previous | XmlNode | Get node previous to this node |
PreviousChar | StringTokenizer | Value of previous character and step back one position |
PreviousPrime | Float | Find greatest prime smaller than this number |
Prime | LongitudePosition | (enumeration value) |
Arraylist | Print Arraylist | |
FloatNamedArraylist | Print items | |
HttpRequest | Print useful debug information | |
HttpResponse | Print useful debug information about this object | |
NamedArraylist | Print items | |
Object | Print contents of object | |
Stringlist | Display contents of a Stringlist | |
UnicodeNamedArraylist | Print items | |
XmlDoc | Print selected subtree | |
XmlNode | Print selected subtree | |
PrintAllInformation | Record | Print All Information from record |
PrintAllInformation | RecordsetCursor | |
ProcessingInstruction | XmlSelector | Construct a processing instruction selector |
Protected | ScreenField | Set or return the protected attribute for screenfield |
ProtectedColor | Screen | Set color for protected screen fields |
ProtectedHighlight | Screen | Set highlight color for protected screen fields |
Protocol | HttpRequest | HTTP request protocol |
Proxy | HttpRequest | Permit use of proxy server? |
Push | Arraylist | Append item to Arraylist |
Push | Stringlist | Add string as new Stringlist item |
QName | XmlAttributeList | Get the qualified name of the indexed attribute |
QName | XmlDoc | Name (with prefix, if any) of selected node |
QName | XmlNode | Name (with prefix, if any) of selected node |
Quadrant | AreaType | (enumeration value) |
Quotes | StringTokenizer | Characters to be interpreted as quotes |
QuotesBreak | StringTokenizer | Do quotes break the current token? |
Rate | UserStatistics | Per second rate of change of statistic |
RatePerSecond | UserStatistics | Per second rate of change of statistic |
RC4decrypt | String | RC4 encryption or decryption |
RC4encrypt | String | RC4 encryption or decryption |
Read | Screen | Write screen to display and return response |
ReadBlock | Dataset | Read data from this dataset |
ReadRecord | Dataset | Read a record from this dataset |
ReadRecords | Dataset | Read multiple records from this dataset |
Reason | AddToRecordError | Enumerated reason for error |
Reason | CharacterTranslationException | Enumerated cause of the exception |
Reason | CoordinatorException | Enumerated cause of the exception |
Reason | XmlParseError | Enumerated cause of the exception |
Reason | XPathError | Enumerated cause of the exception |
ReasonCode | BadJournal | Numeric code indicating cause of BadJournal exception |
Receive | Socket | Receive a string of bytes on this socket |
Receive | UdpSocket | Receive a UDP datagram |
ReceiveAndParse | Socket | Receive bytes up to a given string |
ReceiveAsynchronous | Socket | Receive zero or more bytes on this socket |
ReceivedFin | Socket | Test if received FIN on connection |
ReceiveWebSocket | Socket | Receive Web Socket framed message |
Record | RecordLockType | (enumeration value) |
RecordFormat | Dataset | The format of record i/o blocks |
RecordIsUpdated | System | Is the indicated record updated? |
RecordLength | Dataset | The record length of this dataset |
RecordNumber | Record | Return file record number of Record object's record |
RecordNumber | RecordLockingConflict | Record number of the record that has the conflict |
RecordNumber | RecordsetCursor | Return record number of record at current cursor position |
RecordSet | RecordLockType | (enumeration value) |
Rectangle | AreaType | (enumeration value) |
RectangleOn | MinuteGrid | |
Red | FieldColor | (enumeration value) |
RegexCapture | Stringlist | Capture substrings to Stringlist using regex |
RegexLocate | Stringlist | Find next item in Stringlist that matches a regex |
RegexLocateUp | Stringlist | Find previous item in Stringlist that matches a regex |
RegexMatch | String | Position after match of regex |
RegexReplace | String | Replace regex match(es) |
RegexSplit | String | Split string using regex, creating new Stringlist |
RegexSplit | Stringlist | Split a string onto a Stringlist using regex |
RegexString | Regex | String regular expression |
RegexSubset | Stringlist | Create subset of Stringlist that matches a regex |
RegexUnicode | Regex | Unicode regular expression |
ReleasePosition | Dataset | Release position key for VSAM dataset |
Remove | String | Remove the occurrences of a specified substring |
RemoveAuthentication | HttpRequest | Clear existing username/password credentials |
RemoveItem | Arraylist | Remove item from Arraylist |
RemoveItem | FloatNamedArraylist | Remove item from FloatNamedArraylist |
RemoveItem | NamedArraylist | Remove item from NamedArraylist |
RemoveItem | Stringlist | Remove item from Stringlist |
RemoveItem | UnicodeNamedArraylist | Remove item from UnicodeNamedArraylist |
RemoveProxy | HttpRequest | Disable proxy server use |
RemoveQuotes | StringTokenizer | Whether to remove quote characters around returned values of quoted tokens |
RemoveRecipient | Remove a mail recipient | |
RemoveRecord | Recordset | Remove Record object record from Recordset |
RemoveRecordset | Recordset | Remove from a Recordset the records that are matched in input Recordset |
RemoveRecordsetNew | Recordset | Create Recordset from all records in one Recordset that are not in another |
Replace | Regex | Replace regex match(es) |
Replace | String | Replace occurrences of a substring with a substitute string |
Replace | Stringlist | Replace a Stringlist item with a string |
ReplaceImage | Stringlist | Replace Stringlist item with an image |
ReplaceString | Regex | String replacment value |
ReplaceUnicode | Regex | Unicode replacment value |
Report | FastUnloadTask | Return Fast/Unload report contents |
RequestToString | UserStatistics | Request statistics in string format |
RequestValue | UserStatistics | Value of the specified Request statistic |
Reset | MinuteGrid | |
Reset | MinuteLine | |
RestOfString | StringTokenizer | Non-tokenized substring that follows the next token |
ReturnCode | FastUnloadTask | Return Fast/Unload return code |
ReturnCode | WriteError | Return code from failed write |
ReturnInfoObject | Daemon | Return an info object to the master thread |
ReturnObject | Daemon | Return an object to the master thread |
ReturnToMaster | Daemon | Return control to the master thread |
Reverse | Highlight | (enumeration value) |
Reverse | String | Return string characters in right-to-left order |
Right | String | The right-most characters of the string |
Root | XmlNodeType | (enumeration value) |
Round | Float | Round a floating point number to specified decimal places |
Row | ScreenField | Return the row number of a screenfield |
Rows | Screen | Return the number of rows in the current screen |
RowStatus | MinuteGrid | |
RSAPrivateKeyToXmlDoc | String | Convert BER encoded RSA private key to XML |
Run | Daemon | Run a set of commands on the Daemon thread |
RunAsynchronously | Daemon | Run commands on the Daemon thread asynchronously |
RunIndependently | Daemon | Run commands on an independent Daemon thread |
RunningAsynchronously | DaemonState | (enumeration value) |
RunSubsystemErrorProcedure | System | Is subsystem error procedure to be run |
Same | MinuteLine | |
Screen | ScreenField | Return the screen object of method object |
ScreenInputCallback | Web | Screen input callback function |
ScreenOutputCallback | Web | Screen output callback function |
SecondsToString | Float | Convert seconds since 1900 to string date/time |
SegCheck | ShapeTools | |
SegInit | ShapeTools | |
SelectCount | XmlDoc | Number of selected nodes |
SelectCount | XmlNode | Number of selected nodes |
SelectionNamespace | XmlDoc | Bind prefix to URI (or null) for XPath |
SelectNodes | XmlDoc | Get list of selected nodes as XmlNodelist |
SelectNodes | XmlNode | Get list of selected nodes as XmlNodelist |
SelectSingleNode | XmlDoc | Get selected node as XmlNode |
SelectSingleNode | XmlNode | Get selected node as XmlNode |
Send | HttpRequest | Send an HTTP request to the server |
Send | Socket | Send a string over this socket |
Send | UdpSocket | Send a UDP datagram |
Sender | Mail sender email address | |
SendWebSocket | Socket | Send Web Socket framed message |
SendWithLineEnd | Socket | Send a string plus line end character |
Separators | StringTokenizer | Characters to be interpreted as token separators |
Serial | XmlDoc | Serialize selected subtree as string |
Serial | XmlNode | Serialize selected subtree as string |
ServerSocket | Socket | Get a reference to the server socket |
ServerSocket | UdpSocket | Get server UdpSocket object |
SessionList | Object | Get list of session objects |
SessionList | PersistentObjectInfo | Get list of session objects |
Set | Socket | Change a setting for this socket |
SetAuthentication | HttpRequest | Issue username/password credentials |
SetBody | Add body content to the message | |
SetCursor | ScreenField | Set or return the value of a screenfield |
SetGlobal | Object | Set global object reference |
SetGlobal | Subsystem | Set a subsystem global |
SetGlobal | System | Set a system-wide global |
SetGlobal | Transaction | Add branch to global transaction |
SetObject | Subsystem | Set a subsystem object |
SetObject | System | Set a system-wide object |
SetSession | Object | Set session object reference |
SetString | Subsystem | Set a subsystem string |
SetString | System | Set a system-wide string |
SetTime | PersistentObjectInfo | Time object was set (YYYYMMDDHHMISSXXX format) |
SHAdigest | String | 20-byte SHA digest |
Share | LockStrength | (enumeration value) |
SHA1 | DigestAlgorithm | (enumeration value) |
SHA224digest | String | 224-bit SHA-2 digest |
SHA256 | DigestAlgorithm | (enumeration value) |
SHA256digest | String | 256-bit SHA-2 digest |
SHA384 | DigestAlgorithm | (enumeration value) |
SHA384digest | String | 384-bit SHA-384 digest |
SHA512 | DigestAlgorithm | (enumeration value) |
SHA512digest | String | 512-bit SHA-512 digest |
SignedCertificate | String | Sign a certificate request |
SignedClientCertificate | String | Sign a client certificate request |
SirAudReport | Dataset | |
SirTuneReport | Dataset | Read this dataset as a SirTune sample dataset |
Size | MinuteGrid | |
Size | MinuteLine | |
SkipTokens | StringTokenizer | Move current token forward a specified number of tokens |
Sort | Arraylist | Sort the input Arraylist |
Sort | Stringlist | Sort the contents of a Stringlist |
SortNew | Arraylist | Return new sorted Arraylist |
SortNew | FloatNamedArraylist | Sort items to an Arraylist |
SortNew | NamedArraylist | Sort items to an Arraylist |
SortNew | Stringlist | Sort the contents of a Stringlist object to a new Stringlist |
SortNew | UnicodeNamedArraylist | Sort items to an Arraylist |
SouthOfEquator | LatitudePosition | (enumeration value) |
Spaces | StringTokenizer | Characters to be interpreted as token-delimiting whitespace |
Split | Regex | Split string using regex, creating new Stringlist |
SquareRoot | Float | Square root of a number |
SSLOn | Socket | Turn on SSL processing |
Standalone | XmlDoc | Standalone specification in "XML declaration" |
StandardDeviation | Arraylist | Compute the standard deviation of the items |
StandardDeviation | FloatNamedArraylist | Calculate standard deviation of items or function of items |
StandardDeviation | NamedArraylist | Calculate standard deviation of items or function of items |
StandardDeviation | UnicodeNamedArraylist | Calculate standard deviation of items or function of items |
Started | FastUnloadTaskState | (enumeration value) |
StartElement | XmlSelector | Construct an element start selector |
StartOfString | StringTokenizer | Substring that precedes first character of current token |
StartsWith | String | Is the argument string an initial substring of the method object string? |
State | Daemon | State of daemon thread |
State | Dataset | The current state of this dataset |
State | FastUnloadTask | Return state of this FastUnloadTask object |
State | IncorrectDaemonState | State of daemon at time of exception |
State | RecordsetCursor | Return current state of RecordSetCursor |
Status | MinuteGrid | |
Status | MinuteLine | |
StatusLine | HttpResponse | Status line of most recent request |
StatusMessage | DebuggerTools | |
StopParsing | XmlParser | Stop parsing the current document |
String | Json | Create a String JSON object |
String | JsonType | (enumeration value) |
String | StringTokenizer | The string to be tokenized |
String | Subsystem | Get a subsystem string |
String | System | Get a system-wide string |
String | XmlParser | The document to be tokenized |
StringFirstDateTime | Journal | Datetime stamp from the first entry in the journal stream |
Stringify | Json | Serialize a JSON object |
StringLastDateTime | Journal | Datetime stamp from the last entry in the journal stream |
StringLength | StringTokenizer | Length of current tokenizing string |
StringToBase64 | String | Convert an Ebcdic string to base 64 |
StringToDays | String | Convert string date/time to days since 1900 |
StringToHex | String | Convert an Ebcdic string to hexadecimal |
StringTokenizer | String | Create a tokenizer using the method object string |
StringToMilliseconds | String | Convert string date/time to milliseconds since 1900 |
StringToSeconds | String | Convert string date/time to seconds since 1900 |
StringUpTo | StringTokenizer | String from start to current position |
StringValue | Json | Get string value of JSON object |
Subset | Regex | Create subset of Stringlist that matches a regex |
Subset | Stringlist | Create Stringlist subset |
SubsetImageItem | Stringlist | Create Stringlist subset based on image item |
SubsetNew | Arraylist | Return all matching Arraylist items |
SubsetNew | FloatNamedArraylist | Create NamedArraylist of items matching some selection criteria |
SubsetNew | NamedArraylist | Create NamedArraylist of items matching some selection criteria |
SubsetNew | UnicodeNamedArraylist | Create UnicodeNamedArraylist of items matching some selection criteria |
Substring | String | Return a substring of the method object string |
Substring | StringTokenizer | Specified substring within tokenizing string |
Substring | XmlParser | Get a substring of the current document |
Success | HttpResponse | Check status code value of most recent request |
Sum | Arraylist | Compute the sum of the items |
Sum | FloatNamedArraylist | Calculate sum of items or function of items |
Sum | NamedArraylist | Calculate sum of items or function of items |
Sum | UnicodeNamedArraylist | Calculate sum of items or function of items |
SyntaxError | XmlParseErrorReason | (enumeration value) |
SyntaxError | XPathErrorReason | (enumeration value) |
Test | MinuteGrid | |
Test | MinuteLine | |
TestXY | MinuteGrid | |
Text | XmlNodeType | (enumeration value) |
Timeout | HttpRequest | Set timeout (in seconds) for HTTP method call |
Timeout | UdpSocket | Receive timeout |
TimeStringConvert | String | Convert date/time string from one format to another |
TlsHandshakeError | CoordinatorExceptionReason | (enumeration value) |
TODClock | System | Get binary TOD clock value |
ToDegrees | Float | Convert a number in radians to degrees |
ToFloatPower | Float | Raise number to a floating point power |
ToIntegerPower | Float | Raise number to an integer power |
TokenChars | StringTokenizer | Characters to be interpreted as tokens |
TokensToLower | StringTokenizer | Convert returned tokens to all-lowercase |
TokensToUpper | StringTokenizer | Convert returned tokens to all-uppercase |
ToLongString | MinuteGrid | |
ToLongString | MinuteLine | |
ToLongStringPrintable | MinuteGrid | |
ToLongStringPrintable | MinuteLine | |
ToLower | String | Return alphabetic characters as all-lowercase |
ToNumber | ActionKey | (enumeration value) |
ToPower | Float | Raise number to an integer power |
ToRadians | Float | Convert a number in desgrees to radians |
ToString | Json | Serialize a JSON object |
ToString | Record | Information about Record |
ToString | Recordset | Information about Recordset |
ToString | RecordsetCursor | Information about RecordSetCursor |
ToString | String | Convert string to a string |
ToString | UserStatistics | Print UserStatistics values |
ToUpper | String | Return alphabetic characters as all-uppercase |
ToXmlDoc | Record | Return in an XmlDoc the fields and values of the Record object's record |
ToXmlDoc | UserStatistics | Export the UserStatistics values to Xml |
ToXPathString | XmlDoc | XPath expression for selected node |
ToXPathString | XmlNode | XPath expression for selected node |
ToXPathStringlist | XmlDoc | XPath expression (in Stringlist) for selected node |
ToXPathStringlist | XmlNode | XPath expression (in Stringlist) for selected node |
Trace | Arraylist | Trace Arraylist |
Trace | FloatNamedArraylist | Trace items |
Trace | NamedArraylist | Trace items |
Trace | Object | Trace contents of object |
Trace | Regex | Trace regular expression processing |
Trace | UnicodeNamedArraylist | Trace items |
Trace | XmlDoc | Display selected subtree on Trace stream |
Trace | XmlNode | Display selected subtree on Trace stream |
TranIn | Socket | Translate a remote=encoded string to internal |
TranOut | Socket | Translate an internal-encoded string to remote |
Translate | String | Apply a Character Map to the method object string |
TranslateTable | HttpRequest | EBCDIC to ASCII translate table name |
TrimLeft | String | Trim bytes from left of string |
TrimRight | String | Trim bytes from right of string |
True | Boolean | (enumeration value) |
True | Json | Create a true Boolean JSON object |
True | SelectionCriterion | Matches any item |
Turquoise | FieldColor | (enumeration value) |
TXITTI | XmlDoc | |
TXITTI | XmlNode | |
Type | InvalidJsonType | Type of object for invalid method |
Type | Json | Get type of JSON object |
Type | XmlDoc | Type of selected node |
Type | XmlNode | Type of selected node |
U | RecordFormat | (enumeration value) |
U | String | Convert EBCDIC string to Unicode constant, including character encoding |
Unbind | LDAP | Close this LDAP connection |
UnbindImage | Stringlist | Disassociate a Stringlist from an image |
Underline | Highlight | (enumeration value) |
UnicodeAfter | Unicode | Part of string after a substring |
UnicodeBefore | Unicode | Part of string before a substring |
UnicodeChar | Unicode | The value at a specified position in the input string |
UnicodeEQ | Unicode | Test if unicode strings are equal |
UnicodeFormUrlEncode | Unicode | Form URL encode unicode string |
UnicodeGE | Unicode | Test if unicode string greater than or equal to another |
UnicodeGT | Unicode | Test if unicode string greater than another |
UnicodeLE | Unicode | Test if unicode string less than or equal to another |
UnicodeLeft | Unicode | The left-most characters of the string |
UnicodeLength | Unicode | Length of this string |
UnicodeLT | Unicode | Test if unicode string less than another |
UnicodeNE | Unicode | Test if unicode strings are unequal |
UnicodePositionIn | Unicode | The numeric position of one string within another |
UnicodePositionOf | Unicode | The numeric position of one string within another |
UnicodeRegexMatch | Unicode | Position after match of regex |
UnicodeRegexReplace | Unicode | Replace regex match(es) |
UnicodeReplace | Regex | Replace regex match(es) for Unicode |
UnicodeReplace | Unicode | Apply the replacement table to this string |
UnicodeRight | Unicode | The right-most characters of the string |
UnicodeSubstring | Unicode | Return a substring of the method object string |
UnicodeToEbcdic | Unicode | Translate to Ebcdic |
UnicodeToLower | Unicode | Translate to lowercase |
UnicodeToUpper | Unicode | Translate to uppercase |
UnicodeToUtf16 | Unicode | Translate to UTF-16 |
UnicodeToUtf8 | Unicode | Translate to UTF-8 |
UnicodeTrimLeft | Unicode | Trim characters from left of string |
UnicodeTrimRight | Unicode | Trim characters from right of string |
UnicodeUnspace | Unicode | Remove whitespace characters from the string |
UnicodeUntranslatablePosition | Unicode | Position of first Unicode character not translatable to EBCDIC |
UnicodeUrlEncode | Unicode | URL encode unicode string |
UnicodeWith | Unicode | Concatenate this Unicode string with another |
UnionSelected | XmlNodelist | Union of XmlNodelist and selected nodes |
UnknownFieldgroupName | AddToRecordErrorReason | (enumeration value) |
UnknownFieldName | AddToRecordErrorReason | (enumeration value) |
Unmatched | RegexSplitOutputOptions | (enumeration value) |
UnprotectedColor | Screen | Set color for unprotected screen fields |
UnprotectedHighlight | Screen | Set highlight color for unprotected screen fields |
Unreachable | CoordinatorExceptionReason | (enumeration value) |
Unspace | String | Remove whitespace characters from the string |
UntranslatableCharacter | TranslationExceptionReason | (enumeration value) |
UntranslatableEBCDIC | XmlParseErrorReason | (enumeration value) |
UntranslatableFieldgroupName | AddToRecordErrorReason | (enumeration value) |
UntranslatableFieldName | AddToRecordErrorReason | (enumeration value) |
UntranslatableHexValue | AddToRecordError | Hexadecimal representation of untranslatable Unicode character, if that is reason for error |
UntranslatableISOn | XmlParseErrorReason | (enumeration value) |
UntranslatableUnicode | XmlParseErrorReason | (enumeration value) |
UntranslatableValue | AddToRecordErrorReason | (enumeration value) |
Update | CharacterMap | Update this CharacterMap |
Update | CharacterToUnicodeMap | Update this CharacterToUnicodeMap |
Update | Stringlist | Produce Stringlist from input Stringlist using Stringlist of updates |
UpdateSeed | RandomNumberGenerator | Reset random sequence with new salt and seed |
URI | XmlAttributeList | Get the URI of the indexed attribute |
URI | XmlDoc | Namespace URI of name of selected node |
URI | XmlNode | Namespace URI of name of selected node |
URL | HttpRequest | Target HTTP request URL |
URL | HttpResponse | URL from which the response was obtained |
UrlDecodeUnicode | String | Convert URL encoded UTF-8 string to Unicode |
URLEncode | Socket | Use escape sequences to encode special chars |
UseDefault | FloatNamedArraylist | Flag indicating whether or not Item returns the Default value when name has no value |
UseDefault | NamedArraylist | Flag indicating whether or not Item returns the Default value when name has no value |
UseDefault | UnicodeNamedArraylist | Flag indicating whether or not Item returns the Default value when name has no value |
UserID | RecordLockingConflict | User ID (login name) of the user that has the conflict |
UserNumber | Daemon | User number of the thread associated with this Daemon |
UserNumber | RecordLockingConflict | User number of the user that has the conflict |
UserStatistics | Daemon | Statistics for the thread associated with this Daemon |
Utf16ToUnicode | String | Convert a UTF-16 Longstring bytestream to Unicode |
Utf8ToUnicode | String | Convert a UTF-8 Longstring bytestream to Unicode |
UUIDTime | System | Get a binary UUID time |
V | RecordFormat | (enumeration value) |
Value | AddToRecordError | Value from input XmlDoc for which error occurred |
Value | RandomNumberGenerator | Get a new random value |
Value | ScreenField | Set or return the value of a screenfield |
Value | UserStatistics | Value of the specified Login statistic |
Value | XmlAttributeList | Get the value of the given attribute |
Value | XmlDoc | String-value of selected node |
Value | XmlNode | String-value of selected node |
ValueByNumber | XmlAttributeList | Get the value of the indexed attribute |
ValueDefault | XmlDoc | String-value of selected node (allow empty XPath) |
ValueDefault | XmlNode | String-value of selected node (allow empty XPath) |
ValueTooLong | AddToRecordErrorReason | (enumeration value) |
Variance | Arraylist | Compute the variance of the items |
Variance | FloatNamedArraylist | Calculate variance of items or function of items |
Variance | NamedArraylist | Calculate variance of items or function of items |
Variance | UnicodeNamedArraylist | Calculate variance of items or function of items |
VB | RecordFormat | (enumeration value) |
Version | XmlDoc | Version number in "XML declaration" |
WaitAsynchronous | Daemon | Wait for an asynchronous result |
Waiting | DaemonState | (enumeration value) |
WaitingForContinue | DaemonState | (enumeration value) |
WakeupAt | System | Wake up at a specific time in milliseconds |
WebReceive | XmlDoc | Deserialize Web request into this XmlDoc |
WebSend | XmlDoc | Serialize XmlDoc as Web response |
WebSocket | Socket | Convert Web thread to WebSocket thread |
WestOfPrime | LongitudePosition | (enumeration value) |
White | FieldColor | (enumeration value) |
Width | ScreenField | Return the width of a screenfield |
Word | String | Select word from list of words |
WordCount | String | Count words in list |
WordNumberIn | String | Word number of method object needle within argment list of words |
WordNumberOf | String | Word number of argument needle within method object list of words |
Words | String | Sublist of list of words |
WriteBlock | Dataset | Write a block of data to this dataset |
WriteRecord | Dataset | Write a record to this dataset |
WriteRecords | Dataset | Write multiple records to this dataset |
X | String | Hex constant method |
XFromSub | MinuteGrid | |
Xml | XmlDoc | Serialize XmlDoc as UTF-8 string |
XmlDoc | XmlNode | Get the XmlDoc associated with this node |
XmlDoc | XmlNodelist | Get the XmlDoc associated with this nodelist |
XPathNodeID | XmlDoc | XPath expression (in Stringlist) for selected node |
XPathNodeID | XmlNode | XPath expression (in Stringlist) for selected node |
X509CertificateToXmlDoc | String | Convert BER encoded X.509 certificate to XML |
X509CrlToXmlDoc | String | Convert BER encoded X.509 CRL to XML |
Yellow | FieldColor | (enumeration value) |
YFromSub | MinuteGrid | |
Zip | String | Compress a longstring with ZIP |